I understand why virtually all the drumming/spiritual/therapy venues are oriented in a social format but as an asocial introvert for 90 years, Ive been practicing an innovated water drum meditation for the past seven years that might interest anyone exploring solo spiritual drum meditation. Do you have any references for the studies which you mentioned? My husband chuckled at my lack of rhythm, but I did get better over time. the choices are as varied as people. Thank you for your contributions, I am a fan. Jazz is often compared to a complicated and integrated conversation between any number of musicians. Technically speaking, he wasn't very impressive at all. Your experience will help so many people. I agree with all your points! Here's why you should consider providing the gift of drum to that youngster: 1. The healing experience for the horse is an incredibly powerful and direct one. Infrared Sauna: Can You Really Sweat Out the Toxins. I really want to start,but cant find where to buy a drum. Much Thanks Love the hashtag: #drumsnotdrugs Brilliant. Might only be in the US, though,). Here, the International drumming group Tao performs (see video below.) I think we need some Thundergods in Portland Maine playing beside the Atlantic ocean. This groove-inducing tactic breaks away from the strait feel when every note falls on the expected beat. We are based in Oakland, CA. The dance gets my large muscles loose and my brain relaxed. However what I love about it is that you feel a sense of tribal primal togetherness. To request permission to reprint, please email editor@kripalu.org. 413.448.3500 All rights reserved. T h anks f o r further inspiration! My body has been abused a bit through racing motocross, off-roading accidents, freeway motorcycle accidents, commercial deep-sea diving, ten years in the Army, drug rehab and eighteen years of physically fighting with the criminally insane while working at a state institution. Copyright 2023 Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. He was kinda messed up BUT when she finally asked him about lessons for me (knowing he needed any extra money) that is when the magic started. In Kenya, in Africa, and around the world, percussion is dominated by men, and typically outright hostile to women who want to drum. Im in my 50s, in really great health, and Im still rockin! Id like to share my mission statement. Its interesting, isnt it how often ones family doesnt share ones passion even when its so clearly beneficial and fun. I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of benefits to drumming, especially that while drumming you have access to your entire brain. I am a drumming circle facilitator, promoting the holistic benefits of drumming within my community & felt compelled to comment. One tragedy, at least in Great Britain, is that funding for the arts is generally being cut at a time when more people need these benefits. And this ceremony sounds so profound and wonderful. I am writing a dissertation on the experience of live music and its therapeutic effects. Joy, joy, joy. I do have a music and dance background, so drumming was not difficult for me to learn and its every bit as joyous as music and dance. I have been participating in these Native American Drumming Circles since 2007. This article will be about typical drummer hand injuries. Please feel free to contact me and maybe we can talk about how I can assist your organization ! When you set up a high frequency, others rise to meet it. Christiane. Check this out!! Drumming isn't an experience that "only" music therapists can use. I hope I could reference your article while Im presenting if its fine with you. Instead of running around the house while you're trying to make dinner, they . Drumming is a powerful form of yoga. I never knew it was an actual brain reason. It makes me happy to see percussion sounds being used in music therapy programs. It is such a joy to be able to drum! ADDRESS: 101 W. Main Street, Sunset Beach NC. For some of them even their own families dont visit them and if they do it is far and few between. Its an interactive rhythmic entrainment intervention, that helps students: As well as the foot speed, Joey had incredible speed and stamina from his hands too. And I know that it will help a LOT of people. Students create music through a hands-on approach. Drum circles have come a long way over the last 20 years. We integrate some African rhythms with a lot of improvisation and creative expression through the drums and dancing. What you are describing is using drumming to raise the vibration of a group. I was amazed because I knew she hadnt been actively drumming in a while. Kripalu experts and visiting faculty share their views on yoga, health and wellness, nutrition, relationships, creativity, and spirituality. Its never too late to do anything. In the ceremony, the beat of the drum is significant, as is the drum itself. Especially when were having fun together. Thank you! I am a part of a cardio drumming group in Wyandotte MI and I LOVE IT! No matter what fun the orchestra are having, getting stuck into their meaty, challenging parts, the percussion section have to just provide a bit of oom . You can catch a glimpse here. I have been playing the djembe since around 2010. Remember, you can tune your DJEMBE to boost the low tones. This is a great article. Math skills increase with drumming over time as do all mental functions. Others feel the rhythms penetrate through their bodies. Now online, Kripalu offers a variety of teacher trainings and certifications to deepen your practice and share your passion with the world. Yet, in its simplicity, it was profound, soothing and comforting to the rest of us.. One class l had set up for I was going to sing them a couple of songs while playing the drums, just to give them more inspiration on what also can be done while drumming. Science and Psychology: Drumming as Therapy for Both Mind and Body Because it's a pure art form. 1. I am a data architect, which is very logical, but I am also very creative and have hobbies making music and art. As a trained HealthRhythms facilitator, I have had the opportunity to put theory to practice and experience the results. Drummers are important in a band because they act as the timekeeper, lead many of the song transitions, and help build intensity with the volume. Drum on oh Heavenly TOMMY PURPLE HAZE!! In fact, many professionals with a little bit of training can use drum and percussion experiences to help children with . They carry both emotional and physical stress in the bodies, working with the drum is a very non-invasive way of providing healing. Reduce Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Stress. One of the most used drum for communication is the West African . I am an expert on drumming rudiments. Now, thats the type of health care we need not more pills or sterile tech. NOT SURE. It possesses you. Jaw pain is easily remedied in the short term for testing reasons. Stockbridge, MA 01262, Reimagining Religion with Love at the Center. I listen to shamanic drumming regularly, when seeking insight, or as a healing tool when Im emotionally stirred. And I get to hear from people how children with emotional issues are focused, happy and engaged. I AM CAREGIVING MY SICK HUSBAND AND FIND THAT WHEN IM IN MY DRUMMING CIRCLE I AM OUT OF MY ANXIETY OVER HIS ILLNESS. 10 Health Reasons to Start Drumming. Keep us posted Jean. Melanie. Im sure that with a bit of research you could find something rhythmically satisfying without having to resort to a full kit. Jaw. Build on their strengths and youll see magic happen from these students, I know I have. Thank you SO much for sharing this here. As a guitarist of many years I was looking into realistic sounding drums to record with. She also goes into residential facilities, assisted living and nursing homes and has drum circles for the elderly and those with dementia and Alzheimers and she and the staff of those places see results. For those who are ready to reclaim this birthright (or exercise it more! If modern metal's homogenised triggered sounds have made the genre stale to your ears, delve back for a slice of organic, natural-sounding drums. Over the past 10 years, I am proud to say we have raiser over $60,000 for a variety of needy families and worthy organizations. Anyway, I love this post. I use a Djembe with a 12 head (Thats the diameter measurement of the top of the drum.). Thanks for sharing the benefits with so many others! The powerful and compelling rhythm of drums can still and focus the mind the quick path to mindfulness. Hey, MartinI, too, am almost 57 yrs old and, like you, picked up the drums when I was 16. I am now putting together a program that integrates Drumming with Reiki. Your email address will not be published. I recently graduated from a Bachelor of Music here in Western Australia, prior to which I did a bachelor of Science, majoring in Cognitive Neuroscience and Social Psychology very excited to be putting what I have learnt into action and start giving back to the community. Rhythm is anything that repeats itself in time: the moon cycling around the earth, sap rising in the spring, the pulsing arteries of the body. Mostly it involves CORE STRENGTH. I will cover the types of injuries, how we can deal with them, and how we can prevent them as best we can.. By the end of this article you'll know things like how to spot a hand injury coming up, how we can cure them, how we can play drums with them, and how they can even be a good thing for our drumming. I listen to hip-hop, R&B and pop music and this beat . I am a 65-year old guy with Parkinsons Disease who loves to drum. The good news is there are two primary issues that are usually found here, jaw pain and upper neck (c1,c2) pain. I totally agree that Drumming is beneficial therapy. I will share your link too! at this state they can put what they want into your brain. Frame drum? Sometimes I brought my vintage p.a. Good vibrations. Ive since experienced physical and emotional healing from hand drumming, both personally and with private clients and groups of all ages. I am 68 years of age and still enjoy playing a kit of drums even though my wife hates drums. The diversity of mammals that drum in varied contexts suggest independent evolution in different lineages. Over years of practice, drummers appear to modify the way that the two sides of their brain communicate. I am a amateur and dont play nearly enough. Thank you! In their 1980 hit song, "Don't Stand So Close . There are fibers that will, when stimulated, use of the pathways pain uses to travel up its messages. I need the drums, so I came back for a couple more times. Its been a year and Im still going. drumming is so mush better than just beating on something. And a vehicle for you to understand the true nature of things and see through the clutter of simple material existence. I was planning a mother-daughter trip for the weekend and your article gave me an idea. It turned out he didnt like it because of the tone, but I took it to a local jemba drumming circle that was being held in the community. A power that moves you emotionally through our 5 senses. Lifelong learning. Anthropologist Michael Harner, founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, did pioneering work in the 1960's and 70's in studying the effects of drumming. Marla This accelerates my brain and provides additional stimulation to the mind and soul. I,ve been a drummer for 20 years. You can reap many of the same benefits from yoga, which is why the two are such excellent complements. Within the past year since moving to new location, Ive been working at a factory full time and a part time job also, so I havent worked with the school students for about an year now. So delighted to hear this ! psych). It's important when doing this to focus on the click and not the instruments. Both at one point had living souls and moved onto to a different purpose and to live and provide energy in different way. Shamans used drumming as a means of reaching an altered or trance-like state so that they can connect with the spirit dimension. As an HSP (highly sensitive person) I am generally uncomfortable in large gatherings. If you know of some Grant Money available for me to acquire Drums to volunteer at our local Jouvenile Detention Center, Hospital and Nursing Homes, I would appreciate any info you have. The traditions of dance and drumming that once were part of everyday life in many cultures have faded away or were taken from people over time. Thank you for helping spread the word. I know the healing power of drumming. I am part of a womens drumming performance group, Les Femmes de Kissidugu. I am also a member of the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild (www.dcfg.org). 2. Unnecessary and unnerving to a few. They are showing up all over the place. In fact this is my only form of income. I am excited for other members to read it because you do such a beautiful job of explaining the dynamics. I wouldnt be surprised if others will soon be joining in at the coffee house. I see this especially with the ex-cons as they come broken and self-loathing often. Drumming, yoga, dancing and pottery to me are heavenly. I CRY AND FEEL HUGE ENDORPHINS. The sharing of traditional knowledge, including drumming and drum making, is done through the passing of teachings from knowledge keeper to learner. Many who listened to his . I love what I do!! Drumming is helping me relieve stress, focus, decrease depression & relieve pain. Be a global citizen. As someone who struggles with ptsd/depression, I find it helps me to focus the repeated rhythms are a meditation. I hope that many more medical professionals like yourself promote recreational drumming and its health benefits. It sounds exactly what I need. Thank you for sharing the benefits of drumming. I thought of different ways this can be used as a teaching tool also. Free parking in paved lot at the gazebo, or along east side of causeway/bridge road; $10/all day parking in dirt lot by the pier shop/office (green building) Hello, i have a GOD GIVEN TALENT TO PLAY AND ENJOY THE PERCUSSION INSTRUMENT. Thank you for wording so well. You might want to read up on it, to see if the symptoms sound like yours. Thank you, and best wishes. I have been Drumming since I saw Ringo Starr with the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. Amazing about that health insurer. We are doing more good for ourselves then just burning calories! FANTASTIC POST!!! While we are ceremonialists, the benefits you cite from social drumming are present in this type of circle as well. Ill have to look into getting her a custom drum for Christmas as a way to get started! My first thought was How fun! And if that means . And thank you SO much for this incredible gift to your students and to the planet. Please can I ask a question on another subject: I have always been in synch with your teachings on age and do not allow my age to dictate to me at all. Don't let the speed get away from you, or you'll ruin everyone's day. An Empaths Best Protection Against Energy Vampires. I believe this is a most wonderful idea. Depending on their age and personality, kids have a lot of energy. I love the satisfaction of my hands being coordinated, feeling the rhythm the hearbeat, the PULSE and sharing the energy of syncopation. Yes, jello was a surprise. Thanks so much Doctor, You can also try Christine Stevens, http://www.ubdrumcircles.com (She is affiliated with HealthRhythms), or Google Jim Donovan. Make new friends. ), there are huge benefits to drumming, a few of which include. maybe you just explained it. This should not discourage anyone from drumming. Research shows that the physical transmission of rhythmic energy to the brain actually synchronizes the left and right hemispheres. My wife and I have been thinking of getting our son into a new hobby while he is in high school so he doesnt get into any worse habits. In the circle, you will see everything from shakers to the bigger instruments like I mentioned. I dont know how I would have been able to make it through those extremely difficult days and the time after his death without the benefits of drumming and the supportive community that came from it. 6. registration@kripalu.org I hope you can continue to enjoy and revel in the amount of physical power that you have . Djembe or Talking Drum The talking drum dates as far back as 500 A.D where it served as the secret drums in major societies for the rite of passages, ancestral worship, rituals and social dances. Thankyou. It is an honor to participate. I also play percussion in my church band and with others and Im a Toca Percussion Artist. It doesnt surprise me that this trend has come around now and is especially popular with women because drums put us in synch with Mother Earth. I love the way playing makes me feel, I love the sound and its just so much fun. As the sounds of the drum vibrate through your body your muscles and your mind get a sound massage, leaving you in a state of relaxation. My Mum and I were introduced to shamanic drumming and we go to drumming workshops at weekends. Kripalu R&Ra self-guided experienceallows you the freedom to choose what you need while you're here. I consider myself privileged to share these times. I have loved the drums for a very long time. So it goes like this: one, TWO, three, FOUR. Required fields are marked *. Within a band or ensemble, other musicians will look to the drummer for guidance and direction throughout a musical performance. I have had a rough year, lost my job, death of a pet, family problems, car accident and some other minor issues. If ever you come to Australia we will happily run a drum circle for you. Drumming Boosts Confidence. This is one drummer who was very careful about his rock drumming technique. This is what most cultures would consider a "manly" duty. West African drumming is my passion. Here in South Florida dancing is a huge part of the drum circle culture. Connected to the physical part of drumming is also keeping your toddler fit. Thank you for the reminder to schedule another event. I suffer from anxiety and PTSD and it such a useful tool for alleviating stress and keeping you grounded n the present. I started playing percussion in a band about 9 years ago and began experimenting with different techniques to help kids with ADHD issues. How wonderful. Ive eliminated this type of teaching style from my program. But i came across Dr Northrup site and read your article. My name is Katy Lantz but really its Kay Flava. Recently at a Special Needs Conference Ive had a chance to meet and talk with Temple Grandin, I gave her my methodology behind my music program, she told me, you could do good in a kids life. Just make sure you credit it to http://www.drnorthrup.com. As the building blocks were being put into place to form our new little community, a devastating storm hit the southern United States. Thank you, Jean, a group of us in Eau Claire recently took a class and made our own drums. Please come experience DRUMS from HEAVEN! #drumsnotdrugs. Any recommendations as to where, or what kind of drums? I actuallyJust got home from a djembe lesson. It was magical and I miss it!! And the vast majority of exercises do NOT increase core strength. Keith Moon describes himself as the "greatest Keith Moon-Type Drummer in the world.". Drumming plays a major role in disciplining and calming the mind in both Buddhism and martial arts. I look forward to doing more good work in the neerby communities if any are interested. Ask any turkey hunting addict what drives their obsession and the answer likely includes the intoxicating rush of calling in a brush-bearded, sunlit strutting tom, gobbling, spitting and drumming through the spring woods. What a joy! "Drumming is associated with a lot of energy, a lot of strength, a lot of power and a lot of masculinity," Mutua says. It means your muscles are getting stronger. I love it so much. NOTE: I am not affiliated in any way with this drumming programit simply works for me, thats all Im saying. With the release of feel-good chemicals, increased energy, and physical and energetic balance, drumming leads to simply feeling really good and full of happiness. Dr. Zakir Naik, a renowned Islamic scholar and President of the Islamic Research Foundation, also shared his views on the subject in an interview (source). Students enjoy the interactive therapy session that reduces, tension, stress and anxiety, and is highly beneficial for those with; ADHD, ADD, Autism, and neurological disorders. I was wondering why I became so obsessed with Pound! That's with the above clip of her matching John Bonham (whom many claim is the best . ~Lonnie L. Jones As a by product, I also experienced a feeling of wellbeing after longish sessions. As a Guide, I enjoy & appreciate the experience of all those in Circle. Thank you for posting this article on your sight. Its a privilege to utilize my artistic and music abilities to help students. The feeling came back about 5 years ago and I felt the need to play again wonderful! Hurricane Katrina blasted through Louisianna and other southern states causing horrifying damage and loss of life. And yes it is incredibly difficult. I just play! http://www.nadiyanottingham.net. I facilitate drumming event for people of all walks of life and see this reaction on people in many environments including harsh environments like a prison. I hadnt realized ex-cons were benefitting from hand drumming too, but why not? He started to speak on the microphone, were as I never heard this boy speak before, then I thought to myself, this is what he needs, he can hear himself, others can hear him. the treatments and options past that are a bigger conversation, as there is a lot of useless stuff out there, but atlasprofilax or nucca / AO chiro will fix the upper neck however you may need pt as well for the whole thingand a there are a few therapies that will fix the jaw, most are temporary however you can just drum with a bite guard of the same thickness and it will not cost 5k and these. There have been rare instances where animal skins that have not been properly treated have generated natural anthrax, and people have died because of this. Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of womens health and wellness. In this article, I will discuss the importance of a drummer's impact on an ensemble and how having a musical approach can affect performance or recording. If it is okay I would love to quote you on my website as some further reading for my students and parents. THE HISTORY OF DRUMS from HEAVEN, DRUMS from HEAVEN became a reality on October 29th, 2005. David Day, Well said! Thank you so much for your reply Dr. Northrup. The original idea was to organize Saddle Brooks first drum circle and bring together school age kids, getting them off the street and teaching them to communicate through the rhythm of the drum. Anyway, we are now in process of forming a regular drumming group. I first learned traditional grip and later switched to matched grip. Im a drum circle facilitator and drum circles dont normally include movement. Many provide the drums for beginners, so this wouldnt be a barrier to joining. I had seen doctors, including an ENT twice and audiologist. My son is getting older and I want to get him a hobby! Thanks !! Watch this video ad-free on Nebula: https://nebula.app/videos/polyphonic-what-makes-john-bonham-such-a-good-drummerIf you think this video was worth $3 - . I lost my husband to Alzheimers a year and a half later. Rhythm is that which is unseen but felt. I very much need this type of therapy! Neck. I am sure there are other drumming programs available. as a kit player of nearly 40yrs uts really has helped me social circles have many drum friends and after a gig on z high still love the way we have ti be the rock of the vand so many jokes but the drummer is z real big cog without us they are lost studied brushes and other techniques,and now at 66 still love playing. How did the Classic era piano differ from its predecessor, the harpsichord? Drumming is such an amazing release . At the age of 63 I fulfilled something on my bucket list, I started taking drum lessons! I wish I could get the whole world drumming, but I cant even get my own family interested. You're not in your head . There are way to many benefits of drum therapy to mention. Example, every time we play La Bamba by Richie Valenz. I cant wait to share this information with the members at my studio. The science behind drumming is now being revealed with enough scientific and anecdotal evidence collated and collected to validate what I myself and many other early rhythm practitioners have been expousing for many many years. Take care and keep on drumming.it is a universal language and a gift of healing from above ! If you have any comments in general, thoughts please let me know. I love the sound and the joint participation and having our chief teaching us and how we can laugh whey we get it wrong but keep going. Drumming is an aural skill as much, and possibly more than even a physical one. Most of my teachers were Native Grandmothers, other Elder women, and talented men too. So happy its helped you. Also, please check out Mary Knyshs website: http://www.rhythmicconnections.com (I know! Thank you for this great comment. Research for the Australian International . I am a band director with a degree in percussion performance and played and taught Drum and Bugle corp a long time. And enjoy this service to humanity that you are providing! Posture is a neurological event, its not consciously driven. Sexual selection in spiders shows how sexual selection explains the evolution of phenotypic traits in spiders. The lyrics reflect on the gritty parts of self awareness, and that kind of view on the world grounds the songs in a way that feels like catching up with an old friend whose quirks you don't mind . Amazing comment. I arrange performance pieces and lead/perform in several different groups. Usually after classes I go to dinner with my friend and then go home and write to tap into the unleashed creativity. I am going to have my own home soon..I will hire a drumming guide..at least once a month..for the entire family.. Sorry Big Pharma but drumming is much safer and more effective. We (http://www.inrhythm.com.au) have just returned from 2 weeks of drumming sessions within remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory of Australia, working with the school kids. So I would say, it has NOTHING to do with your age. What an AMAZING story and post. So much so, that I started a program called Rhythm Kids for young children in hopes that they could have the experience that took me too long to discover. Please share your experiences with me in the comments section. Fix the pain and the neuro-reflex issues, the body will stand up straight immediately. it helps to me in psoriatis problem, if i play skin in my hand 100 percent clean. From your constantly beating heart to the rhythm of your breath to the rhythm of brainwaves to the rhythm of your walking, just for startersyou cant help being full of rhythm. Why is African drumming often very complex? Orchestral parts aren't always the most demanding. At home, you could try a magnesium supplement. Growing up taking music in high school, I failed terribly, the system was set up for failure. My son bought a drumming kit as a teenager, and I used to sneak into his room when he wasnt at home and play his drums. She just said to me oh I just do this in study hall all the time .. Terms of Use.*. I was quite athletic as a child and young adult, I never learned how to play any instrument. Hi, you can look on the HealthRHYTHMS facebook page for facilitators in your area, or do a google search. Hard to keep your mouth in front a microphone while beating the far edges of a kit. Its very valuable and I will use it as a link. . My daughter has friends that have a coffee house and my 2 friends and myself will probably play there. Since they were trusted and respected in the community we were all invited to a community feast and drumming celebration. "Some days I feel so over it, almost to the point of apathy," Williams told The Guardian, "but that's the struggle that you have to fight." Ive been playing hand drums Mostly djembe for over 20 years. I received a drum massage a few years ago. Patty Aulik, Director While drums can be left undecorated, most are adorned in a way that is significant to . Mind you I might have become tired and sleepy after the feast of caribou, bannock and Jello. This event is for ANYONE interested in our casual, free, fun, drumming / music circles on the beach by the Pier (left side), North Carolina. Answer (1 of 19): I'm not sure, but I think it may have something to do with his energy, without which, The Who's music wouldn't have had nearly the same impact it did, neither live or on record. I dont want to believe it could be true but would really appreciate your comments. Well done!! You're beating . I have lupus and my immune system is compromised. The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Ree Drummond 's husband Ladd is still healing months after he was involved in a truck collision with his nephew, Caleb . Hi Dr. Northrup, The Thundergods of Portland play very hard, beside the Willamette River, all year every Sunday night. I turned 80 in September and try to stay active with exercises like spinning and yoga, so Im very interested in finding out what the Drumming Circle entails and hoping it doesnt include quick movements that will irritate my chronic painful sciatic nerve.