Paper is the number 1 material that we throw away, even though almost all of it can be recycled. Everyday Examples of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Eliminating waste and protecting our environment requires a community effort, but that doesn’t mean it’s difficult! Also, you can reduce trash by using plastic food containers--ie sour cream containers, butter containers, etc--as tupperware. Be sure to let your city commissioner or officials know you want curbside recycling. You can help reduce light pollution. For example, if we don’t need a new book, not buying it will save the paper for something else, reducing our paper use. Extend product durability 7.) Today, I AM warm because MOM prodded me to turn that furnace on ... the problem with THAT is that it is NOT green! In 1970, over 20,000 landfills were in operation in the United States; by 1993, only 4,000 were open. Reduce bills by going off-peak. We have to save the Earth and grow more and more plants. It's time you stopped using plastic bags! Turn the heat down in your home a notch or two to save money and energy. For example, machine hours and labor hours can be activity cost drivers in the manufacturing of a product. Compostable items open up a wonderful path to living a waste-free existence. Reuse – means looking for ways to reuse some of the materials we use for our everyday life, including paper, toys, electronics and any other tools. Reduce Waste Examples The first step to recycling more is to make recycling accessible to everyone in the house without any extra work. Great job! Traditional household cleaners can have huge impacts on your health, from allergies to asthma, and even effects on your skin and immune system. Reduce your consumption of laundry detergent and fabric softener with reusable dryer sheets and soap nuts. IT'S FAB!!!! Paula Atwell from Cleveland, OH on May 11, 2009: Mihaela Vrban from Croatia on May 06, 2009: Excellent green lens! Ho Ho Ho! Texans spend over $1 billion annually for solid waste disposal services for over 22 million tons of garbage. I blow through a 30 gal tank of propane every 4 days to bring a little warmth inside. Great resource, as always, thanks for sharing! The first step in going green is to reduce the amount of things that you throw away and consume. I have features your lens too. Reduce the amount of things you throw away by seeing if you can. Reduce/Reduction: to make something smaller or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of waste. Cut down on newspaper and read online instead, or on your Amazon Kindle. Blessed by an Angel. Thumbs up! Take your reusable bag use to the next level with reusable produce bags. Lensrolling to my "10 Simple Ways to Make the World a Better Place" lens. Right now, I have a list of about 7 things I can immediately do to make an impact! But I found a few that I need to pay attention to. Reduce the amount of food that spoils in your fridge. This activity provides Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle headings, with different examples that students can cut apart and sort under the appropriate heading. This video will give you a good basic idea of some things you can start doing to reduce the amount of things you can throw away. Recycling steel cans saves 74 percent of the energy that would be used to produce virgin materials. Just throw all of your recyclables into one of our curbside bins and we’ll sort it for you. Take a moment to build a recycling center. May 3, 2016 - Explore Blossoming Buds Cottage, Inc.'s board "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Crafts", followed by 402 people on Pinterest. Places like Goodwill and the Salvation Army are happy to repair and redistribute these items. Every day, U.S. businesses generate enough paper to encircle the Earth 20 times. As previously mentioned, the state of flow occurs under optimal conditions. 1.) More than 50% of a new aluminum can is made from recycled aluminum. Check out these sample Project Learning Tree activities! I have a piece of chart paper divided into three sections titled: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. There are several aspects to disaster risk reduction: Disaster mitigation – Structural and non-structural measures undertaken to limit the adverse impact of natural hazards; for example, planting mangroves to reduce the risk posed by tidal surges or raising awareness of natural hazards through school-based education projects. It feels great to reduce consumption! We all want to feel like we’re contributing to … Popping #10 into my email signature right now. You can turn your yard into a food producing resource instead of wasting resources on landscaping that only costs you money. For example, bringing our own carrier bags when we go shopping can help to reduce the number of plastic bags used! Reduce your gas mileage and make your car more efficient. Wouldn't it be nice to see starry nights again? Doing one kind also can improve your ability to do the others, and variety helps reduce boredom and risk of injury. Earth Day Recycle, Reuse, Reduce Sorting Activity + Free Printable. Subject: Math. This is my second time coming back here but I'm always impressed with how well written and organized this lens is. The concept behind the first R: Reduce, is that you should limit the number of purchases that you make in the first place. STEM Curriculum ESS3.C: Human Impact on Earth Systems (and religion), so I combined a page for green and religious enthusiasts to unite. With Redfish, recycling is easy. Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour. Taking My County's Public Transportation System to get around! It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters. (Educators, K-8) Reduce the amount of things you throw away by using eBay, Craigslist, and Freecycle. These activities help keep you healthy, improve your fitness, and help you perform the tasks you need to do every day. I already do practice a few of your suggestions and will try to do more. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (R3) are the three essential components of environmentally-responsible consumer behavior. Deb Kingsbury from Flagstaff, Arizona on September 01, 2009: I read through your list and am happy to report that I do most of those things. Merry Christmas my dear. helps young learners explore, experience, observe, and collect data about trees.Download this free sample activity and take your students outdoors for a closer look at trees and their parts.. Energy in Ecosystems ! For example, those who ... And the best news is, there are many different kinds of activities that can reduce your stress. A recycling center could be a trash can next to the trash just for recyclables or a separate area to reduce confusion. Enhance the ability to recycle 5.) Thanks! Switch to a low flow shower head to reduce water use. Shall be coming back to see more! This is another nice work from you. Reduce our dependence on foreign oil by walking or biking to work once in a while. Reduce the amount of water you consume by switching to tap or filtered tap water. Image by Lukas Prudil from Pixabay. Workplace waste from the commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors, which include schools, comprises 30 to 45% of municipal solid waste. hlkljgk from Western Mass on May 25, 2010: i love your green lists - this one is no exception :). Set a good example with reusable items The order of the R’s is no coincidence — there’s a reason to reduce and reuse before you recycle. Bottles and Jugs labeled for recycle 1 and 2, Containers and Cups labeled recycle 1 and 2. For example if I pulled out my fair stick I would say, “My favorite item made by the Grandfather was the tie.”” I use the fair sticks to select the order in which the students will go. Also, "blessed by an angel*. Reduce the amount of resources and water you consume while traveling with these easy green travel tips. I love the fact that the tips you give are things that anyone can take action on. Most stores also offer paper and plastic bag recycling bins. ! Reduce the number of veggies you have to buy at the store and start your own vegetable garden. Check out these simple tips to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Donate before throwing away – When getting rid of unwanted possessions such as clothing, appliances, or equipment, donate them to an organization that can reuse them. Don't buy new stuff in the first place. that's useful for me, and maybe for everyone! Buy in bulk and portion food yourself to reduce on packaging and reduce your contribution to global warming. Check with your utility provider to see when energy costs the least, and run dishwasher, washing machines, and other equipment at that time. Reduce plant watering with rain barrels to collect gutter runoff. At least 20 percent of solid waste generated by Texans comes from grass clippings, leaves, and other landscape wastes. Reduce your costs and packaging you consume by buying certain things in bulk. Aluminum can be recycled and reused indefinitely without a decline in material performance or quality. Switch to free e-cards and reduce paper waste. The paper entombed inside the bag won’t decompose for at least twenty years. Reduce the amount of pesticides you consume (and that are released into the environment) by going organic. The best thinking and the best answer. It's about "Is Green Earth Biblical?" This means reducing your energy bills, grocery bills, water usage, and gas consumption. To help save the environment, firstly we can reduce amount of things we use. I ask for ideas on the meaning of each word and then some examples. all we need is to be resourceful and be creative on how to recycle or to reuse the resources that we have. Purchase products packaged with less waste – Always chose easily recycled products over wasteful ones, buy larger containers that you can divide yourself rather than single serve that use excess packaging, and reconsider bottled water. Another great list! I liked the part about growing your own vegetables. Thanks for the ideas. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples If we all keep doing our part the earth will be around for much much longer. A lot of what you cannot reduce or reuse can be recycled – in fact, the EPA estimates that 75% of everything we throw away can be recycled! Keep in mind that there are many different ways to get more physical activity in your day too. Love it! In truth, composting is arguably one of… Reduce the strain on your freezer by keeping it full—it runs more efficiently. Source reduction is reducing waste before you purchase it, or by purchasing products that are not wasteful in their packaging or use. Reduce junk mail that comes to your home. growing and preserving your own food and cooking at home from scratch from bulk buy staples will probably reduce the most, since food packaging seems to be more than half the trash thrown out. The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is enough to heat 50,000,000 homes for 20 years. It takes up to 400 years for a plastic cup to decompose. Over 87% of Americans have access to curbside or drop-off paper recycling programs. Great lens! When making photo copies, go for double sided printing to reduce paper waste. The old chemicals are out—and greener cleaning is in. This can be one of the most rewarding forms of leading a green lifestyle, as you realize the financial benefits as well as help the environment at the same time! Reduce prepackaged condiment waste and napkins at fast food restaurants by not taking more than you need. This large document includes factsheets, activities, and teaching notes for 6-8 th grade teachers. Choose durable goods over disposable ones – One higher quality razor creates much less waste than multiple disposables. Reduce air conditioning usage with these seven easy tips. See more ideas about crafts, crafts for kids, art for kids. Tolovaj Publishing House from Ljubljana on July 05, 2011: We are always talking about recycling but often forget about reducing. Use washable dishware over paper and plastic – Most restaurants are willing to fill your reusable travel mug instead of a disposable cup. Turn the heat down in your home a notch or two to save money and energy. Reduce material intensity 2.) Reduce the amount of plastic created in the world by switching to reusable bags. Designed for K-2 teachers, Treemendous Science! Reduce the amount of money you spend on paper plates, paper cups, and disposable water bottles by going reusable. These items can be recycled. I like your green list. Cynthia Arre from Quezon City on February 09, 2010: Fantastic lens with a lot of useful information! Your lens is a step in the right direction. The average person generates over 4 pounds of trash every day and about 1.5 tons of solid waste per year. Low flow toilets can also reduce water usage. Excellent tips. Great lens! Awesome lens! Buy only what you will use – If you have leftovers of something, especially paint or chemicals, pass it along to someone who can use it instead of throwing it away. Increase service intensity Source: DeSimone, Livio, and Frank Popoff, 2000 Eco-efficiency and the importance of the 3Rs excellent lens, surely there are unlimited ways on how we can reduce our consumption and the amount of waste that we throw out. It takes 500 years for an aluminum can to decay. I like green ! Individuals who achieve a flow state more regularly tend to pay closer attention to the details of their environment, seek out opportunities for action, set goals, monitor progress using feedback and set bigger challenges for themselves – Csikszentmihalyi (1990). Reduce the amount of contaminants and pollutants that head into the ocean by taking everything with you when you got to beach, and by properly disposing of hazardous materials. Your tips are AWESOME! Check out these simple tips to reduce… Endurance Endurance activities, often referred to as aerobic, increase your breathing and heart rates. 50 Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Energy Consumption, Bills, Water Use, and More Reduce the energy your computer consumes. Join a gym, take a class, or exercise outside. This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. A key part of waste reduction is conservation—using natural resources wisely, and using less than usual in order avoid waste. They can make choices that reduce their impacts on the land, water, air, and other living things. Eliminating waste and protecting our environment requires a community effort, but that doesn’t mean it’s difficult! Reduce the amount of laundry detergent caps. Squid Angel blessing for this environmental friendly lens :). Reduce – means to reduce the waste a household is producing during the family’s everyday activities, studies, work, and life in general. Its less stress, and a lot cheaper, but you do have to trade the amount of time it takes to get around... Great Lens and great tips! Read on for 50 easy ways that you can start reducing various aspects of your life today, from the trash you throw away to junk mail. - A flap book activity where students sort pictures and classify them under the corresponding R and add some sentences of what the picture represents. It makes up roughly 1/3 of what we toss. Remember your grocery bags – Instead of taking home bundles of plastic bags, consider bringing reusable bags to the store. reduce the amount of emails people print out. This will really help. It keeps me awake at night ... well, that and the cold and the 45 mph winds which whip the bejeebers out of this place. By 1990, the number had risen to 4.3 pounds per person per day. Instead of baking one piece of chicken at a time, I bake four at the same time. Rip bread crumbs up for birds and reduce the amount of food you throw out. Great tips and advice, we live in a rented flat, so that limits what can be done, but I'm always looking out for new ideas to try! Consider getting solar energy in your home to reduce your bills and impact on the environment. Reduce your shower time by 1-2 minutes to conserve water. Why it works to reduce stress: Gardening is actually a low-impact workout. Reduce paper towel use by going paperless. Readers should implement this, start in your home. Get an answer for 'Give some examples of things that can be done to reduce the human impact on the environment, either as people or companies.' It includes: - 3 mini posters with visual examples for you to post in class. Treemendous Science! Analyze Costs More Accurately by Department or Activity. The United States makes enough plastic film each year to shrink-wrap the state of Texas. Reduce dispersion of toxic substances 4.) I hope to learn more in next visit. Our family already does many of these things, like using cloth shopping bags and stainless steel travel mugs. Comes with an answer key, so that students can self-check if desired! Activity Part 2: Discuss The Three R's:Recycle, Reuse and Reduce. This book gives an outstanding, in depth look at how you can start using some of nature's natural cleaners to give keep your sparkling clean with items like lemons, baking soda, vinegar, and more cleaners you've never thought of. I do many of the things, including cooking double meals. The first one is for that night and the others are intended to be left-overs. We used our Paper Plate Earth Craft as a visual aid to learn about the importance of recycling, reusing, and reducing in preparation for Earth Day on April 22nd. In the following sample JSON definition of a pipeline, the HDInsight Activity is … You can use the HDInsight MapReduce Activity to run any MapReduce jar file on an HDInsight cluster. This is a perfect hands on lesson that will have your child sorting and cleaning up the Earth. Kindly visit to and leave me some comment. I am currently trying to stay warm in mom's fifth wheel -- it has been brutally cold in here, particularly at night, over the past two weeks. Reduce the amount of plastic utensils you throw away by switching to reusable utensils. For specific examples, you can start with yoga and notice what your body needs in that moment, or read an uplifting book to set a positive tone for the day. Most companies often determine cost … In 1960, Americans disposed of 2.7 pounds of waste per person per day. Stop buying plastic bags that don't break down (taking up landfill space) and reduce your plastic consumption with biodegradable trash bags. For example, turning off the lights and taking shorter showers, Activity cost drivers are specific activities that cause variable expenses to be incurred. Let's practice the letter R and learn what the three R's of Earth Day mean: These are some simple examples that can be discussed: Recycle: We should not throw cans, bottles and newspapers into landfills. The Quest for Less: Activities and Resources for Teaching K-8 provides hands-on lessons and activities, enrichment ideas, journal writing assignments, and other educational tools related to preventing and reusing waste. A study by the Southern States Waste Management Coalition found that the recycling industry in Texas employs 20,000 workers and adds $2.9 billion in value to the Texas Economy. Regular exercise is an excellent way to boost your mood and get in shape. Reduce floor tile use by recycling your old leather materials for decadent leather tiling. Paper can decompose in under five months, but not if it’s in a plastic bag! Use the "shut down" feature on your computer instead of the "sleep" mode. Learn to reduce garbage and waste, and to conserve energy and water by watching BrainPop Jr's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle resource page with lesson plans and teaching tips,, a science topic for grades K-3. Once the student has told me their favorite item from the story, they are free to go and use the hand sanitizer and go to get their snack. Works to reduce confusion reduce air conditioning usage with these easy green travel.... It is this green philosophy which has kept me up at nights... let me explain lens for all your. Keep spreading the word! food containers -- ie sour cream containers, butter,. Your fridge homes for 20 years curbside recycling a Better place '' lens lens... keep spreading word..., machine hours and labor hours can be recycled and reused indefinitely without decline. Is an excellent way to boost your mood and get in shape day too indefinitely. 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