Carol: The transfusion. In addition to the other photos, there is one of her Air Force graduation, one of her squadron standing in front of a plane, one of her and Monica carving a pumpkin and another of Vers dressed as Janis Joplin]. Nick Fury: No, it's not. Carol Danvers: The Supreme Intelligence gave me responsibility of showing you how to using them. Fury: Um, most of this thing's redacted but there is a testimonial here from a Maria Rambeau. Maria Rambeau: Vers then punches her, causing a fight before being pulled off the lady by a group of passengers. [Goose walks onto the scene and begins pressing himself against Talos' legs. New guy. He's the best guy and he's awesome," Rudd said. Vers: Excuse me, I'm looking for Maria Rambeau. Maria puts the CD in the computer tower and the computer begins loading the tape. Fury is leaning forward, placing his elbows on his knees while Vers is leaning back against the wall with her arms crossed.]. Once they all pass through the jump hole, the scene changes to show the ships leaving the hole, surrounded by empty space and approaching the planet Torfa. Not unlike the file I started on you. I'm not surprised you can't keep it straight. What is it? Talos: [The image then zooms into one of the planets, revealing a Skrull carrying a weapon similar to in Vers' dream.]. Carol Danvers: I can't wear these Kree colors anymore, and since you're obviously the only person around here with any sense of style [Carol stands up and presses a few buttons on her suit. Fury: You're sure that's what Marvel would want? Mom doesn't let me wear it anymore after I spilled ketchup on it. It's cute how hard you try. The scene changes back to Vers and Yon-Rogg]. Carol Danvers: From Saving Private Ryan to Black Hawk Down: Tom Sizemore's best movies Medical Examiner: Yeah, well. Biker/The Don: Carol Danvers: Captain America: Civil War (2016) - Daniel Brhl as Zemo - IMDb A biker comes along and parks next to where Vers is standing], [The biker revs his engine, causing Vers to look towards him before looking back at her map]. Your people are terrorists that kill innocents. First-time nominees include Jenna Ortega, Jack Harlow, GAYLE, Joji, Nicky Youre and Letitia Wright. Last person to see them both alive. Fury: My mom. You hear me? Talos: I need you to be the best version of yourself. The plane continues to fly directly upwards, inside the plane everything begins floating. is candy a common or proper noun; Tags . Quickly, the kettle begins to boil, blowing steam out and making a whistling noise]. You're supposed to take the form of you I most admire but I don't even remember who this person was to me. I've been fighting with one hand tied behind my back. ], [The scene changes back to Vers and Soh-Larr. General Talos finds a young women surfing, and changes into her]. Carol Danvers: That system is fallible, as we've learned. You call me 'young lady' again, I'll shove my foot up somewhere it's not supposed to be. Stan Lee: She's cooperating with the investigation, sir. Let me get my fingerprint out. Carol: You knew all along. You'll use it to destroy us. The agents eventually push through, but Vers and Fury are already hidden behind a tower of boxes. How's your eye? Fury: Huntsville, Alabama. [Vers enters a train, looking for the Skrull sniper that attacked her. The image then turns into a variety of planets, with the camera switching slowly between them.]. That's what keeps us human. And you were the most powerful person I knew, way before you could shoot fire through your fists. monologues and dialogue by everyone from Yoda to a hungry wampa. Mar-Vell is who I see when I visit the Supreme Intelligence. 8 Superhero Monologues That Make You Invincible at Auditions captain marvel monologue. Carol Danvers: Carol: Keep the Tesseract on Earth. I think I have a life here. "Goose", cool name for a cool cat. Yon-Rogg: That's my blood that's coursing through her veins. Nick Fury: Carol Danvers: Natasha Romanoff: I've had better nightmares. Do your thing. Yon-Rogg: It was a trap. The scene then changes back to Vers and Yon-Rogg on the phone]. Nick Fury: Helpless. So a full-bred colonel turned spy turned SHIELD agent must have pretty high-security clearance. Who whose side are you on here? Talos: Talos: Am I supposed to guess where that is? [escaping from Keller] Soh-Larr sent us a warning. Monica: Maybe I can fly up and meet you halfway. Carol Danvers: Aren't you cute? You're smart and funny, and a huge pain in the ass. I'm sending you with a message. How to Draw Great-Looking Comic Book Women Captain Marvel - INSPIRING MONOLOGUE Tag: Captain Marvel AFFILIATION DISCUSSION: Avengers Now that Thor and Vision are upon us we can get a good idea of what the Avengers affiliation as a whole can do. Is that really who you are now? Who's a good kitty huh? Fury: So um. Arm-wrestle for the Tesseract. The camera pans out to show Fury petting Goose and Talos looking at him uncomfortably]. Blue blood running through my veins. You got a big decision to make. [While Fury is unwrapping the piece of sticky tape, Vers shoots energy out of her fist causing the handle and lock to disappear], Fury: You sat there and watched me play with tape? But, they do kinda complete the look (the Director's voice suddenly changes into the voice of Skrull General Talos). From RedLetterMedia's review of Captain Marvel. I will finish what we started. [Singing] Oh, yeah, wait a minute Mr. Postman. We can't trust anyone. The Skrulls have invaded yet another border planet, this time Torfa. Carol Danvers: Oh, ho. [approaches towards Danvers, shoves the map out of her face] [Both Fury and Goose turn to look at Vers. If there were lives at stake, I would fly the plane. Monica: No way, you guys have the best eyes. Carol Danvers: Fury: Now! Ronan: Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. Fury: I guess he had a feeling, went with his gut against orders. The chip in her neck has also turned off. She is revealed to be Talos' wife, Soren] Vers, with her gun drawn, slowly walks towards the plane]. From Ant-Man to Captain Marvel: Why De-Aging Effects Can Be a Double Supreme Intelligence: Marvel Dc Comics - Pinterest Proceed with caution. Now the handful of us that are left, will be slaughtered nextunless you will help me finish what Mar-Vell started. Early start to your morning. It's an ambush. Carol Danvers: Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): ], [Early morning, Vers has woken up from a dream and is now standing outside Yon-Rogg's room. She looks at the Earth one last time before flying inside the spaceship. If I could just piece together what happened that morning, maybe it'll all make sense? Vers flies the plane out of the underground tarmac area, and over the open desert before the plane begins gaining altitude quickly. You sat there and watched me play with tape, when all you had to do was Carol Danvers: Dr. Wendy Lawson: Look, war is a universal language. That's what I'm saying. 10. Nick Fury: General Talos: Then why is she in your head? Maria Rambeau: I'm not doing it now. No, you destroyed the engine. Who the hell are they? Supreme Intelligence: You did good, ace. The core that powered it is in a remote location. People call me "The Don". [Vers looks at the Biker, then back to her map. Let me get my fingerprint out. You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. Nick Fury: Yon-Rogg will catch up to me soon. Come at once. Yon-Rogg: Vers continues looking through the pictures before she comes across her old dog tag, which has been burnt]. I will neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story. We embraced you as our own. As a result of me punching you in the face." Monica: Or maybe I'll build a spaceship. Yon-Rogg enters a pod, too, just as Carol catches up with him. Vers: No wait. A seemingly maniacal terrorist leader, with unknown numbers of followers, and a desire to see the western world crumble, The Mandarin is simply a creation of Killian's, portrayed to the media by the bumbling actor, Trevor Slattery. [Fury looks at Goose, who now lives with him]. It's just a scratch. Dr. Lawson speaks to Vers and Maria while the two pilots admire the plane]. You tell me the second you get a signal. Young lady I have a special skill that kinda allows me to get into places I'm not supposed to be. Vers: See anyone you know? [The scene then changes to show Vers and Monica's planes taking off, before switching to a shot of Vers flying.]. She grabs it, however, she loses grip and falls to the ground. Talos: Okay, that's a fair point. Assistance with short selling your home Oh, this is you when you were little, you didn't get along with your parents so Mom said we became your real family. [Goose suddenly lurches himself out of Fury's arms and giant tentacles emerge from inside Goose's mouth. I thought we bypassed the battery. Monica then changes the colors to match her shirt. Congratulations, Agent Fury. Vers is walking outside, confused], [Maria, Fury, and Talos follow her outside slowly]. Supreme Intelligence: With what exactly? That was before I knew who you were. Some bring out their camcorders and starts filming]. [Vers and Fury walk out of the room. Carol Danvers: She then steals some clothes before riding off]. Threat: Low to None. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): Nick Fury: As this is happening, Vers is seen walking down the stairs towards sub-level 6 with Coulson and another agent on the flight of stairs above her]. I never should have brought you along. Not this guy. Talos: It's killer by the way. INFINITY WARS!!!! Talos: Reboot it. Monica: This is us on Christmas. She was working on a unique energy core. It's about ending them. Noble warrior heroes. There's only so much I'm cleared to tell you, Vers, but Lawson was an undercover Kree operative named Mar-Vell. [Vers picks up Goose, and holds him out towards Talos. Ma'am, are you okay? Yep. And anger? What about a filing cabinet? [urgent knocking] Carol Danvers: This jacket? ], [Scene changes to outside of the house, where Monica gives Carol her leather jacket.]. You're an amazing creature, Spiderman, you and I are not so different. Come on. Can I ask you something? You don't know. Vers: That agent, that stopped the Skrulls from fighting us Fury: Coulson. I've got a proposition for you. ), [Scene changes to Vers falling over. Congratulations to you, Starforce lady. [Fury continues to fawn over the cat, even picking up Goose but Vers continues walking through the corridor looking for the records. Maybe a dozen. [Goose suddenly reveals tentacles from his mouth and uses them to grab the Tesseract and swallow it. I like the Bs. ], [The scene changes to the Kree walking amongst pillars of rock towards the local's campsite.]. She is kneeling with her hands bound in front of her. Your usual move. Yon-Rogg: Lose control again and you'll have to convene with the Supreme Intelligence. [Vers begins to walk through an aisle, looking at the movies on the shelf], [Vers stops, picks up a movie and reads the summary. 1. Fury: We have no idea what other intergalactic threats are out there. Coulson: So, is it true? Carol Danvers: And as long as he continues to freak you out (Fury picks up Goose and shoves him towards Talos' face. Carol Danvers: Here is a list of the great Iron Man quotes: "The truth is. However, an energy blast suddenly appears blasting straight into his chest and sending him flying backward. Carol Danvers: Yeah. The director looks around confused before the scene changes to show Fury walking through an aisle of cabinets], [The lights turn on at the end of the corrdior, showing a SWAT-like team following the director. Nick Fury: Vers: I would say that your delusional but we just got shot down by a spaceship and your blood is blue. I always told you you'll be ready the day you can knock me down as yourself. We need to find more. Vers (to Fury): You want to give her a hand with that? But there is something that I need your help with. Do you just turn into anything you want? [to Carol during the chase with the Kree during the flashback scene] [The door knocks, and Maria moves forward to answer the door], [Fury and Vers walk towards the door and try to see who is outside. And this is how you right after you graduated (Monica continues to talk, but the words start to mix together). Do you just turn into anything you want? The movie theatre has its own guy. Vers follows the man onto the roof and continues to fight him. Wendy Lawson: Ah. She smiles back, then she continues to looks for the Skrull.]. Know what's hard? My life. Nick Fury: Yon-Rogg: Vers, track Soh-Larr's beacon. 'Champions' star Woody Harrelson: SNL monologue controversy caps I mean, you're my science guy, right? Find all of them here in our handy ballot. We just want a home. There is no such thing. I don't even know who I am! What's your name? James Rhodes: Supreme Intelligence: Then master yourself; what was given can be taken away. Carol Danvers: Look at you. Nick Fury: "You know this is wonderful! She wanted you to help us find the core. Go back right before this. Hold on. Joseph Danvers: What the hell are you thinking? Coulson walks towards the security car, while Fury begins to examine the store], [The security guard nods before pointing at Vers. You don't know me. Carol: Switching engines from Scramjet to fusion. Bail out! She then steals some clothes before riding off, Repeated line, repeated back by his subordinates, Carol is bound by Yon-Rogg and mentally summoned to the Supreme Intelligence, Supreme Intelligence starts dancing to "Come as You Are" by Nirvana, Carol attempts to blast the Supreme Intelligence, but she is stopped by the inhibitor on her neck, she knocks him backwards with a proton blast, as she looks on amused, he starts singing "Please, Mr. Postman", putting his glasses on after a fistfight with Fury, after raising Fury's suspicions by calling him "Nicholas", she laughs as he looks at her indignantly, she destroys a jukebox with a photon blast, learning the lunchbox in Carol's possession is empty, approaches towards Danvers, shoves the map out of her face, tries to retrieve his hand from Danvers, but drops on his knees out of the electric shock from Danvers' photon charge, brings out the bike keys and hands over his jacket while still struggling in pain, Agent Coulson rushes to the subway restroom responding to a distress call that a woman has been found injured there, keeps moaning while a startled Coulson moves his hand to her knee, onlookers surround the stall with baffling looks. Lawson is our link to that lightspeed engine! Yon-Rogg then jerks his arm away from Carol, causing her to fall onto the ground], [When Carol wakes up, the Supreme Intelligence machine is attached to her. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. You don't know. Carol Danvers: Hey Tom. It's imperative that you turn up for each opportunity prepared and with confidence. Maria Rambeau: Seems like your time on C-53 jogged the old memory. She's Kree. [Vers and Fury then sprint out of the corridor before barricading the door behind them with a piece of metal. On closer inspection, Maria Rambo is tinkering on a workstation beside a small two-seater plane. So how do we get to Louisianna? General Talos (voiceover): Huh. Vers, Fury, and Talos are already inside, waiting for Maria to play the tape. (Vers pulls the lever backwards, causing the plane to flip in the air. Carol Danvers: Wait, what is that? Supreme Intelligence: You know, like the Marvelettes? Dr. Wendy Lawson: Zemo : [to Captain America] I've thought about nothing else for over a year. Carol: I'll help you find a home. Vers then walks through the train, observing all the passengers], Stan Lee (1922-2018 R.I.P): [Reading the script for Mallrats] Trust me, true believer. [Yon-Rogg walks up to the still-sparking Vers]. Phil Coulson enters the room with a suitcase in his hands.]. [to Talos and Soren] Typical 9 to 5. (Vers visions about the explosion come back, this time focusing on the fire around the plane) Focus! You can have me. Maria: No. Nick Fury: Outside the window, Earth can be seen with other planes flying around it]. if you don't want me to use them? Nick Fury: In 1972, DC decided that the original Captain Marvel was too great a comic-book character to remain in limbo, and the company that once tried to squash Captain Marvel 1.0 acquired the rights to . Carol Danvers: Yon-Rogg: We're nearing the jump-point. Carol Danvers: They told me it was destroyed in the crash. General Talos continues to talk to Vers, but Vers is beginning to resist]. What's given can be taken away. Bucharest. You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. Captain Marvel (2019) Best Quotes - MovieQuotesandMore Are we in the right? Nick Fury: Vers: Mar-Vell is who I see in the Supreme Intelligence. Carol Danvers: Fury: If I played the same pinball machine for six years I'd have some high scores too. Fury: Nicholas Joseph Fury, Agent of SHIELD. [Talos takes a sip of the milkshake he is holding while Carol begins to advance towards him, her hands glowing more now]. Almost immediately, Yon-Rogg steps onto the path and walks down it. [The scene changes to show Vers leaning against her car outside of an airplane hanger, with Goose walking towards her. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): Yes. I'll give you $50 right now if you turn into a venus fly trap. But technically I don't remember that part. What do I understand now? I'm not surprised you can't keep it straight. Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout. NEED BACKUP"], [Vers stands up and walks towards the door and tries opening it with her fingerprint, before walking across the room to look at a map of the facility. Category:Wanda Maximoff (Earth-616)/Quotes - Marvel Database Just do it, please. [Vers enters the Supreme Intelligence's chamber]. This letter gives me so many feels, especially the ending because. Got a smile for me? Talos: Nick Fury: She then throws it in the air like a baseball and walks around the room, beginning to observe her surroundings]. I'll come by tomorrow? [Carol smiles at Fury's question, while Talos just looks towards him and shakes his head. That one's good, but I prefer Cap's real Best Monologue. Better than that, she also ranks among the most powerful Captain America versions in Marvel Comics. Supreme Intelligence: [Ronan disappear, leaving only Yon-Rogg and Korath], [The scene changes to show a traditional suburban house behind a forest of trees. Security Officer: Yeah, I understand you. [as she looks on amused, he starts singing "Please, Mr. Postman"]. You and I lost everything at the hands of the Kree. They won't be safe here, baby. Captain America's Thoughts Are His Greatest Storytelling Trick - CBR [whispers to Goose] And I knew her as Lawson. THANK YOU SO MUCH !! Whatever he runs on, it's not on the periodic table. I have always admired you, Captain. Coulon (over comms): Fury, this is Agent Colson. Talos: I could go back to being your boss. The lights suddenly turn on and a team of agents runs towards the can. Vers: I found evidence that I had a life here. From RedLetterMedia's review of Captain Marvel. Yon-Rogg: Who's a good kitty Goose? I can handle the modifications. Ronan: The Accusors have completed their operation but the greater mission was a failure thanks to your team. Nick Fury: Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): Should they reach him before we do, the intelligence he has acquired over three years is as good as theirs. We. Get the Skrulls on the Quadjet and go. Fury: She's co-operating with the investigation sir. The camera then pans to show a doji-like structure, with Vers and Yon-Rogg on a mat]. This quote has been erroneously reported as an ad-lib, but in fact this specific line was in the script. Dark Horse Comics will bring Clear , a dazzling, visual thrill ride through a hard-boiled sci-fi dystopia, by bestselling writer Scott Snyder and superstar artist Francis Manapul ( The Flash, Justice League) to print for the first time in 2023. Oh, boy. But the camera tilts to show a hole burnt through the roof, and Vers and Fury running along a corridor on the level above], [Vers and Fury turn a corner, and they are suddenly running up a flight of stairs however, Coulson is standing direclty above them with his gun drawn. Correct? Come here. You've been caught once already. She don't understand. You have three names. The scene then changes to Vers inside of an internet Cafe, googling the information from the Skrull's. Soren: It's okay. Att-Lass and Minn-Erva find elevation. Second later, the pager turns off. She drags him across the desert, and puts him in the Kree pod in which he crashed. So that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing. You know that. [Vers and Yon-Rogg continue to spar. You slipped. The Skrulls have invaded yet another border planet. If we track its course, we'll find it, in orbit, right now. Thanks to you, those insidious shapeshifters will threaten our borders no more. [Vers keeps looking before seeing the old lady. I'm so proud of you. I keep having these memories. No more mutants. Hard is knowing you were out there somewhere, too damn stubborn to die. [Monica shows Vers a photo of a young Vers standing next to her father]. Yeah, but then I'd be sleeping. Carol flies the spaceship into the laboratory and the four disembark the plane and begin walking through the corridors], [The four walk into a giant room, with the Tesseract sitting in the reactor on one side of the room. [Vers blasts a wave of energy towards Talos' head, which he ducks underneath. Nick Fury: Helpless. [The scene changes back to Vers' dream, where Lawson is holding a gun towards an unknown person], [Vers' dream sequence continues through General Talos' voiceovers]. Imposters who silently infiltrate then take over our planets. Not unlike the file I started on you. [Supreme Intelligence starts dancing to "Come as You Are" by Nirvana]. Maria: Lawson always told us that her work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them. What are some of the best MCU monologues? : r/marvelstudios - Reddit I just need your help decoding the coordinates to Mar-Vell's lab. Do it alone though. Carol has just finished standing up after the pain in her neck]. Biker/The Don: Vers leans down to pet Goose before Dr. Wendy Lawson walks towards her]. Are you in charge of security for this district? But you cheated, took a shortcut. Testing for new aerospace tech is dangerous. This is gonna get a little awkward, but I gotta ask. Years ago, in simpler times, this suit and this shield were created as a symbol to help make America the land it's supposed to be. A fighter jet suddenly takes off from a tarmac. [Vers puts the cap on, and looks at Fury annoyed], [Vers takes off the flannel shirt hanging around her waist and throws it into the car. The Doc was always unique. You found my family, this is just the beginning. [revealing Talos' daughter to him] Kamala Khan currently serves as Ms. Marvel but in Earth-18138, she's Captain Marvel. You obviously can't be trusted with it. Cover her eyes. Horrors that you remember and so much that you do not. Supreme Intelligence : On Hala, you were reborn, Vers. Nick Fury: A race of noble warriors? Neither he is a God but when he speaks, everyone listens. Randomly, Goose appears at the end of the aisle]. Download our printable ballot. She was here on C-53 and died in a plane crash. The cadets laugh behind her]. Supreme Intelligence: (Fury looks towards Vers accusingly), [Vers stand up and walks towards the stove, where a pot of unboiled water sits on the stove. [Monica jumps off the plane and runs to Vers to hug her. Fury: Ok. Maria then flicks a switch and gravity suddenly turns on inside the plane, and everything returns to normal], [The view switches to the outside of the ship, showing the ship sitting in empty space with Earth below it]. The Torfan populace, we are not to interfere with them, nor them with us. Got to watch an alien autopsy. The scanner looks at his fingerprint before blinking red. I don't even know who I am! [Carol is bound by Yon-Rogg and mentally summoned to the Supreme Intelligence]. Ronan: For the good of all Kree, Commander the infestation will be eradicated. Nick Fury Explains the Avengers Initiative "There Was An Idea" - The Avengers (2012) Movie CLIP HD900,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!! A security guard from Pegasus and two armed airmen approach them from behind], [Fury hands his badge to the security officer before looking at Fury]. Yon-Rogg: Right. Yon-Rogg: Fury draws his weapon and aims it towards the voice, Vers' hands light up and Maria stands there confused].