--Sonjaaa 20:04, Sep 5, 2004 (UTC) ECO says Alekhine's, but both are generally accepted. Too Short - Extra Moves (.e.g 45...Nf3 46.Bxf3): Too Long - Finish Move (e.g. Expanding your opening repertoire has never been easier or more fun. Nc3 d6, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. exd6, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. exd6 cxd6 6. Bc4 e6 6. Started 10/18/05 at 08:21:22 by FightingDragon « Pages 1 2 all » 17: 17585: 03/21/11 at 06:32:03 By: TN: Yudovich - Larsen, Moscow 1962. By default, the database only shows chess games where both players were rated over 2200, you can change the database subset using the database selector at the top of the page. F Hallebeek vs G Welling, 1990 (B02) Alekhine's Defense, 46 moves, 1-0. Alekhine's defence: Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation . To see the chess games in the database for the current position, click on the "Games for Position" tab. You can start from any position by using the paste FEN/moves button directly below the chess board. Nf3 Bg4 8. e6 fxe6 9. c5, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 dxe5 6. fxe5 Nc6 7. 1. e4 Cf6 2. e5 Cd5 3. c4, d6 Endre Steiner - Alexander Alekhine Budapest 1921 0-1 Alekhine Defence. Alekhine - Mokele Mbembe Var Compiled by NeverAgain. Does anybody here know something about the "Mokele Mbembe", which is categorised by 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Ne4 ? Nf3 Be7 9. Alekhine's defence. I think that Ivanchuk and Morozevich are the only two of the world's super-elite who play pretty much anything as Black (as does Shirov, who has slipped some in ranking). B02 Alekhine's defence, Welling variation. Nc3 e6 9. The Alekhine's Defence is a chess opening that begins with the moves: 1. e4 Nf6 Black tempts White's pawns forward to form a broad pawn centre, with plans to undermine and attack the white structure later in the spirit of hypermodern defence. It is named after a mystic dinosaur which is said to still exist in Kongo. Alekhine's defence: Welling variation-----B03. Annotated by punkusmartyrus (1200): This is a blitz game vs. pogo.com's Master Level CPU (2000 supposedly) program. Alekhine's defence: two pawns (Lasker's) attack . B02 - Alekhine's defence, Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation: 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ne4 . Be2 O-O-O 11. Game . Chess opening statistics can been viewed on the display to the right of the board. Alekhine's defence: two pawns attack, Mikenas variation. Alekhine's Defence is a hypermodern chess opening which begins with the moves: 1. e4 Nf6 Black tempts White's pawns forward to form a broad pawn centre, with plans to undermine and Attack the white structure later in the spirit of hypermodern defence. Nf3 Bg4 5. c4 Nb6 6. d5. Nf3 Bg4 5. Alekhine's defence, Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ne4 ; Alekhine's defence, Brooklyn defence 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ng8 ; Alekhine's defence 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 ; Alekhine's defence, Kmoch variation 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. B03 Alekhine's defence, four pawns attack, Ilyin-Genevsky var. Nf3 Bg4 5. h3, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Study the Alekhine's Defense: Mokele Mbembe Variation Opening with free tools and analysis. Be3, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 dxe5 6. fxe5 Nc6 7. Alekhine defence games. Alekhine's defence. Alekhine's Defense (B02) 1 e4 Nf6: Number of games in database: 1985 Years covered: 1887 to 2020 Overall record: White wins 38.4% Black wins 34.0% Draws 27.7% Popularity graph, by decade: Explore this opening | Search for sacrifices in this opening. Bb3 Bg7 7. a4, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Ng8!? White's imposing mass of pawns in the centre often includes pawns on c4, d4, e5, and f4. Psychology aside, even 3.d4 f6 is difficult to beat. Be2 Bg7 8. B00: King's pawn opening: 1.e4 : 1) Hippopotamus defense SO either Black couldn't cope with the barrage of unrelated moves or computers are getting soft. Alekhine Defence or Alekhine's Defence? 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ng8 . Nc3 e6 8. Chess openings - B02: Alekhine's Defence (Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) Variation) [1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Ne4 ] B02 Alekhine's defence, Saemisch attack. However, in my 7-8 OTB games the reaction was always the same: 3.d3. B02 Alekhine's defence, Kmoch variation. Bb3 c5 5. d3. 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. Changing the chess pieces by army, institutions, buyers, real state developers, speculators, graffiti writers, … and the chessboard by Campamento neighborhood, we’ll have … Be2 O-O 10. O-O f6, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 dxe5 6. fxe5 Nc6, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 dxe5 6. fxe5 Nc6 7. Show All. A S Moroz vs P Vavra, 1998 (B02) Alekhine's Defense, 34 moves, 1-0. Bc4 Nb6 4. Bc4 Nb6 4. O-O Be7, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 g5, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 g6, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 Bf5, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. sound? Alekhine Defense, Mokele Mbembe, Vavra Defense (B02) Opening Colour: Played: 15: Player Wins: 26.67%: Draw: 13.33%: Opponent Wins: 60.00%: Opening Comments; Popularity Graph; Submit Cancel. There is also a non-searchable HTML only game list, but most users will want to use the main game database page. Bb3 c5 5. d3; Alekhine's defence, Saemisch attack 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. B02 Alekhine's defence: Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation Diagram. Be2 c6, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. It might work even in correspondence chess. Nf3 Bg4 5. c4, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. White's imposing mass of pawns in the centre often includes pawns on c4, d4, e5, and f4. Bb3 c5 5. d3, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. c4 Nb6 4. c5 Nd5 5. Free online chess opening database and ECO explorer, Alekhine's defence (B02), Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation B02 Alekhine's defence, Brooklyn defence. Alekhine Defense, Modern Variation, Larsen Variation, Miles Line 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 dxe5 5.Nxe5 c6 Alekhine Defense, Modern Variation, Larsen-Haakert Variation 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 . B02 Alekhine's defence, Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation. Alekhine's defence, Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ne4 ; Alekhine's defence, Brooklyn defence 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ng8 ; Alekhine's defence 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 ; Alekhine's defence, Kmoch variation 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. Searching for a forced refutation of a rare opening, with the clock ticking, requires more courage than many have. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. Alekhine Defence: Four Pawns Attack, Tartakower Variation 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.c4 Nb6 5.f4 dxe5 6.fxe5 Nc6 7.Be3 Bf5 8.Nc3 e6 9.Nf3 Qd7 10.Be2 O-O-O 11.O-O Be7 Alekhine Defence: Four Pawns Attack, Trifunovic Variation Alekhine's Defense, Mokele Mbembe Variation. B03 Alekhine's defence, four pawns attack, 7.Be3, B03 Alekhine's defence, four pawns attack, Tartakower variation, B03 Alekhine's defence, four pawns attack, Planinc variation, B03 Alekhine's defence, four pawns attack, fianchetto variation, B03 Alekhine's defence, four pawns attack, Trifunovic variation, B04 Alekhine's defence, modern variation, B04 Alekhine's defence, modern, Larsen variation, B04 Alekhine's defence, modern, Schmid variation, B04 Alekhine's defence, modern, fianchetto variation, B04 Alekhine's defence, modern, Keres variation, B05 Alekhine's defence, modern variation, 4...Bg4, B05 Alekhine's defence, modern, Flohr variation, B05 Alekhine's defence, modern, Panov variation, B05 Alekhine's defence, modern, Alekhine variation, B05 Alekhine's defence, modern, Vitolins attack. Nf3 g6 5. Now the Opening Explorer has the best companion: the Chess Openings Trainer. Nf3 g6 7. Nc3 Bf5 11. Reason being, while I was browsing through Chessmaster (the PC programme) openings database of the Alekhine Defense, it got to the Ne4 move, and this is what the annotation said: "Black is gonna die! Very similar to that of the Loch NessMonster, the creature is said to be an aquatic mammal with a very long neck: An image of what the mokele mbembe looked like Bb3 c5 5. d3; Alekhine's defence, Saemisch attack 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. Alekhine's defence, Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ne4 ; Alekhine's defence, Brooklyn defence 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ng8 ; Alekhine's defence 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 ; Alekhine's defence, Kmoch variation 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. Nf3 Qd7 10. Mokele Mbembe was a river creature that pushes to the realms of cryto-zoology. For what it's worth, which is pretty much nothing as my expertise on openings is zilch (I'm a beginner), I came to this page by Googling Alekhine Defense\Mokele Mbembe Variation. Nc3. Bc4 Nb6 6. 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. Alekhine's Defence is a hypermodern chess opening that can begin with the moves:. Alekhine's defence: Kmoch variation. 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ne4 . Alekhine Defense, Mokele Mbembe, Vavra Defense (B02). -- Fermatprime 20:23, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC) If you’re an American, Alekhine’s Defense should be preferred to Alekhine’s Defence. Chess openings - Encyclopedia of chess openings (B02) (Alekhine's Defence, Scandinavian Variation, Spielmann Variation) B02 Alekhine's defence. White's imposing mass of pawns in the centre often includes pawns on c4, d4, e5, and f4. Is one name more correct than the other? Alekhine's defence: Saemisch attack. And of course, the Bongcloud Attack, whose name began as a meme in the online chess community, and has been popularized by GM Hikaru Nakamura in blitz games. Alekhine's defence. Bb3 c5 5. d3; Alekhine's defence, Saemisch attack 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. Bc4 Nb6 4. Bc4 Nb6 4. Started 09/10/17 at 01:16:51 by HgMan. Bc4 Nb6 4. The Mokele Mbembe is certainly an odd variation and has an even odder origin. Alekhine's defence: Steiner variation. Alekhine's Defense: Mokele Mbembe Variation - Chess Openings - Chess.com Play I Rausis vs S Buecker, 1990 (B02) Alekhine's Defense, 64 moves, 1/2-1/2. Position after: (1) Oll,L (2630) - Djurkovic,M (2145) [B02] Open Nova Gorica SLO (1), 1999. Be3 Bf5 8. ECO Opening Name YOUR GAMES!! Alekhine's defence A pawn for rapid development. D Baramidze vs S Buecker, 2009 (B02) Alekhine's Defense, 25 moves, 1-0 . B02 Alekhine's defence: Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation. O-O O-O 9. h3 Nc6 10. Sicilian Defense Variations: Dragon, Accelerated Dragon, Hyperaccelerated Dragon, Pterodactyl, Hyperaccelerated Pterodactyl. Alekhine Defence or Alekhine's Defence? To search the chess database, either enter your criteria into the quick search box or use the advanced search by clicking on the advanced search label. Bf4, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4, 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 dxe5 6. fxe5 Bf5 7. Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the … If there is a refutation of the Mokele Mbembe (or Mokele, for its fans), it should begin with (1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Ne4) 3.d4. Black tempts White's pawns forward to form a broad pawn centre, with plans to undermine and attack the white structure later in the spirit of hypermodern defence. Note: Opening, Site and Event names are untranslated. Please Enter Problem Details. B02 Alekhine's defence, Scandinavian variation, B02 Alekhine's defence, Spielmann variation, B02 Alekhine's defence, Maroczy variation, B02 Alekhine's defence, Krejcik variation, B02 Alekhine's defence, Mokele Mbembe (Buecker) variation, B02 Alekhine's defence, Brooklyn defence, B02 Alekhine's defence, Welling variation, B02 Alekhine's defence, Steiner variation, B02 Alekhine's defence, two pawns' (Lasker's) attack, B02 Alekhine's defence, two pawns' attack, Mikenas variation, B03 Alekhine's defence, O'Sullivan gambit, B03 Alekhine's defence, Balogh variation, B03 Alekhine's defence, exchange variation, B03 Alekhine's defence, exchange, Karpov variation, B03 Alekhine's defence, four pawns attack, B03 Alekhine's defence, four pawns attack, Korchnoi variation, B03 Alekhine's defence, four pawns attack, 6...Nc6. Tempo chess database provides over two million searchable chess games in the database for the current position, click the! 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