Check the decision yourself If you're not sure whether the decision is right, you can check whether you qualify for PIP using these resources: Look at our Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Test guide to find out what you can score points for. It's not a good experience but you have to do it to go through. DWP assessors are not properly trained in mental health and so therefore not able to carry out fair assessments for those with mental illness that need to be carried out in a different manner that those with physical disabilities. I know you all know that, but the phrasing of some comments on here doesn't make that fully clear, so thought I should just add this. Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems. I had a good assessor, took a taxi to the centre. I applied on the 13th September 2021. Yes Ive heard they try catching you out which is why Im rather nervous! But so many people aren't prepared for the PIP assessment - or the Work Capability Assessment for UC, either. 15. Not heard anything back as yet, other than I now have another assessment next week -a work capability assessment-which when I queried what it was and why I had to have a second assessment within 2 weeks,was told by DWP that it was a different type of assessment to see if they will pay my NI. Anyone having to do a PIP assessment should contact their CAB. Glad you got what you are entitled to. I'm not sure if you've still got time - you have to get permission from them in advance to do this - but if at all possible record the assessment. is of little value. She said well you cant be drying yourself properly then. If they take away my car I'll have to cope somehow but I will appeal for what good it will do. Most PIP assessments conducted by phone - Daily Record The next step is to survive your performance improvement plan and come out as a better-qualified, more valuable worker. 14. But J1707 you were telling Dee to say fatigue and brain fog makes driving dangerous so she doesnt go out and thats not true. If you live with a partner you claim as a couple. I have consultant letters to back me up and I sent loads of information beforehand. Read our editorial policy. PIP Decision Timescale. You should see a PIP as a chance for both the company and the employee to grow together. Remember getting upset will not help your condition; yes there are lots of horror stories, but there are good stories as well (they just do not make the news)! Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. I received the copy of my report and although some of it I feel is not accurate, he has recommended 14 . It was supposed to be by video but 10 mins before it was due, I got a call saying that the health professional wasnt available for a video call and that I was to wait for a telephone call to conduct the assessment at some point this afternoon. Making your job a priority. We will read the report and any other information we have to help us make a decision. You automatically qualify for the enhanced rate of the daily living component if you are terminally ill. This will send you regular email updates and reminders about your appeal. The assessor didn't like it, but I got the PIP. Weed and Modafinil (+A guide to how it works), Low platelet count and fatigue (+the relationship). I had my assessment already and was lucky enough to be accepted thank you for advice though Im sure others will find it super useful! What if nothing has changed for my PIP review? So, at the moment that seems to be all going ahead! I hope it helps you positively. If she asks how far, how long can you walk, think about how you feel doing that, then answer. Also, think about if you could walk again within 5 mins/20 mins - when would you feel able to walk again. If youve recently returned from living in an EEA country, you might be able to get PIP sooner. I was having a bad day so was not meant to sound flippant but it was how I was feeling yesterday as I know it could make a huge difference re work for me too. Im gutted I didnt do this now! As your wife has received a text message then she will need to make sure that she answers the phone between the time stated in the text. For example, if you say you can't drive, then someone sees you driving. If you don't get an indefinite award, you'll get PIP for a fixed amount of time - your decision letter will tell you for how long. You can start a claim 3 months before the SSP ends and you will need your SSP1 form from your employer and a fit note from your GP. Glad your husband is receiving support but like you say its such a shame its so challenging to receive, as the health conditions we are facing are enough stress without anything extra on top of that! Yes but this is Dees assessment. This includes things they ask you to do in the physical examination. Some claims take less time; some take more. You didn't sound flippant! You can just say no. I wasnt saying she say that . Pip Telephone Assessment Shocking but not surprising How do I know if my PIP assessment went well? The rules make it as difficult as possible but if you can somehow get hold of two cassette recorders that would be acceptable. It was an hour and 20 minutes. Thats all Im saying . DLA was supposed to help disabled people with financial support to live as close to a normal live as possible while maintaining any work they do. You'll get a letter that tells you what will happen with your PIP. 2. 3. Though in most cases PIP decision timescale tends to be around 12 or so weeks, it can also be rushed when you are terminally ill.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',103,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-medrectangle-3-0'); When the PIP claim is not that complicated the process is also relatively quicker, but there have been many reports in the past about the many issues that seem to plague the process of the PIP decision making, particularly the part with the assessment, likely because this part is dependent on the independent contractors. It will cause a huge change of circumstances should my claim for PIP from DLA is refused or go downto standard rate for both parts. Thank you so much honestly thats so helpful. Many decisions are taking 8 weeks to come through (though it could be sooner). How long does it take for PIP decision after assessment 2022? Do not lie or put on a show, tell it how it is. 7 points for daily living is disgusting!! But Sweety, if they give you the heave ho' don't lett it get you down, I know it's hard but you can beat them, you know your body not them, and everyone is different, don't let them say anything different. Assessments can be in person, over the phone or by video call. I hope it goes well! We had to press for this, but eventually got it recorded. x, Good luck with assessment. I have had cancer, only recently been signed off remission period, I have had 2 major stomach operations after Consultants founf I was dying from the inside out, over 50cm of my intestines was removed and part of my liver. What happens after PIP questionnaire? I really wouldn't go with the flow, Deeb. Remember you do not need to do any of the ridiculous physical stuff they ask, like can you put your arms above your head if it causes you pain! Patient is a UK registered trade mark. How long after PIP phone assessment do you get a decision? I cant change anythng and they explained that it's not them who make the final decision, they are just there to tick boxes, I will let you know when the dreaded brown envelope drops through the letter box, I haven't done my best, passed a test or given my all. If you really cannot visit one of their assessment centres, then consider asking your GP to provide a letter saying why this is the case. If so explain why. 5. ATOS allows it, but only if you provide a second copy after the Assessment. Once your claim process has been started or when you are on the call, you may need the following details on the call:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'psychreel_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-leader-2-0'); You can also get someone to help you with the starting of the PIP claim process, and for this you can also ask the DWP to add them to your call when you: Of course, this is not possible if you use text, which is why it would be ideal to use any of the other methods of communication.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'psychreel_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-leader-3-0'); You can also get someone else to do it on your behalf, should you need it, but you will still need to be with them when they call, because you may be needed for verification purposes. My husband came with me and even he remarked it wasnt as bad as he though it would be. Rather than being on your side some of these assessors seem to be outright looking for tricks to catch you out and turn you down so be prepared. I told her Im exhausted after showering and have to sit with a towel round me to let myself air dry rather than rub myself dry as its too tiring. PIP questions are concerned with how the person functions in their day to day life, and they are meant to assess the extent to which the person's condition affects them, as opposed to what their condition is. Have someone with you if you possibly can. 2. I know it sounds very dramatic but if you stop and think how much it does effect you you will be surprised. Note: Other improvements will combine the separate assessment processes for PIP, Employment Support Allowance, and Universal Credit. If you have been through their assessment not just PIP bur ESA, their questionnaire is complicated and out to trick you. After loosing this was awarded for 3 years high care and 10 out 12 points for mobility so still kept my blue badge but lost my car which I went on to purchase from Motobility. I think people should act as they normally do and if someone normally gets up and gets dressed then thats what they should do. policy. 2.10: Prime Factorization and the Least Common Multiple (Part 2). Its very specific and slightly embarrassing what they want to know. My doctor is a professor and she has written 2 statements already.and now on with her third. Just as important it should take you past retiring age with enhanced mobility to continue onward ( provided you continue to meet the criteria ), Be all you can be, make every day count. How long after PIP phone call do you get paid? I will ring and ask for a copy of the assesors report. You can ask them to report your worst days . Its tomorrow morning and been changed from video call to telephone call so slightly less nerve racking!! It only took one application to get my care up to top rate, but I wake up 5-6 times a night, and need constant care, which isn't easy. Difficulties with re-assessments in PIP. Good Luck! You can decide for yourself whether you want to allow cookies or not. Nicola230, having recently been assessed and declined, I can tell you it's a process, a procedure to follow. Thanks. I had my PIP assessment year had to go to an office which my husband drove me to. I really have no idea how the face to face went, all I know is that it wasn't as bad as I thought, that said I;m not confident. Today (18/1) called for a copy of my assessment but she said they advised not to send it as decisions are often different. Ive been told a manager will be observing the phone call which has only added to my nerves but very grateful its telephone and not video/ face to face! Had a PIP Assessment today | Benefits and Allowances - Patient Do the PIP self test on the Benefits and Work website. Moreover, the content may be subjective, and not necessarily backed by research.Whilst, these personality articles have been written by subject expert psychologists the sole purpose of the article is to inform, educate and entertain, and cannot be substituted for professional opinion or advice. Is anyone else any stories to share. Assessments will now either be paper based or telephone. So the answer to her question was no I dont socialise but she wrote down my entire reply. thank you so much I will ensure to do this x, Get CAB to help you with it, invaluable support I got from them even up to getting a DS1500 form compled by my GP with support from my consultant, the form alone allowed me to get PIP. Here's my experience as a disabled woman, you can read about my condition in my chronic journey blog post. They do send out text messages for appointments yes. xx. You can start a claim 3 months before the SSP ends and you will need your SSP1 form from your employer and a fit note from your GP. It takes the DWP about 12 weeks to process all the evidence they have in your case, and to review everything and decide whether your claim is valid.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'psychreel_com-portrait-2','ezslot_24',171,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-portrait-2-0'); PIP back pay usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks, and most people tend to receive money about every 4 weeks or so. Did the nurse ask questions you was expecting? 4. Hopefully it won't be too long. Before attending your PIP assessment, there are several things you should consider to help you prepare. 1. If you're currently claiming SSP from your employer than you can't claim this at the same time. My questions are: how likely is it that the decision maker will agree with the assessors report? The lady who assessed me wasn't too harsh and typed at break neck speed. Good luck xxx. Thank you Victoria-NRAS. my hubby gets basic rate mobility because he can't plan and make journeys on his own, he can't figure out timetables, buying tickets, navigating himself round strange places, falls asleep on transport so could be at potential risk of missing stops, potential be vulnerable. How long does PIP decision take after phone assessment 2022? (2023) WCA Telephone Appointment went well : r/DWPhelp Based on many other threads here the waiting time for decision's is anything from 2-12 weeks. There is only 2 sections on the mobility component side of PIP, and both together can total 24 max, getting that, is very difficult I am told. structure and follow a bus or train path to a place you don't know. Please note that if you reject them, you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the site. Problems with PIP usually happen with the PIP assessment, which is done by independent contractors that work with the government to help assess the disability of the individuals. This may seem obvious - but if you're focusing on getting your answers right, you might not be paying full attention to the interviewer's reactions. I'm going to fight this just for my own peace of mind. PIP face to face assessment - Need some advice. - MoneySavingExpert Forum PIP telephone assessment MoneySavingExpert Forum This should be available 48 hours after you have had your assessment. I'm starting to worry a little about what I said. He was very thorough and kind. Really explain why you struggle with the various descriptors and what help you need or get from others. I have yet to be changed over to PIP, but what will be, will be - My wife put in for an increase on care, but she is basically looking after me 24/7 and I'm on a hospital bed, which the District Nurses are on about changing due to it being not secure enough for someone with my conditions.