Daily, I am tempted to get right to work and plunge into whatever needs my attention. Isaiah uses a pair of wordsfaint and wearythree times in the span of a few verses here (Isa. Those who confidently manage their Christian walk by relying on their own personal talents, skills, capacities, and capabilities, eventually discover that their strength is insufficient for their needs. They will run, and not be weary. That's right - you'll have access to a daily dose of spiritual inspiration delivered straight to you. There are difficulties in life that overwhelm the strongest of people, fears that gnaw at the stoutest of human hearts, and young men who grow faint and weary. Featured December 2022 Comfort and Hope, 801 Seminary Place, Suite L010, There are times we all feel anxious and afraid. I pray that I may truly rise above all the difficulties of life and run with patient endurance the race that is set before me, looking unto Jesus, Who is my only source of strength and my only means of refreshment. Let me encourage you to wait on the Lord. Connecting with the father puts the fathers strength in you! And eventually, we learn to trust Gods character more than what he can do for us. Its not found in our own strength, but only when we hope in the Lord. It means - there is only one place you can find the healing you seek. Daily Devotion Lets Talk About Temptation and Desire, Daily Devotion How the Bible Can Change Your Life, Daily Devotion Joshua 14:10-13 Enduring Faithfulness. My "To Do" list is always long. 2:44 am. But Isaiah didn't only speak to the concerns of his generation. -Isaiah 40:30-31 New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids' attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Authorized Personnel includes members of the LWML Board of Directors, Presidents Assembly, and committees/task forces/special teams. Isaiah 40:31-32 - NIV - but those who hope in the - Christianity Can you remember a time when you stayed up all night? Isaiah 40:31 promises: "Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.". I believe I have been in a season of waiting. Isaiah, Holman Old Testament Commentary by Trent Butler. Can I confirm what youve probably already been thinking? Article Images Copyright , The Beautiful Context and Verse Meaning Behind "Those Who Wait on The Lord". March 30, 2020. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV states, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. His grace is enough for every eventuality in life and His provision comes through faith in His beloved Son. Most Popular. The phrase mount up with wings like eagles can be found at the end of Isaiah 40, in verse 31, "But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint" (ESV). Although these words were addressed to Israel they have an application in the lives of ALL God's people. We have then found ourselves again flagging; we have ran and become weary; and we have walked until we feel faint. Anne has also written He Whispers: Poetic talks with God. Several weeks before Christmas, my daughter called me, and asked, "Mom, could you go get some toys, hot chocolate . And when we sleep, sometimes its interrupted sleep. Then the run turned into walking. However, we dont have to lose hope even when things are tough. Wait on the Lord - Max Lucado Thesewords of comfortwere given to Israel after Isaiah's repeated warning of approaching punishment if they did not repent of their evil ways, nevertheless the Lord is a God of comfort and grace. Verse 30 again states that even the most physically fit of men are weak and limited in power, which leads into the beautiful promise in verse 31 of what Gods strength will help them do if they wait on Him. Isaiah 40 Archives - Pastor Rick's Daily Hope Kyle Lovett Warfare & Worship Music, Oct 14, 2020. And He has promised that His grace is sufficient for us, no matter how weary we may become, for His power is perfected in our weakness. You would be hard-pressed to find someone who is not tired of going through this pandemic. Thats what maturity is. They will walk and not faint.". Only power from above is sufficient to sustain us. Isaiah 40:31 Commentaries: Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain 11:28). Do not look down, but upward! Sermon Notes for Isaiah 40:31 by Chuck Smith - Blue Letter Bible The Vision - The Passion Translation B. Look at verse 30. Isaiah 40:1-8 Spring Beauty. The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. The Eagle - Children's sermon - Isaiah 40:31 | SermonSuite In time they are brought to the very end of themselves until they can admit that the refreshment they desperately need has been drawn from the broken cistern of the old, Adamic-life and will eventually run dry, for the energy-source that is powered through the fleshly self-life, will in time be drained of all its self-induced efforts. The context of this verse helps us. God will come through for you. He writes, The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned (Isaiah 9:2). Isaiah has just pronounced in Chapter 39 that the Babylonians would invade Jerusalem, leading to a period of captivity for Gods people. (Isaiah 40:31) Three images are employed to illustrate the strength experienced by those who wait upon Jehovah, relying upon Him and His empowering grace. - Isaiah 40:31. It is more likely that those who are losing heart will read these lines. "He never grows tired or weary . Isaiah 40:29-31 ESV Waiting goes against what we naturally and culturally do. He carried the burden of our sin and judgment upon himself on the cross. Unstoppable! - Isaiah 40:28-31 | Steve's Bible Meditations If you do, youre not alone. You who bring good news to Zion lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, Here is your God! (Isaiah 40:9). My soul, wait only upon the Lord. What if we placed our trust in God? Daily Devotion: Who is Like Our God? (Isaiah 40:12-20) - RayStedman.org We dont hope in other people. He will provide strength to those who can admit to their own disability - for His grace is sufficient in all situations of life. "Renewed in Strength" Isaiah 40:27-31 - prca.org Verse of the Day , Isaiah 40:31 Treasury of Scripture Knowing, God My Provider (Study In God - All I Need-20). They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31). If you look to the Man Christians call Messiah, youll find an endless supply of reasons for your heart to have peace. I humbly ask you to forgive this arrogance inside of me,and Lord, Id be so very grateful, if youd take these reins from me. But the nation was being brought down by the evil practices of many of its citizens, and by the threats other nations posed. Isaiah 40 arrives like a glass of chilled, cool water after a long, hot journey in a desert! A. They were exhausted and burdened from the circumstances of life. to encourage people to have hope for the future. We need a stronger strength to match our deep discouragements. Tozar said it this way: The faith of Christ offers no buttons to push for quick service. During Isaiah's lifetime, the dispirited nation of Israel suffered a period of great distress politically as oppressive . His plans are ALWAYS better than mine. We dont have to be controlled by our desires, but can run into the arms of Jesus for freedom, forgiveness, and healing. The promises of God are clear on this matterin waiting on God, we find our strength renewed (Isaiah 40:31). It is then that the spiritual battery is regenerated and renewed by Christ's limitless power, enabling us to run the straight race - and in His strength, to run in such as way as to win the prize, for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. They are a call to us all to turn from any wrongdoing in our lives and live by faith and not by sight - to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. They will run and not grow weary. Faith requires patience. Along with these difficult passages, the book of Isaiah offers a glimpse of Gods amazing plan to reclaim His people through the arrival of a Deliverer. Waiting on God - Insight Isaiah reminds us that God is the Creator and His Being is everlasting and immeasurable. Because this is what will happen: the tireless God's strength will overflow into your life. In all our weariness, then, how do we get this strength? Bible Study Courses Isaiah 40:1-31 Exploring the Passage The formidable Assyrian army threatened to destroy Jerusalem, and the people were panicked. Gods promises always come to pass. But our Lord promises that He will never leave us empty or alone if we seek Him. They will soar high on wings like eagles. Caffeinated drinks can help you stay awake when youve not gotten enough sleep. 1 page. Our moods can influence our decisions! . It is the strength of the Lord Jesus Who sustains those who do not rely upon their own abilities. The Z is bringing you the best Rock, Pop, and Hip-Hop. But while those are all God-given sources of strength, they cannot give us the deepest strength we need when we come to the end of ourselves. LORD, we wait on You to carry us this day through things too strong and swift moving for us. Power Must Change Hands March 2023 LIVE (PMCH 4 March 2023) They will run and not grow weary. We all have to wait for things at some point in our lives. There are rarely instant solutions to the things we face. Drew and his wife, Christina, live in Zionsville, Indiana, and have four children. Devotional: Soar As Eagles - Heavens Inspirations It seemed as though God forgot to be gracious and shut down His tender mercies in anger. Thats part of living here on earth. Rely on God's Power, Not Your Own - Pastor Rick's Daily Hope What does it mean to mount up with wings like eagles? You're no longer relying on your own power to hold all the strings of your life together. Isaiah 40:31 Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength.They will mount up with wings like eagles.They will run and not get tired.They will walk and not become weary. I see it in the doors He opens (or shuts) when I fully trust Him and stop relying on my own wisdom. . The world tells us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and we try. Have you not heard? Unfolding Grace: 40 Guided Readings through the Bible, ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal: Isaiah. The book that bears his name speaks truths that still strongly resonate for us today. But guess what Ive discovered? I recall one time after a mission trip I stayed up all night before heading home. Isaiah 40:31 NIV, Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; Psalm 37:7a NIV, The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Isaiah 40:31 Sermons: But those who wait for the LORD will renew their strength. The good thing about hoping in God is that God cant let you down. Keep up with LWML devotions, news, and promotions. Daily Devotion - Isaiah 40:31 - Learning to Wait - Devotable May I receive Thy abundant grace and mercy, so that my course can be completed with joy and the crown of my life. Devotions. Devotional Studies; Verse of the Day; Today's Devotionals ; Today's Audio; Devotional by Topic ; Today's Images ; Study. For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall. Father, teach us how to wait well upon You, knowing that you can see the beginning from the end, and you have good things in store for us. Faith Devotional: Isaiah 40 - C3 Church Global Podcast with Phil Often there are situations that can make us weary. This 40th chapter of Isaiah is a wonderful song of praise to the God of creation. Sermon on Isaiah 40:30-31 | How to wait upon the Lord? Daily Devotion Isaiah 40:31 Learning to Wait, I'm on this amazing Faith Journey, who after years of being told that I should be writing, finally listened. 40:27). The Bible says, "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31). Prayer Points for Power Must Change Hands March 2023 - Pmch Prayer And so for this Fuel Your Passion post we want to share the first devotion. Isaiah 40:31. What does it mean to mount up with wings like eagles? But sometimes those answers are no, or not yet. We grow through our trials. GOD IS AWARE! And if you want to really stretch them, I challenge you to praise God even when you receive a no. God is not praiseworthy because He answers our prayers; Hes always worthy of praise. His two sons are mentioned in the pages of his book: Shear-Jashub, or a remnant shall return (Isaiah 7:3) and Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz, meaning speed the spoil, hasten the booty (Isaiah 8:1-4). One of them being I dont like to wait and I have never considered myself a patient person. GOD IS ABLE! When you come to God in prayer, it's because you have faith he will respond. Bible > Isaiah > Chapter 40 > Verse 31 Library Free Downloads eBibles Isaiah 40:31 But scripture shows us time and time. I got so weary on our journey with the paths that you would choose.I thought my driving was much better, so I took the reins from you. All his life the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken. Isaiah 40:31 uses this same term: "Yet those who wait for the L ORD will gain new strength." If you are waiting for God to work this week, keep on waiting! A Prayer to Renew My Strength [Isaiah 40:31] Dear God, fountain of all blessings, I come to you to have my strength renewed. Isaiah 40:31 NIV - Bible Now comes a touch of consolation and anticipation of a new thing that God will be doing. Its an opportunity to flex our faith muscles. One of the major themes of Isaiahs prophecy in the book is the coming of Christ. But what is Paul getting at here in particular? Second, the spiritual "long distance runner" who is enabled to finish the race. In Gods Word, we are promised a renewal of our strength. Isaiah 40:28-31 NIV. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.". I urge you to review the truths in Psalm 27 each time you are tempted to be afraid. Different Translations of Isaiah 40:31 Different Bible translations of verse 31 convey a similar overall meaning. However, God is not irresponsible. Tradition holds that Isaiah was put to death during the reign of King Manasseh around the year 680 BC.