Well Site Address Line 2. Accessibility water.usgs.gov. Users can click on individual fields to access well information for those fields. Let's achieve our goals together. Answers you need. A lock () or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. with data for any part of the period October 1, 2007, through the present. We prefer Author Name, Mississippi Today in the byline. Editorial cartoons and photo essays are not included under the Creative Commons license and therefore do not have the "Republish This Story" button option. In order to better characterize the groundwater resources of Mississippi, a coordinated effort has been initiated between the Water Resources Management Division of the Office of Land and Water Resources and the Office of Geology to delineate and map aquifers in the subsurface and connect them with the areas in which they receive recharge by The Distribution of Water Use in Illinois map is available online as a 36" x 54" PDF file (7.2MB). STARKVILLE, Miss. USGS Water Data for Mississippi Click to hide News Bulletins Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/ms/nwis/gwlevels? This table summarizes information reported by public water systems on whether lead is used in service lines or in other parts of the water system. Tools. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Full News Groundwater levels for Mississippi Click to hide state-specific text Real-time text and e-mail alerts are now available. USGS Water Data for the Nation Site provides access to water data from over 1.5 * We've detected you're using a mobile device. We're dedicated to keeping Mississippians informed with our thorough reporting. Testing for mineral content, chemicals or other contaminants should be done through a private laboratory. a proud member of the National Water Information System: Web Interface, Accessibility The Groundwater database consists of Privacy The map needs to have, at a minimum, roads, sections-township-range, streams or other identifiable landmarks. quality, distribution, and movement of the surface and Public access to many of these data is To explore GIS datasets, online mappers and decision-support tools, data visualizations, view our web tools. more than 850,000 records of wells, springs, test holes, tunnels,drains, and The collection spans from 1940-present and is an extensive representation of drilling and logging in Mississippi. The Public Water Supply Program is implemented through five major programmatic areas: by Alex Rozier, Mississippi Today November 18, 2021, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

. Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. Warning: Javascript must be enabled to use all the features on this page! Version 3.01. and may represent the daily mean, median, maximum, minimum, and/or other derived value. the water data maintained within NWIS Mississippi Floodmaps Mississippi Borehole Viewer Mississippi Underground Storage Tanks MDEQ - Dam Safety Irrigation, Fish Culture, and Wildlife Management Permits in YMD Counties * Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) makes no expressed or implied warranties as to the correctness of the information supplied on these maps. 0.18 0.17 nadww01. Primary Source Water Type. FOIA Statistics are computed from approved daily mean data at each site. MDEQ will not be liable for any claims whatsoever, whether for damages or otherwise, which may arise as a result of inaccuracies in the information supplied. National Water Information System: Web Interface. A contaminated drinking well can also affect a neighbor's water supply. Companies engaged in the business must have an individual license holder responsible for certifying the competency of all the companys installers. (additional background). Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality. This is a sampling service for private water wells only. URL: https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/ms/nwis/gwlevels? The source data for the map were groundwater-altitude data from wells measured manually or continuously generally in spring 2020 and from the altitude of the top of the water surface measured generally on April 9, 2020, in rivers in the area. Measuring water-level changes in the state's major aquifers, Monitoring stream flows throughout Mississippi, and Providing technical assistance to the public, various stakeholders, and other governmental entities on various water-related issues. Water flow and levels in streams and lakes. The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water Information A well driller licensed in the state of Mississippi must be used for drilling water wells. -- The Mississippi State University Extension Service is promoting a free water sampling campaign in seven Mississippi Delta counties. Policies and Notices, U.S. Department of the Interior | Subscribe here. Sending in an unusable map to indicate well location. Privacy Copyright A currentlist of licensed water well drillers, pump installers, and special purpose drillers in the state is compiled by the agency. Title: Groundwater for Mississippi: Water Levels Drinking Water Branch . INC [MS0340020], SOUTH WINONA WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0490008], SOUTHEAST NOXAPATER WATER ASSN [MS0800009], SPRINGDALE YOUTH CNT HWY 12-W [MS0040028], SPRINGDALE YOUTH CNT HWY 19-N [MS0040027], STANDARD DEDEAUX WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0230063], STONE COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY [MS0660025], SUGAR CREEK WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0040009], SUTTER WATER SERVICE-MAGNOLIA SPRINGS [MS0240271], SW RANKIN WATER ASSOCIATION #1 [MS0610026], SW RANKIN WATER ASSOCIATION #2 [MS0610040], SWEET HOME WATER AND SEWER DIST [MS0260015], TALKING WARRIOR WATER ASSN #1 [MS0530022], THREE FORKS WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0700014], TIPLERSVILLE WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0700010], TOCCOPOLA WATER ASSOCIATION #2 [MS0580017], TRUELIGHT REDEVELOPMENT GRP #2 [MS0630037], TUNICA COUNTY UTILITY DISTRICT [MS0720024], UNIVERSITY OF MS MEDICAL CNTR [MS0250034], WALLERVILLE WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0730009], WALLS WATER ASSN- LAKE FOREST [MS0170043], WATER ASSOCIATION OF MOON LAKE [MS0140047], WATER ASSOCIATION OF PINE GROVE, INC [MS0340013], WEST HARRISON WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT [MS0240277], WEST HARRISON WATER AND SEWER DIST #2 [MS0240279], WEST HOLMES WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0260027], WEST LAMBERT WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0600016], WEST MARION WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0460013], WHEELER-FRANKSTOWN WATER ASSN [MS0590014], WILKINSON CO CORRECTIONAL CENT [MS0790033], WINTERVILLE WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0760010], YALOBUSHA WATER/SEWER DIST #1 [MS0810028], YALOBUSHA WATER/SEWER DIST #2 [MS0810029], YOCONA WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. [MS0360017], YOKENA-Jefferson_Davis WATER DEPT [MS0750011], YOUNGS W/S DIST #1-DIVIDING R [MS0220064], YOUNGS W/S DIST #2-YOUNGS SYS [MS0220065]. Public Water Supply Systems Search Parameters. In some instances it may be desirable to actually complete a test well to obtain pumping test information and water quality data. URL: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/ms/nwis/gw? Glossary : Mississippi County Map - Click on a county 0.18 0.18 nadww01. 2023 Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality. wells in the United States. Map of all sites with links to all available water data for individual sites. URL: https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/ms/nwis/gwlevels? Well Site Zip Code. The 10 study areas were located between Colorado Springs and the terminus of Fountain Creek at the Arkansas River in Pueblo. We believe that an informed Mississippi is a better Mississippi. Select sites which meet all of the following criteria: NOTE: Wells must be drilled by a water well contractor licensed in the state of Mississippi. This report provides an overview of the hydrogeology of northeastern Oklahoma, with an emphasis on the hydrogeologic, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 20192, Region 2: South Atlantic-Gulf (Includes Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), Region 12: Pacific Islands (American Samoa, Hawaii, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands), Dissolved Solids Sources (new SPARROW product), Regional water table in the Antelope Valley and Fremont Valley groundwater basins, Southwestern Mojave Desert, California, March 2014, Use of high-resolution topobathymetry to assess shoreline topography and potential future development of a slack water harbor near Dardanelle, Arkansas, October 2021, Bathymetric map, surfacearea, and stage-capacity for the U.S. part of Lake Koocanusa, Lincoln County, Montana,201618, Elevation and elevation-change maps of Fountain Creek, southeastern Colorado, 2015-20, Altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2020, Bathymetry of Deadmans Lake, Golf Course Reservoir 9, Ice Lake, Kettle Lakes 13, and Non-Potable Reservoirs 14 at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, 2019, Potentiometric surfaces, 201112, and water-level differences between 1995 and 201112, in wells of the 200-foot, 500-foot, and 700-foot sands of the Lake Charles area, southwestern Louisiana, Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center, Geologic framework and hydrostratigraphy of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers within northern Medina County, Texas, Altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2018, Elevation and elevation-change maps of Fountain Creek, southeastern Colorado, 201519, Hydrogeologic units, contour maps, and cross sections of the Boone and Roubidoux aquifers, northeastern Oklahoma, 2020. Source: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Nothing short of a miracle: How rural hospitals are working together to keep from closing, Gov. Access Place and Quick Zoom tools. Test holes should always be drilled before a permanent well is drilled. Subscribe here. Water System No. resources. An interactive map of this water use . Look for the "Republish This Story" button underneath each story. The quality of these waters has a profound effect upon the health and welfare of citizens, wildlife, fish, and aquatic life, as well as domestic, agricultural, industrial, and recreational activities. USGS finalizes data at individual sites on a (of unverified accuracy and subject to revision). The purpose of this report is to present elevation maps based on topographic surveys collect, The Boone and Roubidoux aquifers (or their equivalents) are the main sources of fresh groundwater in northeastern Oklahoma. Full News USGS Water Data for Mississippi Click to hide state-specific text Real-time text and e-mail alerts are now available. The map will zoom to the extent of the selected section and automatically select the wells in that section. Title: Groundwater for Mississippi: Water Levels Some leaders believe that water should be a focus of that federal spending. Click here for directions on filling out forms. Republish our articles for free, online or in print, under a Creative Commons license. National Water Information System: Web Interface, Accessibility National Water Information System: Web Interface. [MS0180005], DOUBLE PONDS WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0330003], EAST LEFLORE WATER AND SEWER DST [MS0420010], EAST LOWNDES #4-HERMAN-VAUGHN [MS0440100], EAST LOWNDES W/A #1-LEE STOKES [MS0440005], EAST LOWNDES W/A #2-HUCKLEBERRY [MS0440080], EAST LOWNDES W/A A EAST-OLD YORKVILLE [MS0440081], EAST LOWNDES W/A B WEST-OLD YORKVILLE RD [MS0440103], EAST MS COMM COLLEGE-GOLDEN TR [MS0440008], EAST OXFORD WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0360006], EASTABUCHIE WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0180006], ECHCPUD-DESOTO TRAILS SUBDIVISION [MS0240274], ECHCPUD-TRADITION SUBDIVISION [MS0240266], EDINBURG DOMESTIC WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0400002], ENID SHORES DEV WATER COMPANY [MS0540025], ETHEL RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0040003], FOXWORTH WATER AND SEWERAGE ASSN [MS0460005], GAINES-TRACE WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0480017], GOLDEN TRIANGLE WATER ASSN #1 [MS0130018], GRENADA CO W/S-MONDY RD/ELLIOT [MS0220007], GRENADA IND PK AND AIRPORT WATER [MS0220036], GRENADA-BOGUE BASIN/GORE SPRGS [MS0220062], GULF LNG CLEAN ENERGY POTABLE WATER PLAN [MS0300165], HANCOCK COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY [MS0230069], HANCOCK COUNTY WATER AND SEWER [MS0230065], HANCOCK COUNTY WATER AND SEWER- BAYSIDE [MS0230071], HARLAND CREEK COMMUNITY W/A-A [MS0260009], HARLAND CREEK COMMUNITY W/A-B [MS0260022], HARLAND CREEK COMMUNITY W/A-C [MS0260039], HARLAND CREEK W/A-HORSESHOE LK [MS0260043], HATTIESBURG-LAUREL REG AIRPORT [MS0340031], HAYS CREEK W/A-LEGION LAKE RD [MS0490018], HERMANVILLE WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0110003], HIDE-A-WAY HILLS WATER COMPANY [MS0540029], HIGHPOINT WATER ASSOCIATION #1 [MS0800011], HIWANNEE WATER ASSOCIATION #1 [MS0770005], HOLMES INTERSTATE UTILITY DIST [MS0260040], HOUSTON-PALESTINE WATER ASSOC [MS0290004], HUMPHREYS CO W/A #6-GOODEN LAK [MS0270022], HUMPHREYS CO. W/A #1-MIDNIGHT [MS0270018], HUMPHREYS CO. W/A #2-BROOKLYN [MS0270020], HUMPHREYS CO. W/A #3-JAKETOWN [MS0270019], HWY 30 WEST WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0730025], INDEPENDENCE WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0540011], JACKSON CO UTILITY AUTHORITY-EAST [MS0300166], JACKSON CO UTILITY AUTHORITY-WEST [MS0300164], JAMIE WHITTEN DELTA STATES RESEARCH CENT [MS0760079], KILN UTILITY AND FIRE DISTRICT OF HANCOC [MS0230050], "KOCH FOODS OF MISSISSIPPI, LLC [MS0620017], LAKE EDDINS POA WATER AND SEWER INC [MS0310025], LAKE MOHAWK ESTATES WATER SYSM [MS0700015], LAMAR PARK WATER AND SEWAGE ASSN [MS0370004], LEWISBURG -INGRAMS MILL NORTH [MS0170049], LEXIE WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. [MS0740004], LIBERTY HILL WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0540012], LINCOLN RURAL W/A-OLD RED STAR [MS0430031], LINCOLN RURAL W/A-PLEASANT RID [MS0430003], LORENA-LEMON-BURNS WATER ASSN [MS0650003], MACON ELECTRIC AND WATER DEPT. One of their major responsibilities is the assimilation of 9-1-1 street addressing data. Page Last Modified: 2023-03-05 00:07:11 EST Find our, Scroll list of sites -- allows selection of data for multiple sites, Brief descriptions -- allows selection of data for multiple sites, Save file of selected sites to local disk for future upload. If you have questions about the materials of your service line or plumbing, please contact your local water system directly. Show your support>>. Persons relying on this information do so entirely at their own risk. Scroll list of sites -- allows selection of data for multiple sites, Brief descriptions -- allows selection of data for multiple sites, Save file of selected sites to local disk for future upload. Subscribe here. Drinking Water Branch. [MS0820004], CENTRAL YAZOO #3 MECHANICSBRG [MS0820030], CHAPEL HILL-PLEASANT GROVE W/A [MS0530018], CHARLOTTE DEV CO-KNOLLWOOD S/D [MS0240027], CITY OF HORN LAKE - HOLLY HILLS [MS0170024], CITY OF HORN LAKE - TWIN LAKES [MS0170025], CITY OF LOUISVILLE - NORTHEAST [MS0800005], CLEARY WATER SEWER AND FIRE DEPT [MS0610022], COLD SPRINGS WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0160001], COPIAH COUNTY INDUSTRIAL PARK [MS0150018], COPIAH-NEW ZION WATER ASSN, INC [MS0150009], COUNTRY HAVEN MOBILE HOME PARK [MS0170027], COUNTRY LIVING MOBILE HOME PK [MS0240213], CROSS-ROADS WATER ASSOCIATION [MS0070005], CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER SERVICE [MS0150003], DANCY WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. [MS0780004], DIXIE COMMUNITY UTILITY ASSN. Page Last Modified: 2023-03-05 00:07:02 EST Most of Mississippi's 55,000 private wells provide good, clean drinking water. We do not sell or share your information with anyone. Click here to access the Mississippi Energy Web Map Viewer. Work Areas Water Resources Management Division The following is a list of interactive maps provided for your use by MDEQ*. (quality-assured data that may be published) and/or more recent "Provisional" data Water levels were measured during March 2014 in wells in the Antelope Valley and Fremont Valley groundwater basins, southwestern Mojave Desert, California, in cooperation with the Antelope Valley-East Kern Water District, Palmdale Water District, and Littlerock Creek Irrigation District. All public water systems that are subject to the provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act's Lead and Copper Rule are regularly monitored for levels of lead that could affect health. While it is not a requirement for filing an application and obtaining a Water Use Permit, it may be useful to obtain the assistance of trained professionals, a Registered Professional Geologist (RPG) and/or a Professional Engineer (PE), during the planning stages. Our stories may appear on pages with ads, but not ads specifically sold against our stories. categories listed to the left. You may also contact a local plumber if you have questions about the materials used in your home and the service line from your meter to your home. Individuals desiring to engage in other businesses that require the drilling of boreholes or wells (other than water supply wells) may file an application for a restricted drillers license that will be valid only for the specified drilling purpose. If you share our stories on social media, please tag us in your posts using.