2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Season 1 (Shout! 12:42. 2009 — The Transformers: Beast Wars — Complete Collection (Madman Entertainment). However, Dinobot's loss is the other Maximals' gain, as they decide to ransack the Predacon base for its star drive components in order to repair the Axalon for the trip home. In the French dub of the episode, after Optimus Primal claims that the Maximals have probably won the Beast Wars, a loud fart noise can be heard as the camera zooms in on Primal's face. Watch all 26 Beast Wars episodes from season 1,view pictures, get episode information and more. Himbo Soundblaster. Rattrap, sensitive guy that he is, is rather pleased at the development, while Dinobot is more somber, enough to completely ignore Rattrap's attempts to pick an argument with him; despite defecting, he still feels some kinship with the Predacons, and laments their destruction. The "It's a bird, it's a plane, etc" reference made it through to the Japanese dub intact. 1998 — Beast Wars / Robots-Bêtes Three pack (Alliance Video) — Available in English or French audio. Sounds of Waspinator's gun firing can be heard as the Predacons attack Optimus, despite Waspinator himself apparently being taken out before the Preds even arrived at the. S01:E04 - Equal Measures. The scuffle, though, has the unforeseen consequence of jamming Megatron's tail weapon into the control console, cutting the Axalon's engines and sending it on a one-way trip back to terra firma. In the aftermath of a Predacon attack, Tigatron comes upon a strange floating island, and settles down on it to lead a peaceful, content life. ", "Alas, poor Tarantulas. In episode 9, we learn that overkill is a Maximal philosophy, and in episode 10, we see why being a berserker doesn't pay well. "Cool. Tarantulas fat enough already!" The Maximals set out to peacefully discover just what their enemy has found. Beast Wars: Transformers [Season 3 Episode 11]: Other Victories. As Optimus orders Cheetor to get back to his post and accepts his help a moment later, for some reason Optimus has double shoulder pads. Everyone acts as if Optimus has been abandoned when he gets knocked down to the ground. The position of Megatron's claw stuck into the, When the ship tilts and Rattrap and Rhinox lose their footing, what looks like a fallen chair in the background keeps flickering. Look! Weird. Must Furk. I—I've gotta get out!" Terrorsaur discovers a massive mountain elevated into the sky—defying gravity. DanielMccloud52632102. 1998 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Maximal Edition (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio. Cheetor only drags himself halfway onto the Axalon's lift before collapsing, but a moment later he's fully on the lift. The reflections disappear from Tigatron's arms and hands when he transforms inside the. In the same shot, a few empty black parts can briefly be glimpsed around the edges of the scenery's 3D model. All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted. Directed by Adam Wood. Also absent from this episode are Tarantulas and Blackarachnia (for the first time since " Law of the Jungle " for both of them). Factory) When Dinobot is shot by Megatron's forces, he falls. However, the Maximal/Predacon war soon tears the lifeform apart. "If Waspinator does not stop cuddling me like a stuffed toy when he sleeps, I'll eat him as well!" He's supposed to be lying right behind him. 21:56. Although Starscream clearly states his operational plan is “The shade of the woods”, we’ve adjusted this to “The festival in the woods” since his reference is related to the true meaning within the song that it’s referenced from.The box that Tasmanian Kid is carrying on his back with oil inside, is very similar to how merchants or peddlers used to carry medicine and other supplies back in old times. When Dinobot is shot, Optimus Primal is in his robot mode. In the same sequence, after Tarantulas takes on his robot form, his chest is briefly light purple before visibly changing to a darker shade of purple. https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Victory_(episode)&oldid=1443451. Fortunately, Dinobot is able to get within the Maximals' visual range before he's gunned down, and Optimus Primal and Cheetor head down to help him; the launch cannot be aborted, though, so he insists they take off without him or Dinobot if they're not able to get back on in time. On the Maximal ship, a youthful crewmember reports on their damaged condition, in response to which another crew member bitterly complains about their non-combat exploration vessel not being cut out for this mission. As Optimus covers Dinobot during the Predacon assault, the latter's helmet clips into Optimus' shield. Now, aren't you glad we got cable? 21:02. Cheetor is able to get Dinobot to safety in the ensuing firefight, but Optimus is tagged by an errant missile from Scorponok, sending him plummeting. 2005 — Beast Wars — Classic Episodes: Volume 2 — The Saga Continues! ", 1998 — Beast Wars — Beasties Escape (Alliance Video) Optimus Primal, being an Optimus, tries to convince him that they'll stand up for him, but his mind is set, and he is eventually let go to wander the wilderness. Blackarachnia was the first female transformer of the Beast Wars, and her alternate mode was selected by Tarantuals (and thus, her transformation sequence mimicked his). It changes yet again just before Megatron makes his entrance. When they both crash-land, they establish themselves upon the planet and clash, commencing the Beast Wars. And just to ensure that everything is back to normal, Rattrap and Dinobot are right back to verbally tearing into each other, to the other Maximals' amusement. Beast Wars (Part 1) Bob Forward: Ian Pearson: April 22, 1996 (preview airing) September 16, 1996 (regular airing) The Maximal and Predacon forces crash-land on a mysterious, primitive world. Is there some reason the, Dinobot's aversion to being rescued was explained in the. Director: Ian Pearson | Stars: Don Brown, Garry Chalk, Ian James Corlett, David Kaye. Transformers - Beast Wars - S 1 E 15 - The Spark. 10 questions, rated Average. Okay then. 1998 — Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers — The Destrons Make Drama (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only. TRANSFORMERS BEAST WARS NEO SURVIVE EN ESPAÑOL. Beast Wars Transformers - 29 La llegada de los Fuzors (Parte 2) Kids TV. This page was last modified on 8 September 2020, at 15:36. "Nah! From the moment the ship takes off to the end of the episode, the entire rear section, fins included, are "reconstructed" and in their proper places. ", "I understand. 21:46. Votes: 91 Deep within the depths of outer space an unknown enemy exists. Translator Notes: Starscream’s operational plan named Mori no Kokagete (森の木陰て) literally means "The shade of the woods." [laughs manically], "You... ... should have left me behind." 2002 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Volume 4 (Rhinomation). I knew him, Cheetor. Just as the Maximals are ready to take off, though, the wandering Dinobot stumbles upon the very alive and functional Predacon crew hiding in a crevasse; they had found the spy camera before the incident, and used it to trick the Maximals into thinking them dead, planning on stealing the repaired Axalon and leaving the Maximals stranded. When Tarantulas devours the rat, a large drop of drool slides down the outside of his fangs before dripping on Terrorsaur's head. Then as Rhinox hits the console, part of his left thigh clips through his rhino-shin "skirt". ", "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIE!" Heading to the Predacon base to investigate, the Maximals find it in ruins, with little more than charred debris and a few scant Predacon parts to confirm the group's demise. Is it a bird?" Eventually can be a long time, Optimus Primal. Transformers - Beast Wars - S 1 E 1 - Transformers - Beast Wars[Part 1] Must Furk. Presumably, this was a piece of goofing-off by one of the voice actors that was accidentally left in … "Aww, do you need a hug? With Ravage and his transwarp cruiser backing them up, the Predacons unleash a full assault on the Maximal base. As an example of this dub's tendency to add levity which completely alters the mood of a scene: After dramatically bidding farewell to the Maximals and storming off into the lightning-riddled wastelands, Dinobot sings a carefree melody to himself using his humorous verbal tic (. Transformers - Beast Wars - S 2 E 8 - Bad Spark. The bird explores its domain with a grace and sincerity and deliciousness. A wild and free bird majestically soars through the air, experiencing the wonders of aviation as it feels the wind flow around its proud wings. 2 Beast Wars (Part 2) Bob Forward: Steve Ball: April 23, 1996 … All seems lost, when Optimus—now fully recovered—comes in to save the day, pulling a Superman and exhausting his jetpack to slow the ship's descent enough to ease it back in its original place. Yeeees. There's no dialogue to indicate that the Maximals can't steer the ship. Dinobot is missing in a couple of Rattrap's closeups as he's being menaced by Megatron. However every episode that follows shows the ship as it was before. Rattrap changes to beast mode and jumps onto the back of the transwarp cruiser, where he begins cutting into the ship's hull. In Probably one of the largest lapses of judgment, it made no sense for Dinobot to run all the to the Maximals to warn them rather than radioing the news. But when the experiment fails and Megatron demands another crystal specimen for a retest, his troops refuse; apparently, the continuous testing has wasted most of their energon supplies, and this latest failure has convinced the other Predacons to turn on their leader. When Cheetor enters the ship with the damaged Dinobot, the latter's chest again has an incorrect texture. So don't spoil the sacrifice, capiche?" On the battlefield, Optimus and Cheetor are pinned down by the Predacons' firepower, but the autoguns manage to knock Quickstrike from his perch atop Rampageand a short time later the larger Predacon runs him over. The latter-most attribute is of interest to a hungry Terrorsaur, who quickly swallows the bird as a snack. Transformers Beast Wars E 39. Nevertheless, both Rampage and Silverbolt cultivate a friendship with her. However, Terrorsaur immediately appears to shoot Optimus from behind, so it couldn't be him. Megatron displays the ability to "charge" his laser weapon, opening the jaws of his beast mode head with a visible orb of energy within it. 2005 — Beast Wars — The Complete First Season (Alliance Atlantis) — English and French audio. A firefight soon breaks out, which ends up detonating the remaining energon in a huge explosion that seems to destroy the Predacon base. ... the teams were again even (six against six). A band of benevolent Maximals track a pack of power-seeking Predacons to a mysterious planet. It's not long before Ravage and Rampage bring dow… The Energon-filled tube that Megatron hides behind during the false rebellion has a large scorch mark before the Predacons even start firing at their leader. When a stasis pod falls to Earth, a race ensues between Maximals and Predacons to collect it. To check the energon's stabili… It will eventually lead to your destruction." Also, Cheetor, who was lying just behind them is gone, and Dinobot's knee bends. Cheetor is fine as he lies on the Axalon's lift, and then we see beast mode Optimus carrying robot mode Dinobot, who is. And yet it somehow ends up landing in exactly the same position it was before? 2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete Series (Shout! Must Furk. ", "You all make me sick! "Wait! Though the two have been at odds since the beginning of the series, this is perhaps the first episode where Rattrap and Dinobot's constant feuding moves towards good-natured bickering. Nonetheless, let the record show that I advise against this action. Optimus got left behind just to save your scaly skin! "I'd like to see you try!" Through a secret spy cam installed in the Predacon base, the Maximals watch as the Predacons attempt to use a device to increase the size and power of energon crystals. 30:34. When the Maximals are watching the false rebellion, the markings on Dinobot's chest are out of alignment, leaving half of his chest light brown and the other half dark brown. Directed by Colin Davies. Furthermore, when the Axalon is shown falling with the ground looming in the background the landscape appears to be mirrored from what it normally is, with the jungle on the wrong side of the grassland from where it has previously and will in future be located. This is the first episode of Beast Wars to not feature Waspinator. Presumably, the drool should have come from the inside edge. Also, his body is the same dark purple color as his mandibles in this shot. This is the leg that stalked so many victims. The Maximals attempt to set up a detection system; Dinobot decides to … Their commander, Optimus Primal, states that they were the only shi… Not only were the fins bent out of position, the rear is missing much of its armor, and is bent. 2 (Universal) Dinobot makes a mad dash back to the Maximal ship to warn them of the Predacons' duplicity, but gives himself away to the Predacons, who give chase in an attempt to stop him. Down in the sky! This is quite clearly shown in the computer targeting system Tigatron uses to lock to the Predacons. Ah, I can't stand this any longer, Megatron! ", "Give Waszzpinator more room! When Dinobot walks down a corridor in the Preds' ship, the tips of his spinning shield pass under his feet, making it look like he's floating. Why he never seems to use it beyond this one episode is unclear, but his, Rattrap refers to Tigatron as "Tigatron the Barbarian", a reference to pulp-magazine icon, The exchange between Dinobot, Rhinox, and Rattrap as Optimus saves the. A damaged stasis pod reveals a deformed, monstrous robot - dangerous to both Maximal and Predacon. That it should come to this..." After the cutaway to Optimus Primal, it pans out to show Dinobot "floating" on the ground for a few seconds. When Rattrap fantasizes about the dames back at home, his fists clip into each other, and after that, the rod holding his left shoulder clips into his neck. As Dinobot menaces Cheetor after the latter suggests he needs a hug, there are a multitude of clipping errors: Cheetor's hand slowly passes into Dinobot's chest, Dinobot's chin clips through the "collar" around his neck, Rattrap's left hand clips through Dinobot's arm, and finally, still in the same shot, Dinobot's sword clips completely through Rattrap's shoulder. 2006 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Season 1 (Madman Entertainment) "Hey pal! While bickering with Tarantulas, Waspinator speaks in first-person. When the ship settles back into place, Optimus is nowhere to be seen – his thrusters' jet seems to be coming from the, The Predacon plan involves hiding until the Maximals repair the. In an unknown star system, a transwarp portal opens, releasing two starships, a fleeing Predacon warship and a pursuing Maximal vessel. With Don Brown, Jim Byrnes, Garry Chalk, Ian James Corlett. "Yes, I will! (Alliance Atlantis) — English and French audio. Rattrap is relieved when angsting Dinobot starts issuing comebacks to his insults again and offers constructive criticism on them; at the end of the episode, Optimus and Cheetor watch them volley insults back and forth with fondness. Beast Wars: Transformers season 1 episode 8 Double Jeopardy : After repeated ambushes by the Predacons, this time costing the Maximals a stasis pod, Optimus calls Rattrap's loyalty into question, and sends him off into Predacon territory to look for energon. Screwy. A band of benevolent Maximals track a pack of power-seeking Predacons to a mysterious planet. When Dinobot swipes at Cheetor, his left arm and his shield clip completely into the wall. In the song, the verses sing of a donjarahoi (ドンジャラホイ) which seems to be a rallying cry for a festival or party that is happening. Directed by J. Falconer. In the following few shots, as Rattrap talks to Optimus, the former' lower arms slowly twist around, coming off their "hinges". Translator Notes:Starscream’s operational plan named Mori no Kokagete (森の木陰て) literally means \"The shade of the woods.\" It is a verse from an old children’s song called Mori no Kiboto (森の小人) literally meaning Dwarfs of the woods. Beast Wars: Transformers [Season 2 Episode 8]: Bad Spark. Presumably, this was a piece of goofing-off by one of the voice actors that was accidentally left in the audio track. As the video feed goes dead, the Maximals are shocked; they have just won the Beast Wars. As Rhinox repairs the transwarp drive, Optimus mentions alerting Tigatron—but he very clearly pronounces his name "Tigertron" with an audible "r," likely a typo in the script. A rebellion (and explosion) at the Predacon base seemingly leads to a Maximal victory. While Optimus begins flying away from the Predacons with Dinobot in tow, one of the shots that hits his shield clearly has the sound effect of Terrorsaur's cannons. However, when we come back from the break and Dinobot's retaliation against the Predacons, Optimus is in his beast mode, which he changes out of less than a minute later. "Oh, but it is already spoiled! Already carrying the scars of battle, both ships immediately open fire upon each other. Factory) 2000 — Beast Wars: Transformers — DVD Box (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio. Directed by J. Falconer, George Samilski. Soon afterwards, Megatron himself manages to get on board, and briefly takes out most of the other Maximals, before being subdued and ejected from the ship by Rhinox. 2001 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Beginning: Vol. With Don Brown, Garry Chalk, Ian James Corlett, David Kaye. The discovery of a new golden disc causes Megatron to declare a truce. It's pretty clear that the rear section of the Axalon was damaged in the original crash. Flying closer, he discovers the mountain houses an incredible cache of energon. And yet somehow Optimus is affected with an energon overload first, forcing him back to beast mode. 2003 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete First Season (Rhinomation) On the subject of Terrorsaur, his shoulder cannons are shown to be deployed. As the repairs are completed, Dinobot comes clean with Optimus Primal about his mood as of late; he's convinced that he'll be executed as a Predacon criminal if he returns to Cybertron, and would rather try and tame the wild world they've found themselves on. 2002 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Volume 2 (Rhinomation) With Susan Blu, Jim Byrnes, Garry Chalk, Ian James Corlett. Himbo Soundblaster. IT'S OPTIMUS! 25:40. Tigatron and Airazor are in a state of suspended animation and are transformed into a new entity known as Tigerhawk who serves as an emissary of the alien race known as the Vok. Cheetor's front paws clip through the rim on the top of the elevator shaft when he stops Optimus' descent and offers his help. Beast Wars Transformers S01 E24 Before the Storm. With Don Brown, Garry Chalk, Ian James Corlett, David Kaye. In the French dub of the episode, after Optimus Primal claims that the Maximals have probably won the Beast Wars, a loud fart noise can be heard as the camera zooms in on Primal's face. Optimus and Cheetor are both in robot mode when they leave the Axalon to rescue Dinobot, who has been in robot mode for some time. 1998 — Robots-Bêtes — L'Évasion (Alliance Video) — French audio only. Speaking of that, the Axalon takes off, flies in a horizontal direction for a bit, and then loses power and starts to crash. "Maybe a plane!" When they both crash-land, they establish themselves upon the planet and clash, commencing the Beast Wars. Although no one is critically injured, the collateral damage has been done; the Axalon will never fly again. Trivia Quiz - Episode 8: "Double Jeopardy" Category: "Beast Wars" - Season 1 Quiz #289,916. But when it is discovered to be damaged, the Maximals attempt to protect and defend it from a Predacon attack. Rhinox carries around a tricorder-like device capable of detecting Predacon energy signatures. However, Blackarachnia and Scorponok are not far away. 21:07. Beast Wars season 1 episode guide on TV.com. Even today, some companies which do home delivery of medicine still use those types of boxes, however rather than carrying them down the street on their backs, they transport them by vehicles. Annettfassbinder1. Attempt to protect and defend it from a Predacon attack 'll eat as! Huge explosion that seems to destroy the Predacon base accidentally left in computer! The Saga Continues the Saga Continues robot - dangerous to both Maximal and.. The rat, a transwarp portal opens, releasing two starships, a empty... View pictures, get episode information and more to protect and defend it from a attack! The Maximals ca n't steer the ship with the damaged Dinobot, drool... 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