In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, the duel between Harry and Voldemort, as explained by David Yates, is extended and they fight at many different places at Hogwarts, with the final confrontation in the Entrance Courtyard. "The Final Battles" - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Video Game Soundtrack. Voldemort jeered at the proposal that Harry would survive, the boy who survived by accident and because Dumbledore was pulling the strings. As a result of this, a band of students began to fight back very early on in the 1997-1998 school year, led by seventh year Neville Longbottom and sixth years Ginny Weasley, Cormac McLaggen and Luna Lovegood. Dumbledore said he was afraid that Harry's hot head might dominate his good heart, and that Dumbledore feared that, if presented outright with the facts about the tempting objects, Harry might have tried to seize the Hallows like Dumbledore did, at the wrong time, for the wrong reasons. The Seven Novels. Wochit Business. As the tension between Voldemort and his opposers boiled over, the fight found its way to Hogwarts. [3], As Bellatrix, as mad as her master, taunted Molly about the death of Fred Weasley even as Molly's curses came within inches of her, Molly screamed that Bellatrix would never touch her children again. The final duel saw Harry battle with Lord Voldemort and kill him. Harry replied that Voldemort wouldn't be killing anyone else, as they stared into each other's eyes, green into red. 4 years ago | 250 views. Ariana was neglected as the two of them planned a new secret wizarding order, wanting to end the International Statute Of Wizarding Secrecy and create a global monarchy where both worlds' lived together in permanent harmony. He revealed that he was gifted, brilliant, he wanted to escape, to shine, to have glory, and while he loved his brother and sister and parents, he disliked having the responsibility of a damaged sister and a wayward brother; he felt like his talent was trapped and wasted. The Weasleys' estranged son Percy suddenly arrived, and loudly apologised to his family for not supporting them; the Weasleys immediately forgave him. Harry, however, refused and claimed that they needed to get into Hogwarts to complete the task Albus Dumbledore set them. Dans le jeu, les joueurs jouent le rôle d'un étudiant de Poudlard : Harry, Ron, Hermione ou Neville, chacun avec son propre jeu de … The three of them put on the Invisibility Cloak and ran down the next staircase. It is unknown if she will do this for all of the Fallen Fifty, or just the named ones. Voldemort told Snape that the Elder Wand could not serve him properly because he was not the wand's true master, that the wand belonged to the wizard who killed its last owner. Upon returning to their true time, Albus and Scorpius were greatly reprimanded by Professor McGonagall and their parents for plunging the world back into the dark age where Voldemort ruled, and would have been expelled were it not for McGonagall's understanding of the students' parents. McGonagall replaced the House tables, but nobody sat according to House. Their shields are not visible here, Minerva telling the suits of armour to defend Hogwarts. It took place in the early hours of 2 May, 1998, within the castle and on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the mountainous region of Scotland. [3], Still hidden beneath the Invisibility Cloak, Harry cast a Shield Charm between Neville and Voldemort before the latter could try to attack the boy. God of War III. The Death Eaters enlisted giants, Dementors, and Acromantulas to fight for them, while the defenders of Hogwarts included Centaurs, house-elves, students and their parents, shopkeepers from Hogsmeade, enchanted armor and statues and de… Their cries acted like a trigger, and the rest of the survivors began screaming and yelling abuse at the Death Eaters until Voldemort cried for silence and with a bang and flash of bright light, silence was forced upon them all.[3]. Arguably, these deaths may not be considered battle casualties per se, although it is known that the first deaths were indeed those of Scabior and some of his Snatcher gang, who fell to their deaths when the Wooden Bridge collapsed. [20] [5], The Weasley family mourning over Fred's body during the one-hour armistice, Shortly after Snape's death, Lord Voldemort's magically amplified voice rang once more throughout the castle, speaking to everyone at Hogwarts, in Hogsmeade village, and specifically to Harry Potter, giving him one hour to surrender and threatened to kill everyone if he failed to comply. La fin de la guerre remaniée pour un Severus-Harry. Harry heard the high voice shriek "Avada Kedavra" as he simultaneously yelled "Expelliarmus", as he pointed Draco's wand. Harry could not get a clear shot of him, but he fought his way closer, still invisible, and the Great Hall became more and more crowded as everyone who could walk forced their way inside. It was written by Steve Kloves and produced by David Heyman, David Barron, and … Books . Harry said that trying for remorse was Voldemort's last chance, that he had seen what Voldemort would be otherwise, that trying to feel remorse was all Voldemort had left. However, the fact of his own survival burned inside of him, acting like a Patronus in his heart. He said that her son, Harry, survived. [5] Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks were killed by Antonin Dolohov and Bellatrix Lestrange, respectively. When Harry asked Voldemort if Snape asked him to spare Lily's life, Voldemort sneered that Snape had only desired her, and that when she had gone he agreed that there were other women, and of purer blood, worthier of him. The battle ended with a decisive, Students and teachers fleeing from the Death Eaters, victory for the Order and the D.A., with many Death Eaters and Voldemort himself dead. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 is a 2011 fantasy film directed by David Yates and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. [3], Harry's fear intensified, knowing that she could feel the steady pounding of his heartbeat against his ribs. Impressed by Neville's bravery, Voldemort claimed that Neville would be a very valuable Death Eater; but the latter instantly refused and showed his full allegiance to Dumbledore's Army, and there was an answering cheer from the crowd, whom Voldemort's wand bangs seemed unable to hold. With Dumbledore prompting him, Harry concluded that, because Harry let himself be killed by Voldemort, the part of Voldemort's soul that was in Harry had now gone. Games You May Like. [2], The Quidditch pitch is destroyed by Death Eaters during the Battle of Hogwarts, As the defenders of Hogwarts prepared to hold off Voldemort so that Harry could finish his search for the object of Ravenclaw's, the Death Eaters launched attacks on the castle but were kept from entering. Voldemort told the Death Eaters that he expected Harry to come and that it appeared he was mistaken. The Battle of Hogwarts, also known as the Final Battle of Hogwarts, was a dangerous violent conflict that concluded the Second Wizarding War. Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets™ Walkthrough - FINAL BATTLE (PC) Arnett Logan. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, we finally got to see it as the good guys took on the Death Eaters and the rest of Voldemort's followers.This war was dubbed the Battle of Hogwarts. [2], When the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort learned that his archenemy Harry Potter had secretly ventured into the castle to locate and destroy one of his final Horcruxes, he ordered every single Death Eater and dark creature that had ever pledged loyalty to him to launch a massive attack on the school. The victorious procession continued to march on toward the open ground, and Harry could tell, after a while, by the lightening of the darkness through his closed eyelids, that the trees were beginning to thin. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone; Harry Potter and the … Add new page. [4], Minerva telling the suits of armour to defend Hogwarts, When Harry and Luna returned to the Room of Requirement, they found that even more people had arrived, including: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, Oliver Wood, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Arthur Weasley, and Molly Weasley. Voldemort stood up and observed Harry. [3], Molly Weasley duelling Bellatrix Lestrange, Eventually, all the Death Eaters were either killed or defeated with only Voldemort and Bellatrix left standing. Condition: Please see photos. When Lord Voldemort learned that Harry Potter was in the castle to locate Filled with despair the last nine months had brought them along with the loss of Fred, Harry almost welcomed oblivion that would come with a Dementor's Kiss, but a silver hare, a boar, and fox soared past and impeded the Dementors' approach. From his resemblance to his late brother, Harry deduced that the man was Aberforth Dumbledore: the younger brother of the late Albus Dumbledore. [5], Before reaching the end of the tunnel, Harry put on the Invisibility Cloak and extinguished his lit wand. He gave the defenders of Hogwarts sacrificial protection, and which was why none of the spells Voldemort put on them were binding: Voldemort couldn't torture them, or touch them, and Harry ended by calling Voldemort "Tom" and telling him he never learnt from his mistakes. Share to Twitter. Lord Voldemort led his forces from the Shrieking Shack while Kingsley Shacklebolt and Minerva McGonagall led the defenders of Hogwarts. Casualties During the chaos, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy ran through the crowd, not even attempting to fight, screaming for their son Draco Malfoy. He used the Elder wand to repair his own. Dumbledore closed his eyes to what Grindewald truly was, because if their plans came to fruition all of Dumbledore's dreams would come true. Harry glanced at the raw-looking thing that trembled and choked in the shadow beneath the distant chair, but Dumbledore told Harry not to pity the dead, but instead to pity the living, especially those who live without love. In the final battle, Harry used his signature spell with defiance. Screeching over the tumult, Voldemort announced that now, with Harry Potter dead by his hand, no man could ever threaten him. He told Harry that by returning, Harry could ensure that fewer souls were injured and fewer families torn apart, as Harry had a strong possibility of being able to defeat Voldemort once and for all. Harry defended him, saying that it was only natural for him to want to see his family again, but Dumbledore said that he was only fit to possess the Elder Wand, and only to use it to protect others from it. As tension mounts over the approaching battle, Harry anxiously s… Then, over the screams and the roars and the thunderous stamps of the battling giants, Hagrid yelled for Harry, asking where Harry was. Snape cast Sectumsempra at a Death Eater to prevent him from cursing Lupin, but the spell missed and hit George instead, severing his ear. Outside, the inn's proprietor pulled out his wand and cast a goat Patronus; he insisted that the Death Eaters had mistaken his Patronus for a stag and that he had set off the alarm when he let out his cat. The mocking laughter of another woman nearby was heard, and he knew it was Bellatrix glorying in McGonagall's despair. Add new page. Dumbledore's Army communicated the need to fight to the Order of the Phoenix and their other allies, leading to a large-scale battle. [2], Aberforth with Leanne, Ginny, Padma, Romilda, Seamus, and Katie during the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry realised that it was midnight, and Voldemort's forces had penetrated the castle's boundaries. Voldemort chest rose and fell rapidly, and Harry could feel the curse coming, building inside the wand Voldemort had in his hand. Their ranks included students who had refused to leave during the evacuations, Hogwarts staff and teachers, parents, and others who had rallied to defend Hogwarts when … Harry no longer had the phoenix wand, and so they would duel on skill alone, and Voldemort said that after he had killed Harry he would attend to Draco Malfoy. End of the, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 - ''Boom'' and Piertotum Locomotor scene (HD), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 - Courtyard battle part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 - Courtyard battle part 2, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (3 5) Movie CLIP - Snape's Memories (2011) HD, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Resurrection Stone Scene HD, Harry Potter Is Dead - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 Voldemort vs Harry Potter Final Battle Full Scene, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. When he mentions she had better be in Slytherin, one of the boys, the young James Potter, scornfully remarks to his friend, Sirius Black, that he would rather leave than be in Slytherin, and preferred Gryffindor. Voldemort's army lays siege to Hogwarts in order to capture Harry Potter[2] Death Eaters, based on the Forbidden Forest, came streaming out in great numbers. Snape was remorseful for calling Lily a Mudblood and had threatened to sleep outside the entrance had she not come to see him. It was not what Grindelwald could do to him magically (as Dumbledore knew that they were about evenly matched) that Dumbledore feared, rather Dumbledore was afraid of truth; which one of them had cast the curse that killed Ariana during that last horrific fight. Elijah Mack. Seamus Finnigan told the trio that the DA had been hiding out there for nearly two weeks, as neither Headmaster Snape nor the Carrows could get in. Harry Potter Wiki. Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets™ Walkthrough - FINAL BATTLE (PC) Arnett Logan. [11] Two other Horcruxes had also been destroyed prior to Dumbledore's death: Voldemort's old diary from his school years at Hogwarts was destroyed in 1993 by Harry Potter,[12] and a ring which had belonged to Voldemort's grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt, was destroyed by Dumbledore sometime in July,1996. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Looking around, Harry wondered where Ron and Hermione were. The scene dissolved again into the Hogwarts' Great Hall during the House sorting ceremony. It took place on 2 May, 1998, within the castle and on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After a few weeks of this, Aberforth confronted the two of them about their treatment of his sister, which made Grindelwald angry. While Voldemort and Harry duked it out in the great hall, the majority of the combatants watched and listened in awe to what Harry and Voldemort had to say. Hundreds of people now lined the walls, watching the two fights: Voldemort and his three opponents, Bellatrix and Molly, while Harry stood invisible, torn between both, wanting to attack and yet to protect, unable to be sure that he would not hit the innocent. Wikis. [3], Voldemort said that he brought about the death of Albus Dumbledore, but Harry told Voldemort that he was wrong. Looking up, he saw it belonged to a twenty-foot high giant, which proceeded to smash a fist through an upper window. The enchanted ceiling in the Great Hall is dark with twinkling stars; the students are sitting below, clothed in their dressing gowns or traveling cloaks. As tension mounts over the approaching battle, Harry anxiously searches the room for Ron and Hermione, who were still missing. There was chaos as the charging centaurs scattered the Death Eaters and everyone fled from the giants' stamping feet, and nearer and nearer thundered the reinforcements. [16], The memory showed Albus Dumbledore telling Snape that, if there is ever a time when Voldemort kept Nagini magically protected and always in his sight, Snape must then tell Harry that he is a seventh Horcrux, inadvertently created by Voldemort and that Harry must die in order for Voldemort to be killed. Voldemort said that he crushed them, crushed them as he had crushed Harry's mother, Snape's supposed great love. There were movements from the watching crowd, but the Death Eaters raised their wands as one and held the fighters of Hogwarts at bay. She leaves him and the scene dissolves. [3], As they circled each other, wrapped in each other, held apart by nothing but the last secret, Voldemort suggested that, if it wasn't love that would save Harry, Harry must believe he possessed magic that Voldemort didn't, or a weapon more powerful than Voldemort's. [2], As the cursed fire consumed the whole room, Crabbe was lost amongst the flames, now looking terrified as he had no control over the flames. Sprout, Flitwick, Arthur, Molly, Ron, Hermione, Neville,Tonks, Remus, Kingsley, Fleur, Bill, Fred, George and Percy arriving for the Battle of Hogwarts. Dumbledore nodded, and said that Grindelwald was said to have shown remorse in later years, alone in his cell at Nurmengard, and that perhaps that lie to Voldemort was his attempt to make amends, to stop Voldemort from taking the Hallow, or (as Harry suggested) to stop Voldemort from breaking into Dumbledore's tomb. [7], Luna Lovegood took Harry to the Ravenclaw Common Room to see a statue of Rowena wearing the diadem so that he would know what to look for. There was an argument, and Grindelwald subjected Aberforth to the Cruciatus Curse. Voldemort was dead by his own rebounding curse, and Harry looked down at his enemy's shell with the two wands in his hand. Voldemort did not speak but continued prowling in a circle, and Harry knew that he had kept him temporarily at bay and mesmerised, held back by the possibility that Harry might indeed know a final secret. [5], Nagini killing Snape on Voldemort's orders, Snape tried to explain the situation, but Voldemort swiped the air with the Elder Wand before he could finish, and Nagini's cage began to roll through the air. Neville revealed that they were in the Room of Requirement, which had expanded as more of Dumbledore's Army arrived. Harry expected to hear cheers of triumph and jubilation at his death, but instead he heard hurried footsteps, whispers, and solicitous murmurs filling the air. The three women soon left to join the battle, in order for the trio to change the setting of the Room of Requirement. It didn't matter whether Snape was his or Dumbledore's, or what petty obstacles they had tired to put in his path. USA Today released several new photos from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer, out tomorrow, including Harry and Voldemort's final battle on the Hogwarts courtyard, Voldemort and his Death Eaters looking at Hogwarts, presumably, Harry and Hagrid flying across England on Sirius's motorbike, and a few caps released in the MTV preview earlier this month. Her mother eventually relented to the point of allowing Ginny to stay at Hogwarts if she stayed in the Room of Requirement. End of the Second Wizarding War. Harry, Ron, and Hermione search for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes in their effort to destroy the Dark Lord as the final battle rages on at Hogwarts. The Trio arrived on this miserable scene through a tunnel. Harry was lifted into the air, and he tried as hard as he could to remain limp, yet the pain he expected from the Torture Curse did not come. Snape began to say that she is only a Muggle but instead grandly announced that they finally were going off to Hogwarts. Snape engaged in an argument with Sirius and James, until an indignant Lily asked Snape to follow her to a different compartment. At this, for the first time, the watching crowd stirred as the hundreds of people around the walls drew breath as one. Summary: People are going missing in the wizarding world and not even Hogwarts is safe. [7], Neville then led Harry, Hermione and Ron around a corner and up a steep flight of stairs that led to a door. [14], Suddenly, a door near the trio opened and the three of them were hustled inside the Hog's Head Inn. Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter are also sorted into Gryffindor, joining Sirius Black. Harry breathed back a "yes". Harry calmly agreed that Dumbledore was dead, but that Voldemort didn't have him killed. [18], The whimpering, maimed, agonised creature left unwanted under the chair, Looking more closely at his surroundings, Harry saw a great domed glass roof glittering high above him, and he thought perhaps he was in a palace. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling and the seventh and final novel of the Harry Potter series. Harry uses Draco's hawthorn wand going into the final battle with Voldemort. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is the shortest film in the Harry Potter series, and yet contains the most important sequence in the history of the franchise: The Battle of Hogwarts. Result Getting to her feet, Narcissa Malfoy falsely announced to the watchers that the boy was indeed dead. Snape, grief-stricken, was slumped in a chair with a grim-looking Dumbledore standing over him. Dumbledore's Army then communicated the need to fight to the Order of the Phoenix and their other allies within the British Ministry of Magic, leading to a large-scale battle. Lavender Brown was savaged by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback after falling from a balcony, and later died of blood loss from her injuries soon afterwards. Snape demanded of Dumbledore, however, that his deep love for Lily (his reason for switching sides) be kept a secret. Voldemort told Snape that after both of the wands failed he sought the Elder Wand, the Deathstick, Wand of Destiny; he took it from the grave of Albus Dumbledore. Accusing Snape of breaking the branch, Lily goes away, leaving him miserable and confused. [13] Harry then returned to Hogwarts to search for another of Voldemort's Horcruxes, an object he believed had something to do with Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, both which are Hogwarts Houses. Nevertheless, she punished them with a multitude of detentions and cancellation of their holidays. Bellatrix Lestrange died at the hands of Molly Weasley after just missing Ginny with a Killing Curse. [16], The scene switched to Dumbledore's office. Laughing delightedly, Bellatrix answered that it was Neville Longbottom, the student in particular who had been giving the Carrows so much trouble, and son of the Aurors, Frank and Alice Longbottom. Playing next. With no remorse, Voldemort ordered Nagini to kill Snape in Parseltongue. In a twist, Voldemort did not kill Snape, who continued to live up to his role as a triple agent, lamenting on his failure to protect Harry. ... Harry Potter Fan Zone (HPFZ) is an Australian Harry Potter fan site established in 2003. Snape reluctantly agreed, making Dumbledore promise never to tell anyone that he was protecting James Potter's son, ever. After Lily shows some strange tricks to her older sister, unaware she is performing magic, Snape emerges and informs Lily that she is a witch and derides Petunia as a Muggle. Share to Facebook. He said that when he discovered it, after all those years buried in the abandoned home of the Gaunts, he lost his head and quite forgot that it was now a Horcrux and that the ring was sure to carry a curse. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone; Harry Potter and the … In the film, the final battle between Harry and Voldemort rages all over the school, with their final duel being in the, The Battle of Hogwarts was nominated for the. [4], Powerful protective enchantments being placed around the castle, McGonagall then ordered the students to be brought to the Great Hall. Harry again disagreed, saying that Dumbledore was cleverer than Voldemort; a better wizard and a better man. Corners and some stains as seen in pics, but Snape spurned that possibility and produced his Patronus a! And Professor McGonagall, Harry surfaced from the creative mind of Hideki Kamiya move with... Hands on them, Dumbledore 's face was fourteen, she accidentally her! 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