Study on nc-Si/c-Si/a-SiGe heterojunction solar cells. Bioseparation Media Solids residence time distribution (RTD) in circulating fluidized bed risers is a critical parameter for evaluating reactor performances, however, it is still very difficult to be predicted via computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation due to the complexity of particle clustering phenomenon. UCAS faculty are all based upon the research professors in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which has been consistently ranked the No. CAS Key Laboratory of Green Process and Engineering, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190 China Search for more papers by this author Jie Kong Development of uniform-sized and structure-controllable degradable polymer or natural polysaccharides micro/nano-spheres and micro/nano-capsules, which could greatly improve encapsulation efficiency, bioactivity, targetability and bioavailability of biodrugs or anticancer drugs. However, fundamental studies are limited regardless of its practical importance. It has been widely accepted that meso-scale structures are critical for the hydrodynamic characteristics of gas-solid riser flows. However, up to now, TFM have failed to accurately describe the hydrodynamics of Geldart A particles inside bubbling gas-fluidized beds: Researchers have reported that bed expansions are over-predicted by as much as 70%. 85 related courses can be found. It was found that, with the extension of the simulated domain, the average inter-phase slip velocity or inter-phase drag coefficient and the index of heterogeneity increased ini... Gas–solid two-phase flow in CFB risers is characterized by the clustering of solid particles producing dynamical multi-scale structures, and how to quantify such heterogeneity is a critical yet unsolved issue. State Key Laboratory for Structural Chemistry of Unstable and Stable Species Ho... Gas-solid fluidization technology has been commercialized in many industrial applications since its implementation in the fluid catalytic cracking process in the early 1940s, however, the understanding of the complex hydrodynamics of gas-solid flow inside fluidized beds is still far from satisfactory due to its dynamic and multiscale nature, especi... Interphase drag coefficient is a critical input in two-fluid model (TFM) and discrete particle method (DPM). Established in 1978, the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences (IBMS) of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) also serves as the School of Basic Medicine for Peking Union Medical College (PUMC). The coexistence of large particles (such as biomass or coal particles) and fine particles in gas-solid flow is common. This makes UCAS arguably the best graduate school in China and one of the best in the world. Scientists Unravel Temperature-Dependent Wear Mechanism of Ceramic-Metal Composites. Efficient programming based on a many-core architecture is the enabling technology to implement the EMMS paradigm. Mission: IPE is dedicated to process engineering research that serves all process industries, undertaking the mission to develop clean and efficient technologies and equipment in conversion of substances through fundamental studies, system … System Year Vendor Cores Rmax (GFlop/s) Rpeak (GFlop/s) Mole-8.5 - Mole-8.5 Cluster, Xeon X5520 4C 2.27 GHz, Infiniband QDR, NVIDIA 2050: 2011 29,440: 496,500: 1,012,650 The China Agricultural Sector Development Report 2020 released at 2020 China and Global Agricultural Policy Forum held in Beijing. Researchers at Key Laboratory of Marine Materials and Related Technologies, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), have made progress in understanding the surface damage behaviors of ceramic-metal composites. In this study, the flow structures inside a bubbling flui... Discrete particle simulations are by now well established as an effective tool to study the mechanics of complex gas-solid flows in gas-fluidized beds. Both two-fluid models embedding the kinetic theory of granular flow for particulate phase stress (TFM) and discrete particle models (DPM) are widely used for the numerical simulation of gas fluidization. In this study, it is used to study the characteristics of RMS of solid volume fraction fluctuation and particle clustering structures in a CFB riser. Associate Editor, Chemical Engineering Science Institute of Process Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Prof. Wei Ge got his Ph. 6 is further extended to hardware design, so that a preliminary but systematic realization of the EMMS paradigm, from model to software to hardware, is presented. Research Institutes Column Page under the Main Column of Chinese Academy of Sciences In this chapter, the structural consistency between phenomena, model and software kept in Chap. This chapter introduces software that is the culmination of 30 years of research by the EMMS group. The mixing and segregation characteristics of different types of solid particles in a downer reactor are of fundamental importance in the pyrolysis of low-rank coals where sand particles are used as the heat carrier. Application of the EMMS drag to these problems in turn aids its development. The general applicability of the EMMS model implies that all meso... Meso-scale structures possess spatio-temporal dynamic heterogeneity, which requires fine space and time resolutions of quantifying parameters to be fully understood. 师资概况 ... Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering . All rights reserved. R&D Professor. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY. Study on nc-Si/c-Si/a-SiGe heterojunction solar cells. Scientists Unravel Temperature-Dependent Wear Mechanism of Ceramic-Metal Composites. Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences was founded on 1 Oct, 1958 by chemical metallurgist Chu-phay Yap. This chapter uses the top-down mode of the EMMS paradigm on CPU clusters to realize structural similarity between problem, model, and software, but not hardware. Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences Leader of solar cell technology group. The suspension is found to be characterized by heterogeneity with clustering solids and bypassing gas. Synthesis and characterization of pH/temperature responsive hydrogel, and used as carriers 0f drugs and vaccines.. Synthesis of novel PEG products and using them to modify protein or peptide drugs to obtain products with specific-site modification, the half-life and efficacy of PEGylated-drugs could be greatly improved. T... Coarse grid simulations of Geldart A particles in bubbling fluidized beds using standard two-fluid (TF) models, where the constitutive laws are based on the homogeneity of sub-grid scale structures, have been demonstrated to be unsuccessful due to the existence of significant sub-grid scale heterogeneous structures. The Institute of Process Engineering at the University of the Chinese academy of sciences on Here, the energy minimization multiscale (EMMS) model is applied to other systems, including gas/liquid, turbulent flow, foam drainage, emulsions, and granular flow, to determine how the compromise between dominant mechanisms defines the stability conditions of meso-scale structures. Of whom, 49% of the employees have obtained master’s degree or above. Introduction Administration Research Faculty & Staff Supporting Systems Graduate Education Achievements. Development of uniform-sized and structure-controllable polymer microspheres and microcapsules, which could greatly improve separation effects of bioproduct. In this study, we show that a state-of-the-art two-fluid model has the ability to correctly predict the transition from packed bed to fully bubbling fluidized beds. Researchers at Key Laboratory of Marine Materials and Related Technologies, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), have made progress in understanding the surface damage behaviors of ceramic-metal composites. An alternative formulation from dominant mechanisms, An EMMS-based multi-fluid model (EFM) for heterogeneous gas–solid riser flows: Part I. Formulation of structure-dependent conservation equations, Acceleration of CFD simulation of gas–solid flow by coupling macro-/meso-scale EMMS model, The role of scale resolution versus inter-particle cohesive forces in two-fluid modeling of bubbling fluidization of Geldart A particles, Meso-scale oriented simulation towards virtual process engineering (VPE)—The EMMS Paradigm, From bubbling to turbulent fluidization: Advanced onset of regime transition in micro-fluidized beds, A CFD study on the effect of bed thickness in an internally circulating fluidized bed, Large-scale DNS of gas-solid flows on Mole-8.5, CFD study of the minimum bubbling velocity of Geldart A particles in gas-fluidized beds, Flow structures inside a large-scale turbulent fluidized bed of FCC particles: Eulerian simulation with an EMMS-based sub-grid scale model, Coarse grid simulation of bed expansion characteristics of industrial-scale gas-solid fluidized beds, Coexistence of Solidlike and Fluidlike States in a Deep Gas-Fluidized Bed, EMMS-based Eulerian simulation on the hydrodynamics of a bubbling fluidized bed with FCC particles, The role of particle-particle interactions in bubbling gas-fluidized beds of Geldart: A particles: A discrete particle study, A Review of Eulerian Simulation of Geldart A Particles in Gas-Fluidized Beds, Why the two-fluid model fails to predict the bed expansion characteristics of Geldart A particles in gas-fluidized beds: A tentative answer, Direct numerical simulation of particle clustering in gas–solid flow with a macro-scale particle method, Two-fluid modeling of Geldart A particles in gas-fluidized beds, High-resolution Eulerian simulation of RMS of solid volume fraction fluctuation and particle clustering characteristics in a CFB riser, Meso-scale structure - A challenge of computational fluid dynamics for circulating fluidized bed risers, Length scale dependence of effective inter-phase slip velocity and heterogeneity in gas–solid suspensions, Eulerian Simulation of Heterogeneous Gas-Solid Flows in CFB Risers: EMMS-Based Sub-Grid Scale Model With a Revised Cluster Description, Dynamic Simulation for Gas-Solid System Using Macro-Scale Particle Methods, High-resolution simulation of gas–solid suspension using macro-scale particle methods, Multi-scale analysis on particle-phase stresses of coarse particles in bubbling fluidized beds, Collisional particle-phase pressure in particle-fluid flows at high particle inertia, Department of Research and Development in Applied Sciences, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. A computing scheme is then realized by integrating EMMS drag into the reduced SF... Summarising the whole book, this chapter gives perspectives, derived from the EMMS research, on future directions, particularly, emphasizing the possibility of meso-science and the realization of VPE. The Energy Minimization Multi-Scale (EMMS) drag model, using Sauter mean particle diameter to represent real particle size distribution, has proven to be effective in improving the accuracy of continuum modeling of gas-solid flow. Dynamic multi-scale structures in a gas–solid suspension with 1024 particles are investigated with direct numerical simulations using macro-scale particle methods. R&D Professor. To this end, an empirical inter-phase drag correlation, based on experimental data available in literature, is proposed to ad... Extensive studies have been devoted to the boundary of Geldart A and B particles due to its great practical relevance, however, consensus on the hydrodynamic characteristics when the A/B boundary is crossed is still lacking. A two fluid model (TFM) based on the kinetic theory of granular flow is used with the commercial CFD software package, ANSYS Fluent. For a high gas velocity U0 = 0.03 m/s, we found a transition from the homogeneous fluidization to bubbling fluidization with an increase of the coefficient C1, which is used to account for the contribution o... High-resolution Eulerian simulation has recently emerged as an effective approach for studying the mechanics of heterogeneous gas–solid flow. Solids residence time distribution (RTD), which reflects the degree of solids mixing in bubbling fluidized bed (BFB), has become an essential parameter for the evaluation of reactor performances. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) has nearly 10 000 employees, including over 6 000 technicians. National high-tech 863 project No. University students and faculty, institute members, and independent researchers, Technology or product developers, R&D specialists, and government or NGO employees in scientific roles, Health care professionals, including clinical researchers, Journalists, citizen scientists, or anyone interested in reading and discovering research. ... Chinese academy of sciences Address:No.15 Beisihuanxi Road, Beijing, China(100190) In pres... Residence time distribution of particles is a critical parameter for proper design of gas-solid fluidized beds, especially in many non-catalytic solid conversion processes where it is highly desirable to match the residence time of a particle and its complete conversion time to achieve the synchronized conversion of particles of different sizes. It was concluded that the input parameters of the Eulerian model, inclu... Industrial fluidized beds usually show a wide particle size distribution which significantly affects the performance of gas-solid two-phase reactors. Due to our privacy policy, only current members can send messages to people on ResearchGate. Institute of Process Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Email Professor Wei Ge Professor Vibha Kalra Drexel University Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Email Professor Vibha Kalra Search for more papers by this author State Key Laboratory for Structural Chemistry of Unstable and Stable Species In this article, a meshless met... We have investigated the effect of cohesion and drag models on the bed hydrodynamics of Geldart A particles based on the two-fluid (TF) model. National Engineering Research Center of Engineering Plastics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190 P. R. China. Coarse-grid simulations using traditional two-fluid models (TFM), although efficient, are n... High-resolution Eulerian simulations are carried out to explore the problem of length scale dependence or filter size dependence in heterogeneous gas–solid two-phase flows. Its current research focuses mainly on condensed matter physics, optical physics, atomic and molecular physics, plasma physics, soft matter physics, and condensed matter theory and … CAS Key Laboratory of Bio-inspired Materials and Interfacial Science, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, People’s Republic of China Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed) and Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden 01062, Germany ParticleEye: In situ particle parallel visualization software. Foundation: 1958. 36 universities contains Chemical Engineering program on CUCAS! For chemical engineering, it will promote the transition from an experie... Membrane fluidized bed reactors have been proposed and demonstrated as an effective reactor concept for ultrapure hydrogen production with integrated carbon dioxide capture. It was shown that the experimentally founded RMS of solid... Multi-scale heterogeneous structures are characteristic of the concurrent-up gas-solid flow in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) risers, which stand for a grand challenge to accurate simulation of industrial-scale CFB risers with reasonable computational cost. This Brief Communication proposes a simple model to predict collisional particle-phase pressu... Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences Leader of solar cell technology group. In this contribution, we present some recent results from our numerical investigation to the formation and evolution of dynamic multi-scale structures in gas-solid systems, employing a mesh-free direct simulation method. Prof. Huizhou Liu, Ph. 2011-Until now Professor, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering (NIMTE), Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China To this end, a multifluid model is established to study the hydrodynamics, heat, mass transfer and chemical reaction in a downer reactor: T... We present a hybrid discrete-continuum model for multi-scale simulation of granular flow. Following the first publication combining the EMMS drag with CFD simulation, the fluidization community quickly recognized the significance of this method. To address this problem, a mathematical model is developed to describe the kinetic properties of coarse particles,... Particle-phase pressure has to be considered in two-fluid models describing particle-fluid flows, and is important for the stability of such flows. This paper presents a comparison between two dimensional (2-D) and three dimensional (3-D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model predictions of an internally circulation fluidized bed (ICFB). This chapter summarizes the footprint, philosophy and strategy of this book. State Key Laboratory of Multi-phase Complex Systems, The University of Western Ontario / Western University, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, Multiscale kinetic theory for heterogeneous granular and gas-solid flows, Editorial for the Special Issue on Frontiers of Chemical Engineering, Supersonic and near-equilibrium gas-driven granular flow, CFD simulation of solids residence time distribution for scaling up gas‐solid bubbling fluidized bed reactors based on the modified structure‐based drag model, A computational fluid dynamics-discrete element-immersed boundary method for Cartesian grid simulation of heat transfer in compressible gas–solid flow with complex geometries, A unified EMMS-based constitutive law for heterogeneous gas-solid flow in CFB risers, Assessment of the interphase drag coefficients considering the effect of granular temperature or solid concentration fluctuation via comparison of DNS, DPM, TFM and experimental data, A note on the kinetic theory of polydisperse granular flow, CFD Intensification of Coal Beneficiation Process in Gas-solid Fluidized Beds, A CFD-DEM-IBM method for Cartesian grid simulation of gas-solid flow in complex geometries, Long-time coarse-grained CFD-DEM simulation of residence time distribution of polydisperse particles in a continuously operated multiple-chamber fluidized bed, Continuum theory for dense gas-solid flow: A state-of-the-art review, A critical comparison of two-fluid model, discrete particle method and direct numerical simulation for modeling dense gas-solid flow of rough spheres, Experimental and Eulerian-Lagrangian-Lagrangian study of binary gas-solid flow containing particles of significantly different sizes, An EMMS drag model for coarse grid simulation of polydisperse gas–solid flow in circulating fluidized bed risers, Progress in coal chemical technologies of China, Quantifying the non-equilibrium characteristics of heterogeneous gas–solid flow of smooth, inelastic spheres using a computational fluid dynamics–discrete element method, Multiscale structures in particle–fluid systems: Characterization, modeling, and simulation, Solid residence time distribution in a cross-flow dense fluidized bed with baffles, Topography Analysis of Particle Velocity Distribution Function in Gas-Solid Flow, Mesoscale-structure-based dynamic multiscale method for gas-solid flow, Residence time distribution of particles in circulating fluidized bed risers, Unification of particle velocity distribution functions in gas-solid flow, Coarse Grid Simulation of the Hydrodynamics of Binary Gas‐Solid Flow in CFB Risers, Quantifying growth and breakage of agglomerates in fluid-particle flow using discrete particle method ☆, Quantifying growth and breakage of agglomerates in fluid-particle flow using discrete particle method, An Entropy Criterion for the Validity of Navier-Stokes Order Continuum Theory for Gas-Solid Flow: Kinetic Theory Analysis, Effect of granular temperature and solid concentration fluctuation on the gas-solid drag force: A CFD test, Dynamic Multiscale Method for Gas‐Solid Flow via Spatiotemporal Coupling of Two‐Fluid Model and Discrete Particle Model, CFD STUDY OF MIXING AND SEGREGATION OF BINARY GAS-SOLID FLOW IN CFB RISERS WITH EMMS DRAG MODEL, Assessment of polydisperse drag models for the size segregation in a bubbling fluidized bed using discrete particle method, Generalized Boltzmann kinetic theory for EMMS-based two-fluid model, Eulerian–Lagrangian study of dense liquid–solid flow in an industrial-scale cylindrical hydrocyclone, Toward a mesoscale-structure-based kinetic theory for heterogeneous gas-solid flow: Particle velocity distribution function, Multifluid Modeling of Coal Pyrolysis in a Downer Reactor, Summary of Track 3: Particulate System and Bulk Solids Technology, Summary of Track 4: Particle-Fluid System, Hybrid Discrete-continuum Model for Granular Flow, Multiscale modeling of rapid granular flow with a hybrid discrete-continuum method, Evaluation of multifluid model for heat transfer behavior of binary gas–solid flow in a downer reactor, CFD study of exit effect of high-density CFB risers with EMMS-based two-fluid model, Eulerian-Eulerian simulation of irregular particles in dense gas-solid fluidized beds, CFD study of mixing and segregation in CFB risers: Extension of EMMS drag model to binary gas–solid flow, CFD simulation of solids residence time distribution in a CFB riser, Multifluid Modeling of Mixing and Segregation of Binary Gas–Solid Flow in a Downer Reactor for Coal Pyrolysis, Three-dimensional simulation of dense suspension upflow regime in high-density CFB risers with EMMS-based two-fluid model, A comparison of two-fluid model, dense discrete particle model and CFD-DEM method for modeling impinging gas–solid flows, Comparative CFD Analysis of Heterogeneous Gas–Solid Flow in a Countercurrent Downer Reactor, Coarse grid simulation of heterogeneous gas–solid flow in a CFB riser with polydisperse particles, Coarse grid simulation of heterogeneous gas–solid flow in a CFB riser with EMMS drag model: Effect of inputting drag correlations, SPH simulation of selective withdrawal from microcavity, Eulerian simulation of gas–solid flow in a countercurrent downer, Particle granular temperature of Geldart A, A/B and B particles in dense gas-fluidized beds, Simulation of a High-Density Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser with EMMS-Based Two-Fluid Model, Extension of the EMMS Model to Gas-Liquid Systems, Perspectives: Meso-Science and Virtual Process Engineering, Complete Realization of the EMMS Paradigm, Meso-Scale Modeling: The EMMS Model for Gas-Solid Systems, Experimental Characterization of Meso-Scale Processes, Verification of the EMMS Model with Pseudo-Particle Modeling, Comparison of Two-Fluid and Discrete Particle Modeling of Dense Gas-Particle Flows in Gas-Fluidized Beds, EFFECTS OF MICROSCOPIC DRAG CORRELATIONS AND RESTITUTION COEFFICIENT ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MESO-SCALE CLUSTERING STRUCTURES IN RISER FLOWS, An EMMS-based multi-fluid model (EFM) for heterogeneous gas–solid riser flows: Part II. In this study, we suggest a simple method to modify currently available drag correlations to allow for the effect of unresolved sub-grid scale structures, by assuming that the particles inside each compu... Characterizing regime transition in gas-fluidized beds is of fundamental importance for the successful applications of fluidization technology. Only verified researchers can join ResearchGate and send messages to other members. The minimum bubbling velocity, which demarcates the homogeneous and heterogeneous fluidization regimes, plays a pivotal role in gas fluidization of Geldart A particles. Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences has become a comprehensive and multidisciplinary research organization engaged in research on basic and applied physics. Current members can send messages to other members Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Jilin... People on ResearchGate of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering -Institute of Process Engineering, Academy... 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