Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Archangel Chamuel Wand - You can even fulfil your Earth scenario and possibly pick the new one for yourself. Additionally , you can also pray to the Heavenly Father about a current relationship, if one needs mending (God can speak to the your hearts like no one else can) asking for a peaceful resolve, or if single, asking God to help you find a Godsend (soul mate or Twin Flame) spouse, for a long term relationship that you both will enjoy:), The Angel Realm- Soul mate angels and Romance angels. Have you heard stories about someone who cant stand some nation? Dont miss out by entering your name and email address to start receiving signs and messages now! The pink ray can dissolve feelings of guilt, low self-esteem, or resentment through unconditional love and compassion so that you can forgive, release the . as i unite, the duality in me is erased as my two sides merge to form the whole I AM. Chamuel listens carefully and tells that you are not on your own anymore. What does the archangel do? Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of Love - Inspiration Divination Animals havent got Guardian Angels, but they have a Fairy appointed to be their Guardian during their stay on Earth. They teach you to replace your sense of injustice with a supreme trust in the ultimate resolution of divine love. TWIN FLAME RITUAL Light a pink candle and call on Archangel Chamuel, Angel of Love, who helps us locate a lost lovers: Archangel Chamuel, please guide me and my twin flame so that we may unite forces for divine service for the highest good of all. Archangel Chamuel wont give you back anything riddled with negative. We will address whatever is most burdensome to your heart.. Feel luminous pink Light filling your body, stroking your poor heart gently, dissolving black blockages and melting the pieces of ice. 2023 Copyright Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Sometimes, love can be found in unexpected times and places which could sometimes mean that youre allowing people to show you who they are. The Angel to support you, give you confidence, make your mind extra sharp,, Read More Who is the Angel of Knowledge?Continue, Your email address will not be published. ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL | saintandrewstwinflame Angel Message of the Day: Archangel Chamuel - You Will Meet Your Twin Try again later. You can either use prayer or meditation. From space, it seems that more and more lights turn on breaking up the grey etheric smog, surrounding our Planet, the bright, Read More Archangel Sachiel, the Angel of Money, Wealth, and SuccessContinue, Do Angels even bother with money? Your Guardian Angel gestures you to step inside. ".And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Archangel Chamuel is known to improve and amplify your psychic abilities and make it possible for you to find what you seek. Let him fill your life with love and harmony. Archangel Chamuel watches carefully and seeds Love where there is no Love. Archangel Chamuel Angel of Love & Relationship. Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, Chamuel and Charity serve to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals. Archangel Chamuel and Charity welcome us to study in their etheric retreat in the heaven-world over Saint Louis. Maybe you even see your etheric wings sprung and unfolded both sides of your body. I know as well that he has got other things to do to help with the change. The Angel of Love, entering the relationship with the Parent, smooths it and makes it if not loving, but at least civil. Very often a reason for overeating is tiredness. Archangel Chamuel works closely with his Twin Flame Archangel Charity, who vibrates on a more feminine ray of Compassion, Empathy, Forgiveness and Creativity. World Service:healing of ethnic and racial tension. Keto lunch today. Escort me, instruct me, and guide and protect me and all co-servers, I pray Thee, now and always as we serve to cut free all life on earth. Together, they assist the other to come into their perfection. This will always remain throughout eternity. Rose quartz amplifies the vibration of unconditional love. elohim! Everyone whose Heart Chakra is huge, blazing with Love and spinning fast has got the wings: Spiritual Dragons, some Unicorns, Fairies and YOU, yes, you! Or they may put on their armour to ght the forces of cruelty and hatred that cause many of the problems in families and relationships. Cut us free Even though have been a member of this Command since sooooo long, had to read this article at the moment i had enough Cosmic light quotient to hold this energy of love. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'inspirationdivination_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',193,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-banner-1-0');Green is a colour of Nature. He fans his luminous pink Light into your aura and creates synchronicities to help the fateful meeting to happen quicker. Archangel Chamuel speaks on Twin Flame Reunions - Thank you for sharing your message from Chamuel, for so fat I haven't been aware of this support for twin flames. Meditate on this song, Rose of Light, O Come to increase the love fire in your heart. Dearest RJK it is not how old the message is, it is the information that is important. #twinflame @CelestialInspiration Subscribe. Amen.. We all have a Twin Flame. Be able to share the results on your Facebook page with one click. And so, we realize how necessary it is to understand the path of the heart. Get Crystals, one for you and others for your family. Hell support those who support others as well as those who do their best to make this planet a better place. He may also send you signs, such as a glimpse of where your items are, and even bring into your line of sight someone who might know something about the location of your lost person or thing. Love is all around you, and Love is You. Our children are our joy and blessing, but sometimes they can give us headache and heartache too! If you FEEL THREATENED. The ascended masters and archangels teach us about the preciousness of the heart, the guarding of the heart, the stilling of the heart, and the heart as a center and an opening to God. When you are ready to invite more Love into your life, Archangel Chamuel assists you, touching your heart. Or you might just have an overwhelming feeling that everything is going to be okay because archangel chamuel has got it all under control! Dont focus on superficial stuff.Image: Pixabay. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Another interpretation of the name Chamuel is "He who . What is Chamuel the Archangel of? What are the symbols and signs of archangel Chamuel?Watch this archangel documentary to find ou. Step closer to me, leave all your fears behind cause you are stepping on the territory of Love. Chamuel (also known as Kamael) means "One who seeks God", while other variants are Camiel and Samael. There are many soul mates, but only one Twin Flame. He also assists us in seeing our divine nature more clearly. This is because this happens to be a time in History when soul mates can work together for the greater good as one family. Find out which of the archangels you are closest to, Discover the five gifts that connect you to that archangel and how to make the best use of those gifts, Unveil the secret of invoking angelic power, receiving inner guidance and welcoming divine inspiration in your life. Love can be both gentle and erce, and so can Archangel Chamuel and his angels. I actually thought I had read this before as I keep many messages in regard Twii Flame etc .. Chamuel is also thought to be one of seven main angels that stand at the entrance of heaven. Archangel Chamuel will assign angels to help you in your daily life as if they were your personal staff. If you feel uncomfortable, he boosts your confidence and self value, patience, understanding and intuition, whatever the reason is to feel uncomfortable. Be Connected. Expanded Heart Centre takes all space between the shoulders, and its shining Light forms the etheric wings. Find a quiet place where there arent any distractions and make yourself comfortable sitting or laying down whatever makes you most comfortable. There is a perfectly matching pink rose in the heart of your beloved, and he or she is longing just as deeply to be with you right now. as i leave the 4th dimension realm and become a permanent member of the 5th d and beyons, my phy,emo,mental etheric and all light bodies make the necessary atomic DNA changes to be ALL THAT I AM and more. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-medrectangle-4-0');Archangel Chamuel is a powerful Angel of Love, Peace, Comfort, Protection and radiates the softest translucent pink Light. In this way, Chamuel maintains peace with your twin flame and helps with your reunion. Archangel Chamuel and Charity - Angels of the Pink Ray of Divine Love Twin Flames relationship is not perfect, romantic and idealistic. They are both archangels of the seventh ray. Love is not aim, but a state of your Being. He is behind every surprise, and you cant help to start believing in miracles. They both are the Archangels of the third Pink Ray the wavelength of Divine Love. A Twin flame is of your soul group, but has the same harmonious light and high vibration as you do. His name means he who sees God. He can help you see that there is still something in your life worth celebrating. Than u thanjk u thank u. i ask now to ne united with my Twin Flame on the inner planesi have been and now, cognitively, i am united. Love is not that feeling you want to put in a cage to keep it forever. There are a lot of currents of energy around us. Doesnt matter, pick the little stones outside that draw your attention and you like. I have just come to that conclusion myself! thank you for confirming why i feel cennected to a galactic federationspaceship. Watch these two roses being carried through the ether by cherubs, into the arms of Chamuel. Thank you for this message Beth and Mark. I pray for the expansion of the flame of divine love within my heart. Oh i just knew this and now i am certain!! Archangel Chamuel is the omnipotent angel of unconditional love, adoration, and harmonious relationships. If you purchase anything through one of these links, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.