what do you guys think it is.. my fianc tries holding my belly at night when we sleep and i end up pushing his hands off bcus it feels too uncomfortable and too much weight on my belly and i am bloated.. so do you guys think im pregnant or im just psyching myself out.. we both will feel a little upset if we arent and of course try again next month but can i get some suggestionS? Please let me know if you have any more questions! (Today is now one week and four days since the day we had sex), During my ovulation in January this yearmy boyfriend and i we had sex.without Cd of coursetill now my period had not come.i have done 3 home pregnancy test but all negative.im so confusedall pregnancy symptoms were there but still negative results..please helpim getting stressed out. Every time we have sex we ALWAYS go to the bathroom and "wash off" as we call it. Cramping these will feel just like pre-menstrual cramps and might be a proof of implantation. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! You should eat a diet rich in fiber, but dont overdo it too fast. , im nervous . One factor to consider is the fact that many of the earliest signs of pregnancy (i.e., sore breasts, bloating, cramping) are the same symptoms you might have right before your period. "Pregnancy Symptoms Early Signs Of Pregnancy." I'm supposed to start my period on the 25th, if I do start does this mean I'm not pregnant? Youre not alone. im havin a lot of discharge with a weird smell . Of course, I have taken several test out of hope for a positive over the time. i been having pain below my belly button nd above my vagina nd i feel like im goin to throw up all day long nd i have been eating a lot more nd using the bathroom a lot more my back been hurting me nd i been sleeping a lot more..so could i be pregnant? The rise in temperature is so small that you wont be able to notice it without using a basal body temperature thermometer. In general, the kinds of pain youll experience in your belly or lower abdomen in early pregnancy are related to: Below I talk a little more about nausea, which is common in early pregnancy (usually starting four weeks after conception). This is caused by progesterone, which is secreted by the ovary after ovulation. I don't want to be let down again.. Ugh. I was on the depo shot for about four shots and you get one shot every 3 months. Me and boyfriend of course had unprotected sex, (FOR EVERYONE WHO IS READING THIS POST IF YOU DON'T WANT PREGNANCY SCARES PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION) But any ways, We had sexual intercourse exactly 2 weeks ago, My period is due 0ct,16 and I'm doing my best not to stress at all. Hi, my last period was on 24th march then I missed my period until yesterday (13th may) when it started bleeding yesterday. At night, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees will take stress off your back. The body has started to produce the hormone progesterone, which helps slow down digestion and allows nutrients from foods you eat more time to enter your bloodstream and reach your baby. How does a pregnant belly feel? I really don't have any of the symtoms any one has said beside kind of sleeping but I sometimes like to sleep i'm not really sleeping more or less then I normally do.. Also I'm not really hungry lately. Increased urination. Please help. I'm scared to tell my parents and I'm scared a doctor will say I am :( Someone please tell me if you have the same problems!! Faintness and dizziness. lately ive been bloated, lower abdominal pain, having headaches that wont go away, higher temp, lower back aches, and my nipples are sensative . I find it odd that I don't want to eat foods I regularly like. You can manage morning sickness by eating small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. The rise in body temp is nearly universal. Dizziness can start as early as one or two weeks after conception and is usually worse in the first trimester.7. SO AGAIN HOME TEST ARE NOT TO ACCURATE A WELL.. GO TO THE DOCTOR AND GET TESTED..HAVE THEM DO A QUANTITIVE BLOOD TEST WHICH TELLSHOW MUCH HCG IS IN YOUR SYSTEM.. A REGULAS TEST MIGHT COME BACK NEGATIVE AND BE FALSE..TALKING FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE..PCOS CAN BE A TRICKY THING. Some women may notice symptoms as early as 5 DPO, although they won't know for certain that they are pregnant until much later. So if you have a period that is early and much lighter than normal (sometimes implantation bleeding is described as just a few drops of blood), you could still be pregnant. Try eating six small meals a day instead of three large meals, which will help keep things moving through. now she even told me that it didn't really work on men,, yet when she did this to both me and my bf it was exactly the same.. she also said if she did it over my stomach she could find out if i am. I have been having period cramps for about 3 days due to my upcoming period. she did and it started spinning almost instantly.. soooo she thinks im pregnant. Pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy symptoms may begin in some people as early as a week after implantation. just wondered if anyone could help me.,, the first day of my last period was the 23rd of august. my tummy in the morning is flat and then by 6 or 7 it starts to get uncomfortable for my jean button to button up. will she be pregnant,,,?? Try to get plenty of sleep and communicate your needs to your social network and your partner. I had my lil freakout and we talked about the possible outcome.. well I didnt get my period in sept. sep 6th i took a $1 store test it came up negative.. A couple weeks later i had very light bleeding that didn't even last 2 days when normally im super heavy and dark lasting about a full week.. i think its still too early to tell. Be sure to test first thing in the morning, when your urine and the hormone that the test is measuring (hCG) are most concentrated. Pregnancy causes your blood vessels to dilate and your blood pressure to drop, which could result in some unexpected swooning. I have to go to the bathroom frequently, I feel nauseated every night and some mornings for the past few days. My cycles are never regular. I have an appointment tomorrow at our local pregnancy crisis center. Though some say you can take them up for five days before your missed period, the earlier you test, the more likely you are to get a false negative. Im only like 96 pounds so im wandering if the symptoms are kicking in earlier due to my size. If you quit your coffee habit to prepare for pregnancy, withdrawal can also cause headaches.4. and my boobs look a lot more full, even my sister has noticed that they look bigger. Chances are youll experience some changes in this area, though they vary significantly from woman to woman. I would suggest that you go to the doctor.. Or a clinic to find out for sure.. i should go too but Im scared. Hot or cold compresses could also help, as well as other stress-reduction techniques like acupuncture, massage, or hypnosis. It's only been one night since our last intercourse but I'm afraid I might be pregnate. I have a really bad headache and I have to pee again.. TTYL Good Luck all of you.. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. If your back is aching and your period hasn't arrived, you just might be pregnant! Pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy symptoms may begin in some people as early as a week after implantation. If your period came on the 14 of this month and had sex on the 15 and the 16 my period went off and today i used the pre-seed then i started bleeding again today what do i do or what do that mean, So.Feeling so confused. You might think you're experiencing ordinary PMS symptoms if your breasts are sore or swollen; however, it's also a relatively common early pregnancy symptom. This is one of the most common symptoms of being pregnant, and coincidentally, also one of the most common symptoms of being a parent! If youre in a place where you cant lie down, sit and put your head between your knees. I was coping with severe nausea and morning sickness since the week 4 of my pregnancy and nothing was going to help easing my sickness. Waiting can be difficult, but you can usually take a test three to four days before a missed period though youre more likely to get a false negative if you test too soon. Some might have a bit of spotting and other pregnancy symptoms (fatigue, breast tenderness, heightened sense of smell.). Was really disturbed with that as was hoping that I was pregnant as was having symptoms like increased hunger,frequent urination and dizziness. Many women experience dizziness during their pregnancy. I did take a test on yesterday Oct 17 it had a very faint positive. This includes the enlargement of the breasts, which may lead to the sensation of itchiness in some cases. Nausea is often experienced in early pregnancy and is sometimes accompanied by aversions to smell or taste. You can even find them sometimes at the dollar stores! Someone please help me thank you so much. Almost every woman experiences some digestive issues during their pregnancy, though not everyone experiences it in the first few weeks. Keep in mind: Many women do not have any feelings during early pregnancy until they are at least five weeks pregnant. Tracking BBT, however, is a little difficult and is not fool-proof. @MOLLY..MY PREGNANCY WAS A MISCARRIAGE AT 2 MONTHS. A distinguishing point from regular PMS tenderness is the darkening of the areola (as early as one or two weeks after conception, but especially around the fourth week), and you might start seeing blue veins in your breasts as well. Ugh I'm sooo confused!!! Feeling hardness in your belly or pain in your stomach thats not related to queasiness or light cramping, however, is not a documented sign of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Feb 28, 2023 at 8:09 AM. i haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy, but i've had this freakish thing happen, when im smoking a cigarette it started to hurt my stomach and i started throwing up.. and evetytime me and my boyfriend have sex after we are done my stomach hurts so bad, it makes me cry. Tender or swollen breasts. Home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate when you follow the instructions. Cycle 34 days according to my chart. Did an early pregnancy test 4 days ago but came back negative. It can be annoying to have to go to the bathroom so much, but dont let this keep you from staying hydrated. 2014, Headaches, Increased Urination, and Cramps, 2 weeks after conception (or whenever you were supposed to get your period). While many women have a lower backache right before their period starts, this can also indicate pregnancy. later, im laughing nd having fun. Calendar shows im supposed start period on 12/7 which is in 3 days. The first trimester can be full of many unpleasant digestive-system-related issues, like tons of gas, bloating, and yes, constipation. These are inexpensive and widely available. My breasts are tender and my jeans are getting really tight around the waist and my appetite changed to. im also verymoody, and crying a lot. My right nipple has been sore since yesterday morning and of course while we were having sex and now but I don't know if that's cause I might be pregnate or because my boyfriend always play rough with my boobs. I cant wait for my period days to come so i can actually understant if this is pms or pregnancy. Even if i stay awake all day i still cant sleep at night . lately i have been more than usual stressed but it doesn't normally throw off my period.. iv been very fatigue and have had headaches that wont go away and i never get headaches.. also when i urinate it always seems to burn or just feel uncomfortable rght after but not for a long period of time so i know i don't have an infection at all. Am I imagining that I am pregnant again or could I actually be?