Captain's favorite animals are ducks, roosters, horses and camels. concert, Captain Feathersword in "Power Through the Day" music video, Captain Feathersword in "Furry Tales" opening sequence, Captain Feathersword and Mumbles the Monster, Captain Feathersword in "Ready, Steady, Wiggle!" Trivia. Lachy Gillepsie, the purple Wiggle, also portrayed him in Dorothy the Dinosaur's Travelling show. As a child, he was plighted to Sophie Essex, a girl from a well-to-do family in London, England. Captain Feathersword is a friendly pirate and a friend of the Wiggles in The Wiggles. According to the Series 2 episode, Family, Captain's father and mother, showing poor parenting and inappropriate child-raising practices, left him so they could sail the Seven Seas. He is a friendly pirate who, instead of a sword, has a feather which he uses to tickle everyone. ". N othing has captured the fascination of man quite like the ability to fly. He is known for saying his catchphrase "Ahoy there me hearties!" It's one of the only Wiggle Time songs that wasn't rec-recorded. He was portrayed byAnthony Fieldand his two brothers,PaulandJohn. became Captain, and he still has played him ever since. prologue, Captain Feathersword in "the Wiggles'Big Big Show! Dallas Stephens rated it really liked it Sep 07, 2018. Read 20. The Wiggles Movie Captain Feathersword / Wags the Dog / Life-Guard / Burglar ... What age would you like to live in? Template:Character"Captain" owns The S.S Feathersword. USA", Captain Feathersword in "Here Comes the Big Red Car", Captain Feathersword in "Here Comes the Big Red Car" deleted scene, Captain Feathersword in "It's Time to Wake Up Jeff! ", Captain Feathersword in "Splish Splash! Wiggly Gremlins! He is a jovial character who enjoys joking, cooking, dancing and singing with his crew, and sailing his ship, the Good Ship Feathersword. In this episode, all of the songs are about Captain Feathersword! Early wiggles Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He was given a feather sword so that he would be a non-violent pirate. Wags and Captain then try to paint, and Wags' is amazing, while the Captain's is a bunch of squiggly lines. Sadly, she died after birthing her little girl, leaving Lydia without a mother and the Captain all alone to care for her. "Captain Feathersword" (later known as "Captain Feathersword (He Loves to Dance)") is a song where Captain Feathersword teaches a pirate dance. You can take any video, trim the best part, combine with other videos, add soundtrack. From 1998 ownards, he now has black trousers with gold lines because the original trousers were similar to. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ', Captain Feathersword in "Racing to the Rainbow", Captain Feathersword in "The Rainbow Palace" electronic storybook, Captain Feathersword in "Gettig Strong!" Captain Feathersword is the song where Captain Feathersword does a pirate dance but the title is called Captain Feathersword. Movie 5 and is played by Paul Paddick. Walt Disney Studios Movie Releases 2015 - 2017. JohnWilliamFieldasCaptainFeathersword.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinBigRedCarEndCredits.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinWakeUpJeff!EndCredits.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordonCarolsintheDomain.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordontheS.SFeathersword.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinWiggledance!Epilogue.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordin1997PromoPicture.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinWiggly,WigglyChristmas.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordonWigglyWigglyChristmasSet.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinWiggleTime(re-recording).jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWigglesBigShow.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWigglesTVSeries.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTVSeriesOpeningSequence.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordatAustralia'sWonderland.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWigglesLiveatDisneylandPark.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWigglesLiveatDisneylandParkEpilogue.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinCountingandNumbers.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinMusicandMusicalInstruments.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinOh!WigglesVideos.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWigglyBigShowPrologue.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordintheWigglyDressingRoom.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWigglyBigShow.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWigglyBigShowEpilogue.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordonEachOther'sVoicesStreet.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinhisselftitledvideo.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinIt'saWiggly,WigglyWorld.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinYuleBeWiggling-BehindtheScenes.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinHoopDeeDooIt'saWigglyParty.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinWigglyPartyLiveinConcert.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordonSteveIrwin'sCrocodileDiaries.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinMacy'sThanksgivingDayParade.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordatSpaceDancingPremiere.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinWhooHoo!WigglyGremlins!.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheTaiwaneseWiggles.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinColdSpaghettiWestern-BehindtheScenes.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordattheGreatWallofChina.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordonTheCrocodileHunterDiaries.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinColdSpaghettiWestern.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinLiveHotPotatoes!.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinSailingAroundtheWorld.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinSailingAroundtheWorldDeletedScene.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinSanFrancisco,California.jpg, CaptainFeathersword-We'rePlayingATrickOnTheCaptain.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinDorothytheDinosaur'sDanceParty.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheLatinAmericanWiggles.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordonDisneyChannelAsia.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinLittleRockConcert.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordandKattyVillafuerte.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinWiggledancing!USA.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinHereComestheBigRedCar.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinLookButDon'tTouch.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinIt'sTimetoWakeUpJeff!.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinSplishSplash!BigRedBoat.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinMariachiAnimation.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinLights,Camera,Action!.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinRacingtotheRainbow.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinGettingStrong!Original.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWiggles'Dance!Tour.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinWiggledancing!Epilogue.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinLanguageandLiteracy.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinDorothytheDinosaur'sParty.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinDorothytheDinosaur'sPartyEpilogue.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinPopGotheWiggles-BehindtheScenes.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTVSeries6-BehindtheScenes.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinPopGoTheWigglesShow.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinRedNoseDayAdvert.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinDorothy'sMemoryBook.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinYouMakeMeFeelLikeDancing.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinManchesterApolloConcert.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordatSixFlagsNewEngland.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinSingaSongofWiggles.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWigglesGoBananas!OpeningSequence.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWigglesGoBananas!.jpg, CartoonCaptainFeatherswordinWiggleTime!Website.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWiggles'BigBigShow!Prologue.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWiggles'BigBigShow!.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWiggles'BigBigShow!EndCredits.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinWigglyWaffle-BehindtheScenes.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinHotPoppin'Popcorn.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinHotPoppin'PopcornEndCredits.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordandLightsCameraJackson.jpg, CartoonCaptainFeatherswordattheNorthPole.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinBigBigShowintheRound.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinHotPotatoes!TheBestoftheWiggles.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinLet'sEat!-BehindtheScenes.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinHotPotatoStudios.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWiggles'GreatAdventure.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordonBreakfastTelevision.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinGreatestHitsintheRound.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinAustraliaDayConcert.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinDorothy'sTravelingShowOpeningSequence.jpg, LachlanGillespieasCaptainFeathersword.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinDorothy'sTravellingShowEndCredits.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheWiggles'BigBirthday!.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinUkuleleBaby!LiveinConcert.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordin2011PromoPicture.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinBigBirthdayAustraliaTourAdvert.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinIt'sAlwaysChristmasWithYou!.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordandJamesArthurChen.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordatRoyalBotanicGardens.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinGettingStrongLiveInConcert.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinCelebration!DeletedScene.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordatHughesSpaldingChildren'sHospital.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordatTempaBayRaysStadium.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTheMelbourneSymphonyOrchestra.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordonDorothytheDinosaur'sBeachPartySet.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinChristmasCelebrationTour!.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinDorothytheDinosaur'sBeachParty.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTakingOff!Concert.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinPowerThroughtheDay.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinFurryTalesOpeningSequence.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordandMumblestheMonster.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTVSeries7EndCredits.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinReady,Steady,Wiggle!Tour.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinApplesandBananas.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinApplesandBananasTour.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinRockandRollPreschool.jpg, CaptainFeathersword'sTitleinRockandRollPreschool.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordshakingFleaPowderonWags.png, CaptainFeatherswordinWigglySafariBonusClip.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordin2000PromoPicture.jpeg, PuppetCaptainFeatherswordinGetReadyToWiggle(Puppets).jpg, CaptainFeatherswordFlyingOvertheWhere'sJeffSet.png, CaptainFeatherswordFlyingOverthe3DoorEntrance.png, CaptainFeatherswordFlyingOvertheNetworkWigglesNewsSet.png, CaptainFeatherswordinLCAWEpisodeSeven.png, CaptainandDorothyinLCAWEpisodeSixEpilogue.png, TheWigglesandCaptainFeatherswordinLCAWEpisodeFive.png, WagsandCaptainFeatherswordinLCAWEpisodeSix.png, CaptainFeatherswordFallingDowninLCAWEpisodeSix.png, CaptainandDorothyinLCAWEpisodeFiveEpilogue.png, Greg,MurrayandCaptainFeatherswordWakingJeffUp.png, WagsandCaptainFeatherswordinLCAWEpisodeFive.png, CaptainFeatherswordFallingDowninLCAWEpisodeFive.png, CaptainFeatherswordFallingDowninTVSeries3.png, CaptainFeatherswordFallingOfftheChair.png, WagsandCaptainFeatherswordatSydneyAcademy.png, JeffandCaptainFeatherswordinTVSeries3.png, CaptainFeatherswordPlayingAirHarmonica.png, CaptainFeatherswordinLCAWEpisodeThree.png, CaptainFeatherswordWalkingontheCeiling.png, WagsandCaptainFeatherswordinTVSeries3.png, JeffandCaptainFeatherswordinTVSeries2.jpg, MurrayandCaptainFeatherswordinJeff'sKeyboardChase.jpg, WagsandCaptainFeatherswordinYummyYummy1998.jpg, JeffandCaptainFeatherswordinTeddyBearTouchtheGround.jpg, CaptainFeatherswordinTeddyBearTouchtheGround.jpg, JeffandCaptainFeatherswordinMusicalLandscape.jpg. It is likely he was taken in by someone else and raised. Watch him dance, in his pirate pants Captain Feathersword: Wibbly, wobbly, whoa-ho-hey! MODERATOR OF. Anthony Field, the blue Wiggle played him in the first three Wiggles videos. He was portrayed by Anthony Field and his 2 other brothers, Paul and John. Captain Feathersword is a pirate who loves to tickle people. login. ", Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Beach Party", Captain Feathersword in "Wiggly Showtime", Captain Feathersword in "Taking Off!" ", Captain Feathersword in "Splish Splash! Now I'm gonna dance all … Wiggly Millennium Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. epilogue, Captain Feathersword in "Getting Strong! epilogue, Captain Feathersword in 1997 promo picture, Captain Feathersword in Australia's Wonderland concert, Captain Feathersword in "Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas", Captain Feathersword in "Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas" bonus clip, Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles Movie", Captain Feathersword in "Yummy Yummy" 1998, Captain Feathersword in "Wiggle Time" 1998, Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles Big Show", Captain Feathersword played by Jason Kennedy, Captain Feathersword "The Wiggles" TV Series, Captain Feathersword in TV Series opening sequence, Captain Feathersword in "Captain Feathersword's Cleanup", Captain Feathersword in "Jeff The Mechanic", Captain Feathersword at Australia's Wonderland, Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles Live at Disneyland", Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles Live at Disneyland" epilogue, Captain Feathersword in "Wiggles World" TV Series, Captain Feathersword in "Counting and Numbers", Captain Feathersword in "Music and Musical Instruments", Captain Feathersword in "Oh! "Captain Feathersword" ownsThe S.S Feathersword. end credits, Captain Feathersword in "Wiggly Waffle: Behind the Scenes", Captain Feathersword in "Hot Poppin' Popcorn", Captain Feathersword in "Hot Poppin' Popcorn" end credits, Captain Feathersword and Lights Camera Jackson, Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy the Dinosaur Meets Santa Claus", Captain Feathersword in "Big Big Show in the Round", Captain Feathersword in "Hot Potatoes: The Best of the Wiggles", Captain Feathersword in "Let's Eat! He was given a sword made out of feathers so he would be a nonviolent pirate. Paul Paddick began playing him in 1993 as well, and has played him full-time since 1995. After Natalie Portman was revealed as the next Thor, taking the mantle in Thor: Love and Thunder, artists began imagining what she would look like when she … Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. It is likely he was taken in by someone else and raised in the ways of pirating. Sadly, she died after birthing her little girl, leaving Lydia without a mother and the Captain all alone to care for her. "While we are at it...How much does Sri Lanka captain DimuthKarunaratne look like @vickykaushal09," Cricket World Cup tweeted. It is likely he was taken in by someone else and raised in the ways of pirating. remember me reset password. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Roosters; Ducks; Camels; Horses; Trivia. Read 21. He has had that role since Wake Up Jeff!. ", Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles Show" TV Series 4, Captain Feathersword in "Sailing Around the World", Captain Feathersword in "Sailing Around the World" deleted scene, Captain Feathersword in San Francisco, California, Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy's Rose Petal Jam" electronic storybook, Captain Feathersword in TV Series 2 of "The Wiggles Show" TV Series, Captain Feathersword in in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Dance Party", Captain Feathersword in "The Latin American Wiggles", Captain Feathersword on Disney Channel Asia, Captain Feathersword in "Little Rock" concert, Captain Feathersword and Katty Villafuerte, Captain Feathersword on "Jimmy Kimmel Live", Captain Feathersword in "Wiggledancing! TV Series end credits, Captain Feathersword in his main page picture, Captain Feathersword in "Ready, Steady, Wiggle! But in. The audience on Twitter expressed their dissent. Since 1996, Captain spends time with The Wiggles more than, He has had several songs after him. (original version), Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles' DANCE! Movie Title: Business Card "The Stand": Photos We Love. It is sung by Greg, but he isn't seen in the actual song. Captain Feathersword likes to sail on the S.S. Feathersword, sometimes known as the Good Ship Feathersword. It might be a funny scene, movie quote, animation, meme … ", Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles' Big Birthday! Paul Paddick (born 16 February 1967) is an Australian singer and actor. ", Captain Feathersword in "Top of the Tots", Captain Feathersword in "Cold Spaghetti Western", Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy's Spots" electronic storybook, Captain Feathersword in "Live Hot Potatoes! TV Series, Captain Feathersword in "Ready, Steady, Wiggle!" played by Paul Paddick, Captain Feathersword in "Wake Up Jeff!" Start by marking “Ahoy, Captain Feathersword!” as Want to Read: ... Whitney rated it did not like it May 04, 2020. Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy!is the 10th episode of My Wiggles Show. Now you're dancing like a pirate (Wohoo) Unforgotten Wiggles: Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance He will show you how Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance Anthony: (as Captain Feathersword) I will show you now Fold your arms infront of you me hearties Bounce up and down, it's fun to do (ahrr) Climb the ropes, come on let's try it (ahrr) For many parents, his vocal impersonations are "the high point of the Wiggles stage show" and include singers Mick Jagger, Cher, Placido Domingo, and James Hetfield. The Captain was created because The Wiggles understood that young children, especially boys, like pirates; they gave him a "feathersword" because they wanted him to be nonviolent and benign. ", Captain Feathersword in "Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!" TROPHY CASE. Captain Feathersword also has a crew, the Friendly Pirate Crew, all of which idolize and have the same bright and cheerful personality as their captain. Captain also tickles people including The Wiggles and his friends. Verified Email . In some of the Dorothy the Dinosaur DVD's, Paul Paddick isn't there. Coub is YouTube for video loops. Stories and Songs: The Adventures of Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate,, Captain has blue trousers with black lines from 1993-1997. ", Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles' Big Big Show!" As a child, he was plighted to Sophie Essex, a girl from a well-to-do family in London, England. They married when they were both fifteen. He also likes to dance and eat chocolate cake. From 1998 ownards, he now has black trousers with gold lines because the original trousers were similar to The Wiggles' black trousers. According to Greg's book, "Now and Then", Jeff … end credits, Captain Feathersword on "Carols in the Domain", Captain Feathersword on the S.S. Feathersword, Captain Feathersword in "Wiggledance!" He was portrayed byAnthony Fieldand his two brothers,PaulandJohn. : Behind the Scenes", Captain Feathersword in Hot Potato Studios, Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles' Great Adventure", Captain Feathersword on "Breakfast Television", Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy's Rocking Christmas" (played by Brad Carroll), Captain Feathersword in "Greatest Hits in the Round", Captain Feathersword in "Australia Day" concert, Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Traveling Show" opening sequence, Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Traveling Show" (played by Lachlan Gillespie), Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Traveling Show" end credits, Captain Feathersword in "Wiggly Songtime! Here you will find our helpful bird feather guide which showcases the feathers of various birds from the Americas. / Oh, be careful now. Captain was created because Anthony understood that kids liked pirates. Ooh, It's Captain Feathersword Lyrics: The friendly pirate crew pass out Dorothy's birthday cake.) Some like, One of Captain's favorite dances is the reindeer dance according to. Captain has blue trousers with black lines from 1993-1997. Captain Feathersword in his debut "Wiggle Time" played by his portrayer, Anthony Field, Captain Feathersword played by John William Field, Captain Feathersword played by Paul Field in "Big Red Car", Captain Feathersword in "Big Red Car" end credits, Captain Feathersword in "Wake Up Jeff!" ", Captain Feathersword in "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing", Captain Feathersword in "the Wiggles 'Big Big Show!". His brothers, John and Paul followed in Yummy Yummy and Big Red Car. It was first featured in The Adventures Of Captain Feathersword, The Friendly Pirate and later made its video debut on Wiggle Time!. The Captain was created because The Wiggles understood that young children, especially boys, like pirates; they gave him a "feathersword" because they wanted him to be nonviolent and benign. He can cook a birthday cake for a party you see, Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword. He also has a crew, the Friendly Pirate Crew, all of which idolize and have the same bright and cheerful personality as their captain. Captain Feathersword is a very friendly pirate from The Wiggles, now he is everyone's newest friend from The Yo Gabba Gabba! In some songs, Anthony isn't seen as a Wiggle because he is playing Captain Feathersword. Captain was created because Anthony knew that kids liked pirates. Captain Feathersword is a friendly pirate who has a feather for a sword, which he uses to tickle everyone--especially the wiggles. Favorite Animals. Captain has blue trousers with black lines from 1993-1997. "Captain Feathersword" ownsThe S.S Feathersword. '", Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy's Spots" electronic storybook, Captain Feathersword in "Live Hot Potatoes! Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain . "Get your eyes checked from a tailor mate," one Twitter user wrote. No matter where you're waking up around the world, a hearty breakfast is the best way to start the day. opening sequence, Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles Go Bananas! Anthony Field originated the role, and he, John William Field, or Paul Field would play the Captain from 1993 to 1995. Captain's original pirate crew is him, Imran, Penelope, and Raj, who were all featured in Stories and Songs: The Adventures of Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate. He is best known for his catchphrase "Ahoy there, me hearties! It was the first song about Captain Feathersword. His pirate ship is called the "SS Feathersword" and he has a crew of friendly pirates who blow him dwn whenever he says "blow me down". He also has a crew, the. Big Red Boat", Captain Feathersword in Mariachi animation, Captain Feathersword in "Lights, Camera, Action! He will show you how to do a groovy Pirate dance, Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword He'll tickle you, he tickle me He'll tickle everything that moves and everything he sees You know he is the leader of the pirate seas, ooh, it's Captain Feathersword. Years afterwards, Sophie brought fourth a daughter, Lydia. He has magical pirate buttons that make him sing in different ways. It also happened at some concerts. Evie rated it it was amazing Sep 03, 2013. He has also been doing this in the videos since 2013. Anthony Field originated the role, and he, John William Field, or Paul Field would play the Captain from 1993 to 1995. The Captain was created because The Wiggles understood that young children, especially boys, like pirates; they gave him a "feathersword" because they wanted him to be nonviolent and benign. Best Space Movies Ever. In the Big Red Car song, Captain doesn't appear at all. "Only you. They married when they were both fifteen. deleted scene, Captain Feathersword at Hughes Spalding Children's Hospital, Captain Feathersword at Tempa Bay Rays Stadium, Captain Feathersword in the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Beach Party" sneak preview, Captain Feathersword and Emma in Training, Captain Feathersword on "The Morning Show", Captain Feathersword in "Christmas Celebration Tour! A running joke with the Captain is his use of the phrase "Well, blow me down! He was created since Anthony understood that kids like pirates. Captain Feathersword: (laughing) Oh, look out! TV Series, Captain Feathersword in "The Taiwanese Wiggles", Captain Feathersword in "Behind the Scenes of Cold Spaghetti Western", Captain Feathersword at the Great Wall of China, Captain Feathersword on "Sunrise" (played by Ben Murray), Captain Feathersword in "Top of the Tots", Captain Feathersword on "The Crocodile Hunter Diaries", Captain Feathersword in "Cold Spaghetti Western", Captain Feathersword in "How Wags Almost Missed the Show!" Before Paul Paddick, Captain Feathersword was first played by Anthony. Big Red Boat", Captain Feathersword in "Getting Strong! So his understudies had to fill in for him. Captain Feathersword is one of the very few Wiggly Friends to be a human. Anthony Field originated the role, and he, John William Field, or Paul Field would play the Captain from 1993 to 1995. In some songs, Anthony isn't seen as a Wiggle because he is playing Captain Feathersword. ", Captain Feathersword in "Wiggle Time" website, Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggles' Big Big Show!" Captain also tickles people including The Wiggles and his friends. I'm Friends with All the Wiggles from the story Captain Feathersword: What you should know about me by Captain_Feathersword with 34 reads. , Captain's father and mother, showing poor parenting and inappropriate child-raising practices, left him so they could sail the Seven Seas. Since 2010, Captain has served as a guitarist at concerts when needed. ", Captain Feathersword in "Sailing Around the World", Captain Feathersword in "Here Comes the Big Red Car", Captain Feathersword in "It's Time to Wake Up Jeff! Captain Feathersword Captain Feathersword (also known as the Friendly Pirate), wears a hat, patch, and puffy shirt and wields a "feathery saber". Captain-Feathersword 801 post karma 30,677 comment karma send a private message redditor for 2 years. Paddick is also able to sing at a very high falsetto. Captain Feathersword Through The Years. Wiggly Gremlins! Ooh It's Captain Feathersword is a song from The Wiggles Movie. He is boisterous and loves festivities. He owns a pirate ship called the SS Feathersword. He has had several songs based on him, like Captain Feathersword and Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His Pirate Ship (Quack Quack). From 1998 ownards, he now has black trousers with gold lines because the original trousers were similar to The Wiggles ' black trousers. According to the Series 2 episode, Family, Captain's father and mother, showing poor parenting practices, left him so they could sail the Seven Seas. Tour", Captain Feathersword in Luna Park concert, Captain Feathersword in "Wiggledancing!" TV Series 2, Captain Feathersword in "Rock and Roll Preschool". electronic storybook, Captain Feathersword in "Santa's Rockin! What Sam and Captain Feathersword When They Scream - YouTube Captain Feathersword is a character from The Wiggles sing-along videos. The Wiggles. get reddit premium. I Really like Fruit Salad! concert, Captain Feathersword in 2011 promo picture, Captain Feathersword in "Big Birthday Australia Tour" advert, Captain Feathersword in "It's Always Christmas With You! Then in 1996, Paul Paddick became Captain, and he still has played him ever since. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Like the designs of Wags the Dog, Henry the Octopus, and Dorothy the Dinosaur, Captain Feathersword's design has gone through many changes, though only with his hat and feathersword. Captain Feathersword Captain Feathersword owns The S.S Feathersword.He was portrayed by Anthony Field and his two brothers, Paul and John.Then in 1996, Paul Paddick became Captain Feathersword after understudying for Anthony in a concert when he had an operation, and he has played him ever since. It has Captain Feathersword, his pirate crew, Dorothy and Wally dancing to it. He is best known for his catchphrase "Ahoy there, me hearties!". The Captain tries to take a good photo of himself. Captain Feathersword: Let's all do a pirate dance! Some 10,000 + species of birds have been the envy of people around the world as they help spread color through the sky. Captain Feathersword in "It's a Wiggly Wiggly World", Captain Feathersword in "Hoop-Dee-Doo, It's a Wiggly Party", Captain Feathersword in "Whoo Hoo! r/wasim; r/SASim; what's this? ", Captain Feathersword in "Big Birthday Show", Captain Feathersword and James Arthur Chen, Captain Feathersword at Royal Botanic Gardens, Captain Feathersword in "Getting Strong" concert, Captain Feathersword in "Celebration!" Captain also tickles people including The Wiggles and his friends. Alicia rated it liked it Jan 26, 2013. Wiggles Videos" preview, Captain Feathersword in puppet form in "Dorothy The Dinosaur And Friends Video", Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggly Big Show" prologue, Captain Feathersword in the Wiggly Dressing room, Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggly Big Show", Captain Feathersword in "The Wiggly Big Show" epilogue, Captain Feathersword on "Each Other's Voices Street", Captain Feathersword in "Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate" video, Captain Feathersword in "It's a Wiggly, Wiggly World", Captain Feathersword in "Yule Be Wiggling: Behind the Scenes", Captain Feathersword in "Hoop-Dee-Doo, It's a Wiggly Party", Captain Feathersword in "Yule Be Wiggling", Captain Feathersword in "Wiggly Party" concert, Captain Feathersword on "Steve Irwin's Crocodile Diaries", Captain Feathersword in "Playhouse Disney" music video, Captain Feathersword in Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, Captain Feathersword in "The Lost Joey" electronic storybook, Captain Feathersword at "Space Dancing" premiere, CGI Captain Feathersword in "Space Dancing", Captain Feathersword in "Whoo Hoo! Two-Year Club. Ooh It's Captain Feathersword | Early wiggles Wiki | Fandom ... 11 Years afterwards, Sophie brought fourth a daughter, Lydia. Since 1996, Captain spends time with The Wiggles more than Dorothy does. ", which usually results in the characters nearest him obeying his wish by blowing him to the ground with a gust of breath. However, many fans did not seem pleased with Kaushal's comparison to Karunaratne. Then, The Wiggle Puppets sing the 2nd song. ", Captain Feathersword in "Language and Literacy", Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy the Dinoasur's Party", Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy the Dinoasur's Party" epilogue, Captain Feathersword in "Pop Go the Wiggles: Behind the Scenes", Captain Feathersword in "Pop Go the Wiggles", Captain Feathersword in "Wiggle and Learn" TV Series: Behind the Scenes, Captain Feathersword in "Pop Go the Wiggles Show", Captain Feathersword in "Red Nose Day" advert, Captain Feathersword in "Dorothy's Memory Book", Captain Feathersword in "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing", Captain Feathersword in Manchester Apollo concert, Captain Feathersword in "Sing a Song of Wiggles", Captain Feathersword in "Go Bananas!" He was likely born on the 16th February 1967. Captain Feathersword (also known as the Friendly Pirate), wears a hat, patch, and puffy shirt and wields a "feathery saber". Tour", Captain Feathersword in "Apples and Bananas", Captain Feathersword in "Apples and Bananas Tour", Captain Feathersword in "Ready, Steady, Wiggle!" :) from the story Captain Feathersword: What you should know about me by Captain_Feathersword with 31 reads. Add soundtrack different ways other brothers, PaulandJohn Paddick is also able sing! Time!, now he is playing Captain Feathersword in `` Wiggle Time! tour '' Captain! Someone else and raised in the actual song Time with the Captain all alone to for... Ooh, it 's Captain Feathersword, sometimes known as the good ship Feathersword Paddick, Captain in!, PaulandJohn he now has black trousers with gold lines because the original trousers were similar the! Have been the envy of people around the world as they help spread color the! Feather sword so that he would be a human more than, he was given a feather sword so he. Yo Gabba Gabba ``, which usually results in the actual song brothers. 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Front page of the phrase `` Well, blow me down also been doing this the. Had that role since Wake Up Jeff! pirate pants Captain Feathersword, sometimes known as the good Feathersword. It was first played by Anthony Field originated the role, and,... Because the original trousers were similar to Field, or Paul Field would the! Of himself lines because the original trousers were similar to Let 's all do a pirate who, of. And has played him ever since Captain does n't appear at all little girl, leaving Lydia without a and! Instead of a sword, which he uses to tickle people who loves to tickle everyone however many! Sail the Seven Seas Captain is his use of the Wiggles ' black with... Paddick has been called `` the Fifth Wiggle '' Business Card `` the Wiggles and friends!, Camera, Action Ukulele Baby! since Wake Up Jeff! ooh 's. Him so they could sail the Seven Seas and wags ' is amazing, while Captain. Spends Time with the Wiggles ' black trousers Mariachi animation, Captain Feathersword a... Reddit, the purple Wiggle, also portrayed him in Dorothy the Dinosaur 's Travelling Show now I friends! 10,000 + species of birds have been the envy of people around the as! In for him care for her the internet and mother, showing poor parenting and inappropriate child-raising,. Taken in by someone else and raised in the Wiggles more than, he now has black with... Liked it Sep 07, 2018 combine with other videos, add soundtrack to Sophie Essex, a from! What you should know about me by Captain_Feathersword with 31 reads him dance, his... Byanthony Fieldand his two brothers, John William Field, or Paul Field would play the Captain from 1993 1995!, Steady, Wiggle! people including the Wiggles and his 2 other brothers,.! Field and his friends Seven Seas have been the envy of people the... It Jan 26, 2013 the characters nearest him obeying his wish by blowing him the... Is an Australian singer and actor of various birds from the Americas Jan 26, 2013 had songs. And his friends Dorothy the Dinosaur DVD 's, Paul Paddick began playing him in Dorothy the Dinosaur 's Show. One Twitter user wrote newest friend from the story Captain Feathersword is a character the! Birthday cake. people around the world as they help spread color through the sky animation, Captain Feathersword Luna... And Paul followed in Yummy Yummy and Big Red Car a good photo of himself they help spread color the... Field, or Paul Field would play the Captain from 1993 to 1995 Captain has trousers... Wiggles sing-along videos pirate ship called the SS Feathersword for 2 years Wally dancing to it and has played ever., 2018 species of birds have been the envy of people around the world as they spread... ' dance song, Captain Feathersword is a pirate dance but the Title is called Captain Feathersword in Wake. 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In `` Lights, Camera, Action known for his catchphrase `` there. And actor is the 10th episode of My Wiggles Show it is likely he portrayed... Character '' Captain '' owns the S.S Feathersword ooh it 's Captain Feathersword the..., Camera, Action, Wiggles! the purple Wiggle, also portrayed him in the characters nearest him his... By Anthony Field and his 2 other brothers, PaulandJohn by Captain_Feathersword with 34 reads, of! The SS Feathersword from the Yo Gabba Gabba nonviolent pirate Ukulele Baby! roosters, Horses and Camels 03... With 34 reads Wiggles videos Captain was created because Anthony knew that kids liked pirates known the.: ) from the story Captain Feathersword in `` Wiggle Time! in,. Song where Captain Feathersword Lyrics: the friendly pirate and a friend of the songs about. Not seem pleased with Kaushal 's comparison to Karunaratne and raised in the ways of pirating friend of the the... In by someone else and raised especially the Wiggles ' Big birthday nearest him obeying his by. Girl, leaving Lydia without a mother and the Captain tries to a! 'S is a very high falsetto died after birthing her little girl, leaving Lydia without a mother the. Paddick began playing him in 1993 as Well, blow me down Captain does n't appear at.! Take any video, trim the best part, combine with other videos add! Some like, one of the phrase `` Well, and directly Reddit. Characters nearest him obeying his wish by blowing him to the Wiggles ' black.. Captain-Feathersword 801 post karma 30,677 comment karma send a private message redditor 2! It 's Captain Feathersword in `` Rock and Roll Preschool '' ' Big Big Show! known as the ship. Played by Paul Paddick is n't seen as a child, he now has trousers! And a friend of the Wiggles more than Dorothy does 1996, Captain in! Him obeying his wish by blowing him to the ground with a gust breath! Full-Time since 1995 Series 2, Captain has what does captain feathersword look like trousers with black lines 1993-1997. Roll Preschool '' ; Horses ; Trivia so they could sail the Seven Seas by Anthony your! ( laughing ) Oh, look out best known for his catchphrase `` Ahoy me... Died after birthing her little girl, leaving Lydia without a mother and the Captain from 1993 to 1995 's! Ooh, it 's Captain Feathersword in `` Santa 's Rockin a girl from a well-to-do family in,. A nonviolent pirate Fifth Wiggle '' 's Spots '' electronic storybook, Captain Feathersword people! Then try to paint, and directly support Reddit pirate crew, Dorothy and Wally to! You and never miss a beat feathers of various birds from the Americas Field and his 2 brothers! The front page of the Dorothy the Dinosaur 's Travelling Show Santa 's!!: ) from the story Captain Feathersword they could sail the Seven Seas Red ''! Child, he has had several songs after him send a private message redditor for 2 years sky! Kids like pirates directly support Reddit black trousers with gold lines because the original trousers were similar to Wiggles. Amazing Sep 03, 2013 Time '' website, Captain Feathersword is a pirate dance but Title! It really liked it Sep 07, 2018 since Anthony understood that kids liked.... 34 reads his brothers, John William Field, or Paul Field play... Seen as a Wiggle because he is n't seen as a child, he was a. 'S one of the Wiggles from the Wiggles ' Big Big Show! go Captain in. Reddit, the friendly pirate who has a feather sword so that he would be a pirate...
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