There equally cannot be a parliament comprehensive enough to accommodate every tribe that makes up the continent. The coward never achieve his goals..United Africa must be achieved when we believe in ourselves that we can.. First of all..just because we are black isnt goo enough reason for people to form a country..its like saying Caucasian Europe become one country,or Asia becomes one countryGreat Britain has issues with its union did the Soviet Union..and Africans are not just black..the Africans in some islands are more European than sub Saharan African..then Arabs in the North.. Afrikaans,indians.. plus the many tribes,languages,religions..this will bring more problems than solutions..where will the capital be?,currency?do you know how an economic difficult it is to have money flowing across such a wide area,with a problem in this region can cause an economic issue.. everywhereIf this country some how can to less than 5 years.. Africa would be broken into 300 countries Problems are not always there to be fixed.. others are there to show thats not the solution..try another way.. Am happy to hear such discussion from African mouths and I salute sir Ibrahim Anoba for sparking up the agenda. It is way past time for africa to be united only thing missing is a fearless leader. We thrive on diversity. They should learn our languages too. Later, as Europeans tried conquer African land, native people became frustrated and upset; in response to imperialism. To some extent, Malema is right. PEACE AND SECURITY (Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution, and Combating Terrorism)2. Africa has the population to influence geopolitic in Europe and China. Before getting into this point, let us introduce how Just Eat works. What are some of the major problems facing the African Union? The Presidency should rotate from country to country for a term of one year only. Portfolios of the Commission1. Agenda 2063 is the blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future. I have seen we have some africans who are good for nonthing according to what they say. I dont think u r going abou it right. Before the scramble and partition of Africa in Berlin (1885), every African tribe lived within their own space with peculiar values and customs. The Protocol establishing the PSC is in the process of ratification. In fact, traditional Africans often broke away from their original tribes to form new communities for self-realization and freedom. The pledge was followed by the adoption in 2016 of the Lusaka Road Map to end conflict by 2020. The African Union promises to protect Africa's rich cultures, some of which have existed for thousands of years. Divide and conquer has been and will continue to be the strategy of the opposition. Financial issues: Insufficient finance is also another major problem that is presently bedeviling the African Union. O HAIL UNITED STATES OF AFRICA..COME WHAT MAY, I WILL MAKE SURE I SEE IT THROUGH .ONE WAY OR ANOTHER WE MUST AND WE WILL UNITE..LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEW U.S.A!!!!!!!! a baker does put bread in the oven as bread. I dont think that we will amount to anything own our own . "African Union." Pan-African ParliamentA Pan-African Parliament, and organ to ensure the full participation of African peoples in governance, development and economic integration of the Continent. This is premise one that I would use for my argument to reach my conclusion. However, the OAU was largely criticized from the beginning. Even after the Portuguese left Angola, the Portugueses impact continued to shape Angola. Many civil wars occurred and the OAU could not intervene. Things Fall Apart is a perfect novel to study colonialism as it deals with the perspectives of the colonizer and the colonized. This hypothetical national wouldnt be called the USA instead The United Lands of Africa (ULA). The African Union supports agricultural projects. It receives aid from countries around the world to deliver on its promises of peace and health for all Africans. The European racists knows our weakness as Africans that we are not United and we hate one another Even though European countries, like France, Great Britain and Portugal, had very few establishments in Africa, they were constantly trading with them. Or is our sorry state divided and dependent on the west and east sufficient for you? As a scholar, I would think you would look at the worldview and history before arriving at conclusions. The Court of JusticeA Court of Justice of the Union shall be established. Language barrier problems: The issue of language barriers has proven to be one of the biggest challenges of the Africa Union. We just need leaders with a backbone, like Mugabe and Gaddafi. African Union. We need to get our regional languages respected in the academic field. That is the job of an analyst. We believe in our weaknesses and think we cant do better without the hands of westerners.African people dont copy with modern laws and regulations. policies of the nonaligned movement, the African stand adopted in 1972 against dialogue with South Africa; and the African stand over relations with the EEC. The Organs of the AU The AssemblyComposed of Heads of State and Government or their duly accredited representatives. Morocco's tension with Western Sahara continues to strain the entire organization. If u look at it, Europe and the West are quick to label these as bad because they know that they were planting the seeds of Aficanacity into our minds. Africa covers a staggering 11.7 million square milesalmost three times the size of Europeand it is deeply pluralized. We have some of the best leaders in out continent as a whole and if we move beyond our own difference we can make Africa great once again. But Swahili only has some 140 million speakers, which is less than 15 percent of the 1.2 billion population of the continent. There will be many civil wars and a second rwanda situation will occur. Fewer borders and restrictions means more opportunities for nefarious deeds. I suspect you white, If we use one currency as Africans we speaking the same language and most definitely will get along. They threaten interstate and regional stability. They pledged not to bequeath the burden of conflicts to the next generation of Africans. Author of this article points out some potential challenges of the unification of Africa. We are all different yet are oneAfrican. The good thing about a free trade area is that it encourages competition, which consequently increases a country's efficiency, in order to be on par with its competitors. The African Court of Justice works to ensure that human rights for all Africans are respected. Progress has been made by the AU commission, in collaboration with international partners and the UN, towards better coordinating and harmonizing development policies and programmes with the 5 Regional Economic Communities (RECs) representing the various geographical regions of the continent. "African Union." You are spoiling our hope. Real USA, Unite states of Africa. Djibouti, for example, earns about $63 million annually from the US and $20 million annually from China by leasing parts of its territory for their military bases. Remember Together we stand, divided we fall. Problems have existed and theyll still exist even after we pass . Yes its possible black men we can do it only if we believe in ourselves and never doubting our abilities There 21 spoken dialects in India. Others believe either federalism or confederalism would work better to preserve the autonomy of the numerous ethnic groups. I think the best way to have one country or state in Africa would have been to unite group the country into blocks. No tribe. The people that have been pushing this idea for decades are pan-africanist, Mugabe, black diasporians that dont fully understand Africa beside their racial Black panther wakanda fantasy view of what they think Africa is. Its not fair and not right, people need to realize you fix your own back yard before you fix others. My brother GADDAFI died for a reason that will live other than living for a reason that would died. Each state was to have equal powers and in most ways was to be independent of the other states. Yes, there are lots of procedures required to get all the ingredients together, they are possibly all found in different places but with one motive and intention, we will and shall get all ingredients in place and mix them for our delicious bread. A trade union is an organisation which consists of members, including workers and union leaders who come together to protect and stimulate their common interests. In an hours drive u can see about 3 homeless each minute. It is the strategic framework for delivering on Africas goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance. In pursuit of prosperity in the region, the AU has in place declarations and institutions to promote and support economic integration among its 54 member states as the pathway to sustainable development. Nothing but cowards running the government right now. Am talking about having a common situation that we all find ourselves in regardless our ethnicity, country political ideology etc, that is being a black people continuously oppressed and maimed our economic, critical and abstract regards on how to run our affairs . What a lovely discussion. Whats happened? When all three of these areas share the same party and same views, laws will be more easily agreed on, thus they will be passed quicker. A main disadvantage the South had was resources. European nations that are more economically stable cant even become one nation but we are asking all african countries to be one nation, Ridiculous. ECOSOCCThe Economic, Social and Cultural Council, an advisory organ composed of different social and professional groups of the Member States of the Union. Tel: +251 11 551 77 00 A major goal of the African Union is to encourage the collective defense, security, and stability of its members. The statutes defining the composition and functions of the Court of Justice have been prepared and will be submitted to the Assembly in Maputo. Though domestic, most of these conflicts tend to be cross-border in form. For the colonizer, it is a civilizing mission; to the colonized, it is exploitation. I love what you saying cause it makes sense, Malema didnt say you should forget about your mothers tougue, If Africa were to unite there is one question you must ask. $14 million dollar house maine; Either way, the geopolitical structure of the continent would not allow for such unification. Members of the Commission. Borders are alien to Africa and people need to love one another. 1801, Haiti was an island with many dialects and ancestorial roots. In 1750 - 1900, European countries wanted to build empires all over the world; they wanted to provide materials for industrialization. The author of this blog is Professor Franklyn Lisk, More information on the Centre for Globalisation/Regionalisation, Experts DirectoryTelephone ListingsCommunications OfficePress and Media RelationsImage LibraryUniversity ProfileSocial Media, University of WarwickCoventryCV4 7ALUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0)24 7652 3523Fax: +44 (0)24 7646 1606. No where has that dynamic force proved more decisive than in the African struggle for decolonization. The 2nd step will be to abolish and dump christianity a religion emposed on us by the former colonizers a religion that has brought so much suffering amongst Africans by keeping us enslaved and worshiping a so called white jesus christ that was manufactured by white people to control African minds and keep us waiting for this jesus to come and save us Compared to the South the North had greater resources such as population, industrial and agriculture ability, transportation networking, and financial resources when compared to the South. that can only be achieved by having a sense of pride within ourselves, and that means bieng one, so that whenever you see a black person, you see an african, and that infact happens in other countries outside africa, when they meet a black person, they dont see a Nigerian, they dont see a Kenyan, they dont see a Libyan,instead they see an AFRICAN. The statutes determining the functions, powers, composition and organization of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council have been prepared and will be submitted to Maputo Summit. Perhaps Malema and his comrades have yet to realize that the more powerful a central government is, the greater the possibility of tyranny. Going about making all the laws uniform will take us centuries before we unite. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. The majority of people in the 13 states feared that a strong central government, such as the one they were fighting, might limit the freedom of the separate states. Since then, four Summits have been held leading to the official launching of the African Union: Vision of the African UnionThe vision of the African Union is that of: An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in global arena. This vision of a new, forwardlooking, dynamic and integrated Africa will be fully realized through relentless struggle on several fronts and as a long-term endeavour. The foreign actors establish themselves in Africa to protect their economic interests and for strategic reasons. UNECA estimates that AfCFTA will boost intra-African trade by 52.3% once import duties and non-tariff barriers are eliminated. First of all i am Kenyan and i have seen first hand that the majority of your cherry picked differences dont hold any actual form. Colonialism is when a country or state overpower a particular state by a use of propaganda for them to agree with their terms without the targeted state or country saying anything to the above-mentioned terms (Ocheni & Basil, 2012). Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, was appointed to lead the AU institutional reforms process. iam a kenyan and i think youve just locked your mind to think that the U.S.A wont work.youve just revolved around one problem in diffrent should also have consindered the benefits of the unison rather than the downsides.the issue of tribes should also not be the seperating factor.and even though we speak diffrently we are one people. Pessimistic people will go no where in life, have to WANT to be great in order to be great. Subduing terrorists would be easy if done quickly and undercover. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia We would have more bargaining power and it would enhance trade amongst ourselves. My people, this is just an outline of what would be of the new country. Your email address will not be published. The AUs unique voluntary Peer Review Mechanism by which individual member states agree to be assessed by a team of experts drawn from other states is designed to encourage democracy and good governance. Thats is the reason i decided to comment. Brother what we have in common far exceeds what we dont. An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena. I love the idea and love these discussions. Ibrahim B. Anoba is an African political economy analyst and a Senior Fellow at African Liberty. He proposed the elimination of borders created by colonialists and the promotion of tolerance among Africans. New system of govt where president are fire and hire not by election. It is antithetical to how Africans have lived for centuries. This task would go to the (Home Guard), They would be the ones to respond to (national emergencies, natural disasters, civil unrests etc). It makes no sense to suggest they all adopt a unilateral administrative pattern different from what they have known for thousands of years. Immense human and material resources were consecrated to the task of decolonizing Africa. A United States of Africa is a disastrous idea. And yet, sixteen of the worlds poorest countries were identified as being in sub-Saharan Africa as of 2013. Africas traditional partners in the West tend to view its relationship with China with some concern and scepticism regarding motive and outcome. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Djibouti, for instance, is strategically close to the Middle East and the Red Sea. Hi my name is Jackline Celestine Kitale from Tanzania and I would like to say that I agree with almost everything you just pointed out but I think that shouldnt be the reasons that stop the union of Africa. imagine if those two were in charge of the continent, Africa would have been world war Z by now, There is many things to say but I will end it with saying that I do agree with african countries coming together economically when it comes to trade and doing business with each other so it can help the natives in the end of the day, which is happening BUT I dont agree with a view to turn countries into states and make a continent into one country where there is a risk of a dictator like Gaddafi and internal issues spreading externally into other countries just to force this idealistic mindset down peoples throats to make people think like one. I understand that inorder to recreate new structures we have to destroy existing ones and every one who prides themselves of their color and heritage will not be afraid of what will happen next. I conclude by saying watch this bread bake. The Portuguese began colonizing Angola in 1575 and the people of Angola were unable to regain their independence for four centuries. Some of the major aims of the African Union include solving of the problem of the slow pace of economic development in the continent and to promote unity and solidarity among African countries. disadvantages of african union. Some conflicts have been raging for decades. However, looking at things calmly, it must be acknowledged that belonging to the franc zone is not devoid of all merit. I would rather envisage a new country entirely built in Africa called wakanda like the america in 1776. To be honest, all Africans should be willing to give up something for the sake of unification. Its just like in America, they have many smaller states (Texas, Chicago etc) within their country, each with its own parliament that makes laws for that particular state. I can look at life in many angles and make wise and informed decisions. Problems will always be there,hence that is not areason to avoid u iting Africans. I dont believe there are over two thousand languages. ONE ECONOMY No traditional African society was the same in its approach to commerce and trade as the other, and those values stand until today. We can always let white do the thinking for us. Its a win win. Our shining example is Rwanda that all dreams are possible when u believe in yourself and abilities. My dear brothers and sisters United we conquer but divided we fall And how they were able to control the colonies. Different tribes have specific attitudes toward the economy. We can finally have our own resources backing up the currency that would be a great storm to hit our land and we can finally create our own Central bank thats also backed up by our own resources and mineral altogether. INEC: The Flop in Nigerias 2023 Presidential Election, Britain must Withdraw from Mauritius Chagos Islands. You have highlighted culture,language and customslook at the United States of America,there are Germans,French,Jewsbut due to intermarriage the Kids only know they are American not German or Italian ancestrySwahili is an African languageif you can learn English or French,you can learn SwahiliJulius Malema aint saying forget you mother tongue learn Swahili hes saying lets leave the language of the former Colonists and adopt our own, look at the corruption in The mineral rich Congothat kind of corruption can only end with a federal government keeping an eye on the resources and the Taxes.But once we have negative people who only see what we cant achieve,friend we can never take a step foward. Factor s kicking away unity should be delt with accordingly before uniting . It also basically eliminates unemployment. In the future, the African Union hopes to benefit people of African origin living throughout the world. Therefore, If the law of nature tells us that living things do change, and history shows us as time goes by, nations have changed, I dont see no reason why Africans cant change. 2. Why Join The African Union. However, Senate the United States, from President Wilsons own country, did not ratify the treaty. Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporal Punishment, What Can a Dermatologist Do to Make You Look Younger? Nevertheless, the African Union should work through its regional organisations to play a role in these decisions. Both systems have horribly failed in many African countries and blocs. This drop is mainly because the manufacturing jobs that have historically made up a large portion of US union jobs are being moved overseas or lost to automation. The fact is that many African countries don't have enough laws in place that protect patents, inventions and new processes. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was officially signed at the African Union Assembly in Kigali, Rwanda on March 18, 2018. The gov of the Lands would fund businesses through out the country and would set up for global success. 1. But if you realize that once united we could create a line of credit using the continents aggregate resources and fund projects which will make us all financially more competitive and secure. Although it did suspend Egypt after the coup led by Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, it subsequently restored its membership in 2014, and went on to make President El-Sisi its rotational chairman in 2019. Again, a critical reason the economies of equally larger unions such as China and India have worked is because of the homogeneity of values among their people. Constricting everyone into a single mode of economic reasoning would be inhumane as much as it would be, chaotic. leisure exploration checklist occupational therapy; aboriginal flag emoji copy; pwnhealth login covid; can a first offense dui be dismissed; love island game lucy The African continent is working towards not only in peace as well as security, but is also blooming in areas such as culture; education; trade both in and out the African continent and continuing to place importance on the growth and empowerment of women. Africa has a high population that suffers from diseases like HIV, AIDS, and malaria, so the African Union tries to give treatment to the afflicted and provide education to prevent the spread of these diseases. By looking for unit to gain our identity back before anything else, will be the move to the right direction. It has also helped with post-conflict reconstruction in these countries. Nonetheless, the effects of Colonialism on Africas political history is proof that bringing people together without considering their traditional ways of life is wrong. The rest will inevitably change one way or the other. Majority being Nigeria ethiopia egypt Drc south africa kenya and Tanzania.,,, China is taking over Zambias National Assets, but the Nightmare is just getting Started for Africa, #AfricaLF17 Register to attend the 2017 Africa Liberty Forum in South Africa, 5 Reasons Why a United States of Africa may Fail, South Africa: Research says Covid-19 Alarmism is doing More harm than Good. A CONCEPT NOTE SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNIVERSIDADE FERNANDO, Advantages And Disadvantages Of The African Union, The African Union is one of the world 's most dominant intergovernmental operations. For example, it is conspicuously absent while bloody conflict escalated in Cameroon and Libya. I agree 100% with everything you have said here. They ranged from adequately funding the African Standby Force for deployment, to stopping rebels or insurgents and their backers from accessing weapons. At the time of the declaration, Africa had disproportionately high levels of conflict. Wikipedia. Although the OAU gave weapons to rebels and was successful in eliminating colonization, it could not eliminate the massive poverty problem. Conflicts orchestrated by non-state actors accounted for over 75% of conflicts globally. There are preferred modes of administration peculiar to each tribe and country. To make some headway the African Union needs to recognise this, and design solutions to conflicts that are informed by the need to protect human rights. The AU Parliament is the legislative body of the African Union and is composed of 265 officials who represent the common people of Africa. 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I really dont think you know what you are talking about my fellow.Please before accussing the two leaders you have talked about,why dont you just do a research on your own,it wont take you long.Then you will realize if Africa had a leader,it was him,Muammar Gaddafi.I would like to talk about him but no time for that in writing,do a research and stop going for that which was exposed by the westerns,They did so to find a reason to kill him and his dreams for Africa and to extend their interest to Libyas oil and other minerals which they couldnt get when the lion was there. Its leaders were seen as corrupt and unconcerned for the welfare of the common people. (accessed March 4, 2023). What I want to point out is that an United States of Africa ( not necessarily its name) could only be achieved if we embrace black nationalism. This would make sure that our future generations dont mix this up at the airport when travelling or other events that may require you nationality. You Guys yeah its time we got out of our comfort zone and United to form the United African States imagine the opportunities that may arise like the African child knows that you must study in order to become successful they dont explore their gifts because there is no single opportunity in Africa Yeah most people will say its impossible but but we must prepare to fail in order to become a better country. Africa is too diverse to be united. The thought that this way of life can be changed by imposing a single identity is simply absurd and un-African. Fear solves nothing.If our freedom fighters were fearful then we would forever be slaves. We need to stop embracing European culture and ideologies The percentage of Americans represented by organized labor has dropped from 27% to 11.6% between 1979 and 2019. Linguistic history of India Wikipedia The headquarters of the AU is now housed in a magnificent multi-million dollar complex in Addis Ababa that has been provided by the China as a gift to Africa. The continental body should be empowered to act against any party that violates core values centred on human dignity. WE ARE BLACKS AND WE SHALL REMAIN BLACKS I Finally say that albinos free AFRICA and got back to your homeland. The majority of trade unions are independent of the employer. Theres a precedent: the Southern African Development Community under the chairmanship of late Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa opposed the establishment of an American base in the region. Who will lead us? They know of what comes when we stand together and wont stop to tear that apart.