03.To lose weight. Again, chew sugarless, obvs! You can also get some throat irritation and several acid symptoms. This can put pressure on the nerves that supply blood to this area of your head, which can lead to chronic, intermittent headaches. Think again! They say there is a reason for everything, and when it comes to drummers chewing gum, it is no exception. So I thought I’d explain a few things. Some people and authorities are so against it that many school districts have banned gum totally! According to Dr. Russell L. Blaylock (MD- Neurosurgeon), Nutrasweet (Aspartame) has been scientifically linked to brain tumors, brain cell damage and neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Chewing gum can cause you to swallow more air than normal, leading to gas and bloating. Chewing gum is common and every one of us does it for different reasons. If for some reason it starts to taste bad and you want to throw it out, do the backpack trick mentioned above. https://www.thealternativedaily.com/tantalizing-taste-tamarind-fruit-fights-cancer. Norovirus is one of the main reasons employers and employees should not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum while: prepping or serving food. This can also put pressure on the intestine and cause cramping and bloating. Chewing gum typically contains lanolin, a waxy substance derived from sheep’s wool that helps it stay soft. We now have several chewing gum brands which have led people to create chewing habits, to the point that they never stop chewing. Gum is not allowed at my school and you will get in huge trouble if you are caught chewing it. Can cause gastrointestinal issues Chewing gum on a regular basis can result in gastrointestinal issues, such as abdominal pain and bloating. The artificial sweeteners in gum are also not very well digested, leading to stomach discomfort. This is because sugar … Sugar-free gum makes your breath nicer, and not just because you might pick a spearmint variety. Unfortunately for gum fans, there is compelling evidence that this is one habit you’re better off without, including these nine reasons. Here are 8 reasons to not chew gum: Muscle over-stimulation from chewing If you chew gum regularly your jaw muscles start to grow and get stronger. Helpful 31 Not Helpful 3. 6. When the abstract was submitted, it included fewer patients—24 who chewed gum and 23 who did not. You’d be hard pressed to find a mainstream gum that doesn’t include aspartame. This is probably the number 1 reason to prevent gum chewing. Though as PubMed points out, the mechanism for increased alertness while chewing gum is unclear, it has been shown to decrease daytime sleepiness, even when subjects are placed in a dark room where the brain naturally tells the body it's a good time for a nap. Chewing Gum helps Batsman get into a Rhythm West Indian great Viv Richards famously refused to wear a helmet or a gum shield when batting. 8. Chewing gum sales exceed 4 billion dollars in the U.S. alone. This is because all those muscles are connected. 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Quit Your Gum Habit. Therefore, if you chew gum regularly, it is more than probable that you also have to visit the toilet regularly. If you have mercury fillings in your teeth, chewing gum can cause this neurotoxin to release from the fillings, and into your body. Sugar or Sugar-free, any kind of gum is not advisable after brushing especially if one is using floridated toothpaste. There are reasons that the affirmative did not mention for the present rules. Sources: When the joint is overstimulated, you will also develop neck pain. Chewing gum helps kill odor causing bacteria in your mouth. ... (like spearmint, for example), do not chew that type of gum in their class. to diarrhea. Unnecessary chewing can create chronic tightness in the facial muscles located close to your temples. Depending on who you ask, you are going to hear a few different reasons as to why chewing gum should be avoided. 12 Reasons Not To Chew Gum. Now, isn’t it time to kick that chewing gum habit? 10 bubble-bursting reasons why chewing gum is bad for you: 1. The problem is. This is why it is not recommended to chew gum on an empty stomach. Not that sugar is any better as most of it is GMO anyway, Aspartame injures nervous tissue on a cellular level. However, when it comes to deciding whether or not to chew gums, both the pros and cons should be looked into. since this could be what is causing the pain. Speaking about chewing gums in the current scenario, there is a debate raging whether they should be allowed in schools or not. http://www.organicauthority.com/health/bubble-gums-reasons-to-stop-chewing-gum-health.html chewing gum as well. when chewing gum we can over-use our muscles or force them to be overworked. People chew gums for a variety of reasons. Likewise, counterfeit sugars are commonly lethal to great gut microbes. Research has found that those who chew gum are less likely to eat fruits and vegetables, and are more apt to choose junk food like candy or chips instead. The saliva your mouth produces when you chew gum can help reduce the effects of dry mouth, which can make breath smell worse. In fact, the overwhelming majority of gums are filled with toxic chemicals, artificial colors, sweeteners and flavors. However, it is not just drummers who chew gum. May Erode Enamel Click to see full answer Hereof, what is the most important reason for food handlers? The United States is ranked third, behind only Iran and Saudi Arabia, when it comes to the highest rates of gum chewing around the world. Counterfeit sugars like aspartame and acesulfame K are important to influence gum to stay sweet for in excess of a couple of minutes. It will destroy your class and school. A: If you are thinking that chewing gum will actually trick your body into making sure its full, then you are slightly mistaken because that is not the case. In the US, 59% of people chew gum, surpassed only by … First of all, a lot of gum is packed with sugar. Someone recently asked me about chewing gum because she wanted to chew gum, as it helped her skip meals, and not get so hungry, and have so many cravings. In fact, chewing gum is so artificial that insects won’t eat it (and no human should either). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1471015313000123 Here are my top 3 – #1. Gum-chewing is part of most cultures. adspeed_zones.push({zoneid:82564,numofads:1,div:'vik_82564_1',wrapper:'0'}); adspeed_zones.push({zoneid:91093,numofads:6,div:'ad91093',wrapper:'adspeedsection-sidebar'}); http://www.organicauthority.com/health/bubble-gums-reasons-to-stop-chewing-gum-health.html, http://www.confectionerynews.com/Markets/Highest-chewing-gum-consumption-worldwide-revealed, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1471015313000123, https://www.thealternativedaily.com/tantalizing-taste-tamarind-fruit-fights-cancer, Tips for Making the Holidays Less Stressful for Your Pets, 16 Easy and Low Cost Ways to Brighten Your Home, Skip the Spa and Do This to Your Hands Weekly, 8 Simple Natural Fixes To Remedy Sore Winter Eyes, Add Seven to Ten Years to Your Life By Doing These Things, Research Backed Reasons to Eat More Honey, Skip the Hangover: Enjoy These 7 Tasty Holiday Drink Alternatives, Blast Your Holiday Belly With Apple Cider Vinegar, 7 Ways To Save $500 A Month (And Improve Your Health), Here is a Delicious Thanksgiving Dinner Without the Guilt, Sipping Lemon Water First Thing In The Morning Is Good For You: Here’s Why. 4. However, though the present system may be flawed, there is evidence to show that it is the best system possible at the present time and should not be changed. Chewing gum can worsen digestive disorders and cause IBS sufferers to have flare-ups due to the excess air swallowed while chewing (not to mention the artificial ingredients you are swallowing). It doesn’t lead to weight loss As opposed to what earlier studies have claimed, a study conducted at Ohio State University found that chewing gum does not boost metabolism or lessen food cravings. Let’s get into it without wasting any time. Give your competitor a piece of chewing gum. People would make several cuts on tree trunks and they used the tree sap that seeped out. We are aware of the problems gum chewing has created for teachers and administrators for years. Some of the greatest athletes of all time chewed gum or something else like chewing tobacco. But take note: While any gum can increase saliva, chewing one with sugar could nix any benefits. Yet, they are not made to withstand being constantly pulled by gum. The average gastric volumes were 9.78 mL for the gum chewers and 24.08 mL for the non-gum chewers (p = 0.027), and pH values were not significantly different (p = 0.094). If you like chewing gum, it’s best to choose a sugar-free gum made with xylitol. Benefits 6 foods that stain and damage your teeth the most. The associated jaw movement was also linked to increased brain activity and reduced sleepiness. Today, some 90% of kids experience malocclusion, and require orthodonture and teeth pulling because their underdeveloped jaws are too small for wisdom teeth. Indeed, even a fake sweet taste can trigger the body to discharge insulin, which can bring down glucose and compound insulin opposition. People chew gum for many reasons. http://www.confectionerynews.com/Markets/Highest-chewing-gum-consumption-worldwide-revealed Because “gum bases” are considered standardized, manufacturers aren’t required to expand on the ingredient list beyond that, and while lanolin it isn’t necessarily harmful, it’s not exactly appetizing. Chewing is not only key for breathing and straight teeth, but each time you chew, you pump blood and nutrients into the brain and flush toxins out. Don't chew gum in a strict teacher's class or in … Silver/amalgam dental fillings are made of a combination of mercury, silver, and tin. Despite dentists' claims that chewing sugar-free gum can reduce cavities and plaque, there are plenty more reasons to avoid this bad habit altogether. Reply. Chewing gum actually comes from ancient civilizations! Reaction times are also shorter even in more difficult tasks. People who chew gum are more likely to eat junk food. Gum puts stress on the cartilage in the jaw joints that’s meant to absorb shock, and can thus trigger TMJ, a painful chronic condition. The main exception to this rule is people with IBS. For example, if you have not eaten and you start to chew gum, your stomach will think that you are actually eating. Therefore, if you suffer from neck pain, and you chew gum, you should be. These ingredients include sugar substitutes and gum base which may be carcinogens and have been linked to a variety of negative health effects, such as cancer and diabetes. It keeps your breath fresh: Chewing minty gum will make your mouth feel fresh, of course, but it’s not just the smell of the mint. He said the main reason for not wearing a gum shield was because he needed to chew gum to get into a rhythm. Sugar can contribute to tooth decay, while sugar-free gum typically contains acidic flavorings and preservatives that can lead to dental erosion which can literally dissolve your teeth over time. According to recent statistics, 59 percent of Americans report that they chew gum. Other gum is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, known to be one of the main causes of tooth decay as well as a host of other serious health conditions like cancer, diabetes and obesity. Is chewing gum bad for you? When this gets inflamed, it can produce strong headaches. are made to withstand a lot, in your day to day chewing. Chewing gum can worsen digestive disorders and cause IBS sufferers to have flare-ups due to the excess air swallowed while chewing (not to mention the artificial ingredients you are swallowing). We know what you are thinking chewing gum seems harmless, but chewing gum can be quite harmful not only to your teeth but to your overall health. 7. It can increase your exposure to mercury. However, gum today differs from those days. A study done to determine whether chewing gum has effects on mood and alertness actually proved that chewing gum is associated with improved alertness, and a more positive mood. First, some gums can have a lot of sugar, which contributes unnecessary calories into the diet, making it harder to lose weight. Why not chew on a delicious piece of tamarind (https://www.thealternativedaily.com/tantalizing-taste-tamarind-fruit-fights-cancer/), instead? Students enjoy gum-chewing, and it might lead to better school performances. Sadly, fish and birds may eat it and possibly choke. Most sugar-free gum is sweetened with aspartame, an artificial sweetener linked to birth defects, diabetes, cancer and neurological disorders. Chewing gum is proven to keep your appetite at bay, relieve stress, and improve productivity.And so long as you chew sugar-free gum, it doesn't even cause cavities, since it … For instance, chewing gum is assumed to stimulate the … Whether you chew sugary or sugar-free, it causes damage to your teeth. Many times these headaches are caused by excessive gum chewing, so it is best to be cautious about excessive gum chewing. When the tongue gets overstimulate from chewing gum, it tends to grow as a muscle would, which can cause different sleep problems such as snoring and other discomfort. “ It made me sort of look cool, calmed me down, it gave me sort of a rhythm. Chewing gum at your desk might not necessarily give a bad impression and it does have its merits – such as refreshing one’s breath, keeping boredom at bay and more, but there are good reasons why a lot of organizations frown at the act of chewing gum. Thanks! Chewing gum may help some of … It Is a Distraction When I am at home and I am working on my homework I often chew gum. 3. This is the reason why most people feel less hungry after chewing gum in the morning. Irresponsible chewers can bother nongum-chewers and ruin school property. Chewing gum actually insinuates the stomach that food is coming down the GI tract which is why it starts producing gastric juices, thereby making you hungry in the process. This can also put pressure on the intestine and cause cramping and bloating. The problem arises when there is excessive chewing that leads to sweetener abuse, which. Sooner or later some damage will occur to your dental investment the more gum you chew. Most sugar-free gums have sweeteners, which are a good option if you want to avoid sugar intake, like those who have medical illnesses, such as diabetes. Gum is made using synthetic polymers and latex, which can be hard on the digestive system if it’s accidentally swallowed. since jaw muscles get stronger, they get tense enough to develop headaches. The problem is that when chewing gum we can over-use our muscles or force them to be overworked. In addition to chewing gum possibly causing chronic low-level headaches, negative health effects may also be caused by the ingredients in the gum. working in prep areas. The good thing is – chewing gum reduces the appetite of many people. Although gum is n… The Chewing Gum Conundrum. They let the sap dry and chewed it so that they could essentially clean their mouths, their teeth or even just to calm hunger. Your jaw muscles are really close to your ear canal temporomandibular joint. Harmful effects of artificial sweeteners Your stomach will then start producing stomach acids so it can receive the “food”,  making you suffer from heartburn. I think this is a mistake. Research shows that chewing gum can release the mercury from the fillings into your system. So, chewing gum for several hours is the equivalent of training in a mouth gym. 80 – 90% of chewing gum on the market is made of plastic and not biodegradable, which can present major problems for the environment. There are several reasons why gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and lap band patients are encouraged not to chew gum after their weight loss surgery. If you have had dental work, such as amalgams, dental resins, crowns. It controls food cravings: In studies, people who chewed gum felt fewer cravings and decreased hunger. Well, check out these science-backed reasons why chewing gum is terrible for your health: 1. By Evangel, Michael S., DC, Neighbor Feb 10, 2014 6:59 a m ET. Not Biodegradable. You can get results by providing chewing gum before or during a specific challenging task. 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