Jesus said: My people, it is sad that you have evil people paying anarchists to cause destruction and chaos so they can have a takeover of your government. Jesus said: My people, it is appalling that your bishops and governors are still keeping My faithful from even coming to daily Mass. Reflecting on Gods Holy Word on 1 Corinthians 15;51-52 and Revelations 20:1-6. Yo puedo ver los anarquistas continuando de provocar a los policas que salieran de sus estaciones y destruyendo monumentos. john leary latest messages june 2020 - Important Video About Eucharistic Miracles and Brief Comment by a soul Is There Deliberate Deception and Hypocrisy in the Current Papacy (Pope Francis)? My new column: Great Shakes, by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review at Medjugorje and Holy Love Ministries (Maranatha Spring and Shrine), How To Do A Ghost Release - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast,, Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, International Abortion Healing Programs (47 countries), Rachel's Vineyard Healing After Abortion, Silent No More Awareness Resources for Help After Abortion (U.S.), Catholics Come Home (English main website), Catholics Come Home (English Young Adult), Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ (USA), Dolorous (Sorrowful) Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Anne Catherine Emmerich, Holy Love Ministry Heavenly Messages in 90 Languages, Love and Mystic Catalina Rivas, Madeleine Aumont of the Glorious Cross of Dozule, Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages in 90 Languages, Shepherds of Christ Ministries Portuguese, The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, World Apostolate of Precious Blood of Jesus Christ (Nigeria), Catholic Saints, Martyrs and Doctors of the Church, CatholiCity The Catholic Church Simplified, Eternal Word Television Network Document Library, St. Michael the Archangel Religious Books & Gifts, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (Dr. Scott Hahn), The Rosary Center The Rosary Confraternity, Eternal Word Television Network Mobile Streaming App, Eternal Word Television Network Radio Facebook, Eternal Word Television Network Radio Affiliates, Eternal Word Television Network SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Channel 130, Eternal Word Television Network Global Catholic Radio Shortwave, Eternal Word Television Network Nightly News Videos Online, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube English, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube German, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube Spanish, Eternal Word Television Network Global News, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ - Feb 22-28, 2023 Update, February 19, 2023 - Message from God the Father to mystic, Lorena - Spiritual Exercise and Prayers of Protection, End Times Daily - Message from Jesus of Nazareth to Ned Dougherty - "These events are already cast in stone, but the power of prayer can still influence, ameliorate, or even cancel the darkest of events before the Great Transformation takes place" - February 22, 2023, Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria - "In the midst of famine, My Legions will bring humanity the food that satisfies hunger. In case you did not know it, there was and arch of Baal put up in Washington, D.C. in August of 2018 during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings for a Supreme Court Justice seat. Valentine) Jesus said: "My son, you were curious why I brought the Flood upon the earth to kill everyone but Noah and his family, who were faithful to Me. Latest Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and Mystic Post TV. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa Prophet John Leary, Messages July 6 thru July 12, 2022. "My people, these two latest hurricanes have brought much destruction and flooding in your southern states. Glenn Beck and Dr. Taylor Marshalls Take on the Unidentified Objects. Latest Messages on After the Warning Website. Holy Rosary and the Glorious Mysteries by KristinsCrosses. 23Not even a remnantwill be left to them, because I will bring disaster on the people of Anathoth in the year of their punishment.. The prophets told the people how they were in sin in as they offended Me by their evil actions. Wednesday, February 22, 2023: (Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent) Jesus said: "My son, I am showing you a difficult scene of many dead bodies wrapped in black plastic in a church. Rejoice in My love and My sacraments. If you have not chosen to come back to God because you dont believe you have sinned against Him, think again! Tu gente necesita despertarse, porque estos malvados anarquistas estn tratando de tumbar el gobierno. Here is the information of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. You can tell this is a laboratory created sickness because the seasonal flu does not continue into the summer heat. Strive to save as many souls as you can before this tribulation time.. From St. John you read how I AM all Love, as I love all of My creatures. Latest Videos on Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, Holy Messages from Heaven, and Mystic Post TV. Mis ngeles proveern por sus necesidades, y tu adoraras a Mi Santsimo Sacramento en la custodia en perpetua Adoracin. Here is Jeremiah, Chapter 11. John Lear, Pilot of The Cia: "We Control Alien Technology and There Are Some of your Scripture scholars talk about the Nephilim giants that were the offspring from demon angels who had sex with human females. We know that Our Lord has been warning us through Our Blessed Mother and His Prophets, Mystics, and Saints that we have been turning away from Him through egregious sins on national levels. The print version of the messages are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Yo estar con ustedes para protegerlos, confen en Mi siempre para la multiplicacin de comida, agua, y combustible. So, sounds like the elites are preparing us now for what is coming. We offer up all of our suffering, work, joy, and pain and unite them to Our Lord, Jesus Christs Cross for the Salvation of Souls. Also, Spiritual Warfare by Father Chad Ripperger, and Lenten Preparation by Father Dan Reehil from Catholic RadioMaria. Ahora en algunos casos la polica y la Guardia Nacional se le ha dicho que permitan hasta una cierta cantidad de destruccin porque los del partido opuesto quieren caos en las calles para el plan del tomo. Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec, Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec, More message archives to come as time permits, click here to view the most recent messages. My son, in todays world you are also seeing evil has its way again, and many people are falling away from their original fervor of loving Me. So, first a warning from God through His Prophet Jeremiah in Chapter 10, and now we see in Chapter 11, that God has had enough, and there is no more warning, because the sins and errors have spread to His own Children, who He tried to warn through Jeremiah. How do Current Prophetic Messages Align with Our Church Fathers in These Current Times? Even before I will call people to the refuges, My angels are already protecting the refuges. This was the Jim O'Leary Mansion and always had been for many generations of Jim O'Leary's. For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and the whole world. This is why it is so important to know God yourself first, then also find a good Shepherd in our Church that loves God and stands up for Him when the world is going mad in egregious sin. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: Donato di santo - tra italia e america latina So I brought on them all the cursesof the covenant I had commanded them to follow but that they did not keep., 9Then theLordsaid to me, There is a conspiracyamong the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. Only My believers will be saved at My refuges. Este prximo ataque del virus va a hacer mucho mas mortal que el primero, porque los malvados estarn regando qumicos fuertes que contienen el nuevo virus. You could see places that may require local emergencies where the National Guard may enforce a partial martial law. Esto ser una bendicin para todos Mis creyentes, para que puedan sobrevivir la tribulacin del Anticristo. Tu estas presenciando la maldad en las personas que han regado este virus para reducir la populacin, y evitarlos que vayan a Mis sacramentos. Let us Pray God Our Heavenly Father, we know our Country has angered You and turned against You and Your Commandments, Laws, and Ways. On June 15, ministers were planning on opening non-essential retail premises. An Explanation of the Enchiridion and The Indulgences We Can Receive. Tu verdaderamente eres la sal y luz en el mundo cuando tu compartes Mi Evangelio con las personas. Also, in the news in case you missed it yesterday, President Biden let the cat out of the bag and informed everyone in the news conference that there will be another Pandemic in the future. Confen en Mi proteccin cuando sus vidas estn en peligro. Jess dice: Mi gente, en algunas noticias tu estas viendo mucha gente que pueden regresar a sus trabajos, pero hay millones de personas que estn desempleada. I love all of you, and I am happy for you to be able to receive Me again in Holy Communion. Here are the latest messages from Prophet John Leary. The "Mary Connection" to the Eucharistic (False) Christ 16TheLordcalled you a thriving olive treewith fruit beautiful in form.But with the roar of a mighty stormhe will set it on fire,and its branches will be broken. Commentaries From Life Site News and Dr. Taylor Marshall. The devil uses fear and anxieties to keep you fearful of viruses, and he wants to keep you from coming to Me at Mass in church. Holy Mass Celebrated at St. Marys Parish in Ottawa, Canada and Preparing for LENT! Abortion is an egregious sin against God because we are killing not only His Children, but innocent, and defenseless children that belong to God Our Father in Heaven. Al final de la tribulacin Yo traer Mi victoria, y todos los malvados sern arrojados al infierno. John's father, had been involved in the mid-50s in anti-gravity technology programs, completely secret technology today. This sent the Assyrians in confusion and they were forced to return home. Once you hear My call in My inner locution, you can come to a refuge. 10They have returned to the sins of their ancestors,who refused to listen to my words. Can consecrated meatavert your punishment?When you engage in your wickedness,then you rejoice.[a]. My angels will provide for your needs, and you will adore My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance in perpetual Adoration. From the Los Angeles Blade, December 12, 2022: Meet the Bisexual Wife of Pennsylvania's New US Senator. Latest Teaching from Mother Gabrielle on the Divine Will from Luisa Piccarreta and Purgatory from Maria Simma. Here is another great video by Servants of Christ about St. Vincent Ferrar and his prophetic message about the end of the world, which are our times. Print Messages : John Leary Pray for Jocelyn and her new baby, and for the souls of your family. Eso ser una escena horrible con tantos cuerpos muertos. My refuge builders have to trust in Me to protect them at all times. 2 min read WASHINGTON (AP) The Supreme Court on Wednesday is hearing a dispute between New York and New Jersey over New Jersey's desire to withdraw from a commission the. Dr. Taylor Marshall and Jesse Romero on How to Rejoice in the Lord During Lent and These Difficult Times. T tambin has sido enviado al mundo para compartir Mi Palabra y traer las almas convertidas hacia Mi. Yes, you can watch Mass on your TVs and your computers, but My Eucharistic services at Mass are meant to bring the faithful together Saturday, May 30, 2020: My son, you have used this passage (4 Kings 19:35) many times to relate to the people about the power of even one of My angels. By having a good prayer life, you can stay close to Me, and be ready to meet Me at your judgment., Jesus said: My people, you need to pray to counteract the Luciferian March for a One World Government that will occur in nine cities on June 21. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Posts in This Blog on How to Prepare for the Times of Distress Spiritually Before the Warning and the Coming Tribulation. Thursday, February 23, 2023 : John Leary The more good deeds you had in life, will help compensate for the reparation due for your sins. "I find myself now going might avoid a recession entirely in workers' take-home pay. In order to have My refuges ready, I have given one angel to guard each refuge from any evil ones trying to come on the refuge property. Posts about Prophet John Leary written by a soul. 11This is the word that came to Jeremiah from theLord:2Listen to the terms of this covenantand tell them to the people of Judah and to those who live in Jerusalem. This virus will be spread the worst in America. Patrick Wojahn, 47, is in custody after having his home searched on February 28. Todos tendrn que enfrentarse a esta puerta cuando vengas a tu propia muerte a una edad. For light at night you may need lamp oil with the lanterns and wicks. If you live in the Northern states you may need wood, kerosene, or propane with the appropriate burners. Pray for the unemployed people to find jobs and receive their benefits. I give you peace and rest for being faithful to Me., Jesus said: My people, every refuge has an angel protecting it from harm. Esto representa la confianza diaria en Dios para proveer por sus necesidades. Could this be another sign in the stars that Our Lord was telling us about in Luke 21:25? Many Prophets are being criticized because of their speaking out in warnings from God, but as evil continues to spread, evil men seek to shut the prophets up by persecution or death.