It's being positioned as a change to the law to help fight homelessness. JJ looks like he's had skin grafts and Joe looks like Bela Lugosi's offspring. It sounds kind of awful but. intriguing (especially with that Taltz connection)! [R400]: Is that who that is, anyway, she's too busy in that commercial. As if his sneeze would spray across 20-30 feet? The "ink-master"with no tattoos tells me that this drug makes you hallucinate hopefully it comes with visuals as well , I wish her the best of luck . I have always loathed this ugly frog looking mf'er and his voice makes me cringe. I thought he was supposed to me a rip-off of Little Richard. Yeah, I understand the anti-google sentiment, but the first time I saw the commercial was enough. Approved uses also being limited to certain patients, 12/2021 Update: The issues described below have been addressed in product labeling. The woman says her ". "And I swear". Sunday 11:00am - 5:00pm, 1. Sadly, though, relatively few prescription drug ads actually tell viewers how likely they are to get meaningful benefit. ", R484 I guess online sports betting must have passed in my state earlier this year because suddenly there were incessant commercials for different betting companies. They must be making boatloads of cash to have all those ads out there. How has nobody mentioned the ad for the AquaCare shower head with the dumb cunt taking a shower with her face mask on?? Two other JAK inhibitors, Jakafi (ruxolitinib) and Inrebic (fedratinib), are not indicated for the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions and so are not a part of the updates being required to the prescribing information for Xeljanz, Xeljanz XR, Olumiant, and Rinvoq. ( to whoever is responsible). "I got my hair on my head"? They are STILL running the one where some pimp gets his white gf to sell her car to "we buy any car", bitches that It's going to take all day, then starts fantasizing about his "big plans", which include brunch, a bubble bath and a nice pedicure, while a bluesy sax wails in the distance. upper respiratory tract infections, such as tonsillitis and the common cold. * Limu can watch, I guess. Don;t know which Prevagen commercial is the most grating. R186 I noticed that Batiste was missing from a couple recent Colbert shows that I caught. They make you turn your heads, stop what you're doing, and pay attention - everything you want from a good TV commercial. It's geared to people who haven't seen a doctor in years, as if talking to a doctor over a screen, after years of neglecting your health, will help with any serious medical issues. A current commercial in California features the improbably named Patti Poppe (pronounced like the opium flower). National commercial coverage as of April 2020. Also inform your health care professionals if you experience signs and symptoms such as: Swelling of lymph nodes in your neck, armpits or groin. Your God-given right to save money is under attack! She looks like Caitlyn Jenner now. ".and "Neeeow" and all of his stupid paraphernalia (sp) from his glory days on Good Times, in the background. JFC, why is there a guy fucking a chalk turtle in the Jardiance commercial?? But the tone of voice doesn't suggest your interpretation and I find it creepy. The one with Jimmy Walker yelling at the screenD-Y-N-O-M-I-T-EI swear I just switch channel everytime he comes onand he comes on quite oftenare people who work in those ad agencies retarded and are their clients even more so ? Pumpkin spice fraus? Um, if you're on your morning walk, and have a 4 PM appointment, you have all fucking day! We can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution. Whats up with that citi commercial with the AOC look alike doing the conga up the escalator LOL. See Prescribing Info, including BOXED WARNING \u0026 Medication Guide, at to take on UC? 151 2 minutes read. What they may not realize, however, is how much the American public dislikes these ads. Most of the filming for this controversial satire took place on Kauai as wellnope, it wasnt actually Vietnamwhere Ben Stiller, who plays the protagonist, also has a home. They've obviously coached him to gesticulate even MORE with his ugly-looking, knotty hands, and to screech even MORE beseechingly to look up your damned zipcode or some other nonsense. "He had a hot ass, ma'am, but it couldn't last forever. The absolute risk reduction after several years on Lipitor was 1%. You should review our rates under "Shipping" -> "U.S." Bitch, you aren't fooling anyone. The Progressive Dr. Rick and his misfits "going to the movies" spot in cringe-worthy, especially when he tells the woman two seats away not to applaud at the end of the film because "no one who made the movie is here". Its still one of my favorite days. Perhaps he's a part-time father? George is smart and keeps sending Willoughby running off in the wrong direction, which Willoughby keeps falling for, to the extent of finally running off a cliff. More like Hamm on rye. Almost half of this spending was for three therapeutic categories of drugs that treat chronic medical conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, and depression. I can't believe it took over 200 replies before someone mentioned Lume. There's also new ad which is equally stupid. I know it was posted in a couple of commercial threads but I finally (unfortunately) saw the "I'm a woman who POOPS!" Along with the Barbie Doll, Lunchables and Froot Loops ads. They also must present a fair balance between effectiveness and risk information. Autism/ADHD much? [quote]What? It sounds like some kind of exhibitionist fetish, which is troubling in a nine year-old. BK thinks for a minute and then says, "Wait. It is important to know that people respond differently to all medicines depending on their health, other medicines they are taking, the diseases they have, genetic factors, and many other factors. The snot bubble Kleenex commercial now seems to be shown every few minutes on pretty much every TV channel, except premium cable, of course. I cant get enough of them. I recognized him because I know my 12yo self had a huge crush on him on China Beach. Sarah then tells Lilly that she is glad she likes it. The Boxed Warning is the FDAs way of saying watch out (National Library of Medicine, Sept. 19, 2021): Boxed warnings (formerly known as Black Box Warnings) are the highest safety-related warning that medications can have assigned by the Food and Drug Administration. SPEAK UP!!! The Sad. I don't even know what it's for, just that the little whiny cunt needs a hard slap across the punim. [quote]Get your docs in a row! The Rexulti commercial. Also, the Chevy Volt commercial where the pregnant woman is having the charger installed in her garage by another woman and you're led to believe they're talking about how easy it is to have a baby, but instead they're discussing charging the car. Probably due to complaints from R223 and others. In addition to the specific disclosure requirements, advertisements cannot be false or misleading or omit material facts. It works by inhibiting Janus kinase activity, which leads to decreased activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), and subsequent tumor cell growth inhibition. Guess it's never too soon to get kids thinking about Medicare. We left early so I took the long way to the vet and we had a nice car ride. If I see that gyno ugly bitch hocking her pussy and asshole deodorant one more time Im going off the rails. You healthcare is between you and your doctors. Both guys are hot but especially the bearded guy. The ad then cuts to Sarah and Lilly watching the Rinvoq commercial together. "Butt suds." Haven't read all the replies so forgive me if this has been mentioned but what about that awful fast food chicken place where the little girl is dismayed that her daddy has "fisted" her brother? She was absolutely the last person that I thought would sell out like that. Those non-stop Serena Williams Ubrelvy commercials give ME a migraine! The formula that drug companies have come up with to distract people from the part of the commercial that talks about nasty side effects. Some people have even called it a "game changer" in the world of cancer treatment. Who the fuck asked YOU why you are here? Probably already mentioned but it's been playing a LOT recently. I reached out to the company and received no response.. Answer 1 of 2: I just saw the Viva Viagra commercial that filmed in Sedona this afternoon on MS-NBC - I know that Red Roxx had alluded to it earlier but I don't think I ever noticed the commercial before. Sarah says that she will try to find one. European countries do not allow prescription drug commercials to be aired.. This ad is so grating, especially the line [bold]"if it hurts when you pee"! Not meee!, while a million pedophile and pederast hearts n palms begin a thumpin. Come to think of it, it actually does add up with them being the righteous, goodie two shoes, religious nuts that they are. Recommendations for health care professionals will include consideration of the benefits and risks for the individual patient prior to initiating or continuing therapy. As a result, we cannot determine how likely it is that someone will experience these side effects when taking Xeljanz/Xeljanz XR, Olumiant, or Rinvoq. Jesus Christ, mesothelioma channels, how about rotating your scam ads a bit more. Im also a cheap bastard and hate them on my Roku. I have a longtime female friend of Peruvian descent, the person in the Kleenex ad resembles her brother. 3. I guess its a feminine hygiene product ad and is designed to be outrageous, but its just stupid. Those Medicare Helpline ads have NOTHING to do with Medicare. The narrator has a very annoying lisp. What? I realize not all of these are new, but they've all aired during this time period. ActorsActress in Kim Crawford Wines Marketplace Song by LOLO Advert 2020. . . (he was on the Letterman show a lot), His apartment was a hovel - and he said if you don't clean for 3 years, it plateaus and never gets worse - but you have to stay the course and never give in and start cleaning! The drive time shield or whatever where the dude talks about his failed plans of a bubble bath and pedicure for the afternoon. Or flagstones. I worked for a major pharmaceutical company for 27 years in the research and development area. R507 those have finally worn out their welcome. Now that's a truly awful 'song'! Drug manufacturers spent $17.8 billion on direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) for 553 drugs from 2016 through 2018, and spending was relatively stable at about $6 billion each year. A series of four spots Slow Turkey, Camping, AC . Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. The dialogue is really stupid. No, bitch, you're in the middle of nowhere. Soown up. These medicines are part of a class called Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors and are used to treat certain serious, chronic, and progressive inflammatory conditions. Ridiculous! OMG that fucking Tovala one with the jiggly goofball lady yes. He has to start lining the coffers now, R23: divorce and child support can be extremely draining on the purse strings (and balls). We will be seeing this moron day in and day out, now. The father makes a horrified face as his small son wipes the snot on his t-shirt. Watch the commercial, share it with friends, then discover more great RINVOQ (Arthritis) TV commercials on The first 2-3 were funny. I've been praying for her demise. R86, I don't hear a British accent from the St. Bernard in the Chewy ad. A higher rate of lung cancers was observed in current or past smokers treated with Xeljanz compared to those treated with TNF blockers. R202 And now the minions are used in other commercialseither Denny's or Wendy's. I just dislike this commercial because its shown too often and makes me uncomfortable. I feel like we're losing them. Stop taking Rinvoq and seek emergency medical attention if you have: So depressing, this way if it makes you contemplate suicide you have plenty of time to make up your mind. Any infomercials using hasbeen or B & C list celebrities promoting skin care products and such. so true. You havent seen a commercial for 35 years. It actually has nothing to do with's a proposition which if passed would allow online gambling. I like watching Decades occasionally, but the repeated Camp Lejeune lawsuit ad is hard to take. [quote]The Uqora commercial where the bitch proudly shares that she had 8 UTIs in one year. One of them is for a product called "Fruits & Vegetables" -- stupid supplements containing (you guessed it) fruits and vegetables, with the worst caliber of whiny, bogus "testimonials" delivered with awful faux sincerity by people who are supposed to be "everyday folk." Because of these commercials when Im watching Xvids or any xxx sites on my iPad I make sure to have the remote as near by as possible. Edpuzzle Plus Extension, What have you created lately? Who is the actor in the invisalign commercial? Especially with their competitors at St. Jude hogging up the majority of commercial segments with them going well into the 5 minute mark nowadays. But spin it in the direction you want to get your point across. LSW scouted the homes of unsuspecting Arizona Cardinals season ticket holders without their knowledge, using details provided by the Arizona Cardinals Marketing Department. -Any bingo/slots commercial -The Medusa commercial. Not sick and tired of it, but shocked an Agency didnt consider the bad optics: The ad for a hybrid car where a man gives his daughter a gas card for Christmas. He looks like a corpse. What else you know him from Winters has played Mayhem since 2010 but before that, he co-starred in HBO's "Oz" and appeared regularly on popular shows like "30 Rock" and "Law & Order: Special . Advantage plans are only for the ultra poor who never leave town. If hes over 75 lbs Id be shocked. The gigantic waves where Bodhi finally vanishes were actually Waimea Bay. An anti-perspirant commercial. A while means for quite a long time. The creator of Lume never said that in that ad, she simply compared taking a shower and not using Lume, compared to taking a shower AND using Lume. I was watching Hulu today and saw two Progressive ads with Flo and Jon Hamm. The Camp Lejeune lawsuit ads flooding the airwaves are doing a brave public service and are not in the least bit annoying. This condition often causes redness, itching or rash. I used to like Molly Shannon. This is the most important information to know about RINVOQ. That's also Nina Simone singing on that One A Day vitamin commercial. Pass me a large bucket. Tastemaker . How do I report side effects from Xeljanz, Olumiant, or Rinvoq? The actor playing the father is definitely over reacting to what he sees his small son doing, as if kids don't do such stupid things?! I wouldnt take any of them. Another vote against the obnoxious Karen cunt in the J C Penney ads. You like having a fucking health insurance company saying what doctors you can see, the drugs they will subsidize, and the types of care you can have? I hot my hands on my head?" To be fair, as an enthusiastic forever-mom of three fur nuggets, this role wasn't a stretch. the one where the bitch opens the door to her car to find a toilet instead of her car seat. Thank you for the grammar lesson, r249. The latest CarShield commercial that sounds like a Republican political ad. Average Americans could totally relate to that. However, even those who are critical of Rinvoq seem to think that it holds a lot of promise and could potentially be a breakthrough drug in the fight against cancer. for no apparent reason. She gets notified that her service tech will be at her house between 4:00 and 4:30 pm, then tells her friends, "I have a few more minutes!" Maybe one day I can find the gumption to do it, in honor of dear old Quentin). I hardly ever see commercials? [quote]Im only here because this pathetic frau thread keeps getting bumped by MAGAt fraus or log cabinettes (exclamation point). Like a few bags of barely warm burgers and limp fries are the solution to any celebration. She then gets a phone call from Lilly, who is at school. A former rentboy (in London) who said he was looking for love but all he got was abuse. "Now that we're up, who wants French Toast"? Stockholm, Sweden. The new Old Navy commercial with the supposed "internet influencer" shouting "I'm in an Old Navy commercial". It's dumb either way if you know anything about mythology, but without it, it's really awful and anti-male. So restful. Current or past smokers are at higher risk for lymphoma and lung cancer. It should be noted that I am also a poster on the "Signs You're Getting Old" thread. Some commercial for womens's mental health supplements over the internet. What other subliminal messages are being conveyed through commercials? But he was a big star. back to you. It began early in the morning and continued into the night. WTF is up with that daytime ad running on MSNBC for the weird witch-doctor/psychic promising to reunite loved ones? The more I see that commercial, R101, the more I think the actress is not very skilled (overacting) and that it is the husband who supposed to be infirm. R325 Yes, that snot bubble commercial is disgusting. R84, one comma in the quote and one after it -- two different speakers. When she opens her car door, instead of the drivers seat, there's a toilet. That means in a large clinical study, 3 percent of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo had a heart attack compared to 2 percent of patients taking Lipitor.. There's something wrong with her eyes and she's trying to sell pills. [quote]Please help me Jesus The commercial with the hyper suburban frau saying her butt crack smells fresh all day after using this god only knows butt crack freshener. It's yet another ad for some health insurance company. Inane scenarios like "I'm a guy of 78 and lemme tell ya, I was gettin' a bit sluggish but then I started with the Fruits & Vegetables and now my grandkid can't even keep up with me; I mean, lemme tell ya this product is terrific. ? So Its fly birth control? I am going crazy listening to them. R53 JJ Walker's Medicare commercial ties with Broadway Joe Namath's version. 484 since its liberal California where they mistake open mindedness for being just plain gullible theres more of a chance the majority of these props will pass. Now I gotta look up Peter Brady lol. MTF Autogynephiles? Why is Jon Hamm in all those Progressive ads, is he desperate for cash? Submit ONCE per commercial, and allow 48 to 72 hours for your request to be processed. couldn't be any dumber. Another fave is 'Olivia'. Perhaps its a tranny but I have no idea which way it transformed. Patients starting these medicines should also tell your health care professional about these risk factors. Notice, too, how they echo the Medicare messaging in loudness and the repetitive refrain of the CarShield telephone number. Fed up with prescription drug ads? Google years ago used to have some gay comm that they would run. I have heard that "Security" song EIGHT TIMES in the past HOUR! But like she has to know he does it himself because it's not like she's lifted one single figure to help him with a god-damned thing since mom died. Sadly, though, they likely take a lot of money from the pharmaceutical industry. Sigh. Her tits are gelatinous. Increased risk of death in people 50 years and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor. Cancer and immune system problems. The one Gary Busey used to call the antichrist? Other JAK inhibitors have not been studied in similar large safety clinical trials, so the risk with these medicines has not been evaluated. I don't get it, is it supposed to be funny? R191, that's a well-known actor whose name escapes me right now. 1-877-KARS FOR KIDS, played on repeat, could get even the most hardened felon or terrorist to break down in tears and beg for mercy! Omg! Another for the anti tobacco commercials with the black poet quoting how their main target is the black and the stupid. It's the Christian duty to help the Jews they say, Jews far away in other lands. Tastemakers Dallas 2017. Sleeping baby!". (I dont recall anything being voted on, just this sudden inundation of creepy TV commercials.). You can sign up for email alerts about Drug Safety Communications on medicines or medical specialties of interest to you. Shes annoying + UGLY! Is Rinvoq for me ? In the other ads, this woman introduced herself as the creator of this product. WHY does the school bus driver allow the blind kid to sit all the way in the back of the bus when there should be handicapped seating near the front? who shuts the door in Flo's face. R134-Is that the stupid one where she can't sleep? (The driver's subsequent glare is great.) That stupid Cars 4 Kids commercial has been going on the radios for years and it's a HUGE GRIFT. Mike Huckabee playing the guitar and chatting about some sleep aid/male enhancement snakeoil with Larry Gatlin. All three medicines are approved to be used alone or with other drugs to treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a condition in which the body attacks its own joints, causing pain, swelling, joint damage, and loss of function. Just own up and leave it alone. Check out our FAQ Page. R186 - I didnt know who that was. Think it's for a virtual medical exam app. Here is a link so you can see for yourself. A new 10,000-a-year drug Rinvoq, pictured, could help some of the 400,000 people in Britain who suffer rheumatoid arthritis. GREAT EXAMPLE, DAD. Jakafi and Inrebic are used to treat blood disorders and require different updates to their prescribing information. I seem to remember that phrase in a theme song for a kids' show. The first time I saw it, I had tears in my eyes. I saw it aired during a Gillians Island marathon which is about how seriously Id take to this bs. That bitchy Dad Cab guy in the HPV vaccination ad. Well where the fuck else would those pills be? The woman in the ads, who created this crotch rot/asshole deodorant, is a GYN who developed her products with scientists. I can't remember the product but the one with two women speaking in overly exaggerated New Yawk accents. R484, I'm in Calif too and these incessant ads have aggravated me to the point that I refuse to vote on either proposition. Miracleware Microwave Rice Cooker Instructions, They are defined as cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction [heart attack], and stroke.. I bet that Shannon Lume creator bitchs pussy is rancid smelling. You like have to watch regular broadcast tv, right? DTX Trailblazers. Doctors also despise the ads. Wait!" [quote]No need to shower; just apply and go!. Now it seems as if every third commercial on television is for a powerful medication. She probably felt pity because I looked like such a slovenly bum. Lume can be used by men and women, its not only for the butt crack, its for anywhere on the body where a person has odors. She's the new CEO of Pacific Gas & Electric, the monopolistic public utility that has been through Chapter 11 bankruptcy and convicted of crimes for causing wildfires that destroyed towns and forests while killing people. I'm already missing that Kleenex snot bubble ad! The way he says, "Moneeeee! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . [quote][R481], my sister and I are trying to figure if that's a homely woman or an unattractive man in that commercial. Actors in the Hunger Games spent time in Hawaii filming many of the water scenes in the Quarter Quell on Oahu. Any so-called normal activity that involves sitting, she get a toilet instead of a chair. Im so tired of her nasty commercials stinking up my life whenever I watch tv. OMG - I didn't know that! Close your eyes when the side effects are listed so you wont be distracted by the action. A research letter in JAMA Network Open (Jan. 13, 2023) reveals that some very thoughtful health professionals are also concerned about prescription drug advertising. Diabetes, heart, stroke commercials - all fat actors. The very ugly and annoying young female in the Walgreens who lies upside down and puts a mustache on her chin. However, since they share mechanisms of action with Xeljanz, FDA considers that these medicines may have similar risks as seen in the safety clinical trial with Xeljanz.