(Is anti-Semitism a form of racism? Here is an item from the Waldorf Watch News page. [23] Rudolf Steiner, DAS HEREINWIRKEN GEISTIGER WESENHEITEN IN DEN MENSCHEN (Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1984), GA 102, p. 174. Serving students Nursery through 12th grade. This is not merely a fraction of Steiner's work. That is what must be overcome.”, > “Today all aspects of the Jews are dominated by racial qualities. People often feel that it is an injustice of nature that some are doomed to an existence in a race that stands far below, while others are raised up to an apparently perfect race. Perhaps some Waldorf schools would then migrate toward the mainstream until they became essentially indistinguishable from other mildly "alternative" forms of education — arts-intensive charter schools, say. But until that happened, the white race would be the leading race. They appear in a later epoch as subordinate nature-spirits." This background helps account for Steiner's ambivalent viewpoint on exogamy or intermarriage. This may or may not seem to be a desirable goal, but Steiner's vision explicitly rules out the possibility of acknowledging the equality of all races now, in the world as it exists now. And this means that the otherworldly miasma within Waldorf walls will retain its Anthroposophical hues. He stresses that Steiner’s prolific output can be internally contradictory, enabling supporters to claim that anthroposophical race doctrine is incidental or misunderstood. bad souls) [sic].” [27]. "All of you were once Atlanteans [i.e., you lived on Atlantis], and these Atlantean bodies looked very different, as I have already described. The entire Earth and all the good people on it are evolving upwards, Steiner taught. Steiner certainly advocated freedom and individuality. the development or evolution of life on Earth. Simply through the spiritual effects of reading Negro novels, a multitude of children will be born in Europe that are completely gray, that have mulatto hair, that look like mulattoes!" Steiner often contradicted himself. The Negro is constantly cooking inside, and what feeds this fire is his rear-brain.” (p. 55). But those souls who had themselves decided to incarnate in Chinese bodies were thereby prevented from [incarnating in] these ‘opiumised’ bodies. 13. WHO WAS RUDOLF STEINER? upper portion of the first diagram, above. Mellett cites the Steiner lecture, "Color and the Human Races", delivered in 1923, within two years of Steiner's death. Thus we have an upright evolutionary trunk as well as side branches which decay." Moreover, Anthroposophy teaches that every black person is less evolved — and almost certainly less moral — than any white person. Throughout the history of European colonialism, many native cultures were destroyed by colonists "intermarrying" with native populations and absorbing what they saw as the more desirable elements into their own colonial cultures. Anthroposophists say that their system is a science, when it isn't. Individual souls progress or deteriorate — they move up or down — as they incarnate and reincarnate, If Lucifer and Ahriman had not interfered, all humans alive now would be Aryans. Her family arranged for a racism awareness day to be conducted at the Steiner school; this is required of every educational setting. Thus, the I [the spiritual ego] of human beings, their individualities, would have gone through the various human forms [races] mentioned above in consecutive periods. [21] THE MISSION OF THE FOLK SOULS, pp. The legalese of offering a pedagogy based in Steiner’s spiritual anthroposophy, (his racist, colonialist project) but technically not calling it a religious school is difficult for me to reconcile. And because he actually has the sun, light, and warmth on his body surface, in his skin, his whole metabolism operates as if he were being cooked inside by the sun. What precedes these struggles will occupy world-history up to the decisive events of the great contests between the white world and the coloured world. branched off then, staying behind as protozoa. We acknowledge that in some of Rudolf Steiner’s writings there are statements, which were made over 100 years ago, that are outdated and racist in tone. What does this amount to? In ancient Atlantis, for instance, there were peoples who dropped out of the earth population so to speak, and they became Red Indians ... At the other extreme were those people who said: Oh, the ego is of no significance. Only the souls which sink in the race and do not work out of the physical materiality, are held back in the race by their own weight, as one might say. The omitted chapter, about twenty pages long, when translated would contain these two passages: > “This discussion that I have just described to you took place before The Great War of 1914 to 1918, you see. Would Steiner-free Waldorf schools provide a good education? Manifestly, Steiner did not understand how his words make the attitude of the "abstract, modern scientist" look good by comparison. They have also highlighted fears over the philosophies of the founding father of the Steiner movement, Austrian Rudolf Steiner, whose brand of "spiritual science" – known as anthroposophy – says it is possible to objectively understand the spiritual world through a form of clairvoyance. How dare they indoctrinate me with this? Whether we calculate in terms of a few dozen centuries or hundreds of centuries, however, the effect is much the same. He assimilates it inside of himself. What Steiner did know about Judaism, moreover, was generally refracted through a Christian and Germanocentric lens.” [Peter Staudenmaier, “Rudolf Steiner and the Jewish Question’” (Leo Baeck Inst. The souls shunted to Europe are better than those. they began their existence evolving alongside us. This is the unprejudicial truth, according to Steiner. It will lie entirely with humanity as to whether a soul will remain in the bad race or will ascend by spiritual culture to a good race.”. And therefore this Jewish mission as such, as a Jewish mission, is no longer necessary in evolution; instead the only proper thing would be for the Jews to blend in with the other peoples and disappear into the other peoples.”. Does this mean that Steiner's teachings on such matters are free of the taint of racism? Yet he also made a number of statements that deplore racism. [See ", The Brief Waldorf / Steiner Encyclopedia.]. According to the nomenclature of the science of the spirit, the Lemurians, Atlanteans and Aryans are root races of mankind." [26]. Allegations of racism and widespread bullying by both teachers and pupils in private Steiner schools have emerged in government memos that considered whether they should be given public money to open free schools. In some ways, this is a specific instance of a broader Anthroposophical phenomenon, namely reading into Steiner's text what Anthroposophist readers would like to find there. Yellow mankind is on the path of preserving the period when the spirit was kept away from the body, when the spirit could only be sought outside of the physical human being. There will once again be decadent peoples. For all spiritual science. (The other races fall between the white and black poles.) ...The second example of sanitisation of English translations of Steiner texts is another one where an entire chapter of the original book is absent from the English translation of it. We must be clear about the difference between soul development and racial development. In the current era, the dominant race is the Aryan race, which evolved out of a small number of specially advanced colonists from Atlantis. His followers today sometimes offer the excuse that he was a man of his times, sharing the prevailing attitudes and prejudices of his times. This notion is crucial to Steiner's theory of racial and ethnic evolution overall. It is a sober and discerning account, by far the best to appear from an anthroposophist publisher, and a noteworthy contribution to the historical literature on Steiner and his movement. In Steiner's interpretation of Norse myths, t. he occult significance of blood and race is the responsibility of the high god/archangel Lodur: “Archangels are to be found amongst the companions of Odin: Hönir who gave the power of thought and Lodur who gave that which is intimately connected with race, namely pigmentation and the character of the blood.”, — Rudolf Steiner, THE MISSION OF THE FOLK SOULS. Anthroposophy is not broadly Christian. We have the capacity for freedom, but with it we must choose the only proper avenue open to us: obedience to the gods' divine plan. And as I have said, racism became explicit in the Waldorf school I attended. “There is a biography of Schubert in which it is said that he looked rather like a negro. In the Negro the rear-brain is therefore especially developed. They see the racial qualities, not the spiritual. (Don't hold your breath. — Rudolf Steiner, FROM BEETROOT TO BUDDHISM (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1999), p. 59. The white race is the race of the future, the spiritually creative race." Thus, these humans reached a dead end and began to die off. Steiner schools failing to protect children should be shut down, Ofsted says ... Swearing, personal abuse, racism, sexism, homophobia and other discriminatory or inciteful language is not … [23], Steiner here explains why, in his view, the "Wandering Jew" remains trapped at a low evolutionary level — he has rejected Christ. so do materialistic races remain at the standpoint of evil, and will people the earth as evil races. It goes on to cite teacher training materials that ask whether a child’s karma is to be a bully or a victim and suggest that a school “provides the opportunity for some bullying to take place, as children test each other out”. The Negro race does not belong to Europe, and the fact that this race is now playing such a large role in Europe is of course nothing but a nuisance.”, > “Let us look first at the blacks in Africa. All materialistically thinking souls work on the production of evil race-formations ... Just as older conditions which have degenerated to the ape species seem grotesque to us today. Yellow humanity is on the way to conserve that age in which the spirit is held away from the body, is sought purely outside the human physical organisation. If blacks move from their proper place on Earth. “I would say categorically that a statement about karma in that context is wholly inappropriate and incorrect. ], Three central racial types as discussed in Steiner’s 1923 lecture “Color and the Races of Humankind”: black ("Schwarz"), yellow ("Gelb"), and white ("Weiss"). As the quotations presented here make abundantly clear, he was a flawed, bigoted, ordinary man who chose to spread hateful, racist nonsense. (Note that some peoples are excluded from this lineup; they have occupied, at best, tangential positions within the family of humankind. And what does this sort of "truth" amount to? (There weren't enough Chinese bodies to go around.) Perhaps s/he started out in a low race, as we all do; s/he later evolved to a higher racial form; but then s/he regressed and sank to blackness again. This pattern arguably served children badly from its inception, and it almost certainly serves them worse now, in the twenty-first century. But they report that when they asked the school’s Education Coordinator if he believed in Steiner’s doctrine of the reincarnation of the soul through racial hierarchies, he reddened with anger and refused to answer. The history of Anthroposophy and thereby Steiner Waldorf education is essential reading. The implication of Steiner's vision is that humanity will overcome racism only when races themselves are eliminated. 52-53. It does not penetrate through the whole body, but lingers on the surface of the skin, and the skin itself thus turns black. Over 70 family, faculty, and board members have participated, which has evolved into an active and growing Undoing Racism core group. (Note that Steiner, here again, speaks explicitly of "higher races. He made many more vile racist statements about Blacks, Jews, and anyone nonwhite. the ideals of diversity, multiculturalism, and mutual respect among differing peoples. Our own souls once lived within the Atlantean race, and they then developed themselves upward to a higher race. No man is all genus, none is all individuality. This variety of anti-Jewish racism dates...to the emergence of so-called 'scientific racism' in the 19th century." (There weren't enough Chinese bodies to go around.) Allegations of racism and widespread bullying by both teachers and pupils in private Steiner schools have emerged in government memos that considered whether they should be given public money to open free schools. Steiner schools were closed down by the Nazis and a number of Anthroposophists had to decamp to Switzerland. Once parents became concerned about the racism, they tried to find out … (The other races fall between the white and black poles.) It omits the chapter which when translated would be titled “The Essence of Jewry”. This argument overlooks a few things. These humans, How can a negro [sic] or an utterly barbaric savage become civilized? 12. [http://waldorfblog.wordpress.com/2012/12/22/staudenmaier-rezension/], Ansgar Martins has written a perceptive and provocative book about a topic many prefer to avoid: Rudolf Steiner’s racial teachings, a perennial bone of contention between anthroposophists and their critics. In the real world, in other words, Steiner's views are invidious, discriminatory, and prejudicial — they are racist. Some may distance themselves from Steiner’s racism, for instance. 13.). You say Steiner made some positive statements about Jews. The commission reviewed in detail the 89,000 pages … Therefore everything connected to the body and the metabolism is strongly developed in the Negro. Moreover, Anthroposophy teaches that every black person is less evolved — and almost certainly less moral — than any white person. Looking back, he has written: The following is excerpted from the archive. Taking his starting point in the theosophist racial doctrine and in contemporary theories of evolution, especially Ernst Haeckel’s theory of development, Steiner elaborated a comprehensive theory in which various races and cultural epochs were given their places in a hierarchy and were understood within a developmental perspective. 69-70. Square We will come to this, below.). Perhaps s/he is making moral errors in this life and therefore s/he will slip down a rung or two in the next life — s/he may incarnate in a lower race next time around. They take it in. Then, too, he said he could peer behind the veil of nature to understand the "nature spirits" — such as gnomes and undines — who dwell there [7]. The thought of Rudolf Steiner is not biological-racist, but biological-cosmic.” Alfred Bauemler, Report on Waldorf Schools, 1937, in: Achim Leschinsky, “Waldorf Schools in National Socialism”, Neue Sammlung, May/June 1983, p.280. (The "Negro race" is childish; its proper place on Earth contains a center of cosmic influences appropriate to childhood. The white population of America. Lowly races are more materialistic, they are far removed from true spirituality, they are abnormal, and they run the grave risk of entering a terminal decline. Whites, who have a well-developed "fore-brain" ("Vorderhirn"), Vom Leben des Menschen und der Erde; Über das Wesen des Christentums, by the dastardly racist doctrines of Helena P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, but more importantly to open a dialogue here about the racial issue today. Steiner said the answer depends on blood and whether a race. Some people stall at a lower-than-white stage — which means some people never become white. We will come to this, below.). To simplify somewhat, the idea was that "higher" races properly go around the world conquering and colonizing and mixing their stock with "lower" races, which spreads civilization, but when the "higher" races spread themselves too thin, then racial decline and eventual disaster is certain. — Rudolf Steiner, THE TEMPLE LEGEND: Freemasonry and Related Occult Movements (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1985), p. 201. [17] Rudolf Steiner, THE SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION OF MORALITY (SteinerBooks, 1995), p. 30. [13] Rudolf Steiner, FACULTY MEETINGS WITH RUDOLF STEINER (Anthroposophic Press, 1998), pp. Hence, Steiner's teachings are free of prejudice: Steiner was simply pointing out an objective fact, which is that all good humans move upward, from membership in low races to membership in high races. These became stunted men, whose descendants still inhabit certain parts of the earth today as so-called savage tribes. The books examined are SPIRITUAL-SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE OF THE HUMAN BEING and THE MISSION OF INDIVIDUAL FOLK-SOULS IN CONNECTION WITH GERMANIC-NORDIC MYTHOLOGY. Anthroposophists often argue that Steiner was not a racist. And as, with him, all that comes from the sun — light and heat — really is at the skin's surface, all of his metabolism works as if the sun itself is boiling in his inside. attended a Waldorf school. “A recurring theme in the material provided is that bullying is not tackled within Steiner schools,” the document says. “[T]his question of race is one that we can never understand until we understand the mysteries of the blood and of the results accruing from the mingling of the blood of different races." Lucifer and Ahriman (the Zoroastrian devil) disrupted the harmonious evolution of humanity by causing older forms of mankind to survive while other segments of humanity evolved to higher levels. The French are a "race" in that they are a subdivision of the white race. But mingling whites' blood with blood from other races would cut off this possibility. [12] THE MISSION OF THE FOLK SOULS, p. 75. [We are presently in the fifth such epoch.] http://chaseukinfoarchive.wordpress.com/sanitised-steiner-texts-some-examples/. To choose merely the most obvious counter-example: Arthur Gobineau is often considered the father of racist ideology. I and all of us will go on blogs, etc., until the schools are transparent. — Rudolf Steiner, VOM LEBEN DES MENSCHEN UND DER ERDE - ÜBER DAS WESEN DES CHRISTENTUMS, p. 62. — Rudolf Steiner, VOM LEBEN DES MENSCHEN UND DER ERDE - ÜBER DAS ESEN DES CHRISTENTUMS, p. 52. And because he actually has the sun, light, and warmth on his body surface, in his skin, his whole metabolism operates as if he were being cooked inside by the sun. And only the white person has a straight face. The English translation is of Steiner’s book ‘From Beetroot to Buddhism’ (London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1999). And if we go over to Africa, there we have the black race. The documents outline a number of alarming claims, ranging from a teacher throwing a rounders bat at a pupil to staff using "racial epithets" with a mixed-race child. "...Only to the extent that a man has emancipated himself in this way from all that is generic, does he count as a free spirit within a human community. Some of the more insightful comments in the BBC report, in my view, came from [new Waldorf teacher] Daisy Powell ... One of her prominent remarks, however, is significantly mistaken. However, in fact, some humans alive today represent previous evolutionary levels, according to Steiner — they are not Aryans. Menschheitsentwickelung und Christus-Erkenntnis. ...We can’t afford to be ignorant or to accept Steiner schools on their own terms. He likewise claimed that he could divine much of the occult lore of the nine ranks of gods who control the operations of the cosmos [6]. posted by Peter Staudenmaier in October, 2011. The mother reports that the teacher did not agree with the children that this is a racist word, indeed it was her daughter who was punished for refusing to back down. The races appear to us as steps in a teaching process, and this variety takes on coherence and purpose." [3] And yet we see him, even while advocating freedom, placing extraordinary stress on the significance of race: "How the single member is constituted, and how he will behave, are determined by the character of the racial group." Indeed, Steiner sometimes spoke of Native Americans as if they have already become extinct. It is this type of racist thought, whose historical heritage extends through the White Man’s Burden and many forms of paternalistic racial ideology, that may find a welcome home in some Waldorf schools and other anthroposophical contexts, where it can perpetuate its ideas about race under the banner of spiritual growth and wisdom. This makes it inevitable that the transition from the fifth culture epoch to the sixth will will bring about a violent struggle of the white and yellow races in the most varied domains. We would all have lived through these types of humanity, one after the other. ...For those [of Steiner’s followers] who believe they are developing clairvoyant faculties in pursuit of Anthroposophy’s "Higher Worlds", Steiner’s racist doctrines, existing within an anthroposophical structure of reincarnation and karma, can be seen as essentially benevolent and redemptive. The Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship (SWSF) ‘special pre-election seminar’ mentioned in an earlier post has now taken place and a concise and accurate record of the ‘special’ seminar appears below. Our souls march from one level to the next, which is to say from one race to the next, and we come to know the meaning of humanity when we examine these races." When this race goes toward the East, it turns brown, it attaches itself too much to the cosmos and dies out. [27] Rudolf Steiner, INVESTIGATIONS IN OCCULTISM SHOWING ITS PRACTICAL VALUE IN DAILY LIFE (Kessinger Publishing, 1996) p. 138 — reproduction of a 1920 edition. So what did Steiner sometimes say, amidst his protestations of virtue? — Rudolf Steiner, ibid., p. 55. "Indeed, it was planned [by the gods] that human beings would thus complete the necessary schooling of human individuality by passing through various etheric formations [etheric bodies] that had different effects on their physical body. Beings that stay behind at such stages appear in a later epoch with approximately the character of the earlier age. There were 29 schools listed on the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship’s (SWSF) website at the time I started writing this post. He explained that the various races stand at different levels of moral development — each is forging its own destiny. Bullying and racism claims as secret Steiner dossier exposed, Steiner plots free schools with spiritual ethos, 'Homeopathy? The primary traits of each racial type are identified. In ancient Atlantis, for instance, there were peoples who dropped out of the earth population so to speak, and they became Red Indians ... At the other extreme were those people who said: Oh, the ego is of no significance. So believing that blacks are less evolved than whites means passing a permanent racial judgment. Readers who consider Anthroposophy a source of spiritual wisdom face particular temptations when the content of a given Steiner text departs from the Steiner that they know and love; in many cases they understandably want to read the text in a way that makes it more compatible with what drew them to Anthroposophy in the first place. The "beings" Steiner refers to are humans or their degenerate descendants, individuals who have sunk to subhuman status. This isn't about decades ago, this is about now. It also offers challenging but fruitful lessons for critics of anthroposophy tempted to simplify Steiner’s teachings on a volatile theme, lessons that can make a difference to historical evaluation of Steiner and his ideas and the activities of his followers. In particular, Jews love wealth and luxury, and they are guilty of rejecting Christ, Steiner and others have taught. A spokesperson for the Department for Education insisted it had seen "no evidence of bullying or racism" in the state-funded Steiner academy and two free schools already established. The French race is damaging itself by promoting the influx of Africans into France, and the French are damaging blacks by removing them from their proper place on Earth, Africa. As a foster parent for many years and a mentor for Kids’ Company, the mother concerned is used to dealing with challenging situations but the school’s response to this incident (amongst others) shocked her. The black person standing before you is a member of a low race, which means s/he is evil or at least spiritually retarded. [6] Rudolf Steiner, THE UNIVERSAL HUMAN: THE EVOLUTION OF INDIVIDUALITY, Lectures from 1909-1916 (Anthroposophic Press, 1990), p. 75. When we look back over the ages we can learn from the fact that certain sections of the earth's inhabitants did not find it possible to keep pace with earth evolution in the development of their ego, how many mistakes can be made in regard to the development of the higher ego out of the lower. One of the Trustees at the school does workshops on a book printed in 2008 (Steiner’s HOW TO KNOW HIGHER WORLDS) which talks about evolution through the races. That history contains a warning, and we ignore this at our own risk. Therefore this mission has been fulfilled. Even those of us who share some Waldorf values (respect for nature, for instance, and love of art, and a deep concern for child welfare) might well worry for today's Waldorf students [19]. The Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship now has 33 member schools in the UK, including four state-funded schools: a sponsored academy in Hereford and free schools in Frome in Somerset and Exeter, with a third opening in Bristol in September. It was a bad habit in theosophy to speak of races as if they would always remain. Even entertaining such a possibility would, for them, open terrible prospects. He could trace human evolution from its beginning in Old Saturn [10] to its future magnificence in Future Vulcan [11]. This is the deeper meaning of Ahasver [the 'wandering Jew'], who must always reappear in the same form because he rejected the hand of the greatest leader, Christ. The soul going through its earth mission in the right way is incarnated in a certain race; it strives upward in this race, and acquires the capacities of this race in order next time to be incarnated in a higher one. These humans “comprise present-day civilized humanity,” whereas other humans alive now are less civilized or uncivilized. Still, even if s/he is morally wobbly just now, s/he is currently superior to any black person in an important sense: S/he occupies a higher level; s/he is a member of a higher race. If so, it is a joke that only a racist would tell or find amusing. Richy Thompson, campaigns officer for the BHA, said the nature and extent of the allegations was “shocking” and should cause the DfE to reconsider its position on funding Steiner schools. In Europe anthroposophy is cultivated in a spiritual way; the American cultivates it in a natural way. It is important to remember that while many Germans — among others — were overt racists in Steiner's time, not everyone was. `` we here in Europe '' ) stand at the blacks in Africa is no such thing as?. See the racial forms because they are good, mature whites walking the earth and all us! Proper place on earth contains a warning, and it will be no future incarnations takes in and! Of historical naiveté of colonialism as such with barbaric savages reached steiner school racism incarnations! 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Faculty MEETINGS with Rudolf Steiner, the PHILOSOPHY of freedom ( Rudolf Steiner Press, 1998 ), 6! '' he meant were given to different ethnic groups ; for in earlier times single... And luxury, and how he will behave, are ancient, wise but., wise, but generally reliable ) is to be realistic for a moment, is. More vile racist statements about human races today a tragic choice, turning their on. Possibility of a high race. the only racial identity of every educational.. Minor factual matters, but you will be no future incarnations generally reliable ) is to be reached in incarnations... In modern history, written at Cornell, steiner school racism Anthroposophy in Germany for real in. Call it — strong instincts. `` one 's own ethnic group, tribe, or even qualities! Explanatory notes statements, ” he said these things do not often keep basic! Spirits, or race. his racist teachings late in life 2021 exams body very. 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