The Jordan river is the only river that flows all year round with fresh water. east of Jericho, stood the city of Gilgal, where Israel set up twelve stones at the command of God ( Josh.4.19-Josh.4.20 ), a place that later became an important religious center ( 1Sam.7.16; 1Sam.10.8 ). THOUGH counted small among mighty rivers of the earth, the Jordan is no insignificant stream. Go to List of places in the Bible. Just as crossing the Red Sea changed Israel’s standing from slavery to freedom, passing through the Jordan into the Promised Land, transformed Israel from a wandering horde into an established nation. Khouri recounts the New Testament description of Jesus’ baptism and then … Christ and perhaps also the Apostle Paul traveled through this region on their way from Jerusalem to Galilee. It flows along the Syrian/African rift (a geological event that happened 20 million years ago). Therefore, water being the source of life, is of utmost importance. Sign In to Save Event. It’s for that reason that for millennia people have chosen to live on its banks. 2 Kings 2:14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? The country of Jordan did not exist during ancient times. With the YouVersion Bible App, you can read, watch, listen, and share on your smartphone or tablet, and online at See the most outstanding events from the Bible that happened along the shores of the Jordan River. Furthermore, they were entering enemy territory opposite Jericho, a major fortress city of the Canaanites. In modern times, the river itself begins just south of the ancient Israelite city of Dan where the Hasbani and Dan Rivers meet. There are many references to it in the Bible, from Genesis through the Gospel of John. Sea of Galilee is part of the Jordan River system. Jordan River A series of springs and tributaries, resulting from the rains and snows on the heights of Mount Hermon (up to 9,100 feet above sea level) at the southern end of the Anti-Lebanon mountains east of the Rift Valley, converge in Lake Huleh to form the headwaters of the Jordan River. In the Holy Land, this event takes place at Qasr el Yahud. Radiant Church. Mayat 2.7.15. The Jordan is significant for Jews because the tribes of Israel under Joshua crossed the river on dry ground to enter the Promised Land after years of wandering in the desert. Videos. As he passed by, Naaman's servants urged him to try the prophet's advice. Historic Jordan River. As you know, Israel is a desert country. It states that in those days John the Baptist came preaching and saying In the period of the Second Temple, both John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth made their homes here on the banks of the River Jordan. Some two hundred references to it make it the most outstanding river mentioned in the Bible. (2.) According to the Bible, King David reigned over a large territory and his son Solomon over an even larger one. Read on to find out why. 10 km south of the Sea of Galilee it becomes to be the border between Israel and the Jordanian Kingdom. The Jordan River flows from four streams that appear along the slopes of Mt. It’s a source of life in a similar way to the Nile, though on a much smaller scale. Radiant Church. In the Old Testament, beginning with Genesis chapter one, God has set forth numerous word pictures to teach about the person and work of Christ — past, present, and future.. A foundational type is laid down in the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt and their subsequent journey to the … The Jordan River starts where the Hasbani River of Lebanon, and Banias River from Syria meet. It is known for being a fertile valley and an important landmark. 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But in order to reach Damascus, Naaman had to ride by the Jordan River. result of the melting snowfalls from the peaks above. The Jordan River flows through the Jordan Rift Valley into the Kinneret and then continues down into the Dead Sea with no outlet. The sources of the Jordan River are in the North of Israel bordering with Lebanon, near the City of Caesarea Phillipe, located near the Hermon River (Banias). Mt Nebo (the Mountain where Moses was shown the Holy Land and then passed away.) The Jordan is also a place of healing, including that of Naaman the Syrian, who was commanded to immerse himself in the river by Elijah and was healed of his leprosy (2 Kings 5). It flows along the Syrian/African rift (a geological event that happened 20 million years ago). The places matter. Today the Jordan River forms much of the international boundary between Israel … This river falls nearly 2,500 feet from its start near Mount Hermon. Numerous references to the Jordan River appear in the New Testament. God had called Joshua to take the Promised Land, but there was one problem. The Jordan River stood between the Promised Land and the people. Books; Themes and Organization; People and Places; Bible Thought of the Day The Jordan River is mentioned in the Bible almost 200 times, in the Old as well as the New Testament. … the River Jordan: Remarkable Events Connected With: Its Division by Elisha Jump to: Torrey's • Subtopics. Ancient Jerusalem - Interactive Study of Jerusalem with Map. How fascinating to follow its unique course to its strange end! The Jordan River is mentioned in the Bible almost 200 times, in the Old as well as the New Testament. The Jordan River runs through the land and history of the Bible, giving its waters a spiritual significance that sets it aside from other rivers. It is the main source of water for the Sea of Galilee and continues all the way south till the Dead Sea. The Jordan River played an important role in a number of memorable events from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. When the priests of God left the Jordan’s eastern banks and stepped into its current, the river stopped flowing upstream at a site called Adam. Without a doubt, the Jordan River is the most famous river in the world. The Book of II Kings records that just prior to the prophet Elijah’s ascent to heaven in a chariot of fire, he and his protégé Elisha approached the River Jordan. Joshua’s Transition at the Jordan River Began the Conquest. When the time came for the Israelites to cross the Jordan River, this is what Jehovah had Joshua tell the people: ‘The priests should take the ark of the covenant and go ahead of us. After the death of King Solomon, the kingdom was divided in two. Etymology. Longtime archaeology journalist Rami Khouri takes us to a site on the east bank of the Jordan River and about 7 miles north of the Dead Sea that is believed to have been “Bethany beyond the Jordan,” where the New Testament says Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. For hundreds of years, the Jordan remained desolate. Most of There, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. THOUGH counted small among mighty rivers of the earth, the Jordan is no insignificant stream. sources in the North to the river's end at the Dead Sea their is It states that in those days John the Baptist came preaching and saying In the period of the Second Temple, both John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth made their homes here on the banks of the River Jordan. This was no coincidence on God’s part in making a strong … See the most outstanding events from the Bible that happened along the shores of the Jordan River. At least four water sources, arising at the foothills of Mount Hermon, come together to form the Jordan River. In an amazing demonstration of His power, and just as He had done in the Exodus, God held back the Jordan River so the people could cross on dry land and thus begin the long-awaited conquest of the Promised Land. A symbol of freedom, deliverance, and even judgment and death, the Jordan river figures prominently in traditional African American religious song. Home. 65 miles but from overhead it looks like a snake, winding and Jesus Christ was baptized by John in the Jordan River. Abraham allowed Lot to choose his share first, and Lot chose the Jordan Valley, which was lush and well-watered due to the Jordan River (verse 10). In biblical prophecy and poetry, the Jordan River evoked images of a harsh and difficult landscape, sometimes even viewed as a mythological enemy. Crossing the Jordan River for Joshua meant entering the Promised Land and leaving the leadership of Moses. Naaman slowly stepped down into the waters of the Jordan. The River Jordan The River Jordan features many times in the Old Testament. Dead Sea is the outlet of Jordan River. The Jordan River plays a significant role in numerous events of bible history. However, for most Christians the first association with the river would be the scene of Jesus Christ being baptized … Read. In biblical times, the river Jordan was both a source of life and a great barrier. 2 Kings 2:8 And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided here and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground. It is the main source of water for the Sea of Galilee and continues all the way south till the Dead Sea. Therefore, water being the source of life, is of utmost importance. Torrey's TopicalTextbook. The … the Ghawr Valley defines the border between first Jordan and Israel, and then Jordan and Palestine. Home; Blog; Topics. At different times, the waters of … It was on the banks of the Jordan that Joshua gathered the Israelites and prepared them to cross the waters in order to enter to the promise land. Crossing The Jordan River. So he stopped his horse, slid down, and laid aside the armor that covered the awful evidence of his leprosy. The Jordan is mentioned in the Old Testament about one hundred and eighty times, and in the New Testament fifteen times. For hundreds of years, the Jordan remained desolate. Because of its great length and central location, the Jordan River is mentioned in the Bible over 185 times. The sources of the Jordan River are in the North of Israel bordering with Lebanon, near the City of Caesarea Phillipe, located near the Hermon River (Banias). From its While it’s not on the scale of other famous rivers like the great Nile, the vast Amazon, or the mighty Mississippi, the Jordan River has a special wonder of its own. They confessed their sins, and he baptized them in the Jordan River. I want to thank Pastor Mike (Todd) Fink for this great video. The Jordan is a unique river where many miraculous events occurred (Joshua 4:19-20). Books; Themes and Organization; People and Places; Bible Thought of the Day It is a place of many important biblical events. Of particular significance is that the baptism site of Jesus is precisely the place where Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan to Jericho.) River that flows all year round with fresh water possible by a mudslide, itself caused an. The Bible the most outstanding events from the Bible, King David reigned over a territory! A fertile Valley and an important landmark Machaerus, Herod ’ s Transition at the foothills of Mount Hermon you! Aside the armor that covered the awful evidence of his leprosy the historian Josephus says that John was.! 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