Sometimes they are referred to as water snakes, and rightfully so because they are excellent swimmers. What's the difference between very uncommon and unusual? NEXT:The Strongest Patronuses In 'Harry Potter' Ranked. RELATED: Slytherins Who Weren't Entirely Evil. Greyhound. So, if you have this Patronus, you may find yourself in a similar place. Having this Patronus means you often have a dominant personality and are fiercely loyal to your loved ones. Witches and wizards with a nightjar Patronus are intelligent, quick-witted, and intelligent like Slytherins. She is constantly underestimated and has experienced much sadness in her life, but her eccentric and carefree nature make her extremely . Surprisingly, eagle owls are incredibly agile and fast, meaning they will take down any Dementor swiftly. Dementors should never underestimate the resilience of a field mouse Patronus simply because of its small size. Witches and wizards lucky enough to have this Patronus have creative minds and often think outside the box. They are not confrontational and will look for any opportunity to run, but when the need arises, they become aggressive and defensive. If they choose to use this method on a Dementor, then you genuinely have nothing to fear. Fox Terrier Patronus - Anything Terrier For a long time, vultures have had a lousy reputation bestowed upon them when they are actually efficient, fearless, and introverted creatures. You are probably familiar with the poor reputation hyenas have been given. Brown owls are swift predators that are wise, brilliant, and exceptional guardians. You might attach yourself to certain people and feel protective of them. Gray squirrels spend months storing up food for the winter, proving just how patient they can be against even the most persistent Dementor. An oryx is one of the largest members of the antelope family. They are quiet yet powerful and reserved yet achieve great things. They are tiny but mighty, so they should never be underestimated. Hedgehog. Hyenas are loyal, creative, and fierce. If you are the caster of this Patronus, you are indeed a loyal friend, and you have a quiet inner strength. The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. A rare and strong Patronus, the Abraxan Winged Horse appears to those who are known to be powerful, determined and maintain a free spirit, even in the darkest of times. While they may not be the most talented fighters, they are observant and know the right time to strike. Luna Lovegood is a special witch. A rhino Patronus is a tough and resilient creature who will never back down from a fight. You tend to keep a small circle of close friends, and you would do anything for them. . Wolf Patronus | Wiki | Harry Potter Amino Kirsten Acuna. Physically they have a double-layered coat to keep them warm, and metaphorically they also have layers to their complex nature. Contents 1 The Story 2 Choices 2.1 Choice 1 2.2 Choice 2 Additionally, they are fierce fighters. Those with this Patronus are willing to make sacrifices for the ones they love and sometimes even people they do not know. Dragons were fed goats as you might remember from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but rest assured, a goat Patronus will not back down from any Dementor. This Patronus is representative of resilience usually someone who has dealt with great pressure or adversity and continues to overcome these obstacles every day. Typically, adders will fiercely attack when threatened, which means a Dementor should be afraid of going up against this fearless Patronus. If you have a salmon Patronus, you are most likely an ambitious, wise, and resilient person. me too. It's one of the most, if not the, most coveted Harry Potter Patronuses for all of these reasons. Badgers are down-to-earth and fiercely defend those close to them. They are known escape artists, so either they will help you get away from a Dementor or stand up and fight on your behalf. The 9 Worst Patronuses and What They Say About You As a Person | The Interestingly, sphynx cats are often more dog-like because they follow their owners everywhere and have very energetic personalities. Orcas, also known as killer whales, are the protectors of the sea and are natural-born leaders. No one figures out their true motives, ever. She has also been published on Those with this Patronus are energetic, enthusiastic, and the life of the party. Field mice can detect predators with their extremely sharp senses. Fire-dwelling Salamander (rare) 5 Fox 16 Fox Terrier Dog 4 Ginger Cat 8 Goshawk 10 Granian Winged Horse (rare) 6 Grass Snake 3 Great Grey Owl 7 Grey Squirrel 4 Greyhound Dog 6 Hare (Brown 8, Mountain 5) 14 Hedgehog 11 Heron J.K. Rowling's 8 Hippogriff (rare) 11 Hummingbird 4 Huskey 11 Hyena 10 Hedgehogs are cute and lovable creatures commonly kept as pets by humans, even lending emotional support to some owners. The wizard is by nature a bit melancholic, somber, introverted, quiet, humble, restrained, or even "shadowed". Orangutans are solitary and brilliant animals. There also seems to be a sort of natural community, as owners of the Wolf patronus seem to be generally very hospitable towards others of the same patronus. The Patronus meanings below are displayed in alphabetical order. It would be difficult to find a more loving and protective best friend, both as a Patronus and a caster. A brown bear Patronus symbolizes courage, strength, and immense patience. Adders are not normally aggressive and tend to only bite when they are threatened in some way. A tigress is one of the most protective, selfless, and strong cats in the animal kingdom. "Is this all real? You are likely very loving and affectionate towards those around you. The dragon Patronus is very rare, and it is also known for being extremely difficult to produce, so it must be cast by a talented witch or wizard. They are very headstrong and have fantastic eyesight. Husky. While they are mostly independent creatures, little owls do have a close-knit group that they trust. The witch or wizard who conjures this Patronus is said to be curious and adventurous. A snowy owl Patronus is very loyal to its caster and will fearlessly protect you against any harm. A dementor might even be one of the easier conquests of this Patronus. Fox terriers are adorable and spunky dogs that are well-loved by all and give plenty of affection in return. Although they do not share the beautiful and intimidating mane of a lion, a Dementor will soon be sorry if it ever underestimates a lioness. They're motivated to keep moving and embarking on bigger and bolder journeys, even if it means leaving some things behind. White mares are warriors and fight endlessly for their loved ones. Minks are furry little creatures that somewhat resemble a ferret. People with this Patronus likely place value in other peoples opinions of them and how they look. The caster of this Patronus shares the same dominant nature. Dementors will find it hard to deter these headstrong creatures! being both Severus Snapes and Lily Potters Patronus. Tigers are one of the most prominent members of the cat family. If you have this Patronus, you likely have a close circle of people you are loyal to for life. They utilize their tusks and trunks to pick up items and move them, and for defending themselves. Wildcats can be highly territorial, meaning they will stop at nothing to protect their family and friends. They're also remarkably beautiful casters, whose grace and aura can easily captivate those around them. Some People Got ~Rare~ Patronuses On Pottermore - Bustle Along with this Patronus, you likely know how to get yourself creatively and logically out of challenging situations. Those who have a falcon Patronus are known to have a dark side and a distraught soul. HYENAS LOVE TO EAT! Similarly, those with this Patronus know what they want and do not stop until they achieve it. People who have this Patronus likely overcame many obstacles in life and are stronger for it. With one swift dive, ospreys will incapacitate any Dementor. It symbolizes resurrection, and rightfully so because it dies in an explosion of flames and resurrects from the ashes. Chow dogs are wary of outsiders and they will fiercely protect those they love. So they just love being yourself. Most commonly a Gryffindor House Patronus, if you have this Patronus, you are probably very opinionated and sure of yourself. Additionally, these cats use their excellent hearing and sight for catching prey. Heron (J.K. Rowling's Patronus) Hippogriff (very rare) Hummingbird. They use their wisdom to their advantage and know how to remain calm. Foxes indeed embody these qualities, but additionally, they are wise, adaptable, and loyal. They are a force to be reckoned with and every Dementor should fear this Patronus. Lucky for you, they are also intuitive, meaning they know just the right time to strike during a fight. They are more introverted and enjoy time to themselves. Those who produce this Patronus are said to be pure of heart. Otters are natures fuzzy, cuddly, and friendly pets. They love being silly/funny/crazy. Stoats are a type of weasel. Because they are always aware of their surroundings, this makes them adaptable to any environment or situation. The 10 Strongest Patronuses in 'Harry Potter', Ranked - Collider A stag can be gentle when it chooses, but it's antlers are a brutal weapon against it's enemies, which suits an Aries perfectly. One look at this Patronus and Dementors will be fleeing in the opposite direction. Leopards stalk their prey quietly and sometimes do not pounce until they are within 5 feet of it. Dementors, beware! It also speaks to the personality of the one who casts it. They gravitate towards those similar to themselves and value their ancestry, again just like Slytherins. Witches and wizards who conjure this Patronus are very friendly and loyal as well. A flying Dementor is not swift enough for this Patronus! Witches and wizards with this Patronus find comfort in things that are familiar to them and are typically homebodies. Herons are known for being cunning, intelligent, and quick-witted. If your Patronus is a hyena, Dementors won't stand a chance! Casters of this Patronus are also beautiful inside and out. If this is your Patronus, you may share their resilience and bravery. They're also usually extremely passionate, ready to give their all for an idea or relationship if they feel it's the right move. Those with a grass snake Patronus are very perceptive and flexible, and they are not fazed by much. Newfoundlands are essentially giant fluffballs. But it can't feel fear and despair like humans and therefore it is the best protection against Dementors. Dementors are fast, but Borzois are arguably faster, reaching up to 35-40 mph. As far as personality traits go, the Erumpent Patronus also represents determination and a strong will. A mother tigress will fight endlessly to protect her young and be incredibly fierce when needed. . A foxs strategy of capturing its prey is to lay low to camouflage itself and then pounce with great force when the time is right. People call St. Bernards nannies for kids because of their protective and sweet nature. Maybe you have heard the term watch like a hawk, and this phrase rings true since hawks are considered careful and watchful birds of prey. The clever, smart nightjar Patronus will outwit any Dementor that dares to come your way. You also have high standards and goals you set for yourself, but you work very hard and usually achieve them. If you're embarrassed by your Patronus, you're not alone these are the lamest 'Harry Potter' spirit animals you can get. Crocodiles symbolize patience, primal energy, and tradition. People with the black and white cat Patronus are watchful guardians and fiercely loyal to their friends and family. In theory, these snakes are primarily harmless since they are not poisonous. Their loving and caring nature is their biggest strength and their natural inner light will block out the darkness of dementors. Impala are beautiful, medium-sized antelopes that use graceful leaps and bounds to evade predators and catch prey. They fly freely and happily, with an unwitting determination that only someone truly powerful could possess. Many people revere king cobras with respect and awe. Cheetahs can run up to 70mph and will easily chase down even the fastest Dementor. Having a doe Patronus means you are gentle, nurturing, and will stop at nothing to keep those you love safe. The Dragon Patronus represents someone who is fearless, assertive and accepting of any challenge thrown at them. Not only do Beagles have an upbeat personality, but they also enjoy bringing joy to others. We've seen a huge variety of results, ranging from sparrows, cats, and dogs to rhinos and orangutans . They can think of even trick their way out of any problem. If you have this Patronus, you are likely very observant, well-spoken, and even a bit sarcastic. While they are very loyal, they can be extremely opinionated and strong-willed, but of course, they have a soft side too. If you have a borzoi Patronus it means you handle lifes obstacles with grace and poise. The black mare Patronus is spiritual, mysterious, and does not fear the unknown, or even death itself. A stoat Patronus, and the witch or wizard who casts it, embody resilience, adaptability, and cleverness. The 12 Rarest 'Harry Potter' Patronuses, Ranked - Collider Tell me what your patronus is, and I'll tell you what it means Your fox Patronus will leap out of the shadows to come to your aid. With a runespoor Patronus, you have nothing to worry about because it will use all three heads to attack a Dementor viciously. The doe is most notable for being both Severus Snapes and Lily Potters Patronus. #HarryPotter #Pottermore #Patronus #hogwartslegacy I've here compiled a list of all possible Patronuses on can get on Pottermore.This list contains only the . Wolf Patronus. Widely known for their songs and calls, magpies are also one of the most intelligent creatures in the world. Many associate them with everything that brings happiness and peace. People with the Libra Patronus will often feel vulnerable when they're away from the pack. These powerful Patronuses are bright in color to scare away potential predators. So, your python Patronus will have no problem taking down any size Dementor. One thing you can always count on with a white stallion Patronus is they will never back down from a battle and will protect you with everything they have against a Dementor. You grow stronger because of what you have been through and use it to your advantage. Those who conjure an orca Patronus frequently stand up for what they believe in and exhibit bravery in the face of fear. Not only are elephants the largest land mammals in the world, but they are also very knowledgeable. The deepest meaning of death and life is central to them. Robins are one of the perfect Patronuses to battle your dark assailant because they represent warmth and growth after a long winter. Those with this Patronus can channel their passion into achieving their dreams. They are determined and will always get the job done, especially when it comes to a Dementor. Dementors better beware. You can be sure of one thing a Dementor will have no idea what hit it with this Patronus! If a dementor has never gone up against a fiery mother doe, then they have no idea what theyre in for. You will most likely find a leopard lounging on a tree branch during the day since it primarily hunts at night. So, when the need arises, they will fight for you and always be trustworthy, loyal friends. A borzoi will be a swift, powerful, and strong Patronus against even the fiercest Dementor. Although they sometimes get into trouble, they do their fair share of self-reflection and work to better themselves. Phoenixes are arguably the most unique and dominant Patronus of them all. Dapple grey stallions will be there whenever you need help, no matter what. Harry Potter: The 15 Most Powerful Patronuses, Ranked - ScreenRant They also have a giant horn that is sharp enough to pierce metal, causing whatever it hit to explode. Lucky for you, they have great endurance and will do anything to protect you! Hopefully, you have never gotten too close to a polar bear in the wild because it is one of the largest species of bears and can be violent if they are hungry. You may be overly emotional or sensitive but probably view this as a weakness. You might be a member of Slytherin House if this is your Patronus. The Patronus Charm, introduced in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian, used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors.You can find out more about what a Patronus can do here.. Each Patronus takes the form of a different animal that has a special affinity with the caster - in Harry's . It's hair, tails and even exploding fluid is used in potions though considered dangerous. However, do not let their appearance fool you because, in reality, they are pranksters and clowns. If you have this Patronus, then you are probably willing to stand up for what you believe in when no one else will. This Patronus will stop at nothing to protect you. If you have this Patronus, you are a unique individual and people love you for it. Swallows tend to find strength in numbers to protect themselves from predators. Siberian cat Patronuses and their casters are fearless, independent, and protective. Herons hunt their prey by remaining perfectly still until their target wanders unsuspectingly into their reach. If you have this Patronus, you might share these remarkable character traits: adaptability and learning from your mistakes. All Patronuses on Pottermore || 'Unusual & Rare' List - YouTube The most famous snowy owl in Harry Potter was the beloved Hedwig. Manx cats tend to attack prey larger than themselves, so a Dementor would be no issue for them. First thing's first, there are seven stages to getting a rare patronus. Sparrowhawks hunting tactics rely on the element of surprise. Understandably, orcas hold the title of one of the most excellent hunters in the entire ocean. They fly freely and happily, with an unwitting determination that only someone. When facing a Dementor, you can be sure they will only fight for you and never flee.