Standard period for which TRP is issued is 3 years. Foreign nationals to whom a permit may be issued without quota should submit supporting documents. [Accessed 3 Oct. 2011], United States (US). How to get your residence permit if you are a non-EU citizen. (those married to a Russian citizen with place of residence in the Russian Federation should provide a marriage certificate and the passport of the spouse, Russian citizen). After getting married foreign citizen should collect necessary set of documents to apply for TRP: There are situations when marriage which served ground for obtaining TRP is declared invalid by court. "On the Benefits of Russian Temporary and Permanent Residency - Russia." A better term would be permission to permanently reside in Russia, but since ‘permanent residence’ is a common term, I will stick with it.The permanent residence permit provided the holder of it with a right to permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation for a maximum period of 5 years. Amazingly, you can start the process by simply walking into the appropriate government office. ability to freely cross Russian borders unlimited number of times during the year; right to work and do business, no need to obtain patent or special work permit; ability to open your own commercial company or register as sole proprietor; right to free medical care and placement in hospital at place of residence; ability to register with migration authorities for entire period of TRP validity; no need to register with migration authorities if you do not change your place of residence and do not leave region where you receive TRP. A residence permit in Russia by marriage or on any other basis gives a foreigner practically the same rights as Russian citizens. Residence permit for job-seeking qualified skilled workers – Issuance. Please pay your attention that it varies from region to region. About 11 months after obtaining your residency, you will need to "confirm" the residency, usually at the same office that gave you the residency stamp in the first place. 1.1. 6, bld. [Accessed 23 Sept. 2011], RT. Apply for a Russian visa if you do not already have one. However, you can only live, work, and do business permanently in certain region. Moreover, temporary residing foreigner must have official job and source of income in order to support himself and his family members at a level not lower than living wage. "Residency and Citizenship: Privileges Held by Foreigners Married to Russian Citizens." A stamp with the words "Temporary Residence Permit" in the permit holder's passport indicates that he or she has a temporary residence permit (ibid.). 115-FZ of 2002 on the Legal Position of Foreign Citizens, a foreign citizen can obtain a permanent residence permit after residing in the Russian Federation "for at least one year" on a temporary residence permit (Russia 2002b, Art. ‘Permanent residence permit’ is not a literary translation of the Russian term, which, in my opinion, is rather vague. N.d. "Acquiring Russian Citizenship." Temporary residence permit in Ukraine by marriage Our practice shows that marrying a Ukrainian citizen is the most popular basis for getting a temporary residence permit in Ukraine. The application process can take up to six months (RT 1 Jan. 2010; NDLA 20 Nov. 2009). Temporary Residence Permit A foreigner married to a Russian citizen residing in the Russian Federation may apply for and be granted a temporary or permanent residence permit ( n.d.). MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE . 62-FZ of 2002 on Citizenship of the Russian Federation (NDLA n.d.). Accordingly, if spouse permanently lives abroad, the marriage cannot be the basis to apply for TRP in simplified manner. It will take 6-8 weeks to get a permanent residence permit by marriage with our help in this case. Marriages in Russia must be registered with the local civil registry office, ZAGS (Zapis Aktov Grazhdanskogo Sostoyaniya). 123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya Nab. Apply with this application for a residence permit if your spouse is a Finnish citizen. However, it has to be registered with the GUVM every year. 6). If the spouse is registered in the Russian Federation, documents should be submitted to relevant state authorities in the region of permanent registration. The application for a permanent residence permit should be filed six months prior to the expiration of the temporary residence permit (US n.d.). The Norman DL Associates (NDLA) law firm, which is based in Moscow, states that "all questions connected with acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation in the simplified manner are considered by the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior" (n.d.). Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request. Within six months, the Federal Migration Service will decide whether to grant the applicant a permanent residence permit (RT 1 Jan. 2010; NDLA 20 Nov. 2009). 2002a [amended 28 June 2009]. An incapacitated person with a son or a daughter with Russian nationality 1. 13): Information on the specific documents required to obtain Russian citizenship through marriage could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate. Josh Wilson and Olga Timoshkina. A residence permit in Ukraine is a document that confirms the status of a foreign citizen in Ukraine: -Temporary residence permit -Permanent residence permit Which are drawn up depending on the availability in the foreigner of the relevant grounds. Applications’ acceptance is finished when quota is exhausted. Sources indicate that temporary residence permits are subject to a quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation (ibid. However, for many foreigners, this document is the best way to legalize their stay in the country. "To Russia with Love." The era of globalization brought it fruits, and every tenth wife or husband in Ukraine nowadays is a foreigner. identity card with notarized translation into Russian; medical certificates of absence of diseases defined in the Decree; document proving knowledge of Russian language; marriage certificate and passport of spouse. In addition to the specifying the length of time applicants must have resided in the federation, the Federal Law on Russian Federation Citizenship indicates that foreign citizens and stateless persons 18 years of age and over are entitled to apply for naturalisation on the following conditions (Russia 2002a, Art. It is suitable for cases when you do not plan to connect your life with Russia for a long time. Another disadvantage is that the total period of stay of temporarily residing foreigner outside of Russia should not exceed 6 months during one calendar year. Obtaining of TRP can be a step on the way to obtaining permanent residence permit or citizenship. The Russian permanent residence permit is valid for five years but can be renewed an unlimited number of times. If you are a student, then your university will help you with this. In other words, you can cross border of the Russian Federation at least every day, but if you stay abroad for more than six months in total, migration authorities will have grounds to revoke permit. 1.1. No waiver of foreign citizenship is required if this is envisaged by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or the present Federal Law or if the waiver of another citizenship is impossible due to reasons beyond the person's control; [and], [A]re in command of the Russian language …. 1.1. marriage certificate and spouse's passport (if the spouse is a Russian citizen); birth certificate or passport of a USSR citizen (for former Soviet/Russian citizens); [and], document confirming that the foreign citizen has an established place [of] residence, or [the] consent of Russian citizens registered in Russia at their place of residence to provide a place of residence for the foreign citizen. Foreign citizens who have been residing in the Russian Federation and have been married to a Russian citizen for at least three years are "entitled to apply for admittance to Russian citizenship in a simplified manner without observing the condition concerning the time of residence established by Item 'a' of Part One of Article 13 of [the] Federal Law" (Russia 2002a, Art.14). In other words, you can apply for TRP under simplified procedure if the wife is citizen of the Russian Federation or if the husband is a citizen. Residence permit to start a job as an au pair Upon marriage to a Russian citizen — resident in Russia — foreign spouses are eligible for a residence permit regardless of whether the country’s quota on foreign residents has already been filled that year. A temporary residence permit – is a certificate in the form of a biometric ID card, which is issued to a foreign citizen, in accordance with its basis for a residence permit, and confirms his right to temporarily reside in Ukraine from 1 to 3 years. ). 1. However, if your plans did not include living in the Russian Federation for more than 3 years, then limited period of validity of TRP is rather an advantage. Alinga Consulting Group (ACG). Later on, if you have been married to a citizen of the Russian Federation for at least three years, you’ll be able to apply for citizenship through a “simplified” procedure. Federal Law No. The spouse should reside permanently in the country and have local registration. In addition to the documents required for a temporary residence permit, applicants must submit a document confirming their temporary residence permit and, for their children under 18 years of age, the child's birth certificate and passport or any other identity document (Russia n.d.). [Accessed 3 Oct. 2011]. These include, for example, knowledge and compliance with Russian legislation. Your husband or wife, your registered same-sex partner or your cohabiting partner who you have lived with for at least two years in a marriage-like relationship or with whom you have … This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. There are two ways available for those who want to obtain temporary residence permit: within quota and outside quota. In other words, you can apply for TRP under simplified procedure if the wife is citizen of … Residence permit to take part in a student exchange or to attend school. The permanent … In this case, foreign citizen’s TRP will be cancelled. 20 November 2009. Without obtaining a temporary residence permit, a residence permit may be issued to highly qualified professionals and their families, and also to certain other categories of foreign citizens, in accordance with article 33.1 of the Federal law of May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ ‘On Citizenship of the Russian Federation’. The only exception is the right to participate in elections and referenda — citizenship is required for this. This type of permit takes about 6 months to acquire and is valid for 3 years, although it must be renauthenticated every year. [Accessed 2 Oct. 2011], Russia. 1 January 2010. 10 Dec. 2008). However, according to Federal Law No. Obtaining TRP by marriage with Russian citizen occurs outside quota, so you do not have to spend time and money on additional formalities. (ibid.). The short answer is yes, you can.You need to apply for a residence permit, but in November 2019, the Russian government eased policies making it much easier for non-citizen parents of a Russian child to apply for indefinite residence permits. There is another important condition: you must use allocated quota for submitting documents for TRP before the end of the year. As a prerequisite for obtaining a Permanent Residence Permit, a Temporary Residence Permit must be applied for first, and needs to be held for at least one year before an application can be made for a permanent permit. One of the most common ways an immigrant will get a green card is through marriage to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Oral sources: Attempts to contact officials of the Federal Migration Service, the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as representatives at law firms were unsuccessful. Joining relatives in Russia with a temporary residence permit. For children between the ages of 14 and 18, applicants must include their child's notarized consent to reside in Russia (ibid.). However, not later than 4 months before TRP expires. Residence permit for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification in a non-regulated profession. This residence permit is for foreigners in the UK through a marriage/civil partnership/durable relationship with a British citizen, or a holder of settlement permit, if such partner has deceased by now. However, it is not enough to simply comply with this obligation. Citizenship is not granted immediately after marriage, however, and you must be married to a Russian citizen for three years to become a citizen yourself. This does not mean that you cannot go abroad or to another region. So, if your application is approved, you need to hurry up with further paperwork. So only a few lucky people can get positive decision for the first time. Application for residence permit can be made by a foreigner who possesses a permit for temporary residence, but not later than 6 months before its termination. Obtaining Russian citizenship through marriage may allow you to go through the process a bit faster. Documents needed for applying the marriage residence permit in China: Registration form of temporary residence for visitors: When you come to China with your visa, you need to register at the local police station in 24 hours. Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Temporary residence permit or TRP is a document which officially entitles foreigner to live and work in Russia within specified period of time. "Documents Required to Obtain a Permanent Residence Permit." "Russian Visas." Oksana Boyko. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. However, just like the temporary residence visa, it must be authenticated on an annual basis. marriage must be concluded in accordance with requirements of Russian and foreign legislation; marriage certificate issued on the territory of foreign country must have legalization mark. Internet sites, including: Amnesty International, Argumenty i Fakty, European Country of Origin Information Network, Factiva, Human Rights Watch, International Crisis Group, Moscow Helsinki Group, The Moscow Times; Rossiyskaya Gazeta; Russia - Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Toronto, Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ottawa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior; United Nations Refworld. For this purpose, they first receive a temporary residence permit, and a year later they can apply for a residence permit. 10 December 2008. Most foreigners apply for quota several times. All foreign residents holding a temporary residence permit are required to obtain a work permit to work "in the territory of the Russian administrative unit where the temporary residence permit was issued" (ibid.). For example, a marriage certificate, confirming the marriage to the Russian citizen, should be submitted (ibid. Important conclusions. 2, Imperia Tower, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply, By clicking on the button "Submit", you give your consent to the, Preparing a business for sale, legal support of business sales, Development of foreign business structures in Russia, Accreditation of Branches and Representative Offices of Foreign Companies, M&A deal structures, Investment Transactions, Due Diligence and Review of Contracts services, Full legal support of real estate and construction projects, Due diligence of immovable assets of companies and holdings, Representation of client interests in Russian courts on all issues of land and construction legislation, Support of investment and construction projects, Design and engineering service contracts, construction contracts, Russian Visa Invitations - Requirements, Cost, Types, Obtaining temporary residence permit by marriage with the citizen of the Russian Federation. [U]ndertake to observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation; [H]ave a legal source of means of subsistence; [H]ave filed applications with the competent body of the foreign state whereby they waived their other citizenship. The state duty for TRP processing is 1,600 rubles. [Accessed 7 Oct. 2011], _____. Most foreigners who want to stay in Russia apply for TRP within quota. First, let's cover the marriage part of it and then go onto the permit. Article 6 of the Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation contains a non-exhaustive list of persons who do not need quotas in order to qualify for a temporary residence permit for Russia: 1. If you have been abroad for longer than specified period due to valid reason and can prove this documentarily, TRP will not be canceled. (US. however, you can still apply for quota. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002 on Russian Federation Citizenship. Such marriage is usually called fictitious and means that foreigner’s marriage was aimed at obtaining temporary residence permit in simplified manner. The Russian permanent residence permit has a five-year validity period and can be extended without any limitation. Copyright notice: This document is published with the permission of the copyright holder and producer Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). However, if foreign citizen plans to obtain permanent residence permit, he/she will be able to submit documents no earlier than 8 months after receiving TRP. However, good reasons are needed to apply for TRP without quota. Foreigners who move to Russia can obtain various rights. 115-FZ on the Legal Position of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation, "a permit for temporary residence may be issued to a foreign citizen without an account for the quota … if he is married to a citizen of the Russian Federation whose place of residence is in the Russian Federation" (Russia 2002b, Art. 2002b [amended 1 July 2011]. It is possible to accompany or join relatives in Russia on a temporary residence permit. An application for a temporary residence permit is filed personally by a foreign citizen (ibid.). There are no limits on number of applications. This is not a UNHCR publication. ; ACG 10 Dec. 2008). It will be easier and faster to obtain a residence permit for investment. However, TRP has some drawbacks, but they are not very serious. Relatives of any kind can apply for a Russian Private Visa to join family members in Russia and stay for up to 90 days. In other words, if your business obviously covers several regions of the Russian Federation, difficulties may arise. According to Russian legislation, the state has the right to refuse to grant citizenship if, for example, an individual applying for citizenship "supports violent change to the foundations of the constitutional system in the Russian Federation, has outstanding convictions, has used counterfeit documents or knowingly declared false information" (NDLA n.d.). It does not matter for processing documents, but following points should be considered: The bare fact of marriage with Russian citizen is not sufficient ground to obtain TRP in Russia in 2020. Obtaining Russian citizenship through marriage. The general procedure described in Article 13 stipulates that foreign citizens who are 18 years and older and applying for Russian Federation citizenship must have been living in the federation for five years on a residence permit (ibid., Art.13). So, the document is issued for 3 years and it cannot be extended, that is, after this period, you will either have to leave the country, or re-issue the papers. If you are in a same-sex marriage and you move to another EU country, your … The application should include, If the applicant is not subject to the quota for temporary residence permits, he or she must also provide. A temporary residence permit (TRP) gives foreign citizens the right to reside in Russia before obtaining a permanent residence permit. A Temporary Residence Permit is valid for up to three years. This permit will allow you to stay inside China and come and go as I please for two years until it expires. In addition, if foreign citizen wants to stay in the Russian Federation, he/she should fulfill some mandatory duties. Federal Law No. N.d. "Russian Federation: Family Reunion." For many foreign-born persons, the most sought after U.S. immigration benefit is permanent resident status (a green card). We would like to draw up your attention: if TRP is ISSUED in Moscow, you will not be able to work in Moscow region. They can apply for work and residence permits which can allow them to open companies, obtain jobs with Russian companies, but also to marry Russian or foreign citizens. 10 Dec. 2008). Fortunately, law does not restrict foreign citizens in number of attempts. ; US n.d.; NDLA 20 Nov. 2009). Persons born in the Soviet Union who had Soviet citizenship and people born in Russia. The requirement and procedure for acquiring citizenship of the Russian Federation is regulated by Federal Law No. [Accessed 25 Oct. 2011], You do still have to obtain a temporary residence permit (TRP) first, but when you’re married to a Russian citizen the annual quota for granting TRPs doesn't apply. Other grounds to apply for TRP under simplified procedure may include: The most common reason for foreign citizen to obtain TRP is to marry Russian citizen. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002 on the Legal Position of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation. It will also become invalid if you leave the country for an unbroken six month period. It allows the holder to choose a place of residence and to work anywhere in Russia without a special permit (ibid.). Residence permit to start an internship. documentation that confirms that the foreign citizen is not a drug addict and does not have any infectious diseases. N.d. "Legal Support." According to Federal Law No. The main thing that makes getting a residency permit more difficult for an US, Canadian or any other non-EU citizen is the fact that self-sufficiency is not acceptable. The applicant will have to collect a large package of documents, pass an exam in Russian language, history and law, and undergo a medical examination. Temporary residence permits are issued by an office under the authority of the Ministry of the Interior (also translated as Ministry of Internal Affairs) (US n.d.). Any kind of visa, such as tourist, private, student and business, will do. In addition, you are restricted by borders of region that issued the permit. No nonsense. Fortunately, there are grounds to avoid quota. Since it takes into account demographic situation and ability of particular region to accommodate foreign citizens, quota is usually small. 9. Residence permit is a document that gives the right for an alien to reside legally in the territory of the Russian Federation for a long period of time. After you get your long-term visa you can try to apply for a temporary residency permit (РВП - разрешение на временное проживание — RVP). A person married to a Russian citizen living in Russia (the temporary residence permit is issued in the same region where the spouse has permanent residence in Russia.) [Accessed 29 Sept. 2011], Norman DL Associates (NDLA). No appointment needed. If you want to join your EU spouse or registered partner in their country of origin and you haven't lived together in another EU country before, only national rules will apply to your situation. (Legislationline) [Accessed 4 Nov. 2011], _____. Things are a bit more complicated if you are a non-EU citizen who wants to stay in Romania for more than 90 days. for minors – their parents’ submission of documents for TRP; citizenship of states that were part of the USSR with place of birth in the RSFSR; official status of native Russian language speaker; education at state Russian university under an accredited program (only for the former USSR countries). List of grounds for a temporary residence permit List of grounds for a permanent residence permit According to the NDLA, a different set of documents are required when applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation through the simplified process (NDLA n.d.). Someone with an incapacitated parent who i… However, there are exceptions to this rule. Foreigner is required to submit annual notification confirming his/her residence and income to prove compliance with above-mentioned conditions. A foreigner married to a Russian citizen residing in the Russian Federation may apply for and be granted a temporary or permanent residence permit ( n.d.). Quota for issuing temporary residence permits is approved annually by the government of the Russian Federation considering proposals of regional executive authorities. Temporary residence permit holders face restrictions such as "mandatory fingerprint registration, restrictions on changes of residence within Russia, and annual registration with the internal affairs agencies" (ibid.). If that quota has already been met, you can still apply for temporary residence if you are married to a Russian citizen. The GUVM decides on this. Obtaining temporary residence permit by marriage with citizen of the Russian Federation The most common reason for foreign citizen to obtain TRP is to marry Russian citizen. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States. The year state duty for TRP within quota and outside quota, you., just like the temporary residence permit. like the temporary residence permit for the first time merit of kind. Citizens the right to participate in elections and referenda — citizenship is required to submit annual notification confirming residence... Russian citizens. permits is approved annually by the government of the Russian permanent residence permit. knowledge compliance..., a continuous residence permit to start a job as an au pair marriage CERTIFICATE, the... Usually small 2009 ) government office supporting documents to take part in a student exchange or to another region student... 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