Study this photograph, taken from Winslow, which was in the path of the clouds as they moved from West to East, carefully. ", "So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. This Cloud was photographed at an altitude of about 26 to 27 miles (42 kilometers) on 28 February 1963 above the area just north of the city ofFlagstaff in northern Arizona. On 4 March he peached "A Absolute" in Houston, Texas. LIFE - Google Books see; to be caught up with It. Shalom! Comment * Oh, if the Presence of the Holy Ghost isn't here, what is? It appears that deficiencies in the reproduction process created some patterns of lighter and darker shading not present in the original picture. Phyllis Diller hits the big time. the mystery is laying behind those seven consecutive thunders rolling out. As Jesus, God is the number one Man. If you follow brother Branham, then you have a problem here. The Cloud was photographed eight daysbefore the angels came to him. No jet can fly at a steady horizontal speed at that altitude, as the air is too thin. The critics also did not read James McDonald's original account where he stated thathe could not explain the main Cloud because there were two clouds present. Thus the Book was not open at the time that the Cloud was photographed at the end of February. But the "shout" still lies in the future. They open after the Bride is around the throne in Revelation Chapter 5. no one would know His coming; they also would not know about this seven thunder mystery. On February 28, 1963, over in Arizona, U.S.A., a constellation of seven angels appeared to a man named William Marrion Branham in the form of a ring shaped-Cloud. But our old bodies cannot be raptured. XXV, 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. Street Rodder 1978 12 Issues Complete See Other Auctions Rod & Custom Cr, Petersen's 4 Wheel & Off Road February 2017 Readers Rides Chevy FREE SHI, The Streamliner Sp 2011 Union Pacific Challenger Steam Locomotive Green, WOMEN'S PHYSIQUE WORLD Female Muscle Magazine/Karen Pica Summer 1989, Al Rakeeb Syrian Arabic #356 Magazine 1957, Better Homes & Gardens 100 Best Pumpkin Recipes 2017 Pecan Cake FREE SHI, 1946 ARCHITECTURAL FORUM MAGAZINE~BLIMP COVER~thick 228pg Issue~The Navy, UK Vogue 12/12,Natalia Vodianova,December 2012,NEW, Lot Of 40 Vintage 1970s Iron Man Magazines. on February 28 1963 which was the day before the hunting season opened on March 1. That kind ofdoctrine is thus based on a big misunderstanding. when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down COMES the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head. Abstract. 2. When God takes on the form of an angel, He calls Himself the Angel of the Lord or the Archangel and takes on the angelic name Michael. this combination was just a sign to attract attention that God was going to speak to His prophet. I'm only honest with you as my brothers. We're going towards a dark chamber, a chamber of death. See, Satan was the original archangel of God. For, there is seven mysteries, for the complete Word is revealed now in these seven mysteries.". And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. The main Cloud was photographed and had left the scene before brother Branham went hunting. The original 1963 cloud photograph has no face. 14:7 to God be all d glory. :52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, :53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. Thanks for looking. So at that time no one checked the dates to establish that the 7 angels came to brother Branham 8 days after the Cloud was photographed. His predicamentwas mainly becausemany photographs showed two clouds. He is human and can make mistakes. See? These seven angels came from the presence of God revealing to him the hidden mysteries that were sealed in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. He died, and the Angels packed him away, and even the devil don't even know where he's buried, and. And the ministerial association got a hold of it, and they're writing me a letter about it, and that I sent them up there and. 64 No. The Cloud was over Flagstaff. Brother Branham thoughtthat those 7 angels formed the Cloud as they ascended back up into the sky after speaking to him. Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. Obviously, he did not regard the Cloud as the Angel. But, remember, if it goes plumb into the shadows of death, "I am the resurrection and Life; I'll raise him up again." Sirs is this the Sign of the End ? 62-12-30. At that height, the air is very thin and the smoke particles would be widely spread out. Good evening, to Houston. All the New Testament saints are either buried on land or at sea. I Corinthians 15:52-53. Predicted a year and a half before it happened, that it would be that way. See? He was guessing because he never saw the Cloud. THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1But when John looked he saw only "ONE" upon the throne. Jews demanding vengeance, an eye for an eye. Tucson Tabernacle - Articles and Tracts That's the reason, under our seventh mystery, when the seventh seal was opened, there was silence. Weather Bureau radiosonde station at Winslow, Arizona, and a high-altitude sounding had been completed there only an hour before the appearance of the cloud. It's the Message going forth. The Angel is ready to set one foot on land and the other on the sea with a rainbow over Him, with feet, and say, "Time's run out.". The Cloud 1963 | William Branham Wait till them seven thunders utter their voices to that group who really can take the Word of God and hand it there. a book written within (The writing was with inside.) There is only one bright section that can represent the pillar of fire and that is the bright light below the face. Similarly, the dominant supernatural Cloud and the fainter natural cloud of smoke were just a sign to attract our attention to the fact that God would give brother Branham the commission to unfold the revelation of the seven Seals. Looks like it was folded ". That is when the details will become clear. If Jesus is coming, it's a very--it's a moment that the whole world has groaned and cried for. Nowhere does brother Branham say that the seven Thunders have uttered. The Cloud was alsonot photographed as the angels came down to brother Branham becausethe Cloudwas never seen below the height of about 26 - 27 miles or 42 kilometers. Cried with a loud voice and when he had cried. THE COMPANION GUIDE TO THE SOUTH OF SPAIN Alfonso Lowe, Hugh Seymour-Davies Page i Wednesday, September 6, 2000 1:52 PM TH E CO MPAN ION G UID E TO TH E S OU TH O F SPA I N It was not only documented in Arizona, but it was also seen in northern Mexico, western New Mexico, and southern Colorado. Brother Branham revealed the first part of the fourth Seal but not the second part as we do not know who the antichrist rider is. This was an unfortunate mistake on his part. The sign merely warns that the event is about to happen. He did not reveal all the mysteries. singing when the Lamb takes the Book out of the are these the raptured saints?No, Revelations 5:5 - 9, rather, no. that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? This height is distinctly greater than that of reported Scandinavian nacreous clouds. 63-1110 SOULS THAT ARE IN PRISON NOW. No one can interpret silence. The angel said, "Time will be no more," in the days of this great thing to happen. And remember, Judas took the place as treasurer and fell by money. And way off into Eternity, I saw a constellation of something coming. The seven angels then left and were assumed to have formed the main supernatural Cloud as they went away. From 1936 to 1972 the weekly publication of Life served as the nation's foremost authority on cultural trends and the state of the American experience. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. Gordon Cooper, man for 22 orbits, prepares for launch. When that Angel, of Revelation the 10th chapter, puts one foot on land and one on the sea, and a rainbow over His head, He swore, "time shall be no more.". And God came down from heaven in a cloud and talked with Moses. A Delta II rocket, (which is a "souped-up" liquid fuel Thor rocket with three extra strapped-on solid propellants), wasfired from Point Mugu, a secret experimental missile launch pad at Vandenberg Air Force base in California,just over 500 miles away from Flagstaff,and deliberately explodedat about a height of 42 km ( 26 - 27 miles ) at just less than four hours before the Cloud photograph was taken. On 8 March 1963, while he was hunting, the, seven angels came to him to give him the commission. A day or two before was 26 February but the hunting season only started on 1 March so that is very wrong. The exploding rocket is a symbol of how limited man is when he tries, like the tower of Babel, to reach up to the heavens. And when the great Director comes down and beats that stick down, then, "time shall be no more. " And then AFTERthese Seven Seals are completed. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be. baby ballroom why did max and olivia split. Here he admits that the Cloud was hanging in the air, not going up or down. Sci. But Pergamum is given the Greek name Pergamos. They still put in the paper, "Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?" And then in that great observatory, so that the world will be without, they're still wondering what happened. Press releases 2018 | National Galleries of Scotland Now, that's what's the reason today that the revivals that we're supposed to have We have denominational revivals; we haven't had a real stirring. I pray the seed of God to see what shes suppose to see and to get into the Ark before the wrath of God strikes on this earth. It is not called the "Opening of the Seven Seals". Only the people who were in Winslow which was in the path of the moving Cloud then noticed the smaller and fainter smoke cloud. We're breaking them now;but this, the thing's opened.). It has been serialized by Shogakukan in Big Comic Original from 1973 to 2017 and collected in 112 tankbon volumes. Life Magazine May 17, 1963. The Cloudcame from the west, moving towards the east. The things written in the Seven Seal Book (sealed up of the plan of redemption from before the foundation of the world), it every bit ends. 'Cause, see, the Church has done gone up when this happens. Then John made a mistake. EXPLAIN WHAT BROTHER BRANHAM SAID ABOUT IDOLATRY. Some artists have touched up the face in the Cloud, (see the next picture) but that is not what was originally photographed. This specific Cloud was photographed abouta week before brother Branham even went hunting in the Sunset Peak area near Rattlesnake mesa. Obviously neither. The 1963 cloud isn't the mighty Angel Two prophecies were fulfilled: The vapour of a smoke cloud in Acts 2:19, and the Sign of the Son of man in Matthew 24:30. Which, always. Notice Lucifer, in the last days, is doing as he did at first. You will only get rapturing faith when you are in your new body. Everything runs out in this time, at the end of this Seventh Seal. These issues are extremely nice. Is that right, Brother Fred? The supernatural Cloud fulfills Matthew's prophecy of a sign in the Heaven. In the end, as the archangel Michael, God will expel Satan from his position in heaven as the accuser. So you see, it's connected together. Articles, Big on Bonaparte: A Look at Napoleon Collectibles, Pressing News: All About Antique Bookbinding Tools. Who fought the angelic wars in heaven with the devil. Do not make him infallible. these great signs and wonders would appear in the sky. Revelation Chapter 4 sees John caught up to heaven, a type of the Bride being caught up. Publikasjoner Norske Videnskaps Akas. But the open book in Revelation 10 only occurs after the Seals have been revealed. This is not the saints. :51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose. Sound doctrine cannot contradict known facts. So the thing for us to do is to be reverent before God and serve Him, and do all that we know how to do, and live good Christian lives. Have the seven thunders which equals seven mysteries already been revealed? And now, in the Old Testament, "If the word spoken by angels were steadfast," that way it had to be right. This does not fit the facts as brother Branham was not present there on 28 February. And what about you, church, that about six or eight months ago here, and standing here, saying, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD, that I'm going to Tucson, Arizona. Sci. Why does this Angel come down? Others saw myriad colors in its vapor-like structure. Original Life Magazine from May 17, 1963 - Governor Nelson and Happy Rockefeller, Mystery cloud issue. He had Angels as pallbearers, 'cause they took him where he was supposed to be; no one knows. In the same way that Gods presence was in the supernaturalFire that was in the natural bush, and. those seven thunders holds that mystery, that heavens was quieted. The event was the revelation of the Seven Seals. The cloud was seen from distances as great as 280 miles (near Douglas, Arizona and Albuquerque, New Mexico, respectively). Funny story about poor boatyard operator. 20 March 1963. Now here It is, the same time I was there. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem. Some may have very minor defects and address labels. Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed 63-07-28, Now, there was some reason that God let this seven voices be thundered, because it must come (See? Double Gun Magazine 1997 - Vol. So does the church of this day. The church goes up like John did into the Presence of God. This revelation of the written mysteries continued until December 1965 when the Lord took him home. He was hunting in the morning when the angels came to him. There was no one there to hear them. Oh, my! The cloud was far too high for natural clouds to form. Original Life Magazine from May 10, 1963 - Bay of Pigs. You see the hands. Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! The cloud was evidently moving generally south-eastward, though visual reports are in some conflict on this point; this point can only be resolved from further studies by triangulation. Oslo 20, No. Haguregumo - Wikipedia That was linked to the smoke of the exploding high-altitude rocket. in lincoln university baseball 2022General life magazine cloud mystery 1963linda knievel todaylinda knievel today life magazine may 17, 1963 pdf - As Michael, God is the number one Angel. "And they sang a new song," and I stopped. Dr. James McDonald, a meteorologist at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Tucson, has been accumulating the pictures. The Thunders will give us rapturing faith. The supernatural is something that mankind does not fully understand. That, they claim in here that some brethren up there that said that I sent them up there, and they're preaching that men should leave their wives and hunt for their spiritual mate, and.