You mentioned that you were getting cross with her ~ could she be wanting attention (albeit negative)? Just change the soiled or wet clothing and don't discuss the accident. In this case, the cause of the wetting may be that the child is not drinking enough or is constipated. I know this sounds wrong, but I’m pretty sure it’s not “normal” for my 14-year-old to suddenly start peeing his bed for no good reason. we had a little one and they were dry and we got her to do a poo in the loo then because she got a tummey bug they went back to doing it in knickers it took a while to get back on track and i am glad to say she is dry clean and out of nappys at night. One of the first things I would advise you to do is to make sure she hasn't got a urinary tract infection so it would be an idea to bring her to the GP to have this checked out. What do you think Sally? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for no plastic bag of clothes when I pick her up later today! My two year old can sometimes say 'I need a wee' if … I tried sticking her on the loo loads but that didn't work. My three and a half year old daughter was fully trained and we had no accidents between September and December last year. Has anyone got any suggestions or support? We really need a holiday, but can't take enough clothes for a fortnight, we'd end up handwashing and then there is the airport and the plane journey. Then suddenly, she keeps wetting herself many times a day. Usually if the bed wetting starts suddenly it is because there is something happening in the teens life that has prompted it. Thanks for posting on netmums and sory to hear that your are having such a frustrating time with your LO's toilet training at the moment. Occasionally the regression could be caused constipation, an upset tummy or a urine infection so that would be worth taking that into consideration. This is unusual, she doesn't wet herself at home or when we are out and I don't have to remind her to go to the toilet, she tells me or her Dad when she needs it. A child who suddenly starts wetting pants after they have been trained might have a physical reason for doing so, such as a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or gastrointestinal issues, like constipation. I am desperate. The second k… Mum only happy for me. I'm not sure if this is the real reason or not as I have often have to really provoke her to get any info out of her. Many children who have daytime urine accidents have a parent or other relative who did, too. They were genuinely quite creepy, black and white images of sad lookin children behind perlescent film!I finally got this out of him after a week or so of accidents. Thanks for popping along to our drop in clinic. My 5 year old daughter is going through the same thing. Omg, I'm glad I'm not the only one pulling my hair out!!!!! About 40% of 3-year-olds wet the bed. My daughter was dry and then started going everywhere and anywhere. E verything seemed to be going fine until around the end of last month when he started … I'm glad you've had your little girl checked over and her urine has been tested, it's good that there is no infection. It's just strange as she has been at this nursery for 2 years and it's just suddenly started happening. My daughter was dry from 24-31 months, for the past yr months vary, one moment all will be fine, then we will have a rough time: often littl wees just wetting knickers but other times big wee's. Guest Posted on 07-03-2010 at 10.53PM . The twins are 5 months old and she just now started doing this a month ago. After a couple of days of the staff reminding him to go to the toilet he was back to normal. if that is clear go back to basics and start again keep asking if she wants the loo and keep taking her. We limited his drinking before bed time and even made sure he went … You could also try reading some of the great books about potty training, you should be able to get a copy from your local library or children's centre. She loved nursery and is perfectly comfortable using the toilets there, don't know what's the matter? Sometimes there is something physical or psychological going on, perhaps some kind of trauma. My 3 year old has been potty trained now for about a year since she has been 3. Hi My daughter is almost 3 years old. However, she then started peeing and pooing on herself at night to get us to come and clean her up. my problem is sorted, a very in the know health visitor who i cross paths with at work. Try and ignore (as much as possible) any accidents, limit eye contact and conversation. My daughter was dry and then started going everywhere and anywhere. Although she was in a different (usual) room. Irene, Hello Jude My three and a half year old daughter was fully trained and we had no accidents between September and December last year. Let us know your thoughts Sally, we are here to help :hug: Hello My DD was fine with her brother while he was a baby, but from when he started walking and babbling suddenly started to compete for attention in similar ways to your DD, including wetting. My son had a phobia of black toilet seats for about 6 months. You have replied to a very old thread, so I am not so sure what response you will get :hug: Bed-wetting is very common. Hi, any advice my seven year old little girl is still wetting the bed at night, this is not a problem as her sister did this until she as about 71/2. She still has accidents numerous times a day and both myself and my husband are at our wits end. Most of the time the causes are ‘functional’, which means the bladder has formed properly and ought to work. She just started Kindergarten last week. Hopefully it's nothing serious and she is over it now. Have a look on Netmums info on toulet training: Potty Training - Netmums . Diurnal enuresis is when a child who should be potty-trained has wetting accidents during the day. Experts don't fully understand why one child continues to wet the bed and another doesn't. Thank youand hope this helps others, Urinary tract infections in children - NHS Choices, 3 year old has started wetting herself again. I think my poor dog keeps wetting herself Recently, where she sits down theres a wet patch, then she starts licking 'down there' and has a wet tail and back legs. I've tried allsorts, from positive encouragement to shouting (not happy with myself about that, but it really gets me down sometimes), sticker charts and rewards. About 2 months after the diapers were gone, he would sometimes tinkle a very little bit in his underpants and announce that he was wet. Thats good then. I HAVE a five-year-old son who just started going to school last September. To overcome these possibilities, toilet training and any sucesses that she may have has to become an enjoyable experience for her - lots of praise when she has a success and don't show any disapproval when she has an accident. At home she always does it in her pants. How many people does one standard garlic baguette serve in your house? Often with toilet training regression if you go back to really basic potty training tips you should be able to get things back on track again soon. Hi Doc My Goddaughter turned 3 years old in June and although toilet-trained, has now started urinating in her panties instead of … getting fed up (and cross with her), I've had enough!!! But about 3 days ago she has started to wet herself once or twice in the day. The sheer amount of washing, ironing and clothes we have is ridiculous. HELP My 7 year old son keeps touching himself. At first I thought it was just her being occupied with something else, but now she is doing it more frequently. Our dd was fine at home but had constant accidents at preschool. She never wet again !!!! My ds weed his pants twice at nursery, and I got asjed if he was toilet trained even though he had been there for well over a month and never had a problem befor! She has been completely potty trained with hardly any accidents (maybe 1 or 2 a month) for the last 6 months. Here are some of the factors that might lead to a potty trained child wetting pants: 1. The first is called primary enuresis and this is a condition in which bed wetting has been ongoing since birth. My daughter has been out of nappies for over a year, still occasional accidents but rarely. You sound really fed up and mention that you've had enough and I can understand how frustrated you are :sadhug I find bedtime to be a great wee window for finding out what's going on in his head!Best of luck, it's hard seeing that tell-tale carrier bag hanging on the peg! my 5 year old yorkie has suddenly started wetting herself no matter where it is at. Has anything about the loos changed recently? The commonest cause is an infection. About 3 weeks ago she started wetting her pants multiple times a day. Well she had Thursday and Friday all day with no accidents, hoorah. Why does my "dry" 3 year old wet herself? My 5 year old wees 12-20!! We have had her potty trained since this summer, there haven't been any changes in our life. Have done sticker charts, rewarding with money, high fives and sheer delight and praise when she is dry!! To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. Best wishes. Statistics say this happens in about 3 to 4 percent of children, particularly school-aged girls, and we see a lot of cases of this at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Omg, I'm glad I'm not the only one pulling my hair out!!!!! Eventually we discovered she was getting to the loo in time but just not able to get herself onto the loo quick enough in the right position so ended up thinking she was on the loo but actually weeing on her trousers. My daughter is 3, she has been toilet trained for a year now, and dry at night for more than 6 months. Thanku. i would just pop a long to doctors to make sure she has no infection. if she's a nursery, or out and about, she'll go to the toilet, or wait until we get there. She can control it fine I think she is honestly just being awkward. As I soon found out he was simply getting too wrapped uo in the activities and thinking that he would be ok to leave it a little bit longer! I thought it might be an attention seeking thing, so I told her I would put her back in nappies and make her go to nursery in them where all the children would laugh at her. Hi. She's been potty trained for almost a year and previously hadn't had a night accident in at least 6 months. same age as yours. next time she pees her pants placed her in time out and next time she pees her pants she gets a spanking. About 5 million kids in the United States wet their bed, including 20 percent of 5-year-olds, 10 percent of 7-year-olds, and 5 percent of 10-year-olds, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. My son has been out of diapers for 1 year and 2 months. Read what Mumsnetters thought of Cicaplast B5 repairing balm, Share your tips for keeping your children’s skin comfortable through the winter months, 3 year-old wetting herself ONLY at nursery, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. If all is well then there is nothing else for it but to get back to basics and start over again. Hi Ladies, I am looking for some advice with regards to my 3.5 year old son, he has been potty trained for nearly a year now and dry at night for almost 6 months. Good luck and please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. Anyways not to scare you but my 6 yr old boy, was having issues with wetting the bed also. It can be difficult to get to the root cause of daytime wetting in children. I've been having issues lately with my 3 year old daughter going to the bathroom in her pants. Children with daytime wetting feel the urge at the last minute and may suddenly show holding postures or may 'curtsey' using their heel to stop the flow of wee. By not mentioning the accidents and not giving her the attention when it comes to accidents, you may find that they will diminish. The really irritating thing is that she's usually OK when we go out, so why can't she do it at home, her Grandmas or pre-school? Or sometimes it can be triggered by a new experience like a new baby, moving house or starting school. Have done sticker charts, rewarding with money, high fives and sheer delight and praise when she is dry!! I think 4 or 5 times over the last couple of weeks. pau42fes. Irritable bladder; give little one LOADS to drink. My daughter is 3, she has been toilet trained for a year now, and dry at night for more than 6 months. Its driving me crazy with all the extra laundry. My two year old, if she has an accident will have a big accident. A syndrome called hormone-responsive urinary incontinence is a common cause of a dog peeing on the bed — at least in middle-aged, spayed female dogs. Hi, I wondered if anyone had any advice or experience of this. Bedwetting can be worrying and frustrating, but it's common for children to accidentally wet the bed during the night. She said she doesn't like the toilet in that room because it's got a black toilet seat. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. when they only drink a little, the fluid in their bladder vibrates and irritates resulting in them going every few mins to get rid of irritation!!! Daytime wetting is generally: She never wet again !!!! i just wondered . Let's find out more about it here. The important thing to remember is that bed-wetting … could you ask health visitor audrey, I am having the same issue my 3 half year old keeps weeing a bit before going to the toilet and also weeing altogether in his pants. OMG, I feel really strict, you have way more patience than me. They're 3.5 and 2 now and DD's behaviour has been getting better recently. 3 year old has started wetting herself again . We then started putting a change of clothes and baby wipes on her dresser every night and told her that if she pees or poos on herself, she needs to clean herself and change her clothes. Karen C:hug::hug: OMG, I feel really strict, you have way more patience than me. I've tried allsorts, from positive encouragement to shouting (not happy with myself about that, but it really gets me down sometimes), sticker charts and rewards. This is the most common reason for daytime wetting. My 5 year old has lots of small accidents on the way to the toilet usually because the urge seems too quick. At least on the positive side you know she was trained before and she still has dry times so it will happen again. If a child starts to wet him or herself during the day only when previously they were dry you must find out if there is any problem with the bladder. My 4 month old keeps screaming like he is in pain. There are two specific classifications of bed wetting. 5 times in 40 mins this evening and she has had so little to drink today I dont know where it comes from!! We did take her to the vets no diabetis or such and they gave me meds that do'n't see to work. You have joined an old thread and the original poster may not return or may not have subscribed, I thought I'd pop along this morning. He seems miserable in himself so will get him checked at the docs but if everything is ok not sure how to deal with this as he doesn't seem bothered that he is wet? At this age getting ditracted and leaving it too late to get to the toilet is very common because they are having too much fun playing. Recently she has started wetting herself at nursery. He started nursery in September this year and was telling his teacher when he needed to go to the toilet but over the past month he has been wetting himself 2-3 time in the afternoon when he is at nursery and … What I mean is, there’s no crazy new stress going on at home: There’s no divorce or recent deaths or anything like that. He is the third of 3 boys and was potty trained quite quickly last summer with minimal accidents and no tears at the age of 2 and 8 months. I would start a star reward chart again as this generlaly helps at this age but will also be a record of dry days for your benefit. My daughter was dry from 24-31 months, for the past yr months vary, one moment all will be fine, then we will have a rough time: often littl wees just wetting knickers but other times big wee's. I've tried reward charts this hasnt worked Ive tried a present for every day she is fully dry this hasnt worked. My husband and i have recently had twins so could that be her reasoning? She has ruined several pairs of shoes now.They don't seem to be overly concerned but it concerns us as she doesn't do it at home. and if she pees lower back provide her a small spanking. Jen Hi what did you end up doing my daughter was trained at 2 and was dry day and night for about 2/3 months then since June 2019 she has just been constantly wetting, I've tried everyrhing rewards charts,punishment ignoring it, I'm mentally and physically drained by it now it's been over a year of accidents, she's starting school in September and I honestly don't know weather to … If the results come back all clear, then it may be worth reminding your LO to use the toilet more often and anticipate when they need to go so he doesn't leave it too late! :( My 5 year old still wets herself daily, initially when she trained she did really well but now it's like she simply can't be bothered to go. Some times really strong smelling but urine test have been clear. To overcome this you need to call her in to put her on the potty/toilet on a regualr basis - 2 hourly or more frequent if you find that she is having accidents more frequently- its a good idea if you are going to make a renewed effort with this to do it over the weekend or take a week off work to concentrate on it. Hopefully she keeps dry now and it was just a bit of a phase. Any suggestions will be grateful, I need help!!! When they get to the toilet, the outlet valve may not relax fully. Me and DSis pregnant. She has been wetting the bed several nights a week for the last month. Obviously we have talked with the nursery who normally say she did ask to go but it was too late by the time they got there. I thought it might be an attention seeking thing, so I told her I would put her back in nappies and make her go to nursery in them where all the children would laugh at her. Try not to get cross with her, try to limit any feelings/emotions you have ~ try not to show them. DS went through this too, and it turned out he was scared by a display of 'magic mirror' pictures done by the morning class and he didn't lik walking past them to go to the loo! Not sure if she is just distracted, whether she doesn't like the toilet at nursery or something else. I know it's not helpful to scream at her but I'm really getting annoyed and not sure how to deal with this. you're able to desire to tell her it rather is no longer okay to pee her pants. I've tried allsorts, from positive encouragement to shouting (not happy with myself about that, but it really gets me down sometimes), sticker charts and rewards. She has been potty trained from 2 years old and we have never had any problems with her. She usually stays dry at school (peed one time at school), but urinates on herself at home. Thanks for asking fattymcfatfat! Thanks everyone. The nursery are being lovely about it and also trying to figure out if there is something about the toilet she doesn't like. I too am a mother of a 6 yr old infact 6 year old twins I also have 2 older children. Prime Minister to make an announcement tonight at 5 p.m. To tell them to find their own way to the airport in a foreign country. Encourage her to help with cleaning up for example putting her wet clothes into the washing machine and finding clean underwear. I dont want to put her back in diapers because we are afraid she will think its okay to pee in … I tried sticking her on the loo loads but that didn't work. Lots to drink means a fuller bladder, less irritation and less need to go to the toilet!!! 3-Year old wetting herself. We are not there so we don't see whether they take her straight away or not, which we tend to do at home as she does leave it until the last minute. This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 10 messages.). My daughter who'se 3 1/2, and dry in the day for over 12 months, wets herself when we are at home. Physical Factors. 5 times in 40 mins this evening and she has had so little to drink today I dont know where it comes from!! Hi Sally :hiya: I think 4 or 5 times over the last couple of weeks. 'Dysfunctional' means it doesn't function well. She is now going little and very often. Recently she has started wetting herself at nursery. Think she is fully dry this hasnt worked Ive tried a present for every day she is over now. Thanks for popping along to our drop in clinic accidents on the bed infection... We get there my 4 month old keeps crying but nothing appears wrong... 4 year old has started herself! Is fully dry this hasnt worked Ive tried a present for every day she is just distracted whether. Here are some of the staff reminding him to go to the toilet, the cause of the that... Times in 40 mins this evening and she why has my 3 year old started wetting herself started wetting herself again: hiya: Thanks for popping to. 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