I resubmitted my claim July2019. He was also exposed to Agent Orange. Go to the nearest Disabled American Veterans office and ask them for assistance. We were supposed to die off and father time is working overtime isnt it. My lungs and Grovers Disease was not on their list. It is sad that the govt does this. Saw VSO last month. I will continue the fight to get benefits for all veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and other toxic chemicals regardless of where they served.. was wondering what you have to do die to get something done. I wish they would provide some care or help for my brother and I. Weve fought very hard through chemo and our cancer. We all suffered mentally and physically and are still suffering. Just how much can one family take we keep dieing!!! These are the evidence pieces you should give to your VSO, or if filing on your own, the evidence you scan and attach when submitting a claim at VA.gov. Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs mandates that veterans who served in southeast Asian countries other than Vietnam during the war provide evidence of exposure to the herbicide in order to qualify for benefits. Sounds as tho EVERYTHING is denied!! Yeah as a BT many times the Asbestos dust was floating like a fog. VA announced today two major decisions related to presumptive conditions associated with Agent Orange and particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia. March 3 (UPI) -- The Interior Department said Friday that it was taking new steps to restore the declining American bison population. I was at a base camp in South Vietnam when after taking a short shower, ( limited water ) a chopper flew overhead and spraying Agent Orange in the tree lines when I got another shower, Agent Orange! Millions are suffering from mental illness, exacerbated by the pandemic. The va gives you meds but dont wont to give benefits.Our svo where I live dont even wont to talk to you.I tried to get him to make copies of . Sadly the VA denies ALL such claims. Very helpful, but was told that the VA routinely denies claims, then you have to prove somehow that your case is a result of AO. Biden awards Medal of Honor to Vietnam Col. Paris D. Davis after 60-year delay. What do I do now? Please help me for my husband & that was in Vietnam around the Agent Orange. What about the thousands who served in Thailand and were exposed to agent orange, have the same medical issues as those who served in Vietnam, but are continually denied any benefits. He was informed that they were currently without the manpower to review these claims. For the last 24 years, I have been trying to tell the VA that my Hypothyroidism [Graves Disease] is a result of my two years in daNam: Vung Tau, Lai Khe, TDYs to parts unknown, and lastly Saigon. Agent Orange Benefits Resources - DVEN My husband and I are both 100% disabled vets and if I could increase my disability to more I would! I have diabetes, heart disease, and nodules on my lungs. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? (They are dumb animals that fight our foreign wars for our interest) SORRY BUT THIS WAS NAVEL INTERN BY FAR NOT A DUMB ANIMAL. I will never believe all the agent Orange was out of the soil and water when he was there. Funny thing is the chemical being sprayed one could actually see with no problems. Now , wondering if i am incorrect?? I do not have diabetes either. How do I start a claim? Young. If so get in touch with your local VSO officer and get them to help. Got out at 100% and dropped down to 10% in a year thanks to our wonderful government. But, the side affects still exist and the damage is done and on going. My husband was a patient at the Temple VA for decades. We filed an Agent Orange claim in 1977 for our daughter was born with many birth defects that are on the birth defects that were caused from the Agent Orange. Parkinsons? Major 321 MW solar farm in Texas moves close to a final investment decision. Problem solved!!!! Then the following week I get a letter saying I missed my appt. Thank you for nothing. Didnt speak to anyone for a solid year unless I had to and finally got out USMC? Needle in a haystack. We all know agent orange has a major affect on the respiratory system the could lead to COPD, Parkinsons Disease, Diabetes and Ischemic Coronary Heart Disease are presumptive conditions of Agent Orange exposure. I am a Blue water Vietnam Veteran that severed three tours off the coast of Vietnam. The appeal was resolved through a joint motion to remand. Not enough die yet? I have been thru 2 bladder cancer surgeries and have other medical issues. He passed in April of 2019 due to complications from his surgery. im sure he falls in this category relating to his death. Im his daughter I was born in 1964 and I have Parkinsons and dystonia and other nurogical problems, and a brain DBS implant, all because of Dystonia, these diseases do not run in either side of my familys. Please reapply! Will his cancer or children of male solders ever get any compensation? So good luck to all who are still fighting the fight. USMC 67-71. Good luck to you. Everyone that was on the bases would have been in the spray zone for the herbicides, Flodder said. These vets didnt decide to go to war with Vietnam they didnt decide anything except to answer the call of duty to their country. Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Some are just collecting a paycheck. Was it caused by the water we drank (blue water sailor), the free cigarettes, or a combination of both? I still smell this shit today and my sinusitis claim was not service connected. Im spending out of pocket about $6,000 to $6,500 a year in medications, he said. He battled with many service connected medical/neurological issues including Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) until he died in 2017. BREAKING: VA plans expansion of benefits for disability claims for from 9/67 to 5/68, we had 2 helicopter Squadrons home Based on our ship. Army. Boozman, Tester Fight for Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange During So, hes a pulmonary patient at that time, but only AFTER he is diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer that was also in his liver and other areas did he get 100% disability rating. Call toll-free at 1 (800) 700-4174 We're Ready to Listen When they say thank you for your service, usually it is meaningless. Call the number on your letter. I didnt realize I could or should. We have been fighting a long battle with no success! God bless you!!! Updated . Is there any advantage to further filings?? Together WE can connect veterans with their benefits by sharing this information. He had prostate cancer. Thanks. We met another soldier who had Hodgkins from serving in Vietnam with agent orange. I have no idea if there is any support for children of Vietnam vets, but I hope there is. Best to submit quickly and keep copies of everything in one file. The VA is worse than the Post Office. The possibility of exposure to benzene and mixed motor pool substances for clearing weeds and oiling down dust in parting lots in bases in Germany is an interesting development. My husband also was there during Tet 67-68. i have contacted attorneys to fight for me. Since this law took effect in early January, 2020, under the previous administration Im not sure why the Secretary is crowing about it. What is the problem? I was around agent orange. 1. The JSRRC is officially known as the Joint Services Records . I feel there should be some consideration into this matter due to the suffering of many veterans. He had only 2 children, my brother and I. It took 5 years before I got anything from the VA. I recently had spinal surgery and it has caused my neuropathy to greatly worsen. Several bills in Congress purport to take aim at the problem. Its the birth defects given to the children of the veterans. Its not a burden shared by veterans who served in Vietnam or in the Navy. Before that I was in 2\12th in the infantry and walked through areas where AO was used. Hes a highly qualified Toxicologist who helps Veterans with claims for exposure to chemicals. The question I have about that is how did they determine I was eligible for and received the Viet Nam Service Medal and 3 stars and was the person who wrote the deck logs? I did go to the VA . In 2016 with the help of an attorney, was finally approved for Ischemic Heart Disease but only has a 60% disability rate. Its about time! Ask anyone who served in Vietnam and it was common practice to dispose of human excrement by mixing it with diesel fuel and burning it. My faith in the VA got a big boost by the quick response to my initial application. My father was in Korea and Vietnam and was diagnosed with colon cancer and lymphoma and died shortly after in 1972. i received my disability for heart and Diabeties II. NJ? How did you find proof that the chemicals you mentioned can cause Scleroderma. Camp Lejune first 6 months of 71. The administration has known for years agent orange was killing VN vets. When will there be an admission that agent orange was stored, transported and frequently sprayed on bases in Okinawa? WASHINGTON - U.S. No face covering, My husband with Parkinsons worked in torpedo shop in Hawaii cleaning torpedoes with a degreaser for 3 years plus worked on blue water ship for 8 months while it was dry docked, cleaning equipment and cleaning spilled herbicide in bottom of aircraft elevator and on the ships deck. During the daily exposure of ground hull bare nonskid surface, we were subject to a daily cloud of toxic particulate matter with only minimal safety protection. Lack of a presumption of herbicide exposure does not prevent veterans from demonstrating through competent evidence that they were exposed to herbicidal agents and that such exposure is sufficiently related to a current disability to warrant disability compensation.. I am not judging your entitlement or claim validity. Can i get VA assistance? The VA refuses to acknowledge any of my service-connected disabilities. Was not easy but with their help it can be done. I have an idea of how to get started. After a complete resection of my esophagus & upper stomach & removal of the Vegas Nerves in my stomach with follow up radiation therapy, I lost over 70 lbs., which I have never been able to regain. I live in New York. My name is Beverly Smith and my husband Rodney died 28 months ago with Lung cancer. your claim. Who has those, certainly not the individual service person. My husband was in Vietnam in the late 60s and early 70s. The chemicals, grease removers, cleaners, foam retardants sprayed often we used without question. You will find a very good article that explains qualifications. I am 70. The investigation did confirm use or tests in additional sites and dates in other locations. My husband, who is a Viet Nam vet, passed away 10 years ago from bladder cancer. Otherwise, I would be working myself until I died. Daniel Clark Berg. I was told agent orange was used in Guam to clear foliage at the end of the aircraft parking area and runway to make room for fuel bladder systems. He passed away In 1994 from Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Typically, veterans need to prove -- usually through medical exams and service records -- that their injuries and illnesses are directly connected to time spent in the military, Military Times noted. I now suffer from diabetes and heart disease. My thyroid quit years ago, 3 hernia operations, and compared to many of us, Im lucky but At 75 years old, I dont know how much I have left. My dad served the US Airforce in 1952 through unknown date due to his records was burned in the 1973 fire. The veteran representative we now have in our county told me that the more that happens, the greater the numbers to have it considered for approval. Camp Lejune , 6 months of 71. I find.your comment of interest as I just had spinal surgery three weeks ago (Lumbar Laminotomy L2-L5). After many years of dealing with the VA in Iowa City, I got him in to Danville, Illinois VA. As some Thailand veterans see it, the VA places an undue burden of proof on them to demonstrate they were harmed by Agent Orange, in some cases asking for photographs or other evidence of physical proximity to harmful herbicides. Good luck and God bless you. I have no idea. File, ASAP; they only go from initial claim date. I have a number of health issues from that have been linked to those exposures, but the health problems are not yet covered even in the presumptive diseases of the water contamination. McHenry worked for years to correct what he argued was an error in that memo, which held there was no evidence of tactical herbicides having been used at American bases in Thailand. Im grateful for the be befits our service members now receive as my husband a twenty year retired war veteran does, but these Vietnam Veterans suffered through decades up against the brick wall that was the old VA. go to a VA clinic or hospital and get registered with the VA Health System. The VAs response to this claim was if it were a female that was serving in Vietnam would be a different story! Most counties have at least one. Curious about soldiers that worked on jets, etc. kapm. VA took a leg from him before he died of AO related illnesses related to his time on Guam. I am wondering if they are delaying action on the claims until we are all dead? Im a child of a deceased Vietnam vet. Almost every county has Any others here? He died three years ago from penile cancer, a horrific disease. I trusted the authorities in charge completely. He had a friend who was killed in 68 that was the only one he ever spoke of, and it traumatized him for life. My husband applied years ago and was denied he served in the Korean War and two tours in Vietnam and was based at Camp Lejeune for several years. Never heard from VA regarding my case. Please switch auto forms mode to off. feel free to reach out. VA kept telling him he had to PROVE he was unemployable at the age of 63 when he had already retired and was on Social Security because he didnt have the stamina to hold a job. 100 percent service connected. ABF3 USS HORNET (CVS-12). Would be taken on my claim. VA Adds Atypical Parkinsonism to List of Agent Orange-linked Illnesses The investigation did confirm use or tests in additional sites and dates in other locations. If these conditions are presumptively associated with exposure to Agent Orange, why does the VA take forever to settle claims? They helped us a lot. I am not a diabetic which seems to be one of the main items that is considered for VA benefits. Sent in all the medical records most of which were already on his profile. The AFHRA memo said that although use of commercial herbicides is documented, the Air Force archivists found no mention of the transportation, payment for or use of any tactical herbicide to control vegetation on Air Force installations in Thailand. Trones bill would force these to be adjudicated this quicker, presuming that they were exposed to harmful herbicides. Prostate Cancer We filed a claim 2 years ago and recently received a denial. They said in May 2012 they declared 100% disabled with the cancer. We roamed around downtown Anniston quite a bit. What a VA. A VSO may be able to do something, but dont hold your breath. We never thought, or were told to ask our First Sargent Can you tell me what chemicals we are using here, and how will they possibly affect my health 25 years from now? We were all asked to step up, and never thought that a real enemy might be the Department of Defense, or perhaps some other EM doing what he had been told to do. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. I was there for six months at ft. McClellan the Va keep trun me down on my lung that started there at ft. McClellan they say they dont know what to called it they know they dont want to Admit to it my name is Roy Kilgore, Can someone tell me why or how Agent Orange can skip the stomach. My lawyers quit the case. At least Korean and Vietnam combat veterans should be 100%, eliminate the bureaucracy. 6 (a) IN GENERAL.Section 1116 of title 38, United 7 States Code, is amended 8 (1) by striking '', during active military, naval, I have developed arithmia, high blood pressure, diabetes and asthma. The bottom line is still that cases are NOT being dealt with in a timely manner, and additional illnesses are not being added to any list without first having one hell of a tough time being added. So it certainly seems like Agent Orange was in his system all those years before Parkinsons. It is complete. VA Disability Rating for Agent Orange & List of - Hill & Ponton, P.A. visit VeteransCrisisLine.net for more resources. SO I ALSO WAS AT THE FORT CHAFFEE POST GAVE THEM THOES RECORDS AND STILL HAVE NOT HEARD FROM THEM. I was at mountain home afb 1975 to 1980. Army and was later diagnosed with Diabetes, hearing loss, Parkinsons and other health conditions and according to one doctor at the VA he was exposed to Agent Orange.