Ah! WHEN IT IS SAID HERE THAT HE CARETH FOR IT, THIS WORD CARE MAY ADMIT OF A THREE-FOLD EXPLICATION. Secondly, in the words of extent, or production. )LinksDeuteronomy 11:12 NIVDeuteronomy 11:12 NLTDeuteronomy 11:12 ESVDeuteronomy 11:12 NASBDeuteronomy 11:12 KJVDeuteronomy 11:12 Bible AppsDeuteronomy 11:12 ParallelDeuteronomy 11:12 Biblia ParalelaDeuteronomy 11:12 Chinese BibleDeuteronomy 11:12 French BibleDeuteronomy 11:12 German BibleDeuteronomy 11:12 CommentariesBible Hub, (1)The land, with all its interests, was precious to Him. The freedom of the new land, though Divinely given, was to be acquired and retained by courageous conflict and endeavour. Do not be angry with the hills, because they shut you in. This illus. 11 But the land into which you are about to cross to possess it, a land of hills and valleys, drinks water from the rain of heaven, 12 a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning even to the end of the year. 3. It is not always ringing with the vine dresser's lilt. As His in a way of providence, and protection, and preservation; so ours in a way of obedience, and fruitfulness, and circumspection. III. It speaks to our hearts of a kind and loving oversight. The third is the final point or conclusive. Enter now into covenant with Him, if you have not hitherto done so; and if in past times you have chosen Him to be your God, renew your solemn engagement to Him.2. The spiritual privileges with which you have been favoured, and the improvement which you have made of them.3. THE DIVINE OBSERVATION OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. With confession of sin, and engagement to holiness. )The beginning of the yearA sermon for the New YearD. 3. Duncan.What are the reflections which are specially appropriate to "the beginning of the year"? Still, however, there is a state of habitual preparedness for everything that may occur in his future life, which it is of the highest importance for you to possess. With self-dedication. Cannot the man in middle life then, whose virtues have been confirmed, do without his God? II. I. HERE IS A LESSON IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. "But," says Moses, "the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and valleys." Now, there is a two-fold preparedness for death which you should desire to possess. Secondly, as a word of providence. Our age, distinguished as it has been by scientific advances of all kinds, has perhaps in nothing made more rapid strides than in improved methods for the cultivation of the soil. The man of business is accustomed at this season to review the transactions of the preceding year, that he may ascertain the amount of his gains and losses. And to be strong and vigorous, with a firm grasp of oneself and one's work, that is like heaven began. Moore, M. A.I. (4)The right had His approbation. Egypt is the land where they looked down for their supply — wateredst it with thy foot. In the one case, there is evidence that you have been making a mock at sin, or have looked on it as a trivial thing, which ought not to awaken in you any deep distress; in the other, there is ground for the conclusion that you possess the broken and contrite spirit which God does not despise.II. The trials you have endured, and the effect which they have had upon you.4. His eyes are never off it. While you cherish thankfulness to God for the goodness which He has manifested to you during the past year, cherish also reliance on His kindness and care for the year that is to come.(D. With confession of sin, and engagement to holiness. But we cannot allow a Divine purpose to the pestilence, and refuse a heavenly mission to the sword. And it is then that we need this text graven upon our heart. This is a word to bring any church body into a new year; It was a real blessing to our body. First, it is a quick eye, there are many persons which see a thing at last, but it is a great while first before they come to do so; yea, but God beholds His Church, and the state and condition of it, as soon as ever there is need for Him to see it. The second is the words of extent or production. Moore, M. Now, there is a two-fold preparedness for death which you should desire to possess. Part III: A Prophet Like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15-19) A Prophet Like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15-19) Choose Life! But your ignorance of futurity should urge you to seek preparedness for the events that will befall you, whatever they may be. The sins you have committed, and the sentiments and feelings which they have awakened in you. (1)The land, with all its interests, was precious to Him. The outward blessings you have received, and the manner in which you have employed them.2. It would be a deep enigma in Providence, and contrary to all that has been hitherto known among men, if the desolating scenes which are now taking place in the East should be without some great moral — should pass away, like the dark shapes upon a storm cloud, and leave no trace behind. there is not a moment in any one day that you or I have ever lived, that we could have afforded to dispense with the help of God, for when we have thought ourselves strong, as, alas! Old story saith, that when Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, was making preparation for his intended expedition into Italy, Cineas, the philosopher, took a favourable opportunity of addressing him thus: "The Romans, sir, are reported to be a warlike and victorious people; but if God permit us to overcome them, what use shall we make of the victory?" The Christian's temporal condition is different to that of the worldling, for the worldling looks to secondary causes; the Christian looks to heaven; he gets his mercies thence. (1)A free land. It is that which we are ready sometimes to doubt of whether God cares for His Church or no. All God's judgments, whatever the instrumentality employed, are to teach men righteousness. Canaan was different from Egypt. It secures to them unwonted favors, but it exposes them also, if disobedient, to chastisements and punishments of a peculiarly direct and severe kind. So should our eyes be also upon Him, we should perfectly continue in goodness; and proceed in it, from one degree of it to another. The outward blessings you have received, and the manner in which you have employed them.2. "A land which the Lord thy God CARETH for," says the Jewish lawgiver. In a way of faith and dependence, let us make use of it also, that so we who have had experience of His goodness in the past may still wait upon Him and rest comfortably in His providence. All God's judgments, whatever the instrumentality employed, are to teach men righteousness. With God pain becomes pleasure, and dying beds are elevated into thrones, but without God — ah! The truth here figured is that God wills the believer to put his life day by day under his immediate care. It is because the eyes of the Lord have been upon you all the year. Read verse in New International Version And it becomes you as rational, as immortal, and as accountable beings, to reflect seriously on all that you have received and endured and done during the past year, that thus you may be able to correct what has been wrong, and to supply what has been wanting, in your character and conduct, so as to be better prepared for the trial which you must undergo when you leave the present scene of activity.1. Look again. The Divine discipline of life is designed to awaken man to the development of his own powers. We want the hills and valleys. Is there no cross, no trial, no limitation? The word is very suggestive to us. God has not only a regard to the elect, but to their habitation, and not only so, but to all their affairs and circumstances. I. Have you been led gradually to think less of the evil involved in them, and to indulge in them with diminishing repugnance? He shall be your God forever and ever. The hills collect the rain for a hundred fruitful valleys. And the second is a preparedness as to character, which fits or capacitates for the enjoyment of eternal blessedness.III. While you cherish thankfulness to God for the goodness which He has manifested to you during the past year, cherish also reliance on His kindness and care for the year that is to come.(D. It had no Nile. It would be a deep enigma in Providence, and contrary to all that has been hitherto known among men, if the desolating scenes which are now taking place in the East should be without some great moral — should pass away, like the dark shapes upon a storm cloud, and leave no trace behind. Should the people prove obedient, God engages to bless them with rains, and make the land fruitful (vers. LOOK BACK ON THE YEAR WHICH HAS EXPIRED. II. Obligations Arising from Personal Experience, God's Care for His Church and People in All Ages, The Gospel for the Day -- a Glad Word for the New Year, Valuable Possessions Reserved for the Righteous, The Gospel for the day -- a glad word for the New Year, God's care for His Church and people in all ages. "Thou askest," said Pyrrhus, "a thing that is self-evident. (2)A productive land. You ought not, indeed, to conjecture new and unusual circumstances in which it is possible that you may be placed, and to distract your thoughts from present duties, by considering what in all probability you would do, were these conjectures to be realised; for the grace, or Divine assistance, which the Christian is encouraged to ask, is grace for present need, and not present grace for future supposed necessities. I do not mean that you should look forward to it with the design of discovering the events which will occur in your history, or the vicissitudes which you will experience during its course. I do not mean that you should look forward to it with the design of discovering the events which will occur in your history, or the vicissitudes which you will experience during its course. In the one case, there is evidence that you have been making a mock at sin, or have looked on it as a trivial thing, which ought not to awaken in you any deep distress; in the other, there is ground for the conclusion that you possess the broken and contrite spirit which God does not despise.II. Here are springs that shall never dry; here are fountains and streams that shall never be cut off. II. While you cherish thankfulness to God for the goodness which He has manifested to you during the past year, cherish also reliance on His kindness and care for the year that is to come.(D. Moore, M. A.I. Up with your standard now and march on boldly! The perennial watchfulness of God. Denomination: Pentecostal. You ought not, indeed, to conjecture new and unusual circumstances in which it is possible that you may be placed, and to distract your thoughts from present duties, by considering what in all probability you would do, were these conjectures to be realised; for the grace, or Divine assistance, which the Christian is encouraged to ask, is grace for present need, and not present grace for future supposed necessities. 2. LOOK UPWARD TO GOD, IN CONNECTION BOTH WITH THE RETROSPECT OF THE PAST, AND WITH THE ANTICIPATION OF THE FUTURE.1. Hath He not been with us exceeding abundantly, and prospered us? Now, there is a two-fold preparedness for death which you should desire to possess. In the hour of mist we forget that the sun was ever shining. It would be a deep enigma in Providence, and contrary to all that has been hitherto known among men, if the desolating scenes which are now taking place in the East should be without some great moral — should pass away, like the dark shapes upon a storm cloud, and leave no trace behind. "The eyes of the Lord are always upon it." LOOK BACK ON THE YEAR WHICH HAS EXPIRED. The next word that seems to sparkle in the text is that word "always." And do you say that the future is all hidden? BUT THE EVIDENCE THAT WE ARE A CARED FOR PEOPLE, and, therefore a fresh ground for our devotedness and love, IS TO BE FOUND IN THE TIME WHEN THIS BLESSING OF AN ABUNDANT HARVEST HAS BEEN SENT TO US.III. We must consider THE SPECIAL MERCY. No; we must be taught, as Israel was taught, that fruitfulness was not so much the happy product of the soil, still less the natural requital of man's industry and skill, but an immediate effect of the Divine blessing — a consequence of the eyes of the Lord never being off the land, but ever seeking and ever caring for it to do it good.II. The man of business is accustomed at this season to review the transactions of the preceding year, that he may ascertain the amount of his gains and losses. I do not mean that you should look forward to it with the design of discovering the events which will occur in your history, or the vicissitudes which you will experience during its course. We are now to TURN THE TEXT OVER; that is to say, we will misread, it, yet read it rightly. The expression of the text teaches us that the Lord takes a personal interest in us. From His relation. If the way grow tangled, who can give thee wisdom as He can? a land that the LORD your God cares for. In the one case, there is evidence that you have been making a mock at sin, or have looked on it as a trivial thing, which ought not to awaken in you any deep distress; in the other, there is ground for the conclusion that you possess the broken and contrite spirit which God does not despise.II. 11 “Therefore you shall love the Lord your God, and keep His charge, His statutes, His judgments, and His commandments always. As a word of respect. THE SPIRITUAL GROUND OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of … You shall sit still, and 'in quietness shall ye possess your souls.'" 3. Why, let us be as happy as we can during this year. Contributed by Don Campbell on May 29, 2018 | 2,423 views. In Deuteronomy 32, the Song of Moses, which recounts the wilderness wanderings of those who escaped Egyptian slavery, was delivered to a new generation of Israelites. With prayer for forgiveness and needed grace. It is so with individuals; it is so with nations.(D. Is there nothing in your life you wish away? The children said life would be perfect here, if God had but spared us those barren and baneful hills. (2)The produce of the land was assured. But we cannot allow a Divine purpose to the pestilence, and refuse a heavenly mission to the sword. 1. It is the land that He cares for upon this consideration also. Many can see this with regard to the wasting sickness, who find it hard to apply to the case of a tyrant's misdoing. Verse 11-12. )The beginning of the yearA sermon for the New YearD. Deuteronomy 32:11. "But," says Moses, "the land, to which ye are going, is not a land which you will have to water with your foot. LOOK BACK ON THE YEAR WHICH HAS EXPIRED. The outward blessings you have received, and the manner in which you have employed them.2. Chuck Smith :: Sermon Notes for Deuteronomy 32:11,12 ← Back to Chuck Smith's Bio & Resources "AS AN EAGLE" Intro: Moses a man familiar with wilderness, probably watched eagles many times. Therefore you shall love the LORD your God, and keep His charge, His statutes, His judgments, and His commandments always. With confession of sin, and engagement to holiness. 3. Cherish a sincere desire and resolution to have Jehovah for your God. This brings us to the last difference that we will note, and that is, that the unbeliever, he who has not crossed the Jordan and come to full confidence, does not understand the universality of God's providence, while the assured Christian does. The farmer no longer rejoices in his ignorance; and agricultural chemistry has taken rank among the established studies of the day. Purity of life was to be realised in the new land. Moore, M. The first is a preparedness as to state, which imparts a title to eternal blessedness. And it becomes you as rational, as immortal, and as accountable beings, to reflect seriously on all that you have received and endured and done during the past year, that thus you may be able to correct what has been wrong, and to supply what has been wanting, in your character and conduct, so as to be better prepared for the trial which you must undergo when you leave the present scene of activity.1. With gratitude and confidence. And that is, of being under God's eye. The little vexations make the pleasant things fresh in their pleasantness. We are His and He is ours. With gratitude and confidence. The man of business is accustomed at this season to review the transactions of the preceding year, that he may ascertain the amount of his gains and losses. The sins you have committed, and the sentiments and feelings which they have awakened in you. I do not mean that you should look forward to it with the design of discovering the events which will occur in your history, or the vicissitudes which you will experience during its course. )The beginning of the yearA sermon for the New YearD. Moore, M. A.I. But the Christian lives in "a land of hills and valleys"; a land of sorrow as well as joys; but the hills drink the water, as well as the valleys. (Homiletic Monthly. Still, however, there is a state of habitual preparedness for everything that may occur in his future life, which it is of the highest importance for you to possess. II. Many can see this with regard to the wasting sickness, who find it hard to apply to the case of a tyrant's misdoing. If it were practicable, it would be a blessing to our hearts of a THREE-FOLD EXPLICATION life designed! The little vexations make the pleasant things Fresh in their pleasantness feelings they. ( D, no city will resist us ; we shall then be masters of all patience it took Israelites... 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