Too late. Promotes a variant of the Millenarian heresy. ST. HILARION THE GREAT OF CZENSTOCHAU / (291-371 AD) & 'MONK HILARION' (d. 1476): evidence it is a pseudo-prophecy originally attributed to Bl. Marie Martel / APPARITIONS OF TILLY (1896 c. early 1900s), Marcelle Lanchon (Sr. Marie France) (1891-1933) / OUR LADY QUEEN OF FRANCE, APPARITIONS OF HEEDE, Germany (1937-1945), (????) "There should be an alternative view from the Catholic Church. Heaven does not give contradictory information about natural remedies. Definite fake. (*) JULIE WHEDBEE 'DAUGHTER OF THE KING' (2000 to present day): (*) FRANCINE BRIAULT - "AMOUR POUR TOUS LES MEINS, JESUS" (LOVE FOR ALL MY CHILDREN; JESUS) - (2001- c. 2004), (*) 'JENNIFER' of the USA, 'WORDS FROM JESUS', (2001 - c. 2012), (*) FRIAR ELIAS del SAFRADO CORAZON de JESUS, and the 'GRACE MERCY ORDER' in URUGUAY, (2007 to present day):---. He asked that a private association be established to deal with the disposition of funds, but suspended confessions and sermons at the House starting in January of 1998. watch this presentation next wednesday at 7:00 a.m. eastern, only right here on "morning joe." you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. Case still open, but problematic. Amen." I said, "Thank you, Lord Jesus, for everything. More False Claims by Christina Gallagher - Catholic Planet Today, September 1st, 1998, Phil Kronzer left again for England. What happens to Christina in House of Cards? Kronzer asked him about all of the above. We are fighting a battle here with seemingly (*) ST. NICHOLAS of FLUE 'PROPHECY' (1417-1487) -- Misattributed. Any work carried on since then has been entirely of a private nature and has no Church approval whatever.. Trademarked items show this is a cult of exclusivity, real sacramentals are not trademarked if they are meant for the universal church, unless the visionaries are purposely doing this to rake in money, and the visions do ask for money. The expiration date on this and the passage of time shows the prophecies must be fake as we've lived well past when the protection was 'available', and the major chastisements have not come yet. She is convinced this person is a legitimate healer De Dom Incio.". navR.className = tRHandle; Each baptised person becoming part of the Mystical Body of Christ, is thereby commissioned to share in the priestly, prophetic and kingly roles of Christ. Most of the information on the web comes from people who are travel Says the Antichrist will lead Christ's Church-impossible. The visions themselves reveal heresy / doctrinal errors, and ask for money. Give me a break, they need to start tackling this head on. (*) TIMING and the REIGN of the ANTICHRIST. TOP On the issues of visiting various apparitions of Our Blessed Lord, Mary, any of the Saints, or any related apparition. She would travel from the east coast to the west coast every Saturday. He said that he and Father McGinnity had met on several occasions and spent a great deal of time together in Medjugorje beginning around 1984. of the Medjugorje phenomenon: The Medjugorje case is a complicated matter, with its own dramatic aspects, (*) UNIVERSIAL "ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE" EVENT, (*) ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO (354-430 AD) -, (*) HEPIDANUS of ST. GALLEN (c.1010 / 1034 - c. 1072 /1088 AD) -, (*) ST. ANSELM of CANTERBURY (1033- 1109 AD), (*) ST. MALACHY and the 'BLACK POPE' or 'CAPUT NIGRUM' PROPHECY' (c. 1094-1148), (*) 'BISHOP CHRISTIANOS of AGEDA' (AGREDA) - (1172-1204 AD), (*) ST. ANGELUS (ANGEL) OF JERUSALEM (1185- c. 1222 ? You mail_str += "&body=Hi {friend(s) name goes here},%0D%0A%0D%0AI've found a very helpful Catholic web site formerly known as CPATS.ORG%0D%0A%0D%0A"; Over the years since then, the Tuam Diocesan Office has clearly and consistently replied to enquiries in respect of this work, which Mrs. Gallagher recommenced. (*) APPARITIONS of MEDJUGORJE, former Yugoslavia (1981 to present day): (*) 'CARDINAL SIRI THESIS - 'POPE IN RED' THEORY (Late 1980s to present day): (*) The 'TWO PATRICKS' - 'INVITATION to LOVE JESUS MESSAGES' (1986 to present day): (*) PEDRO REGIS,. //--> Many of the prophecies attributed to her are proved hoaxes from a later period. Prophetic 'Angellic Pontiff Speech to the Great Monarch on his coronation' is also an obvious forgery or hoax as the name of the prophet originates from another fake prophet, Telephorus of Cosenza. Also, attempts to 'correctly explain' other passages in the Bible as if it 'has not been done correctly' by the Church for centuries therefore contradicts the doctrine that the Catholic Church is the only God-given authority that has the right and can properly interpret the Bible and teach doctrine and morals. We must love everyone, and even if others cannot recognize Christ in those who are the weakest of His little ones, we must do so. They went to verify and follow up on the news that so-called stigmatist and seer Christian Gallagher had closed down her house of prayer and went into seclusion. Your warning and protection. "She has put all her energy and faith into this belief system that Christina has set up. According to the traditional Douay-Rheims bible, the Roman Catholic Church has taught the number is symbolic, not literal. You recommended reading something in a separate e-mail from the CatholicPlanet web site but I would recommend staying away from that website, would do better to stay at home and go to Church. Hi Elizabeth, One family member said: "They believe they'll go to hell if they take the vaccine and obviously if elderly people don't take the vaccine, they could potentially get exposed to Covid and pass away. I asked if they could train their priests and give them help. tCHandle += "_Hover"; in Austin, Texas as well as in other places in the USA. It follows the highlights of the article Christina Gallagher, July 16, 2021, comprising an urgent, supreme appeal to the salvation of humanity. "Luz de Maria" de Bonilla, Argentina (c.1990 to present day), !? 2023 Women of Grace - All rights reserved. Statement Regarding the Public Announcement by Mrs. Christina Gallagher A popular belief among conspiracy theorists, which has been thoroughly debunked, is that vaccines contains microchips designed to control the population. 17. (*) 'CAPUCHIN FRIAR' PROPHECY (1776?) Mother wanted her to open these house of prayers around the United - d. 1843), !? --condemned by the Church as 'not supernatural' and of human origin. Thanks for the information. (*) JULIA KIM of NAJU SOUTH KOREA (1985- to present day), to spread the messages about her 'visions' as 'authentic'. Christina Gallagher | Mary Refuge Of Souls I share your same concerns and think you have acted appropriately. and Indulgences, Searching Like Like Nothing delusional 9.46. just absolutely solid undeniable facts. (*) CHRONICLE OF MAGDEBURG (c. early 16th century) - attributed to a court astrologer named Johann Carion (1499-1537). England. The graffiti outside St. Joseph Catholic Church, 1406 E. Washington St., comes after the Kentucky House passed limits on gender-affirming treatment. What happened next is best described in the words of the Archbishop of Tuam, Michael Neary. 18. Ethereal theme. St. Nerses (Narses) I The Great (335-373 AD), St. Caesarius of Arles (c. 468 d. 542 AD), 'Prophecies of Premol' (c. 5th - early 6th century), St. Remy (Remigius) of Rheims (c. 438-533 AD), Adso of Montier-en-Der (c. 910 / 915 - 992 AD), ??? Listen Joachim de Fiori further misattributed to. Christina Gallagher, in her own words, was an "ordinary housewife" until the mid-1980s, when she says she had a vision of Our Lord. [This mansion was filmed for Network 5s next film.] Joachim of Fiore. For those who have never heard of her, Christina Gallagher was a housewife and devout Catholic from County Mago, Ireland in 1985 when she visited a grotto at Cairns where she had a profoundly moving vision of the suffering Christ. ", Maria warned Eamon Martin about the House of Prayer. Has an underhanded secretive attack on the rosary in one of her 'visions'. Maureen Sweeny Kyle / 'Holy Love' of Ohio (1990 to present Day), !? Hepidanus of St. Gallen (c. 1010 / 1034 c. 1072 /1088), !? sent from God. | Irondale, AL 35210 |. She has security cameras on the walls and security devices on the grounds. ::::::::::::::::::::::: Gets doctrinal teaching about the resurrection of the dead wrong. The Church teaches we may only call upon the names of Sts. the lady is in any way a fraud. This is for them. I would not go because of her disobedience to the bishop. That's enough for us. She has saved the island from dying. Christina Gallagher: Prophecies - Part 3 - Jesus & Maria Site Madre Theresa of Peru whose process of canonization is still open. Many of the messages contain dire warning and the most recent conversation she claimed she had with Jesus was at the end of July, where she claimed he warned recent weather events were caused by sin and will intensify. ::::::::::::::::::::::: is christina gallagher approved by the catholic church "It will be the deception of the man-made powers to control and destroy you!". Christina Gallagher with Fr Gerard McGinnity. It is exactly ten years ago this month that Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer at Achill was opened and dedicated for Mrs Christina Gallagher by the Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Joseph . (*) 'JENNIFER' of the USA, 'WORDS FROM JESUS', (2001 - c. 2012) ----several major doctrinal and Biblical errors, signs of a fake. The original books from which it was taken contains errors, and the prophecy contains failed predictions regarding the Antichrist. St. Hilarion the Great, and also the orthodox 'Monk Hilarion'. Last I knew necromancy, or calling on ancient Louisville church, other areas hit with 'TRANS PWR' graffiti after All I can tell you is her local bishop does not support her. I asked what solution they could bring or practical ideas to bring a resolution to this and bring her back to not feeling lonely and isolated from everybody else but bring her back into the community. Contains heresies, messages that contradict the teachings of the Church, fake prophecies that failed, revealed angel names not in Scripture that are signs of a fake, encourages people to practise an occult form of divination using manifestations shown in pictures = demonic activity. Ms Gallagher, who has rejected a plea from Pope Benedict XVI to remain silent, has begun posting messages allegedly from the Mother of God on her website. But Maria Hughes has said her mother, a 78-year-old former. the bishop did not, and would not, approve her house of prayer Disobedience to the Church is a sure sign of a fake mystic. The 'Two Patricks' - 'Invitation to Love Jesus'- (1986 to present day), !? McGinnity had told him and that her messages all are compatible with the messages of Medjugorje and Vassulas. for souls rages. Damage was done. [This mansion was filmed for Network 5's next film.] "This has always been the dilemma my family and I have faced. navC.className = tCHandle; against it. For awhile, news from the House was mostly glowing reports of healings and conversions but that all began to change when the Diocese of Tuam opened its investigations. Approval Archbishop Michael Neary of Tuam has insisted the centre does not have Church approval. Heaven does not give useless remedies Calvanist style in that those are just predestined while others are not. of healing within the Church and There is no basis in historical fact St. Malachy made a 'black pope' prophecy. of it. (*) ST. BERNADETTE of LOURDES - '1879 LETTER to POPE LEO XIII' -- 20th century forgery. Strange ecumenical religious order not associated with the Catholic Church at all but trying to look like it is - messages contain New Age mysto-babble and contradicts teaching of the Church regarding angel names and contradicts true mystics. He also made reference to the document that has been circulated worldwide since late May of 1998 allegedly by Archbishop Taroisio Bertone, Secretary of the Congregation of the Faith. Fruits were good in terms of prayer and money for the Island. function WA_SAW_sideNavToggle(NavCount,IsOver) { Also, the list below has mystics or apparitions that have not been ruled on yet, but show they are promoting HERESIES or contain SERIOUS DOCTRINAL ERRORS that contradict the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, and therefore cannot be supernatural and are not included in the Timeline. I have therefore removed this apparition from the Timeline. Easy way to spot a fake apparition or mystic. Christina Gallagher: Prophecies - Jesus & Maria Site As she is receiving large crowds of pilgrims, according to Canon Law, it is no longer just a 'private' place of worship as the local Church authority must attend to the spiritual needs of large pilgrim crowds. 1310? old astronomy prophecy foretelling the invasion of the Mongolian invaders chopped and changed over the centuries to make it relevant to the times and therefore not a real prophecy. (*) PEDRO REGIS,. In summary the House of Prayer has no Church approval and the work does not enjoy the confidence of the diocesan authorities. Timeline of the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies, also the Three Days of Darkness and Age of Peace Prophecies from the saints, blesseds, venerables, and approved apparitions. Have confidence in Me and I will give you peace." "I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. navR.className = tRHandle; is. function WA_SAW_sideNavToggle(NavCount,IsOver) { The Church teaches we may only call upon the names of Sts. What is the Catholic Church's teaching about these var tCHandle = navC.className.replace(/_Hover/i, ""); navL.className = tLHandle; } The minute he asked for an accounting of the money, Christina Gallagher closed the House of Prayer down, and went into hiding. the messages of Christina Gallagher: True or False? - Catholic Planet I'm double vaccinated and my mother informed me I'll be gone down [to hell] in two years. UPDATE: the Bishop of Amos and his own Bishop of Hearst-Moosonee have issued letters September 2020 stating again these visions and prophecies were never officially approved of by either of them, the bishops have completely disavowed them. You The first round of the Investment Readiness Program is now complete. A 250 picture of the Virgin Mary with roses has proved so popular that it is currently sold out, but dozens of other items are still for sale. In an earlier message, which she claimed came directly from Jesus just before the vaccines had been produced, she said: "Fire, pestilence, plague, famine and the third world war will rage upon the earth until two thirds of the world's population is wiped out. Edson Glauber, Itapiranga Brazil (1994 to present day). Christina Gallagher message: May 14th 2022. - 'My Sacred Shelter' fake prophecy published in a Spanish horoscope mass market chapbook. Katherine McHugh, a local on the Island said, "Personally I dont believe in such things, but whether Christina Gallagher really does work miracles doesnt matter to most of us on this island. As Christina always states, she has no healing powers. other charlatan psychic surgeons. are also cases of text and letter hoaxes, forgeries, or texts that don't apply to the future Great Monarch, etc - these can be spotted through simple He said that Hnilica had gone to Russia in 1984 to do the consecration to Mary and that he did it hiding behind a newspaper in the Church and that when he reported this incident to the Holy Father upon his return the Holy Father broke into tears and they spoke a length to each other about Medjugorje and the fact that it was the fulfillment of Fatima. She continues to run her prayer houses without Church authority or approval.